Chapter 166

Gu Changge didn't care about Gu Xian'er's indignation and wanted to poke his eyes to death.

He shook his head, then stood up with a sigh.

Being the Big Brother, I give her a little bit of temper, help her Cultivation Base breakthrough, and take revenge as soon as possible.

Is this wrong?

Sooner or later, she will understand Own's hard work and will be deeply moved by it.

He no longer cares about Gu Xian'er continuing to fight with people.

In that place, rune's brilliance rushed into the sky, as if stars exploded, bright and dazzling, so many people couldn't open their eyes.

"The Yu people, do they want to start a war with my Changsheng Gu family?"

"Cough cough cough

Gu Changge looked at Yu Jing not far away, and said calmly.

But before he finished speaking, he looked pale and coughed, as if he had touched his injuries.

The people behind immediately handed him a veil, looking very worried.

Such a weak master, can he stand up at this time, can he support it?

Many followers are extremely worried, seeing that Gu Changge's condition is very bad, and the injuries suffered during this period are not getting better at all.

Thinking of this, they have a deeper hatred for the Yuren clan.

They really did this kind of looting, and even sacrificed the sacred artifacts.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as frenzied.

Gu Changge is open-minded and cares about the common people all over the world.

He was seriously injured because of the fight with the inheritor of magic power, but the various tribes of Xiangu took this opportunity to use the sacred tools to prepare to kill Gu Changge.

If this kind of thing spreads out, are you not afraid to cause public anger?

Many people glared at the Yuren tribe in front of them.

But Yu Jing didn't seem to see these gazes.

Her eyes were very cold, and she stared at Gu Changge, "Gu Changge, when you killed my people, did you ever think about today? When you killed Lord Longteng, you should think of all this. This is what you asked for. , Make your own way."

"Knowing all this, why bother in the first place? A wicked person like you will be retribution sooner or later.

Her words are full of righteousness, standing on the highest point of justice.

For them, Gu Changge is the biggest enemy, a butcher who slaughtered the Tianjiao of the ancient tribes.

But at this time, Gu Changge actually said such words, intending to oppress her with the forces behind him.

This made Yu Jing's heart overjoyed.

What does this show?

It shows that Gu Changge is already out of skill.

If Gu Changge still had the strength and hole cards, how could he say this?

Enemy with the Changsheng Gu family behind him 24?

Now, the entire immortal bereaved clan is furious because of Gu Changge. No matter how strong the Changsheng Gu family is, can it break the rules and attack them in one fell swoop?

What's more, this is something agreed upon before the opening of Xiangu Continent.

Don't talk about life or death!

"Long Teng is more than guilty. If you want to avenge him, I have nothing to say."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would actually use the sacred artifacts. Aren't you afraid to touch the bottom line?'

Gu Changge said slowly, his face calm.

In the eyes of everyone, it seemed to hide a look of being bullied by a dog.

"Owner "

The followers behind him all felt a sense of aggrieved and uncomfortable feeling. Some even clenched their fists and let out a low growl.

Very sad shot.

This scene is like a hero's end, and a beauty is twilight!

How strong is the owner of the spleen, who in the younger generation sees him not lowering his eyebrows?

Even the Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace dared to scold him, how confident and invincible.

But now, because of serious injuries, he was so persecuted by a tribe of Feathers.

Of course, the Yuren tribe is not a weak tribe among the immortal survivors, and its influence is enough to rank in the top fifteen.

Does the master really have no choice?

Gu Xian'er, who was fighting against a group of Feather Human Race Tianjiao, was also stunned by Gu Changge's words at this time.

Is it possible that Gu Changge's injury is so serious?

Has it come to the time when you can only use the forces behind you to threaten the opponent?

She always felt that in Gu Changge's words, there was an unknown horrible murderous intent.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, from all sides of the sky, Shenhong was also coming. It was the rest of the young Tianjiao who had heard the news.

Gu Changge, the place where he cultivates and lives, is attacked and killed by the Feathers.

This incident spread quickly, causing many people to be shocked, followed by anger, and they wanted to come to support as soon as possible.

