Chapter 128

At the same time, the other side.

Chi Ling, Ye Ling and others also encountered trouble.

Not long after they entered the ancient continent, they encountered a powerful beast resembling a tail cow, a Cultivation Base with a true god.

Although Chi Ling is a young and supreme, but the real strength is only the early stage of the Conferred King Realm, which can compete with the existence of some virtual gods.

Once encountered the existence of the true god, it seems very difficult.

Even if she sacrifices the Magical Item, it is difficult to kill it unless she uses some forbidden devices or heavy treasures.

It's just that she can't bear it.

After all, this person didn't know why his luck was so bad. As soon as he came in, he encountered a beast of True God Realm.

This beast of rhinoceros, the middle stage Cultivation Base of True God Realm, is very powerful.

When he opened his mouth, there was a torrent of flames, and the gods gushed and turned into a sea of ​​flames. Several members of the tribe were burned to death, and the rest of the people were also terrified.

"Chi Ling, I will join hands with you, you are responsible for holding it, and I am responsible for killing it.

At this time, among the followers, Ye Ling, who was disguised and disguised, suddenly spoke.

When he entered the ancient continent, he was hinting at Chi Ling in various ways to let her know that Gu Changge was not a good thing, and let Chi Ling stay away from Gu Changge.

But Chi Ling didn't know if it was because he didn't understand or believe it, so he didn't care about what he said.

This made Ye Ling helpless, after all, Gu Changge's camouflage methods were simply too good.

And there is a very deceptive appearance to women.

Seeing this scene now, Ye Ling couldn't help but stand up.

Because he has self-confidence, he has always been accustomed to leapfrogging challenges, especially with many strong god-tier skills.

At this time, it was also time for him to show to Chi Ling and the others.

Hearing what Ye Ling said, Chi Ling looked over and didn't say anything.

"What are you talking about? You don't have to be like this if you want to be popular at this time?"

"It's horrible. Even if you want to behave in front of a goddess, you don't have to do this, right?"

The expressions of the rest of her followers changed.

To them, Ye Ling's behavior seemed to be revealed in front of Chi Ling.

They seem to be more powerful than Ye Ling and they are weak.

This Ye Ling is no more than the strength of the Fenghou realm, is he looking for death? How dare he attack the true god realm fierce beast, and even said such things.

"Don't die, right? It's this time, still thinking about performance?"

The followers and the rest of Vermillion Bird's female Tianjiao couldn't help showing a different color to Ye Ling, and some couldn't help but ridicule.

Ye Ling was obviously used to this form of ridicule before he didn't agree. After all, he only seemed to exist in the Fenghou Realm.

Faced with the existence of the true gods, the odds of natural victory are slim.

Don't forget that he has another First Stage status.

"Open your dog's eyes for a while and see clearly."

"Let you have a long experience today."

Ye Ling touched her nose, also a little helpless, then sneered.

He was ready to use powerful methods to face the so-called arrogant group who looked down on him.

With that said, Ye Ling was about to do something, and a black and white light appeared all over his body. There were mysterious fluctuations in it, and there was a 377 feeling of ruining all living beings.

"Ye Ling's strength is actually very strong."

Chi Ling couldn't help but nodded, feeling that with Ye Ling's help, he was more sure of killing.

At this moment!


Void trembling!

However, a crystal clear and beautiful palm print is faster than Ye Ling's speed, like a fairy stone.

This palm print broke through the void, and the mighty power fell directly from the hill not far away.

With a puff, the fierce beast of the true gods was horrified, and was seriously injured before he could react, his body split, and blood spurted out.

The hard scales can't stop at all, just like torn paper, they are torn directly.


In this scene, a group of people suddenly took a breath and looked at the hill not far away.

A group of Tianjiao with powerful aura appeared there, all wearing golden divine armor and riding various powerful ferocious beasts, just like knights.

The head is a beautiful woman in a robe hunting and hunting, flying in blue silk, her eyes are cold, full of indifference and deepness, and there is a feeling of a female emperor coming to the world!

"is her!"

"Yue Ming Kong!"

"The Emperor Wushuang Immortal Dynasty!"

All the arrogances of the Vermillion Bird clan all changed in color, and couldn't help being shocked.

