Chapter 175

The mountain breeze blows, and the clouds are surging, and it looks quiet and high.

Gu Xian'er stood beautifully under a tall ancient tree. She was beautiful and beautiful. The skirt was gently swayed by the wind. There was a crystal-clear luster in her eyes, which looked bright and moving.

"Ancestor, if you want to help me, then help me suppress his Cultivation Base! Suppressing him to the Fenghou state is enough!"

"I want to defeat Gu Changge honestly."

She repeated what she said to her ancestor.

The look on his little face was quite cold and aloof.

The big Elder on the side looked a little weird.

This girl usually looks good, but there is always Gu Changge's black belly and cheeky smell in her words.

Suppress Gu Changge's Cultivation Base to a Realm lower than her, and then she defeated Gu Changge in a fair manner?

Can this be said so naturally? It seems to be a bad example from Gu Changge.

If Gu Changge heard it, she was afraid that there would be no good fruit.

Of course, if Gu Changge was here at the moment, and seeing this scene, he would definitely not help beating Gu Xian'er.

Practice Ascension Realm well, isn't it good? I always like to provoke him if I have nothing to do.

It seems that Gu Xian'er, this girl, still has not been beaten enough.

"Suppress Cultivation Base, why not just kill him for revenge?"

"Xian'er, if the bastard Gu Changge threatens you with something, then you can tell the ancestor that he will not dare to be presumptuous in front of me no matter how rampant he is."

Hearing Gu Xian'er's words so natural.

Gu Nanshan was silent for a long time before slamming his lips.

He still thought that it was Gu Xian'er who was persecuted and hurt by Gu Changge while he was practicing in the Celestial Immortals Palace, and he was very afraid of him.

That's why Gu Xian'er said such a thing.

After all, this is too wrong!

How could this little girl look so clever and cute by Gu "Siling" Changge?

He didn't want to take revenge at all.

Did he hear something wrong?

"Ancestor, you think too much, you didn't understand things clearly before you came, did you?"

Gu Xian'er rolled her eyes slightly when she heard the words.

Now I feel that this ancestor is very unreliable.

Elder also shook his head secretly in his heart.

Although the ancestor of the Gu family is very strong, it is estimated that he will not be able to ask for good fruit in the face of Gu Changge.

After all, even with his state of mind, Gu Changge almost jumped his feet with anger.

This yellow-toothed farmer, when he met Gu Changge, he probably had the heart to shoot that unscrupulous descendant to death.

"Oh, is there anything the old man doesn't know about this matter?" Gu Nanshan asked.

He was puzzled.

Judging from Gu Xian'er's performance, she shouldn't be stupid, how could she say such a thing?

Could it be that the unscrupulous descendants of the Gu family really have something to hide from him?

"Old Ancestor, haven't you noticed the secrets of things back then?" Gu Xian'er asked, rather helplessly.

"Huh?" Gu Nanshan was really taken aback at this moment.

"It seems really a little bit."

Gu Xian'er's so determined appearance made him suspicious.

This kind of bone digging and self-harm of the same family is not something that Gu's family style can do.

That's why he was furious when he knew it.

He began to recall in his mind the scene when he walked out of his ancestral land.

In addition to the strange faces of many tribesmen.

The others seemed normal.

Now the head of the Gu family, Gu Changge's father, is indeed embarrassed and guilty about this matter.

At that time, Gu Nanshan had only anger in his heart and did not ask carefully.

He suddenly understood a little too.

Gu Changge would dig the bones of Gu Xian'er's avenue, obviously for some purpose.

Over the years, Gu Changge has been hailed as a true immortal, but it is not because of Gu Xian'er's big bone.

"Gu Changge's hidden talent seems to be a spatial talent

"Although the bones of the avenue are powerful, they are actually not indispensable compared to spatial talent."

Gu Nanshan squinted his eyes, and being surrounded by Gu Xian'er, instantly felt suspicious about the matter.

It's just that in front of Gu Xian'er, how could his ancestor act like he didn't understand anything?

Therefore, he coughed slightly, and his face stood up solemnly, "Unexpectedly, you found out about Xian'er. Originally, I didn't know how to explain this to you, but now you have figured it out, that would be the best."

Although he was at a loss about this matter, he was confused.

But it does not prevent him from maintaining the majestic appearance of the ancestor in front of Gu Xian'er at this time.

Gu Xian'er couldn't help showing such an expression when she heard the words.

It was exactly the same as she thought.

She didn't doubt Gu Nanshan's words.

"Then ancestor, why did you say such a thing just now?" She frowned.

Even if no one told her the truth about this matter, she would investigate it herself.

