Chapter 156


Gu Changge left this place and stepped into the void. The direction to go was naturally the small town where Ye Ling was.

He had just sensed the information that Yin Mei had touched him with the secret method.

In other words, Ye Ling has found the Samsara Immortal Cave.

This is naturally a good thing for Gu Changge.

At this time, he should also pick Ye Ling's mature fruit.

The extraction is a bit ugly, but without Ye Ling, it would be difficult for him to find the remains of Samsara Ancient Tianzun.

"Now everyone should go to that ruin to find Ye Ling. No one will be able to find his trace anyway."

"On the contrary, the many exposed tombs there will verify the truth of what I said.

At this time, Gu Changge naturally did not forget to buckle Ye Ling's head tighter on the hat of the Inheritor of Magic Art.

For all cultivators, they will not let it go when they hear Ye Ling's news, and they will definitely pupa up.

At that time the mausoleum will be exposed to the public.

Among them, those ancient corpses whose essence has been dissipated are the best proof.

This is the first hand of Gu Changge's arrangement.

At that time, even if Ye Ling wanted to wash it, it was impossible.

Not to mention that Ye Ling has now gone to Immortal Cave of Samsara Gu Tianzun, and he doesn't know anything about it.

And Gu Changge didn't intend to let him come back alive.

When Gu Changge "gets" the news of Ye Ling's appearance.

Many younger generations have also heard this news.

"Ye Ling's figure appeared in the east ruins

Chi Ling, who was leading people searching for Ye Ling's figure in an ancient town, changed slightly.

In fact, when she and Ye Ling were together before, Ye Ling did not show any abnormalities.

Never approached those ruins.

It's just that Ye Langtian's words made her suspicious. Ye Ling probably had this idea at the time, but because she was by her side, it was difficult to leave.

That's why it is difficult to get started.

And now hearing this news made her guess in her heart firmer.

"I just hope that you won't find Ye Ling's figure in the mausoleum at that time, otherwise he is so terrible, he has hidden me for so long."

Chi Ling's eyes were very cold. In her body, at this moment, the murderous aura swept across the sky. She hated someone cheating on her most, and she was still friends!

Now Ye Ling's suspicion is bigger than Ye Langtian.

"Chi Ling, when you meet Ye Ling, I hope you don't miss your old feelings! The dangers of the inheritors of magic skills, I think we don't need to say more.

Kong Yang, who was dressed in 24 colorful feather suits and had a beautiful face, also persuaded him at this time.

For Ye Ling, their hatred is obviously deeper than anyone else.

Especially when they remembered that they had rushed here with Ye Ling, they couldn't help getting chills in their backs, giving birth to a terrible chill.

Such a terrifying person, fortunately they were crowded at the time, and they were not alone, otherwise they would definitely suffer Ye Ling's poisonous hands.

Now they are all praying, hoping that Yin Mei Tiannv of the nine-tailed celestial fox clan can escape the devil's claws.

Hearing this, Chi Ling's murderous intent was filled with cold arrogance.

"I'll be a real break with him!" she said coldly.

At this time, in other mountains, valleys, and plains, Wang Wushuang, Ye Langtian, and the Undead Hu Chuan also received the news.

"The inheritor of magic arts appeared, in a ruin to the east, be careful, don't let him run away!"

A young supreme said to the juniors and sisters behind him, he was very serious, and he was extremely cautious about this matter.

"Ye Ling actually dared to show up, I'm afraid he will escape this time." Ye Langtian frowned, his body was intertwined with rings of gods, and even his hair was extremely bright.

He still knows Ye Ling, knowing that this guy looks honest, but secretly is very sinister and cunning.

Now that so many people are chasing and searching for him, they still dare to show up, obviously they have confidence and confidence.

"No matter what, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be missed.

Ye Langtian immediately summoned his own followers and killed them towards the ruins in the news.

Now the White Tigers are pressing harder and harder, asking them to take out Ye Ling.