The true god realm fierce beast that Chi Ling couldn't deal with, turned out to be severely injured with just one palm in front of the future empress.

This is too strong! It's terrifying!

"It's so strong, at least the strength above the middle stage of the Conferred King Realm, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have this ability."

Chi Ling couldn't help but be a little surprised.

She has just made a breakthrough in the Conferred King Realm, and if she breaks through to the middle stage of the Conferred King Realm, she will not be able to achieve this level.

It can be seen that they are both young and supreme, but Yuemingkong is indeed much stronger than her.

After all, Young Supreme is also divided into upper, middle and lower reaches.

Like she is only at the middle level, but Yue Mingkong is obviously at the upstream and even higher levels.

"Yue Ming Kong" Ye Ling was also stunned, and then a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

No matter when he saw this famous lady of heaven, he couldn't help but give birth to a kind of surprise.

It is so beautiful, the fairy face is picturesque, and the beauty is thrilling, like the most perfect masterpiece of heaven.

Especially the kind of peerless temperament that overlooks the world, so that he couldn't help but be moved.

"It's really cheap, Gu Changge guy, Damn it really"

Ye Ling didn't expect that he was about to take a shot, and as a result, Yue Mingkong took the first step and severely injured the fierce beast.

At this moment, he was full of envy and jealousy, even unwilling.

He felt that the last time Yue Mingkong designed to kill him was entirely Gu Changge's arrangement.

Naturally, this account went to Gu Changge.

However, Ye Ling was also relieved, owning was very good at hiding, and Yue Mingkong could not recognize him.

After all, even the previous Gu Changge didn't recognize him.

"Thank you Mingkong Chu Emperor for your help.

After reacting, the young talents of the Vermillion Bird clan expressed gratitude to the moonlight sky in the distance.

Chi Ling also looked complicated, cupped hands said, "Thank you Ming (cedh) Kongchu Emperor for your help!"

She knew that Yue Mingkong would make a move, probably because of Gu Changge.

And it is very likely that it was not a friendly gesture, but a demonstration to her.

Declare sovereignty.

In front of the Supreme Peak that day, she and Gu Changge had a very good conversation, but they fell in the eyes of Yuemingkong.

She will take action today, so it is likely to be a demonstration.

This made Chi Ling smile bitterly, and he didn't know what to explain.

I have to say that it is still women who understand women, and she clearly guessed that Yue Mingkong made the move.

On the mountain peak, Yue Mingkong glanced at Chi Ling, with an indifferent expression and said nothing.

Then he turned around, left here with his followers, and went deep.

If it hadn't been for seeing Chi Ling, she wouldn't take care of it.

Although she knows that this goddess is just a pawn used by Gu Changge, she still needs to make her understand that Gu Changge's idea is not something she can play.

Speaking of it, this is also for Chi Ling's good, don't let her get too involved in Gu Changge's conspiracy.

Moreover, Yue Mingkong did not notice that Ye Ling would be mixed with Chi Ling's followers.

In the previous life, Ye Ling did not carry the magic power inheritor's pot, and came to Immortal Ancient Continent with integrity.

Here, Ye Ling seems to have a lot of opportunities.

Besides, she didn't know much news.

Of course, the most important thing is how some of the young sages can get some chance here. She knows where and where.

Yuemingkong is confident that this trip to the ancient continent can help her quickly break through the Void God Realm in the Cultivation Base.

If she can snatch the fairy in her hand by then, it will not be impossible for her to even become holy in one fell swoop.

Because the fairy is the origin of the fairy, even the supreme will be alarmed.

"According to the time of the previous life, Xiangu Continent will soon fall into turmoil, and the ancestral tombs of some aborigines will be destroyed.

"I didn't think deeply in my last life, but Gu Changge must have sneaked over."

"He possesses the Demon Swallowing Technique, and the corpses of many ancient immortal experts are buried in the ancestral tomb. As long as their corpses are not decayed, and there is some original source left, they will be enough for Gu Changge to swallow and absorb."

"This is simply his natural hotbed. When he leaves the ancient continent, he doesn't know where the Cultivation Base will go.

"Not to mention that Gu Changge is still staring at the imminent fairy.

Yue Mingkong rubbed her eyebrows and felt a kind of weakness and discouragement. Even if she knew all this, she couldn't stop this kind of thing at all.

