Chapter 192

Wang Zijin felt that there was nothing wrong with her feeling.

For her, going smoothly is a normal thing.

Because of this life, she has not encountered any setbacks.

Since she was born, she has shown her strong talents, and Cultivation Base has directly reached the so-called holy realm in this world.

But thanks to her knowledge of various male and female frequency net writing routines in her previous life.

Wang Zijin chose the most unwise, but also the most stable and clever way, to cut the Cultivation Base by himself, in order to raise the ceiling of future achievements.

Later facts proved that her choice was not wrong.

Now every step of the foundation is extremely solid.

Wang Zijin felt that he would definitely become a true immortal in the future. Although Jiang Chuchu, another Holy Maiden of the Ancestral Hall, claimed to be the reincarnation of the ancient immortal, he might not be able to win against him when he played against him.

So Wang Zijin is very confident.

This is confidence in strong strength and hole cards.

Ever since, she planned to leave the Human Ancestral Hall and wander in this world. Her talent is so strong, even if she doesn't work hard to cultivate, she is still a goal that ordinary Tianjiao can't catch up with for a lifetime.

The so-called young supreme, in her eyes, is nothing but an existence that can be suppressed in the palm of her hand.

Wang Zijin didn't pay attention to it at all.

The magnificent world that she had longed for in her previous life was bizarre and passionate, and now it slowly unfolds before her eyes.

Although Wang Zijin was a woman, he couldn't help feeling surging at this moment.

This is the first time she intends to go out for more than 20 years to experience this vast and vast Fantasy world.

Prior to this, she had always practiced in the family and human ancestor hall, and had never gone out to take a look at the world. Now that she has such an opportunity in front of her, she will naturally not let it go.

Wang Zijin remembered that sentence in his previous life.

The world is so big, she wants to go out and have a look.

This world is countless times more exciting than the previous life. The arrogance of the heavens competes, the rivers return to the sea, the beautiful women are more charming, and there are thousands of styles.

"Like other traversers, what kind of ruthless princes are there? How do you change the domineering Demon Monarch's routines? It is all brain-disabled suitors who have said that they are arrogant. Same."

In the carriage, Wang Zijin supported his delicate and flawless chin, staring at the magnificent sight outside, and mumbled casually.

She felt that the world she traveled through was definitely not the world of female frequency novels she had known in her previous life.

Fortunately, she has read a lot of male-frequency novels, and feels that it is very simple to deal with all kinds of routines.

And compared to the various intrigues in the female essays, this world that pursues power and is the only avenue is much simpler.

Power determines everything, and any conspiracy and tricks, under absolute power, will be wiped out.

"Miss, you said that you are going to find a Ruyi Scepter to marry. Is it true or not?"

Suddenly, Xiu'er asked.

The expression on the little face was tangled and puzzled.

In her opinion, her own Miss is so good, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as the bright moon on Nine Heavens.

Is there really a man in this world who deserves Miss?

Hearing this, Wang Ziyan rolled his eyes quietly, and said in a bad mood, "Xiu'er, why are you so stupid? Of course these words are false!"

"You Miss, I will become a peerless female fairy in the future. With only one hand fighting against three thousand emperors, and two hands pushing the fourteen states across the supreme existence, how can I be constrained by the mere Ruyi Scepter?"

Having said that, Wang Zijin also knows that whether it is her talent, background, or previous life vision, she is completely different from other women.

She felt that she might be lonely and die.

Thinking of passing through seniors one by one in the female frequency novels of the previous life, coming to another world Guangkai male harem, sitting with all kinds of stunning and beautiful males, Wang Zijin still thought it was very good at the time.

But when it was really her turn to cross, she discovered this kind of thing, it was really Geying's nauseating panic.

Vision is too high.

Thinking that one day he would cheaper a certain big pig's hoof, Wang Zijin felt weird and got goose bumps all over his body.

She is so good, even if the ancient emperor reappears in the world, she probably won't care.

"Three thousand emperors are monopolized with one hand, and the fourteen states are pushed horizontally with both hands! Miss, your ambition is too big!"

