Chapter 169

Just when the major ethnic groups of Xiangu were in danger, among the mountains outside the Heitianying tribe.

Gu Changge's figure emerged from the void.

He swept across the large sacred mountain buildings in front, with a smile on his face.

"It's time to harvest again. Plant a seed and not only blossom and bear fruit, but also grow a lush forest."

"This Heiming really didn't let me down"

Gu Changge said with interest, his expression was natural, he took a step forward, and the void was vague, he had come to the mountains in front of him.

It's like walking in your own backyard.

He did not hide his own breath, nor did he bring any followers.

So when he first arrived outside of the Heitianying Clan, he was noticed by his breath.

"Who is here?"

Strong god-tier thought swept across.

There is a number of powerful breaths between the peaks.

With black wings behind him, it is the Cultivation Base of the True God Realm.

They looked at Gu Changge who came by, their faces were shocked, and they asked.

"Tell Elder of the Black Skyhawk family that Gu Changge is visiting.

Gu Changge glanced at them, stood with his hands behind him, and said with a faint smile.

Ignoring the moment when I heard his name, these two Black Skyhawk tribes whose complexion changed drastically.

During this time, Gu Changge's name has almost spread throughout the entire Xiangu ethnic group, from the older generation to the younger generation, and no one does not know him.

Among the various rumors, Gu Changge is an extremely vicious villain who drove to exterminate the entire Xiangu tribe.

Now I have calculated the Yuren clan, intending to guide the arrival of many Taoist traditions from the outside world, to clear and suppress the ancient continent.

Gu Changge's name can even stop the crying of the children of the ancient clan.

The two Black Skyhawks naturally knew Gu Changge was terrible, and their eyes changed immediately.

His expression was even a little frightened, and his voice trembled.

"Gu Changge, what are you doing here?"

They asked, their lips trembling, and their souls were trembling.

The real gods exist, and it is obvious that Gu Changge can't ask for any benefit.

According to rumors, Gu Changge was seriously injured.

But now it seems that Gu Changge's breath is normal, which is obviously good.

The body is too good to be better, where can I see a little injury?

Is the rumors wrong, or is it that the person in front of you is not Gu Changge? He is a fake?

Thinking of this, they suppressed the fear in their hearts and shot Gu Changge.


The real gods fluctuated and swept across in an instant, causing the mountains in a radius of hundreds of miles to thunder and tremble.

"I'm here to take my things."

Gu Changge smiled, his figure was very vague, and he walked straight through the attack, "Since you don't want to report, then I have to go in by myself.

"Just why don't you cherish life?"

As he walked by, there were strange fluctuations in the virtual space and disappeared in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, the two true gods of the Black Skyhawk tribe collapsed with a puff, and their form and spirit disappeared in an instant.

Gu Changge made no secret of the arrival of own.

Very powerful, stepping in the virtual space, walking all the way to the depths of the Black Sky Eagle Clan.

In his mind, a spider-web-like picture was taking shape, and every line was running through and connecting everything, encompassing all the members of the Hei Tianying tribe.

Even what they are doing and thinking is clear, but they can instantly understand.

In a single thought, no one can hide his perception.

In a single thought, he can also decide their life and death.

And all this is the credit of Marry Yixian Jue, and of course Heiming's credit.

Gu Changge can control the life and death of the entire Black Skyhawk tribe without any effort. Hei Ming can be said to have contributed.

"not good!"

"Someone trespassed into the clan's land!"

"Come on!"

But at this moment, the entire Black Sky Eagle tribe was shocked, shocked by the fluctuations coming from the mountain gate.


In the sky, black divine lights came from the direction of Gu Changge, all of them from the Black Skyhawk tribe.

They were extremely angry, and for the first time in so many years, they were trespassed into the clan's land.

"The old man wants to see, who is so bold and dare to come here…"

In a palace, several elders who were discussing, their faces flashed with black light, their expressions were cold and angry.


The next moment, their figures moved in unison, disappeared into the palace, and appeared in the sky outside.

"What's the matter? Someone trespassed into the clan's land? It's so desperate, it's just looking for death.

On a mountain peak, clouds were surging, and a girl in white clothes was confused and muttered to herself.

The neck is slender, with ice muscles and bones, it is the black face jade.

"Could it be that the descendant of Samsara Ancient Tianzun came to the door? If my guess is correct, the descendant of Samsara Ancient Tianzun is the person named Ye Ling, that is, the inheritor of magic power?"

"If it is really Ye Ling, you should pay attention. This person can escape from Gu Changge's hands.

She drenched in her heart, thought for a moment, and turned into a divine light, soaring to the sky, wanting to rush to see what happened.

At the same time, on another cloud-filled mountain peak.

Hei Ming, who had moved out of the previous courtyard and lived in the palace, suddenly opened his eyes in cultivation.

At this moment, there was a weirdness in his heart, a vague and vague feeling, as if facing the supreme being.

"What happened? Could it be that the supreme being is coming to me?"

"This feeling can't go wrong…"

Heiming was shocked, followed by ecstasy and excitement.

He thinks this is a great possibility.