Gu Changge is really horrible.

Whether it is strength or means, it appears to be seamless and impeccable.

As a rebirth, even if she guessed what Gu Changge was going to do? But she couldn't stop it. What's the use?

Although Gu Changge said a few days ago that he was reluctant to kill her, to Yue Mingkong, who knows Gu Changge's temperament so well, the credibility of such remarks is obviously only temporary.

Although she has slept more peacefully these days than before.

But with Gu Changge, it is not easy to save his life.

Of course, the main reason is that Gu Changge left her too much shadow in her previous life.

Gu Changge's heart is cruel, but he hasn't changed at all.

Now I don't kill her, or even look good to her, because of her usefulness and value to Gu Changge.

Therefore, Yue Mingkong still has to think of various ways to make himself stronger continuously.

"Xian'er's trajectory hasn't changed much. She offended the Sea King Palace. Although she will be hunted down next, she is in fact all shocking and not dangerous. Instead, she will break through in battle."

Yue Mingkong's face remained unchanged, with various thoughts in his heart, and then, with a large number of followers, he went to the closest opportunity point to her.

She remembered that in the previous life, a young supreme found an emperor-level formation pattern here.

At this moment, he felt the battle fluctuations not far away, and Ye Ling, who was looking at the moon and sky, suddenly frowned.

He turned his head to look, his expression changed, and he saw that there was a figure in a red dress being attacked, approaching in his direction.

"That is Yin Mei…

"No, she is in danger."

Seeing this, Ye Ling's figure moved, without hesitation, her figure turned into a divine rainbow, and quickly swept in that direction.

For him, Yin Mei is not only as simple as Bai Lie's fiancee, but also a favorable witness who can prove that he did not kill Bai Lie.

"leaf "

Chi Ling frowned when he saw this, but he didn't care about Ye Ling. After all, he was only among her followers. In fact, Ye Ling didn't listen to her instructions.

She didn't care, but the rest of her followers were dissatisfied, and they were extremely upset with Ye Ling.

This guy ran away privately. As a follower, he didn't listen to Chi Ling's instructions.

"I thought this guy was very strange before, did he come in?" At this moment, someone was puzzled and couldn't help but wonder.

"Don't be a hidden inheritor of magic arts, sneak in and mix with us," another person couldn't help but said, so many people gave a cold face.

Recently, the inheritors of magic arts have been making a lot of noise, and people are also panicking.

They feel that Ye Ling is more suspicious

At this time, Chi Ling was helpless, and could only find a reason to explain it casually.

However, I was still a bit dissatisfied with Ye Ling's behavior. I helped him out of kindness. He seemed unconscious and took it for granted.

"In this way, Ye Ling is indeed incomparable with Dao Brother Changge." Chi Ling shook his head and said nothing, but inevitably he was a little disappointed in Ye Ling.

On the other side, Ye Ling watched as Yin Mei was fighting against a brilliant young supreme, the mountain collapsed, the wind and sand were walking away.

All kinds of treasures in the field are surging, like heavy rain, rune erupts, flooding all parties.

But Yin Mei seemed to be at a disadvantage, with a haggard face and blood on the corners of her mouth.

Many of her followers were also entangled by a fierce beast, and it was difficult to come forward to help her.

"Yin Mei is in danger! I can help her!"

Ye Lingsi didn't hesitate. He had experienced many old things like this hero saving the United States, and he was almost used to it.

Now that I am doing it, I am naturally very familiar.

He offered a scarlet dagger.


A terrifying crack in the sky sounded, and this short sword turned into a red glow and arrived at extreme speed, like a long rainbow.

"who is it?"

The young supreme god is radiant, with flames burning all over his body, he is obviously a powerful person.

He felt the extraordinary of this dagger, and used a magical power to shake it open.

He glanced at Ye Ling who had been killed behind him, and couldn't help frowning.

And for some reason, he always felt that Yin Mei in front of him seemed to be showing weakness, without using any powerful means.

Seeing that another person came to kill, at this time, he simply gave up. This sword grass was no longer needed, and it turned into a magic rainbow and left.

Yin Mei's eyes flashed with a different color, but her face was still calm, a little grateful and curious, "Thank you brother Dao for your help

According to Gu Changge's orders, the white handsome man in front of him should be Ye Ling after the disguise.

