Chapter 194

In this battle, the aftermath of the battle engulfed nearly 300,000 miles, the world was turned upside down, the sun and the moon flowed, and the universe was destroyed.

Many dragon god islands and mountains were crushed into powder by this terrifying aura. The immortal ancient formation pattern that was burned rushed into the earth-shaking atmosphere of killing and felling, and finally they were also shot by Quasi-Supreme, and they were erased.

The battle outside the sky is also over.

The terrifying Stars are scattered in all directions and turned into star skeletal bodies, surging between the sky and the earth, to cover ~ cover down!


A golden avenue stretched out and landed high in the sky. Elder returned, his white robe fluttered, and the bones of fairy wind, and he couldn't see the appearance of fighting against someone just now.

Behind him, a quasi-superior realm of dragons was sealed with a huge palm seal!


Elder asked calmly, not willing to make a move from beginning to end.

Except for the peak powerhouse that suppressed the dragon clan, he actually didn't participate in the following battles.

For the identity of Samsara Gu Tianzun that Gu Changge suddenly appeared, Elder was also shocked.

Before that, he hadn't thought about it at all, and thought that Gu Changge would borrow the strength of the Changsheng Gu family in the end.

But obviously, Samsara Gu Tianzun's successor identity, this is Gu Changge's ultimate means of hiding.

Thinking of this, Elder couldn't help taking a deep look at Gu Changge.

He can't see through this guy more and more, how many methods does he have to hide in the dark, not being known?

Fortunately, the grudge between Gu Xian'er and this guy has been resolved. Otherwise, he really didn't dare to imagine that Gu Xian'er faced Gu Changge alone, how much life would he have?

If they didn't have a group of old people supporting Gu Xian'er behind her, I'm afraid Gu Changge would eat even the bones and scum.

"It's over. This battle is really annoying Elder." Gu Changge smiled.

"Don't bother, remember what you promised the old man."

Elder snorted coldly and waved his sleeves. The suppressed dragon peak powerhouse behind him was immediately photographed by him and appeared in front of Gu Changge.

"Big Elder, please rest assured, I will not forget the things I promised.

Glancing at this sullen-faced dragon peak powerhouse, Gu Changge has a calm face.

Then he looked at the sky in the distance, his eyes flashed over many powerful men, and then smiled slightly, "As the heir of the Tao Celestial Immortals, it is incumbent on Changge to clean up the dragon clan's chaos for the Celestial Immortals."

The many Dao traditions and creatures who were watching from a distance were obviously stunned at this time, and they didn't understand the meaning of Gu Changge for a while.


"Gu Changge you"

"It's really ruthless, so shameless!"

Hearing this, Elder was taken aback, and didn't want to understand why Gu Changge said this in front of many orthodoxy?

Immediately after the browbeat, a kind of anger rose in his heart.

Tao Celestial Immortals Palace has always been in a neutral state, and will not intervene in any grievances from forces and orthodoxy.

Although Gu Changge is the heir of the Celestial Immortals Palace, in fact, in this battle, the entire Celestial Immortals Palace did not provide him any help.

Now, what Gu Changge means is to tell everyone that Celestial Immortals took the initiative to help him?

Instead of the agreement between himself and him that day?

Elder knows what Gu Changge is making.

I understood it almost instantly, and I was extremely angry, and anger surged.

Not only was he going to muddy the Ancient Immortal Continent, he was also thinking of a way to drag the entire Celestial Immortals Palace into the water.

At that time, many forces of Wuliangtian will feel that the matter of the unification of the ancient continent this time is actually behind the intervention of Celestial Immortals Palace.

In this way, Gu Changge can just divert everyone's field of vision.

Big Elder's complexion was hard to look at, faintly angry and green.

It was Gu Changge's statement that he really couldn't refute it. Only a few people knew about the agreement that day.

"Big Elder's grace, Changge should keep it in mind."

Afterwards, Gu Changge looked complacent again, "But, Elder, you still owe me a favor, don't forget this."

In fact, Gu Changge is not very clear about where Elder's Cultivation Base is, but at least it is far beyond the Quasi-Supreme Realm. Compared to Gu Nanshan, it may be much better than Gu Nanshan.

Therefore, this favor must be firmly held in his hands.

Maybe it will be used one day, and let Celestial Immortals Palace go to the storm for a period of time, he thinks it is nothing, so he did it easily.

Many cultivators from the outside must feel that he used some means to force Elder to take action in order to achieve this goal.

Although this is not wrong.

However, in Gu Changge's view, this view is actually not feasible, and the outside world must be seen as the Celestial Immortals Palace taking the initiative to plan all this.

After all, during this period of time, his limelight has overshadowed everyone. Pay attention to the more his cultivator and orthodoxy, the less he can secretly plan.