In addition, she has other things to do, wanting to find her parents and grandfather who are missing in a certain plane of the world.

"Ahem, isn't it because I'm afraid that you can't accept it, that's why I said that? You should already understand the good intentions of Gu Changge, right?"

Hearing this, Gu Nanshan's old face made a solemn expression and coughed again.

As for Gu Changge's good intentions, he doesn't know.

This is just a casual talk, but I want to come to Gu Changge to dissolve a lot of Gu Xian'er's hatred for him. This is a good starting point.

He also didn't want to cause family divisions and kinship.

In this way, it can be regarded as an excuse for Gu Changge.

Since Gu Xian'er is okay and has little intention of killing Gu Changge, it would be best if this hatred can naturally be resolved.

It's just that Gu Xian'er feels a bit wronged in this way.

"Gu Changge's good intentions?" Gu Xian'er was startled.

Her expression suddenly became complicated.

During this period of time, she has also wanted to understand that many simple things can actually be understood as soon as they figure it out.

Gu Changge's goal has always been to hate him himself, to pursue him as the goal, and then to be strong enough to overcome or even kill him?

He sharpened his own purpose, why on earth?

This is no longer something that can be explained by guilt.

Gu Xian'er felt that this was the biggest secret Gu Changge had been hiding.

If Gu Changge were here, after hearing this series of dialogues between Gu Nanshan and Gu Xian'er, he would definitely not help laughing.

This old ancestor, the friendly army is alive!

His remarks, a mistake made by mistake, really caught Gu Changge's arms.

To put it bluntly, it even saved a lot of effort for Gu Changge.

"Yes, Gu Changge's hard work."

At this time, Gu Nanshan couldn't help showing a deep smile.

In this scene, the big Elder on the side was a little stunned, wondering if he had mistaken Gu Changge, he is actually a good person?

But he thought about it. He really couldn't figure out that the word good person would have the slightest connection to Gu Changge.

This is completely irrelevant people and characters!

"But on the other hand, although Gu Changge's devilishness is innate, his performance is actually quite normal except for certain occasions."

"He is not a real evil spirit

Elder couldn't help but doubt his previous views.

Afterwards, Gu Xian'er was taken by the two, turned into a rainbow and rose into the sky, leaving here.

The Xiangu Continent soon went into chaos, and all the traditions would come here. Gu Xian'er was alone and unprotected, so it was still very dangerous.

This experience has ended and there is no need to continue.

And no matter what, Gu Xian'er has lost the blood of the Changsheng Gu family, and is still a personal disciple of Celestial Immortals Palace Elder.

At this time, how could they ignore it.

Xiangu Continent was not at all peaceful during this time.

All the great lords and big sects sent strong men to suppress the ancient tribes with upright and majesty.

The various races of Xiangu are naturally anxious, and the culprit of all this, the human race, is even more hated for penetrates the bone.

If it wasn't for the feathered race to touch the bottom line, how could such a thing happen?

Of course, for Gu Changge, many ethnic groups also hate to penetrate the bone, believing that he is the source of all this.

In their minds, Gu Changge is simply the incarnation of evil. In order to cannibalize the interests of the ancient continent, they did not hesitate to use various despicable means.

First, kill Long Teng, the leader of the younger generation of Xiangu races, and then provoke the anger and hatred of everyone on both sides, resulting in a fight.

He himself is taking advantage of it.

At the back, it is even more calculating the entire immortal ancient tribe, attracting the outside ethics to come, and it is necessary to eliminate everything.

The cause and effect of the matter are already very clear.

Without Gu Changge, none of these things would happen.

Many creatures are extremely afraid of this terrible young man.

But many creatures also hate to penetrate the bone, and they can't wait to smash Gu Changge's bones.

Of course, for the many older generations of the various ethnic groups in Xiangu, this is the so-called desire plus sin. What the outsiders want is only an excuse and reason.

It just so happened that Gu Changge created such an opportunity for them.


At the same time, in the high sky of Xiangu Continent.

An ancient red bronze warship appeared and rolled over, looking extremely huge, like a piece of land sinking and floating in the heavens and the earth, casting a terrifying shadow.

In the early days, a group of strong men of the gods had already arrived here.

A middle-aged man shrouded in golden armor stands with his hands in his hands, shrouded in brilliance, dazzling.

"Young Master Changge was attacked and killed by the sacred artifact of the Feather Clan.

"What's the answer to this hatred?"

Standing on an ancient bronze warship, he was hunting and hunting, looking at the city not far away, and said with a cold expression.

The ancient city in front is like a giant plume hung on the ground, looking majestic and majestic.

From a distance, the walls are not so tall

However, it occupies a large area, and there are countless stocks of Blood Qi in the city.