In addition, there are other Daoist forces that take advantage of this topic. As a successor, he is under a lot of pressure.

At this time, Ye Langtian couldn't wait to kill Ye Ling personally and capture him to calm the anger.

Wang Wushuang and the rest of the young supreme did not stop, and went to kill Ye Ling in the news. For a while, there was an astonishing momentum among the nearby mountains.

The chariot smashed the sky, the rainbow shook the fields, and went to the ruins.

Even many immortal creatures were startled and looked up.

Especially the nearby black sky eagle, ancient brain snake, god crocodile and other ethnic groups.

"What happened? How could so many people rush to that place suddenly?"

"Could it be that what Xianbao was born?"

Many creatures thought of this, eyes reveal, originally planned to unite and fight against Gu Changge.

But now they all turned into divine rainbows and rushed away.

In the Heitianying Clan, a young girl is eating and standing on a cloud-filled cliff.

He looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in white, with clouds and mist surging all over his body, with exquisite features.

The black hair is like a cloud, with nine phoenix hairpins inserted on it, and wearing a splendid river and mountain jade dress, it is as holy as a divine lotus, with unparalleled beauty.

"The ancient dragon clan issued a true dragon decree, and the younger generations of all tribes of the ancient clan must participate in the crusade against Gu Changge."

The girl whispered to herself, her eyes gleaming like black jewels.

"Now that Long Teng is dead, the young generations of the various ethnic groups in Xiangu have no leaders. This is a good opportunity for me."

She is Heming's Big sis, Hei Yanyu.

On the bright side, she can be regarded as the younger generation among the best in strength among the ancient tribes.

He is also a rare genius in the Hei Tianying clan for hundreds of thousands of years.

Some time ago, when Long Teng was looking for the arrogant daughter of all races, she was taken into consideration by Long Teng because of her outstanding appearance and deliberately included in her harem.

Regarding this matter, Hei Yanyu herself refused. She kept a low profile and had no reputation.

But it does not mean that she is weak and willing to surrender to Longteng and follow her life.

In particular, Hei Yanyu himself is a very ambitious person, planning to lead the Hei Tianying clan to reshape the glory of the ancestors, and dominate the various tribes of the ancient immortals.

She originally planned to find an opportunity to challenge Long Teng and explain her position.

But I never thought that Long Teng would fall into the hands of Gu Changge.

Hei Yanyu has heard of Gu Changge and knows that this person is very strong. The rumors among the various ethnic groups in Xiangu are hard to convince people, but they are indignant and discredit him.

Gu Changge's true strength has at least approached the level of the gods.

Hei Yanyu deliberately investigated the results of that battle.

Young taboo!

These heavy four words are not a lie.

But this time, the various races united together to prepare for the crusade against Gu Changge.

In her opinion, this might be an opportunity for own.

No matter how powerful Gu Changge is, it is impossible for one person to face the entire ancient immortal group.

"Come on, come with me and conquer Gu Changge.

Soon, as Hei Yanyu uttered words, several tyrannical figures rushed out of the mountains behind her.

"Chich chich."

The sound of breaking through the air kept coming out, rushing out from the depths of the cliffs, and appeared beside Hei Yanyu.

A blond girl with wings, an old dragon, a strong man with scales on his hip arms, a giant with first horns

The auras of these creatures are all powerful, and the weakest in Cultivation Base is the Void God Realm, which is the existence of Hei Yanyu himself conquered among the mountains and rivers.

After Hei Yanyu disappeared, on the edge of the cliff behind her, a pale youth walked out.

The young man has a pair of black wings on his back, it is Heiming.

At this moment, his eyes were shining strangely, staring at the direction Hei Yanyu had left.

"Even the two ancestors have cultivated the Cultivation Technique of the wedding dress. Now that Big Sis leaves the family, it is the time when I rise strongly and take all power."

Heiming muttered to himself, the flame in his eyes called ambition was burning violently.