Gu Changge always likes to make a fortune in secret, so that he can take it by himself and give it to others.

He treated Celestial Immortals Palace even more so.

It's a different matter whether it can be effective or not.

"Big Elder can explain something wrong with Changge's approach. I think there are still many cultivators who will believe it."

Gu Changge continued to smile and said, predicting Elder's temperament. At this time, he wouldn't say much.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved.

To him, Elder is not worth paying attention to at all. It is better to consider how to unify the Ancient Continent next.


The big Elder interrupted him, his expression gloomy and vague, and he went straight away.

He has decided that since today, all affairs of the Celestial Immortals Palace will be thrown to the current Palace Lord.

Gu Changge is so shameless, he doesn't care how to toss it, and he can't control it.

He is going to Closed Door Training, clean for a while!

Otherwise, one day, he really can't help but shoot this shameless junior to death.

"Come on, purge the dragon clan up and down, kill those who disagree!"

"From today, I only want to hear a voice in the dragon clan."

Afterwards, Gu Changge's smile diminished and said lightly.

"Yes, Young Master!"

Behind him sounded like a mountain whistling and a tsunami.

The mighty tribe army began to solve the remnants of the dragon clan who did not surrender.

As for the dissatisfied, it is even simpler. Kill it and it will be over.

The most indispensable thing in this world are disobedient creatures.

"The son!

"The things you ordered have been completed, and all the rebellious Dragon Clan members will be punishable."


As the words fall, the weight is really thin and the vastness is overwhelmed!

On the other side, the quasi-supreme ancestors of the three tribes of Guteng Snake, Black Sky Eagle, and God Crocodile also suppressed many powerful dragons and rushed back to Gu Changge to come back to life.

"very good.

"well done."

Gu Changge scanned the many scenes below, expressing satisfaction.

Then he nodded and waved his hand to make them retreat.

Although the appearance of the three major ethnic groups will arouse the jealousy of all the big groups, Gu Changge will definitely consider hiding them in the dark.

Afterwards, after solving the problems on the Dragon Clan side, Gu Changge also had time to think about the affairs of his fellow villager.

If he expected it well, Yuemingkong might not even know its existence.

After all, the traverser is the biggest anomaly.

In the timeline that Yueming has experienced in the previous life, the existence of the traverser is still unknown.

But since he took the initiative to show up in front of him, even if Gu Changge digs the ground three feet, he will find it out.

Unless the kind of traversers who are particularly unlucky, come to this world and have golden fingers, they must be bullshit.

It's just that Gu Changge doesn't know whether this traverser came to this world before him or after him.

And the next thing to do is to unify the various races of Xiangu first. With this power, it can provide him with a lot of cultivation resources.

Just the Xiangulong clan, there will be no shortage of good things that are useful to him!

Maybe you can still get some of the essence and even the real blood left by the real dragon back then. For Gu Changge, those things are of great benefit.

Recently, his magic Cultivation Base has reached the pinnacle of the quasi-sage. From the real Sage state, only a part of the essence of the Cultivation Base can break through.

After arriving in the real holy realm, Gu Changge can condense more Dao Aquarius runes to help him devour the remaining faeries.

Cultivation Base can have another breakthrough stage.

at the same time.

In the distance of Long Island, high in the sky, strong men of all kinds of orthodoxy stand tall and gather here to witness all this.

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe that this is something a young man can do?"

"In this golden age, the stars are shining, but in terms of power, the younger generation is afraid that no one can compete with Gu Changge."

"In some ways, this Gu Changge is more terrifying than the inheritor of magic power."

"Such scheming and methods made people palpitate and chill, after all, he was openly planning to reach the entire immortal ancient group!"

Many people were whispering, and the shock in their eyes was hard to dissipate.

"According to the rumors, the inheritor of magic power was finally defeated by him, but the real trace has not been found for so long. Even if some young supreme is attacked and killed, they are all secretly, I am afraid they have been severely injured by Gu Changge. The injury is not easy."

"Now I see Gu Changge urging the imitation of the Samsara ancient wheel, his complexion is as usual, and there is no sign of difficulty. It seems that its Cultivation Base is definitely more than simple on the surface, he is quite hidden."

On the ancient warship, the breath is intertwined, and the blood is pounding and phosphorus.

Many masters of the Wang family are discussing, whether it is the younger generation or the older generation strong, their expressions are admired and complicated, and their hearts are horrified and shocked.

They didn't intervene in this battle, but they witnessed everything here from beginning to end.

At first, the joy and excitement of Wang Zijin's return from the Ancestral Hall was like being washed down by a basin of cold water.

It is full of excitement.

Many people reacted, knowing that Wang Zijin is not the only one of his peers so dazzling.

Although Wang Zijin's talent is strong, he can be said to be unparalleled in the ages.