Since the supreme exists there, he just obtained a wedding dress immortal decision, which made him reborn and changed earth-shaking changes.

If you can get the rest

People are greedy and their desires are hard to exhaust.

Hei Ming used to only want to be respected by the ethnic group, but now he is no longer satisfied with all this.

Thinking of this, he also got up and left here, and went in the direction where the momentum came from outside.

"Gu Changge is you how could it be."

"Why did you come here? Aren't you seriously injured and recuperating?"

On the other side, many members of the Hei Tianying tribe were staring wide-eyed and shocked.

Many members of the Black Skyhawk tribe have seen Gu Changge's face.

Especially the people who had planned to siege Gu Changge with Hei Yanyu, but gave up in the end.

At this moment, they were extremely shocked and looked at the young man walking in front of him.

This is not Gu Changge, who is it?

They never expected that Gu Changge would come to their clan land alone, and no one could stop him along the way.

His injury, is it healed, what is the purpose?

"I'm here to take my things and let you people who can talk come out. I don't want to waste time.

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled lightly and didn't care at all in the face of the siege of such a large group of people.

"Your stuff? What is it?"

"That's your purpose in arranging our clan land?"

When many people heard the words, their faces sank, and they asked, as if they were going to attack Gu Changge.

Although Gu Changge is very strong, it is also for his peers, and now this is in their clan!

Don't allow him to be presumptuous.

The Black Sky Eagle family has been handed down since the ancient times, and there are many holy realms, even the ancestors of the quasi-superior realm.

With such a terrifying background, he broke in alone as a young man?

Is there any confidence? Or is it not afraid of death?

At this time, a horrible atmosphere came, and there was even a Sage in it, with a very old face, facing the stairs.

He stared at Gu Changge ahead and waved,

"Stop it all to the old man!"

"Gu Changge, what is your purpose?"

This is a very powerful elder of the Black Sky Eagle family.

His appearance relieved many members of the Black Skyhawk tribe.

In fact, they are all secretly wary of Gu Changge, the Feather Human Race's Heavenly Pride Girl also successfully killed Gu Changge with a holy weapon.

It shows that Gu Changge has the means to counteract the existence of the holy realm.

At this time, they were actually not sure that they could suppress Gu Changge.

"I have said to get my things back, don't you understand?" Gu Changge said lightly, his expression still as natural and casual as ever.

Although there was a Sage in front of him, he didn't take it seriously.

He was still waiting for the Quasi-Supreme of the Black Sky Eagle clan to show up.

That is the person who can really speak.

The existence of these Sages, with his current strength at the peak of the Divine King Realm, can easily be killed.

"Your thing? What is your thing?" The Sage realm elder stared at Gu Changge and said, frowning.

He didn't dare to act on Gu Changge easily.

Now the situation in Xiangu Continent is unknown, and many ethnic groups are in danger, because the external traditions seem to be coming.

If he shoots at Gu Changge, it means he has to make a good plan to fight the forces behind Gu Changge.

Such a price is terrible.

Although the Black Sky Eagle family is very long and ancient, but facing the revenge of the longevity family, it has to take a break, and only has the possibility of being destroyed.

"My thing? Nature Samsara Tianzun's Samsara Taoist platform, and the entire Black Skyhawk tribe.

Gu Changge smiled and replied, and didn't think there was any problem with this.

Samsara Daotai, that is the Samsara stone left by Samsara Tianzun, which contains a strong Samsara power.

Gu Changge intends to condense a Samsara printed in the soul to prepare for his Xiantian deity to transform into Immortal Ascension.

He is sure to win the Samsara Daotai here.


However, the moment he heard his words, everyone was shocked, including the Sage realm clan veteran, whose complexion changed suddenly and became gloomy.

Regardless of how Gu Changge knew about the existence of Samsara Daotai.

He said that the entire Black Skyhawk tribe belongs to him.What does this mean?

At this time, the members of the Black Skyhawk tribe among the other mountain peaks also rushed here.

Many people heard Gu Changge's words, and their complexion changed drastically.

The Samsara Daotai is controlled by the various races in turn. This year, it is the turn of the Black Skyhawk race to take charge, and it does not belong to their clan.

In their opinion, Gu Changge's words are tantamount to provocation.

Everyone was angry and stared at him.

If it weren't for the clan elders to stop them, I'm afraid they couldn't help but want to take action, let Gu Changge know whose site this is.

"How could Gu Changge be him? How can he be injured so quickly?"

Hei Yanyu was naturally among the people who came.

The first time she saw Gu Changge, her face faded instantly, which was unbelievable.

At this moment, she only felt a slight chill hit her back, making her back all cold sweat.

She knows how serious Gu Changge's injury was.

How could it be so fast?

This means that Gu Changge's injury was probably just pretended.

His purpose is really to provoke the outside world to war against the ancient tribes.

"Now, don't you still feel it? The life and death of your race is in my hands."

"As long as I have a thought, you all have to die."

"So don't try to annoy me. Although I have always been kind, it doesn't mean that you are qualified to talk to me."