"However, I know Miss how you would do this."

Xiu'er nodded suddenly.

Ruyi Scepter Lang Jun? Although this kind of remark is often heard from her Miss, Wang Zijin always has a nonchalant tone, which is pure ridicule.

"But I can consider that fellow Jiang Chuchu, find a Ruyi Scepter Langjun, and marry her."

"Cold and long face all day long, as if the former world owes her, pretending to be innocent.

"She owes a man a meal to clean up, lest she always think of a man in the world, but so, except for those other human ancestors, nothing is wrong.

Speaking of Jiang Chuchu, Wang Zijin shook his head for a while.

Although that can be regarded as her only friend who can talk to each other over the years, in Wang Zijin's opinion, her character is too magnificent.

In the words of the previous life, it was called the Virgin.

The Blessed Virgin is different from the Blessed Virgin. The Blessed Virgin is righteous and has her own perseverance.

And the virgin bitch is… hard to say.

The prince Jin would not say anything harshly to the Virgin, but he naturally hid as much as possible when he met the Virgin.

This kind of thing, living in the world, is useless except for wasting resources and disgusting people.

"Chu Chu Holy Maiden, I think she is a good person, but her personality is too cold, she always wants to uphold justice

Xiu'er was a little annoyed and authentic.

"Yes, she is a good person, so it is suitable to find a Ruyi Scepter Lang Jun to marry her."

"Lest she fall into the fire pit of the Ancestral Hall and get out of the fire as soon as possible."

Wang Zijin laughed, and said with an expression of approval.

She has never had any contact with a man in her previous life or now, but in terms of theory, Wang Zijin is one after another.

All sorts of talks will not be repeated for three days.

"Oh Miss, you secretly left the Ancestral Hall this time, and you don't plan to find the reincarnation of the Ancestor. Will this matter make the Elders in the Ancestral Hall angry? "?" Xiu'er remembered another thing and started Anxiously.

"When you get angry, you will get angry. Is it possible that I still have to look at their faces?" Wang Zijin looked unhappy.

"It's their business to find the reincarnation of human ancestors. I don't want to mix it up. Is it fun to be a tool person?"

At the beginning, she was taken to the Human Ancestral Hall to practice. She didn't know that there was such a task at first.

The better thing is called Renzudian, and the worse thing is the place to train tool people?

Wang Zijin didn't catch a cold at all for this inheritance purpose of Renzu Temple.

If the descendant is a male and still say, if it is a female, doesn't it mean that the ancestor of the plain masked person is raising the future harem?

Thinking of this, Wang Zijin became nauseous, wishing to erase all traces of the Ancestral Hall on his body.

Perhaps for the rest of the women, this kind of thing makes them feel extremely honored, and they can't wait to recommend themselves.

But for her, let's avoid it, and stay away!

"Miss, look, the front is Inner Domain Wuliangtian, I heard that Wushuang Young Master is there now, why don't you go and see him?"

"Maybe I can meet a lot of outstanding young talents."

After passing through the starfields and teleportation array, Xiu'er opened the curtain and looked at the vast world outside, and suddenly said with joy, a little excited and excited.

During this time, they actually had some understanding of many news from the outside world.

Although the upper bound is infinite, it can be roughly divided into heaven, inner, middle, and outer.

The big events that happen in each area can actually spread to all places very quickly, and the speed is incredible.

During this period of time, the events in the Celestial Immortals Palace have caused many remote places in the Upper Realm to be shaken.

Inheritors of magic skills appeared, and the inner fairy roads of the ancient continent appeared

Each one caused a big wave, and the two masters and servants far away in Tianyu had actually heard of it.

"Wushuang? My cheap Little Brother?"

Wang Ziyan was slightly startled, and remembered.

She is not a younger brother. Before that, she had never seen her Little Brother at all, and she was no different from a stranger.

The news about Wang Wushuang was only learned from the news in the family.

But at any rate, it is also the little brother of this life. Since I passed by here, there is no problem to go and have a look.

She also has relatives in this life.