Even he himself didn't notice. In his eyes, there were silver-white spider-web-like lines emerging, and then quickly disappeared.

When Ye Ling took Yin Mei into the dry well.

The world is spinning in front of him, and there are many spaces that are shattering and overlapping in a trance.

In the end, the two seemed to pass through a rippling ripple and landed on the ground.

Yin Mei's eyes flashed with a different color, and then she showed a surprised expression, "Where is this place? Did we come to another world?"

"That's right, this is another world. If you say it, it can actually be regarded as a Minor World, but it is left to me by my master.

Hearing this, Ye Ling, who was walking in front of her, nodded and said, suppressing the excitement in her heart.

On weekdays, he calls him Samsara Gu Tianzun.

But at this time, in the Immortal Cave that Samsara Tianzun left for him, he still called Master a little better.

In case Samsara Gu Tianzun still has a ray of remnant soul here, hearing his disrespectful words, expelled him from the teacher's door, it would be a shame.

So don't look at Ye Ling who doesn't seem to be shrewd, but he still has a lot of thoughts in his mind.

"Samsara Gu Tianzun, can it be?"

At this time, in order to cooperate with Ye Ling's words, Yin Mei couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

The look of being suppressed.

In fact, Gu Changge had already said these things for her, so she was not surprised at all.

"Yes, you guessed it right." Ye Ling was also a little proud and proud at this time. The identity of Samsara Tianzun's heir made his face bright.

It's just that I'm afraid of being targeted by other people, so I don't dare to expose it.

Now that he confessed these words in front of Yin Mei, he couldn't help smiling, and enjoyed Yin Mei's shocked and respectful gaze.

"Samsara Tianzun, that's a near immortal character. I didn't expect that Ye Ling, you still have this background. It's so shocking." Yin Mei couldn't help but admire.

Ye Ling shook his head and said, "So the rumors from the outside that I am the inheritor of forbidden magic arts are not true at all. The true inheritor of forbidden magic arts is actually Gu Changge, heir of the Celestial Immortals Palace."

"He framed me!"

"Gu Changge, this despicable and shameless villain, sooner or later I will tear off his polite face and let the world know who is the real villain."

Speaking of Gu Changge, his eyes showed deep hatred and murderous aura again.

There has never been anyone in this world who penetrates the bone like Gu Changge who hates him so much.

Even Ye Langtian is far behind.

Obviously the two had never really met before, and they didn't even say anything.

But Gu Changge framed him in such a way, let him carry such a big pot on his back, and become a mouse on the street, everyone shouted and beat!

Even the world is not far away.

"You don't need to say this, I have always believed in you, Ye Ling."

At this moment, Yin Mei frowned slightly and said, interrupting Ye Ling's curse on Gu Changge.

"Yin Mei, hello!" Ye Ling nodded after hearing this, a little moved.

He also reacted, now is not the time to say this.

Immediately, he led the way, leading Yin Mei all the way forward.

"The trace left by Yin Mei is here."

At this time, the figure of Gu Changge also walked out of the void and came to this abandoned ancient temple.

He stared at the dry well ahead, his eyes thoughtful.

"Ye Ling should have slipped in at this time, so it seems that this may be a spatial passage, just like my inner world, Gu Changge's spiritual consciousness plunged into the dry well.

He, who is proficient in the power of the void, quickly noticed the slight spatial fluctuations.

Obviously, here leads to another world, hidden mystery.

"Over the ruins, someone should have rushed away at this moment. Nowadays, no one knows Ye Ling's whereabouts except me."

Gu Changge smiled, and then stepped into it.

This is not the first time he has done this kind of harvesting of ripe fruits.

Already familiar with the road.

Ye Ling was in front of him to get rid of all kinds of dangers, and he came in lightly, and he was naturally relaxed.

This time, Gu Changge didn't plan to let Ye Ling leave here alive.

As for the end, where did Ye Ling, the inheritor of magic art go?

It naturally exploded with full force and escaped from his hands.