After all, Gu Changge now represents the face of the younger generation in the outside world, and was seriously injured by the inheritors of magic skills.

If they don't stand up at this time and come to help, they will also have conscience uneasy.

"Don't want to hurt Young Master Changge!"

A young Tianjiao shouted, his whole body shining brightly, came here, followed by a lot of people, all magnificent.

"With me waiting, the Yu Clan will never want to be rampant! Although Young Master Changge is seriously injured, we are still here!"

In the other direction, several divine rainbows came, and the sound of anger resounded across the sky.

Hearing these words, Gu Changge laughed lightly in his heart, as expected.

But there is still no change in his face.

"With your help from Dao brothers, you Yuren tribe may be hard to come by today, he said slowly.

"Gu Changge, no matter how many people come today, it won't be useful.

Yu Jing said coldly, not caring about all the Taoist Tianjiao who came here.

For a time, young Tianjiao of various traditions appeared on all sides of the sky, and his face was angry when he heard the words.

They didn't expect that at this time, the Feather Clan was still so smart, and they didn't put them in their eyes at all.

"It seems that the various tribes of Xiangu really intend to provoke me, and even the sacred artifacts were sacrificed. A young Tianjiao was shocked when he found the sacred artifacts in Yu Jing's hands.

When it comes to the power of the Holy Land, it is not something the younger generation can contend.

This made them more shocked and even a little frightened.

This human race is completely ignoring the final bottom line and wants to kill it all!

"Damn it, for today's matter, I must report the Dao Tong behind me so that Elder knows that this family of people is really deceiving!" At the moment, someone said, very angry.

Xiangu Continent is the territory of the various races of Xiangu.

They came to experience, but the rules have already been agreed, and the older generation is strictly forbidden to intervene.

It is because the strength of the older generation far surpasses them, if the older generation is strong, this experience will be meaningless.

Now that the Feather Clan uses the sacred artifacts, it has torn up the promise in a fair manner.

How can this not shock and anger them.

"Stop talking nonsense, what about killing you? Are there still few immortal ancient people who died in your hands during this time?"

Yu Jing sneered and said, "Do it!


At the moment when the words fell, several figures behind her did not hesitate to appear everywhere in the world, transforming into their original form, like gods and demons, and shot together.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound coming from the heavens and the earth, like a dragon's roar, and like a tiger's roar.

Immediately, the treasure technique was like a tide, covering the sky and the sun.

The terrible fluctuations instantly caused a sensation in this world.

The surrounding cliffs collapsed and plunged into the earth.

"Damn it! Do you think I'm afraid of them? Kill!"

"It just happened to take advantage of today's opportunity to destroy these immortal creatures."

"Young Master Changge has great righteousness in his heart. He was injured because of the creatures of all races. At this time, it is time for us to stand up for him.

"When Young Master Changge was not injured, why didn't he see you come out, but now he knows to show up? A group of bullies and fear of hardship."

Upon seeing this, the rest of the young Tianjiao angrily said, and directly rushed forward, fighting with these powerful figures.

"It's really bothering you brothers to help each other."

Gu Changge smiled, showing a very touched look.

But Gu Xian'er, who was fighting with the enemy, sensed the deep malice from his smile.

No matter how weak Gu Changge is, it is by no means the Feather Clan can bully him.

The breath he showed in the Great Hall before was so powerful that it suffocated her.

So what is he calculating?

Gu Xian'er doubted that in her cognition, Gu Changge's horror was definitely not an aspect of strength.


Many young and powerful feather human races take action, and the Cultivation Base is all in the virtual god realm.

-Now, this place exploded.

It was like a Galaxy Cluster smashed from the sky, and it was like an explosion of ancient Stars.

Horrible energy fluctuations swept everything, and the wind raged, destroying the world.

Everyone's power is as terrifying as True God Realm!

And a young supreme who came to support turned into his original form, resembling a fire bird.

It spit out, the sky covered the sky with monstrous flames, and turned into a terrifying firefowl.

Stepping on nothingness, his eyes are like copper bells, and he rushes past him like magma.

The scorching heat caused the void to burn out a scorched edge.

"It's useless, you are too weak!"

"Except for Gu Changge, you are simply vulnerable."