So, Wang Ziyan thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then go take a look."

"Well, the Tao Celestial Immortals Palace is the oldest Taoism in Wuliangtian. This period of time can be called the gathering of wind and clouds. Many young supreme people have come. Maybe you will see a Miss.

Upon hearing this, Xiu'er said happily immediately.

Obviously she was the one who wanted to witness a group of young and supreme demeanors.

"Isn't it said that the descendant of Celestial Immortals Palace today is known as the first person of the younger generation? I don't know what the rumors are." She was still muttering.

As if this was her true purpose.

"The first person in the younger generation? Is that because your Miss hasn't been born yet? Otherwise, how could those guys be so prestigious."

Wang Zijin smiled, as if he didn't care about these rumors at all.

She was born holy, she has such confidence.

Although it is re-cultivation now, it has also reached the Realm of the quasi-sage early stage. This kind of cultivation speed is already shocking the world.

If it spreads out, I don't know how many people will be shocked and shocked.

As far as she knows, those young and supreme, now Cultivation Base is no more than a virtual god, how far is it from her? It's hard to tell!

So she doesn't care about it at all.

"Miss, aren't you curious? It is said that it is a young taboo with true immortality! Young Master Gu Changge, his power in Wuliangtian is simply unmatched!"

"It is also the young master of the Changsheng Gu family, and the heir of the Celestial Immortals Palace.

"I can't believe that a person will have so many auras!"

Contrary to Wang Zijin's reaction, Xiu'er looked very yearning and admiring, very excited and excited.

It is completely opposite to the previous attitude towards the descendants of the Taikoo Zhao clan.

Wang Zijin's performance was very indifferent, and even sneered, "Xiu'er, what do you know?"

"True celestial talent? Did his father call this, saying that my son Changge has true celestial talent?"

"I'll tell you that the arrogant talents who have such a reputation generally die very quickly, and they are cannon fodder who can't live for many chapters."

"Besides, Gu Changge? You know that you can't be the protagonist when you hear this kind of name. In the male frequent routine, the name does not have a bit of vanity or a bit of Hao, and I am embarrassed to say that I am the protagonist.

"So this guy you are talking about is actually a cannon fodder. Look at how excited you are?"

When Xiu'er heard Miss say this, she was immediately dumbfounded. She didn't understand many of these words, but she still understood what Miss meant.

Gu Changge, who is so powerful and possesses terrifying energy in Wuliangtian, is nothing more than that in Miss's view.

Just a small character?

"You don't understand that, these are all routines. Maybe there is someone named Fan right now, who offends Gu Changge and is about to make a strong face."

Wang Ziyan shook his head and said helplessly.

In the past life, she looked at various male-frequency online articles in her eyes, and said which naive author would name the protagonist by such a name.

This look is a cannon fodder character who is used to make up for a match and a good face.

But Xiu'er still looks very admiring.

"Hmph, Miss, you are not allowed to say that, Young Master Changge, he was trying to fight against the inheritors of magic arts, hurt the origin, and almost died in the ancient continent.,

"The younger sister who was in conflict with him was also rescued by his inheritors of magic skills. Rumors say that the young master of Changge Fengshen Ruyu, Transcendent is free from vulgarity."

Xiu'er is full of enthusiasm, just like Gu Changge's little fan.

"Stop it, why don't you go to be someone else's maid?" Wang Zijin quickly told her to shut up, seeing her appearance, suddenly speechless.

Compared with the rumored young taboo, she is actually interested in the more mysterious inheritor of magic power.


Soon, with the violent shudder, the carriage did squeeze over the two space barriers.

The chaos, turbulence, riots, like huge meteors smashed down, sending out terrifying waves.

However, these horrible fluctuations were swiped by the old coachman's sleeves, a layer of ripples spread, and the wind lightly swept away, appearing extremely skilful and natural.

"Miss, the frontier is the boundless sky, shall we leave directly, or go to Daotian Ancient City?" the old coachman asked indifferently.

"Grandpa Snake, go to Daotian Ancient City." Wang Zijin responded with a smile.