"Tell your ancestors of the Quasi-Supreme Realm to get out."

Gu Changge smiled faintly.

Turn a blind eye to the anger, coldness, and hatred of all the members of the Hei Tianying tribe.


As his words fell, the world trembled, and many people suddenly felt a sense of horror palpitations.

At this moment, they only felt their own heart, as if being rubbed by a pair of invisible hands.

…For flowers

"what is this?"

This caused their expressions to change drastically, they paled suddenly, and their voices changed.

Some people can't even bear this feeling, breathe in a room, and fall directly from the sky.


It fell into a mass of meat in an instant!

At this moment, everyone's expressions when they looked at Gu Changge changed.

What was that just now?

Their lives seem to be held in an instant, and they can be destroyed at will!


The old face of the Sage clan has changed, and even he has a feeling that life and death are under the control of the other party.

"What is this? Is it a slave mark, but the slave mark hasn't manifested!"

His complexion turned pale, his blood was lost, and his eyes even seemed hopeless and unbelievable.

He tried to get rid of the idea just now with own Cultivation Base, but it didn't work at all.

It was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it fell into death in an instant, and even the ripples could hardly arouse one.

This method of Gu Changge has obviously surpassed his cognition.

This is no longer inscrutable

Fairy trail? No, this is Demon Lin!

"That's how it feels."

The black Yanyu's face on the other side also paled.

Her pupils shrunk to the size of a needle, showing an expression of incredible and horror.

No one is spared, including her.

For Gu Changge, all of them are the same, there is no difference.

Whether it is the Void God Realm or the Sage Realm, it's all a matter of thought.

In front of Marry Yixianjue, their lives are a thread that can be easily torn off.

"A method more terrifying than the slave mark, when did we get planted?

Hei Yanyu's delicate face was completely white.

She has always been smart, and she is known as a small military teacher among her peers.

Now she reacted.

At that time, I felt this way when I first saw Gu Changge outside the ruins.

At first she thought it was her own illusion.

But now that I think about it, it should be that Gu Changge had already sensed her existence, and at that moment had the idea of ​​killing her.

It's just that this thought passed away in a flash and didn't fall, so she thought it was an illusion.

Thinking of this, the black face Jade Slip was cold all over.

Looking at Gu Changge's eyes, it was like looking at an extremely scary existence.

She still far underestimated the horror of Gu Changge.

How did he do all this?

"This is obviously not a slave mark, why can you control our life and death?"

The attitude of this Sage Realm Clan veteran has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

Frightened and cautious.

After all, life and death are completely between Gu Changge's thoughts, how can he be arrogant?

At this time, he only prayed that a few ancestors could solve all this by means.

Otherwise, all of this will be as Gu Changge said.

The entire group of Black Sky Eagles is in his hands!

The life and death of all tribesmen are between his thoughts.

And he couldn't figure out how Gu Changge did all this? Obviously, they had never contacted Gu Changge before.

This makes them all desperate!

I was recruited inexplicably, and it was still incomprehensible. How could there be such a weird thing in this world.

"Is this important?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge said casually, "You only need to remember one thing now. From today on, I will be your master.

"Do things for me, you can live. Otherwise, you will die.

After all, everyone turned pale and fell silent.

No wonder Gu Changge dared to break in alone.

With such a method, the entire Heitianying clan is not as easy as walking on the ground, coming and going freely, just like in your own back garden.

"This method is absolutely inseparable from the slave imprint. Except for the descendants of Samsara Tianzun, no one knows that Samsara Daotai is related to Samsara Tianzun."

"Ye Ling, the descendant of Samsara Tianzun, may have been killed by Gu Changge. He moved his hands and feet on the slave mark. Or Gu Changge is the real inheritor of magic skills."

Hei Yanyu's eyes fixed on Gu Changge.

Thinking about this, including the soul, the whole person was trembling.

As smart as her, she has found many connections from these things.

These connections are likely to be as she speculated!

Otherwise it doesn't make sense at all!

But how could there be such a terrible person in this world?

She looked at Gu Changge in her eyes, full of fear. The more you think about these things, the more your scalp becomes numb.

"Oh, it's a smart man.

Gu Changge sensed Hei Yanyu's thoughts.

He was slightly surprised.

After all, it is not easy to infer some truths from these things.

It's just that he doesn't care.

Hei Yanyu's life and death are under the control of his thoughts, if he dares to expose this.

She would definitely die instantly.

Then, Gu Changge narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the distant mountain.

There was an atmosphere of terror rising there, as if a round of unparalleled sun was rising.

This breath straddles all directions, it is like a supreme revival, wanting to be late in the world.

"Very good "

This scene gave hope to many members of the Black Skyhawk tribe here.

This is their ancestor!

The ancestor is a quasi-supreme Cultivation Base. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years I have lived. Cultivation Base is the best.

The ancestors came forward, and today's things may still be reversed.

But The next moment, with Gu Changge's ridiculous sound.

The worldly aura rising there, as if being blown out by a strong wind, instantly dissipated and died down.

Seeing all this, all the members of the Hei Tianying tribe were desperate. superior,