Yu Jing said coldly, the powerful technique evolved between raising his hand, and the ancient characters were densely arranged in the void.

The young supreme who turned into his original form immediately spurted blood and flew out, full of unwillingness.

The gap on Cultivation Base Realm is too big, he is not Yu Jing's opponent at all.

At the same time, the sacred artifact like a little golden sun was rising and falling in Yu Jing's hands and was gradually recovering.

The vastness is like an ocean, crushing all directions, making everyone's heart palpitations, trembling, and can't help but feel the urge to kneel on the ground.

This is the power of the Holy Land.

Yu Jing is guarding Gu Changge, mainly guarding against the pill that hides a ray of terror Sword Qi.

But she also guessed that Gu Changge doesn't have much of such hole cards.

"Gu Changge, today will be your death."

Yu Jing sneered and looked at him. In her opinion, Gu Changge nowadays has lost his original power.

"Isn't the ancient tribes really afraid that the outside world will be put in their eyes?" Gu Changge asked lightly, his face looked weak and pale, but his expression was calm.

Eating stands on the top of the mountain, as if a gust of wind can blow him away.

At this moment, there are magical runes flickering in his eyes, it seems that he is evolving everything, looking for a way to break the game.

But in fact, he was just doing it.

After all, how to show a seriously injured and tragic atmosphere, so as to completely ignite everyone's hatred of the ancient clan.

This is a technology job.

If the performance is excessive, it makes people suspect that he was deliberately backtesting.

Of course Gu Changge still feels that he needs to wait for a critical moment.

Severely injured and damaged in origin, but resolutely resisting the power of the sacred artifacts for the many young arrogances?

This bitter drama only needs to be done enough.

A group of young Tianjiao couldn't fry the pot yet, and regarded the various tribes of Xiangu as thorns in their eyes, and the hatred value was instantly full.

He can also take this opportunity to give himself prestige points, which may be used in the future.

"Owner "

"You are seriously injured, don't make any more moves!"

The followers behind Gu Changge also joined the battle at this time.

"Let you fight in front, and I am the master but hide behind me, where does this put my Gu Changge's face?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge shook his head with an indisputable expression on his face.

The script is ready, how could he not play at this time?


As he said, his breath was changing, and his weak body seemed to be ignited for a while.

The surging and vast Qi machine resurfaced.

But Gu Changge's face became paler and paler, as if he had lost all his blood.

"Young Master Changge, no!"


"Such consequences, you must think clearly!"

This scene changed the complexion of many young Tianjiao.

Why don't they know that this is definitely a secret method that can bring Cultivation Base Ascension to its peak state in a short period of time.

But such secret methods often have terrible sequelae.

Especially when Gu Changge has already damaged his source and suffered serious injuries, such actions are likely to cause irreversible injuries to him.

It even affects future practice.

"How long can such a secret method last?"

Yu Jing said with a sneer, the same magic rune shining in her eyes.

She has already seen that Gu Changge's Blood Essence is being consumed at a rapid rate, and it is already a situation where foreign players are doing better.

"Killing you is enough." Gu Changge said lightly.

At this moment, he seems to have recovered to his peak state

Immediately afterwards.

A mouthful of Divine Armament appeared behind him.

The surging divine light rushed through the thunder, and it was tyrannical to the extreme.

"Sure enough," Yu Jing's expression changed slightly, then she remembered the sacred artifact in her hand and calmed down again.

"The Yuren clan, and even the entire immortal ancient clan, will pay the price for what they do today." Gu Changge said lightly, no one noticed the playfulness in his eyes.

With that said, he took a step from the top of the mountain and was no longer seen.

At the same time, the Divine Armament Dao Zang was clamoring.


Among them, there are all kinds of weapons, swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, turning into streams of light and flying, killing the sky.

"Kill!" Yu Jing shouted, with golden wings shining brightly behind him, and he slaughtered towards Gu Changge!

In the other direction, the group of Feather Human Race Tianjiao who killed him did not dare to be careless, and they also displayed various magical powers.