The next moment, the carriage suddenly broke through the space, and instantly went thousands of miles away to the place where the Celestial Immortals Palace was.

These days, this place is even more lively.

Many Taoisms and major religions have cultivators to send disciples and strong men to come.

Especially when he knew that Gu Changge appeared in the Immortal Ancient Continent and planned to force the Immortal Dragon Clan to surrender in one fell swoop, it was a sensation that shocked many people.

Gu Changge's methods can be said to be amazing enough.

As a younger generation, but dared to attack the entire Immortal Dragon Clan, so courageous, so many older generations of strong people are heart palpitations.

Soon, Wang Zijin, Xiu'er and the old coachman, two servants and one master, came to Daotian Ancient City.

However, in order to conceal people's eyes and ears, Wang Zijin still concealed it for a while.

The voice is deliberately rough, but it has a more delicate and soft meaning.

"Miss" Xiuer was about to speak.


Wang Zijin knocked on her forehead and glared at her, "I said he was going to call me son outside, you know?"

"It hurts, I know the son."

"I dug my bones when I was young, but now I'm still a younger sister. What kind of routine is this?

Wang Zijin squeezed his delicate and flawless chin, listening to some news that happened in Daotian Ancient City recently, he couldn't help but look taken aback.

She came here, in fact, the main thing she wanted to see was her cheap Little Brother.

But now, I suddenly felt that things were a little weird, but then, the rhythm of Gu Changge villain's cannon fodder didn't seem to run away.

I just don't know how many chapters I can live.

Thinking about this, the three of Zhuhuato followed the cultivator and rushed to the ancient continent to join in the fun.

Xiangu Continent, outside of Dragon Island.

Many array patterns are brilliant, colorful and brilliant.

The situation is tense, and the atmosphere is extremely solemn. As a pure land like Sacred Land, it is full of the atmosphere of killing and killing like a golden horse and iron horse.


The ancient warships of the Primordial Beginning, rolled over, traversed the sky, like the ancient magic mountains, majestic, majestic and terrifying.

The devilish spirit is overwhelming, and the fighting spirit is amazing.

"Gu's child, you don't want to let the dragon clan surrender. Since ancient times, my dragon clan has been in the world, even if it is immortal, I dare to fight! You are a Huang Luo child, dare to speak wildly?"

In the sky above Long Island, the emptiness was blurred, and a middle-aged man with a stalwart figure and a face of no anger and prestige appeared.

He wears the golden dragon crown of the dragon race on his head, and he has the unique dragon horns of the dragon race, and his breath is Sage!

It is the patriarch of the dragon clan today!

~The dragon clan chief's words are wrong, Gu is just a junior, how dare you to persecute you?"

"On the other hand, the Dragon Clan issued the True Dragon Order that day and sent the Yuren Clan to attack and kill Gu. Now the Yu Clan has all surrendered. How should this hatred be counted now?"

At this moment, Gu Changge was standing here with his hands positive and negative, overlooking the many powerful dragons below, and asked with a faint smile upon hearing the words.

"Blood spurting people, if you want to fight, the younger generation fights. At this time, you still plan to occupy the righteousness and make my clan innocent. This crime is punishable!"

A strong dragon clan was furious when he heard the words, and his eyes were full of anger and hatred.

They had never encountered such a humiliation before, when they were oppressed by Gu Changge!

"No, you probably made a mistake. Junior is not trying to gain justice, but just trying to get justice for himself." Gu Changge smiled and shook his head lightly.

"Since the Dragons would rather die than surrender, don't blame Gu's men for being ruthless.

As he said, his expression came down indifferently, and a round of bright black sun suddenly rose behind him.

That kind of fluctuation seems to reflect Nine Heavens. If a round of burning black sun, there are thousands of black clouds, and the strongest rules are boiling.

It was a replica of the Dao Item of Samsara Gu Tianzun, the Samsara Ancient Wheel, which was obtained by Gu Changge when he killed Ye Ling that day.

Of course, if it is the real Samsara ancient wheel, the power of the gods is vast, and it can evolve Six Paths of Reincarnation, the birth and death of the palm, the power is infinite!