At that time, it was a big deal. Gu Changge and Yin Mei cooperated, saying that Ye Ling was seriously injured and fled, and he made another look that was also seriously injured.

In Gu Changge's view, this strategy is a perfect fit.

In the end, no one would know exactly where Ye Ling was, only that he, as the inheritor of magic arts, was lurking everywhere.

All powers and traditions will look for Ye Ling, but a dead person, how can they find it at that time?

Ye Ling himself would use various methods to change his appearance and hide his origins.

So no one would know that Ye Ling was dead, but would think that Ye Ling was hiding in the dark when he fled.

As long as everything Gu Changge did was not noticed on the spot, everyone would take it for granted that it was done by the dead Ye Ling.

Who can doubt him?


Ye Ling and Yin Mei have gone a long way.

It looks like a crack in the ground, directly connected to the depths, and there is even a scorching breath coming from it.

In the void around 390, there are still some formation patterns imprinted. If you don't penetrate the power of Samsara, even the holy realm exists, I am afraid it will be difficult to move here.

"Ye Ling, you have to pay attention. This is Tianzun's final test. You have to be careful about the array patterns in front of you." Old Turtle's voice came from the pendant.

This made Ye Ling's heart startled, and he dared not relax his vigilance.




Soon, he saw light coming from ahead, hot molten molten flowing under his feet.

A single-plank bridge across the lava connects the other side.

"There are fire-attributed creatures in the lava, be careful," the old turtle reminded.

Ye Ling nodded.

A wave of horror like a sea of ​​fire hit him from below, constantly beating him.

But it was broken by the power of Samsara on his body and couldn't hurt him.

This wave is not only scorching hot, but also mixed with a terrifying force of gravity.

The general cultivator of the imaginary god realm is estimated to explode in an instant, and even the true god realm has to be discolored.

I have to say that the test set by Samsara Tianzun is extremely suitable for Ye Ling today.

It will not make him feel a life or death crisis, but it will not be too dangerous.

In Gu Changge's view, this is the so-called superfluous act.

"Roar "

In the magma ahead, a lot of creatures wrapped in flames popped out and killed Ye Ling, which made him fall into a fight for a while.

And Yin Mei was hiding behind, watching all this, leaving a trail quietly.

Ye Ling didn't notice what Yin Mei was doing.

Now in his eyes, there are endless opportunities hidden at the end of the road ahead.

Nothing is more important than this!

It didn't take long.

Ye Ling took Yin Mei and went through all the obstacles.

Solved many of the many tests Samsara Tianzun left for him, destroyed a series of formations and murderous intentions on the way, and finally walked into the depths.

An Immortal Cave is located there, glowing with divine light.

Three bronze pillars support a bronze and white jade palace, suspended in the void.

Streaks of Samsara power in black, white and two colors surging in it, shining incomparably, reflecting the darkness around it clearly.

In the palace, there is a silver calm lake like the Galaxy Cluster floating up and down, steaming with silver fog and frost.

A small silver tree with silver and black markings, containing the meaning of Samsara.

Swagger in it!

Seeing all this, Ye Ling, standing outside Immortal Cave, was extremely surprised and excited.

Even Yin Mei was shocked at this time, what she saw before her eyes was too shocking.

"The Samsara lake left by Tianzun can be cast into Samsara body"

"The wonderful root of Samsara, the fairy rooted in Lake Samsara, can condense the origin of Samsara, and can even be used as a weapon to brush everything!"

"And the Immortal Cave, which Tianzun was refining with world stone at the time, contains all the remains of Tianzun, and there are even several horror puppets refined at the time."

With an excited voice, Laogui also resounded in Ye Ling's ears.

"All these efforts are not in vain!"

Ye Ling was also extremely excited. Seeing all the opportunities in it, the whole person was trembling slightly.

"All of this is mine! Destiny is mine, Gu Changge, you wait for me!" His voice was filled with excitement and tremor.