Some people turn into a big fire hole, some people use the light of extinguishing soul, some people use the ancient Secret Technique to kill everything

Every style here is a powerful and terrifying supreme supernatural power placed in the outside world, enough to suppress a family's heritage.

However, it was all poured on Gu Changge, without money.

This scene shocked many creatures and cultivators who came here.

This is enough to see everyone's fear of Gu Changge.

Even the state of being seriously injured is hard to ignore.

"Yu Jing actually brought the sacred artifact, no wonder she has such confidence, but this matter is probably not good."

On the mountain top in the distance, Hei Yanyu showed up with the younger generation of the rest of Xiangu's race, watching this scene of 397 from a distance.

She was shocked.

At the same time, there is a bad feeling.

Even she didn't expect Yu Jing to bring a sacred artifact, this matter has already involved the bottom line.

If you can kill Gu Changge, it's okay to say, if you can't kill it, it's definitely a big hidden danger.

And at this moment.

In the battlefield, there was a puff, and suddenly there was a scream,

At the same time, blood spattered, which was very terrifying.

Several young arrogances of the Feather Race, torn apart, their bodies collapsed, and their bodies and spirits vanished!

Divine Armament Taoism is dazzling, and various Divine Armament rushes to all directions to kill.

Gu Changge's complexion remained unchanged.Although he was very pale, he fell with a punch, and the enemies in front of him were all killed!

His figure was very fast and did not stop. In one step, when he raised his hand, the sky full of Sword Ray fell, and he was enveloped by the terrifying Sword Qi for nearly a hundred miles.


Accompanied by successive screams of horror, all the powerful Yuren tribes who besieged and killed him collapsed in it.

This scene caused Yu Jing's pupils to shrink and she was shocked.

"Gu Changge is really outrageous. Even if he is seriously injured and alone, I may not be his opponent now."

She didn't hesitate, and suddenly urged her whole body's strength, and even used Blood Essence to awaken the sacred artifact in her hand.

This weapon has a heart-to-heart connection with her.

Otherwise, with her current Realm, she can't spur the recovery.

At this moment, everyone's complexion changed.

Even Gu Changge, who was killing his opponent in front of him, frowned and seemed to have encountered a tricky thing.


In this place, a terrible coercion broke out.

Immediately after that, a golden figure like the sun rose into the sky, with wings on its back, covering the sky and covering the sun, terrifying, and there seemed to be an endless golden sea of ​​flames burning the sky!

This is the artifact spirit among the sacred artifacts!

This golden sun wheel is dazzling, and countless gods flicker.

Yu Jing's face was pale, and directly let her revive, showing the monstrous power.

Ups and downs in the sky, it seems to be able to penetrate the sky and the earth!

"This volatility"

"Holy artifact! And it's not a normal holy artifact!"

Many young supreme beings on the way, including Wang Wushuang, Ye Langtian and others, all felt this breath and couldn't help but change their colors.

"This fluctuation is where Brother Gu cultivates and regenerates. Could it be said that the Ancient Clan used the sacred tools to kill him?"

Chi Ling's complexion also changed drastically, and when he reacted, he became extremely angry and cold.

"This immortal ancient tribe is simply looking for death! I really think we are so bullied..

"Even the sacred artifacts are used, it is unscrupulous!"

Immediately, regardless of this experience, she directly took out the talisman, intending to send a message to the forces behind her to inform all this.

"Big Brother, these ancient tribes are too not wanting face to kill Gu Changge, right?"

"Using the sacred artifacts in a fair and honest way, don't we put in one's eyes of all races and traditions? Don't even have the bottom line!"

The purple-clothed girl beside Ye Langtian was also very angry.

"This matter, the various ethnic groups of Xiangu have gone too far. I will send a message to inform the family that this experience has changed." Ye Langtian's face is also sinking like water.

For a time, such scenes were staged everywhere.

The use of sacred artifacts by the Xiangu tribe has obviously broken the bottom line and aroused their anger.

Gu Changge has been seriously injured because of dealing with the inheritors of magic power.

But at this time, the Xiangu tribe even directly used the sacred artifacts, intending to kill them all.

This incident instantly triggered a terrifying earthquake in Xiangu Continent, creating an irreparable wave hole.