But even if it is an imitation, it is now extremely tyrannical, far beyond the ordinary sacred artifacts.


At this moment, amid the roar of many runes, golden light swept across.

Now that Gu Changge wants to show people as the heir of Samsara Gu Tianzun, this is naturally a perfect time.

Moreover, Samsara Gutianzun has an unusual significance in the immortal period.

Having this name in the body can save Gu Changge a lot of trouble.

"Hi, this turned out to be

"The Samsara Ancient Wheel is not the real Dao Item

"The Dao Item imitation of Samsara Gu Tianzun back then!"

"It turned out to be this thing, I didn't expect Gu Changge to have such an identity!"

The moment the black sun rose, the many Taoist traditions and cultivators nearby were all shocked and their eyes widened.

This is something that no one thought of.

If Gu Changge didn't show it in person, they would not have imagined that he would be the descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun during the Immortal Ancient Period.

"How is it possible that Gu Changge actually owns this thing?"

"What is the relationship between him and Samsara Gu Tianzun?"

Many immortal groups who were watching were roaring in their hearts, because the Samsara ancient wheel had set off turbulent waves.

Their ancestors have more or less intersection with Samsara Gu Tianzun, have received favors and so on.

Now it seems that Gu Changge owns this thing, it must be the descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun.

And if Gu Changge doesn't know Samsara's Samsara method, then he can't make this Dao Item imitation at all.

In this situation, Gu Changge and Samsara Gu Tianzun are absolutely inseparable.

No matter how strong the Xiangulong clan is, it is nothing more than a stubborn resistance. It is impossible to stop the forces behind Gu Changge, let alone a big Elder standing beside him!

At this moment, many senior members of the ancient immortal group began to move their minds. In today's turbulent situation, it is not impossible to follow Gu Changge.

"Damn it! This guy still has this identity."

"This is not good! Otherwise, let's drop it!"

Among the dragon islands, the faces of many dragon people changed drastically and turned pale.

In today's situation, there is not much hope for them.

They are no longer the dragon clan of the glorious period.

"Junior, the arrogance of my dragon will live forever, and I would rather die than surrender, you don't want to make me surrender!"


In the depths of Long Island, there was a sound like the sky, and the auras of the quasi-supreme state were awakening, extremely tyrannical.

Moreover, this is by no means comparable to the general Quasi-Supreme, at least it is also the strongest figure in the Seven-Eight Stage of Quasi-Supreme realm!

"Big Elder

Gu Changge smiled slightly and spoke to the big Elder beside him.

Elder had a complicated expression, glanced at him, and sighed helplessly.


He stuck out a palm.

The power of the strongest swept across the sky and the earth, and the sky and the earth had to be sunk.

Almost in an instant, the Quasi-Supreme Realm was also presenting his powerful means.

Countless dragons chanting and praying sounded from the heavens and the earth, light and meridians permeated, it is the quasi-supreme law.


The void is trembling, and the lights of all colors are soaring to the sky!

There are ancestors awakening, and the vastness of the sky will be vast.


But The next moment, he coughed up blood instantly, instantly lost to the enemy and flew upside down, the ancestor's phantom was invincible that day, how could he resist the big Elder?


"Kill! Vol!"


At this time, there were also three earth-shattering auras coming from the other heaven and earth directions.

When a vast army came to kill, Wu Wu decided to fight, like a torrent.

This scene is like the last straw that crushes the camel, making many Dragon tribes desperate.

The Black Sky Eagle, Guteng Snake, Divine Crocodile and other tribes, mighty, covering the sky and covering the sun, killed them.

But obviously, they are not here to help them!

"The Dragon Race is over today

In the distance, all the Taoist and Dajiao cultivators who looked at all of this thought about it this way, with a horrible expression.

"My son, look at it, that is definitely Young Master Changge! This style is really different from ordinary people!" In the mountains further away, Xiu'er took Wang Zijin's hand, excited and excited, like a little fan. I saw the most admired person. .