That is a manifestation of the gathering of many powerful people of the Yuren clan.

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man in the golden armor, a murderous voice rang out from among the ancient bronze warships behind him.

"Don't stop dying, destroy the whole clan!"

"Don't die, destroy the whole clan!"

Such a shocking sound seemed to contain a monstrous rain of blood.

Reverberating under this sky, the expressions of many nearby cultivators and creatures changed drastically, and they were shocked.

Especially the many cultivators from the outside world are trembling.

In the beginning, the dominance and strength of the gods and their shortcomings were not something that happened in one day or two days.

Now this group of powerful men rushed from the outside world aggressively and stayed outside the clan of the Feather Race.

This purpose is already obvious!

"The Feather Human Race is so bad that it has been targeted by God's Teaching of the Beginning. Even if it does not die, I am afraid that it will have to lose its skin!"

"This is a bunch of devil lunatics!"

"Shoot the little ones, and come to a group of old ones."

Watching this scene, many cultivators looked pale, avoiding them from a distance.

Let alone this matter, the Feather Race is totally unreasonable.

Even if they took up the reason, it was useless at all in front of the God Sect in the early days.

Gu Changge's background, in the upper world, is definitely the kind that no one dares to provoke lightly.

Even if you say something bad behind your back, you have to be careful not to be heard by it.

"This sentence is very good. We have always bullied others, and no one has ever dared to bully us!"

"Father people, be punishable!"

On the ancient bronze warship.

While talking, the middle-aged man in golden armor smiled coldly, kicked him and was imprisoned by the side. Cultivation Base was a pale and handsome feather-human man.

This man is the descendant of the Yu Human Race, Yu Xuan.

At the same time, Yu Jing's childhood sweetheart, the two grew up together, and they were close together.

However, Yu Jing was murdered by Gu Changge, which made him angry and hateful.

But there is no solution.

Now, I heard the words of the middle-aged man in Jinjiao.

His complexion was extremely green and unwilling, and he also had terrible anger.

"You are so courageous, do you know who I am? You are trying to start a war with my Feather Clan!"

Yu Xuan roared, incomparably humiliated at this moment.

He is practicing outside, seeking breakthrough opportunities, and intends to seek revenge against Gu Changge.

Later, on the way back to the ethnic group, he was attacked and killed by the powerful people of the early gods.

His guardian of the quasi-sacred realm was even more besieged, and instantly died tragically on the spot.

Then, he was suppressed, abandoned on the ancient bronze warship, and came out of the clan land with a group of strong religious cultists from the beginning.

"Don't worry, now the young master hasn't arrived yet, and the show hasn't started yet."

"Don't worry, you will soon be sent by the young master to accompany your childhood sweetheart, and all of your people will be indispensable." The middle-aged man in Jinjia smiled coldly.

"You are deceiving too much! You will suffer retribution!" Yu Xuan roared, his face pale, angry and frightened.

In the mouth of this middle-aged man, he has anticipated the next situation the Feather Race will face 3.7.

In the Baiheng Mountains, a thick fairy light permeated.

If a cultivator comes here suddenly at this moment, you will be shocked to discover that it has become a pure land of the fairy family, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a fairyland blessed land.

The strands of the Immortal Dao aura is floating in the heavens and the earth, crystal clear and pure, giving people a feeling of ascending.

In the stone room, Yue Mingkong is crystal clear, and his bright eyes are deep and calm, making it more transcendent.

She is also refining the fairy rune here.

The whole person got a great good fortune.

Before, I just got a little benefit from the crack in the door.

But now, Gu Changge has opened the entire door, the extremely rich fairy road rune, which is sprinkled like rain.

Although she was protecting the law outside, she also got huge benefits.


At this moment, in the stone gate, the light and rain appeared more and more hazy and vast.

In the vast and mysterious world, the sound of riot came out, like a crackling chaotic thunder.

Dong dong

Yue Mingkong looked suspiciously, but saw one of the Daoist shadows, with a mouthful of the Taoist bottle on his head, and his body was scorched, with a bit of embarrassment, and he quickly rushed out of it.

Behind him was a mighty thunder, closely following.

The vast expanse is full of thunder seas, and there are even a variety of strangely shaped terrifying creatures appearing, raising their hands to play various colors of thunder.

Some are just small and small, falling down like a mountain, and the majesty is heart palpitating.

There is even the terrible Shengwei!

This made Yuemingkong's heart stunned.

Gu Changge has actually broken through to the holy realm, which shocked her heart, even shocked her face.

Is this his real Cultivation Base?

Not to mention the same generation, even the older generation, it is estimated that there are few opponents.

Desperately tyrannical.