After all, only this kind of people who concentrate on women can directly come to "heroes to save the beauty" regardless of the risk of exposure.

This made Yin Mei couldn't help mocking in her heart.

Hearing Yin Mei's words, Ye Ling was actually a little hesitant at this time.

Because once he chooses to speak out his true identity, in case Yin Mei is malicious towards him.

Then he would be very dangerous.

However, after thinking about it, he combined with what Yin Mei did before and chose to believe in Yin Mei's personality, and said frankly, "Yin Mei, I am Ye Ling."


Hearing this, Yin Mei's eyes widened immediately, a little shocked and unbelievable, and then hurriedly said, "Are you going to die? How dare you come here and still dare to reveal your identity?"

"Why are you so stupid? What if I want to harm you then?"

At this point, she looked even more anxious, very worried about Ye Ling.

If Gu Changge were here, she would definitely not help complimenting her.

This acting is worthy of being the goddess of the nine-tailed celestial fox, the so-called actor in the past life.

No matter whether it was expression or words, there was no trace of flaws to come.

Ye Ling was completely confused by her.

Seeing Yin Mei's so worried and concerned expression, Ye Ling was also moved in her heart.

There are many people in this world who believe in him!

Sure enough, he did not misunderstand Yin Mei's personality.

Right now, Ye Ling lowered her voice and said to Yin Mei, "Don't worry, my concealment method is very good, no one can find me."

After hearing this, Yin Mei also calmed down, but she still seemed a little worried.

"You are too bold, dare to come in here, don't you know that many cultivators are looking for you?"

"Anyway, I was wronged, I will find a way to wash away the suspicion, and Xiangu Continent has what I want." Ye Ling replied.

Upon hearing this, Yin Mei nodded.

"Yin Mei, don't you suspect that I killed Bai Lie Dage?" Ye Ling couldn't help asking at this moment, a little curious.

Yin Mei shook his head, then looked straight into Ye Ling's eyes and said, "I never doubted you. Although Bai Lie was very angry after you left that night, he was not so angry that he wanted to kill you."

"He will not disregard your brotherhood for many years, let alone believe in your personality."

"You won't do this kind of thing.

Her tone was very determined, without the slightest doubt.

After listening to this, I didn't expect Yin Mei to trust herself so much. This moved Ye Ling's heart very much. The one who framed me"

Anyway, Yin Mei has offended Gu Changge.

So Ye Ling confessed these words directly, making Yin Mei beware of Gu Changge in the Celestial Immortals palace.

"What?! Could it be Brother Gu?

Hearing this, Yin Meidun looked extremely shocked, and then showed a frightened and unbelievable look.

But in his heart it was secretly saying: The son is expected to be good, Ye Ling's brain is good, he has already suspected it, but it is a pity that this guy is still too stupid.

She shook her head secretly.

Soon, Ye Ling also succeeded in appearing in front of her followers as Yin Mei's "old friend".

Chi Ling and others who came from behind were a little shocked and couldn't say anything.

At the moment, because of Ye Ling's sake, Chi Ling and Yin Mei also decided to work together and hold together for the time being.

The group headed towards the depths of the mainland.

Ye Ling's face was smiling.

He gradually showed some powerful methods, which made everyone a little convinced, especially his luck was really good, and he encountered many rare magical medicines and other things.

He even found some Divine Armament buried in the soil.

"Old tortoise, follow the direction you said, can you really find the Taoist Enlightenment Platform of Samsara Gu Tianzun back then?"

Ye Ling was asking the old turtle in the pendant, very confident, the team now faintly regards him as the mainstay.

"Don't worry, Tianzun specially left it for you, and there are many good things left for you at the Enlightenment Platform."

The old turtle said to Ye Ling.

Hearing the answer, Ye Ling was even more excited.

And his every move was noticed by Yin Mei. She carefully left a trail for Gu Changge in secret, worrying that Gu Changge would not be able to come here by then.

After all, Xiangu Continent is too big.

So just in case, she still made many preparations.

And all this was not noticed by anyone.

Looking at Ye Ling who was a little excited in front of him, Yin Mei flashed a mockery in his eyes, and couldn't help but want to laugh, "Not only helping the master carry the pot, but now also helping the master find opportunities. It's also embarrassing for you."