Half a month is a small state, half a year is a big one, cultivation breakthrough is as simple as drinking water and eating.

But after all, she is only a younger generation, and has not inherited the traditions of the forces behind her.

And Gu Changge is already in charge of everything, and the power in his hands alone makes them all deeply shocked and jealous!

Needless to say, the three tribes of the Black Sky Eagle, Guteng Snake, and Divine Crocodile alone are an extremely terrifying force, used by Gu Changge, which can simply sweep a party.

Just now, there are three ancestors of the Quasi-Supreme Realm who just appeared!

This power makes them tremble!

That is the quasi-sovereign, lift up the palm of the star, the peak powerhouse that smashes the mainland with a ray of aura, and the powers of the Dao lineage are all existence like a foundation!

Now that the supreme does not appear, the enlightened person does not appear, and the quasi-supreme realm is an invincible character!

If you really want to compare them, they found that in terms of power, I am afraid that the current Patriarch of the King of Longevity would have to be polite to see Gu Changge, right?

In the past, this was something that I couldn't even imagine.

"This sub-method seems simple, but in fact it is pressing step by step and interlocking. Even I can only see some of his clues and arrangements. If you really want to go into it, I am afraid that it can be traced back to Xiangu. When the mainland opened"

"For such a long time, such calculations really make the old man deeply impressed!"

"Today's younger generation, I am afraid that there are few people who can compare with him."

On the ancient warship, upon hearing Wang Wushuang's words, the old enchantment of the Wang family couldn't help but sigh.

I have to say that even they have to admit that in the battle of the Xiangulong clan, the banner of justice held by Gu Changge played a big role.

Everyone could see that he was planning to plan the ancient immortal group, rather than asking for fairness such beautiful words.

But what can I see?

They are helpless, but they have no reason to make a move. Really, the Changsheng Gu family behind Gu Changge stands still, watching the excitement?

Now in the presence of all Taoist masters, Gu Changge eats away the fattest piece of fat, which makes them most depressed and helpless, and even admired.

All kinds of means show not the courage and means of the young master of a longevity family, rather than a simple talent for spiritual practice.

With such a young master, why worry about the family tradition?

However, on the other hand, Gu Changge is very sharp, and now he controls the terrifying force of the Xiangu tribe, and even the quasi-prime ancestor is obedient to him.

In the following days, I am afraid that all Taoist teachers will pay attention to it and unite to target it.

One gain or one loss is inevitable.

The previous young rivalry was still a small fight, but now it has evolved into a state of surrender and subjugation at every turn!

Just ask, who is not afraid?

"The young master will have to learn from Gu Changge in the future."

Thinking of this, the old Wang Family evildoer couldn't help but smiled.

Where is their vision, they will not blindly exaggerate each other, nor will they overly devalue each other.

Saying this, I just want to spur my own young master, who are both descendants of the longevity family, and I will compare them in many aspects.

Of course, the longevity family is standing Immortal, with a long heritage, and it is not possible that it will collapse casually because of the failure of the young master of any generation.

Inferior to each other is inferior to each other.

At this time, is it possible that Yin & Yang has to be a weird, malicious belittle?

"Gu Changge is indeed very strong. In terms of courage and means, I am far inferior to him. I will admit that."

"But don't forget the clan elders. These conspiracies and tricks are useless under absolute power. If Gu Changge does not have the identity of the descendant of Samsara, it would be impossible for the Guteng snakes and gods to obey orders. he

At this time, Wen Yan Wang Wushuang shook his head, and said so, although he did admire Gu Changge.

But it still didn't get to the point of being very profound. I just felt that Gu Changge was just relying on this relationship.

Without the help of these three ethnic groups, this battle would not be so easy.

Hearing this, Wang Zijin, whose expression was always different and staring at the figure in the distance, slowly shook her head, but she didn't say much.

"Since Young Master said so, let me ask you, what does absolute power mean?"

The old evildoer of the Wang family was also happy to use this opportunity at this time, and couldn't help but smile, planning to educate his young master.

The younger generation should have the heart to fight, but this fight shouldn't be unwilling to accept it.

Since Wang Wushuang was born, arrogance has always been in his heart.

…For flowers …

The Cultivation Base is far inferior to his own Sage's Big sis. He recognizes this and has nothing to say.

But Gu Changge, in the next year of the next year, is a bit younger than him.

But today's Cultivation Base, even he can't see clearly, he can only faintly perceive it, knowing that it is unfathomable.

To be honest, he was a bit unwilling and unconvinced.

Now, in front of Big sis, the elder said that, after all, it's a bit unsustainable on Face.

"Absolute power naturally refers to the real Cultivation Base. No matter how strong Gu Changge is, it is impossible to catch up with my Big sis on the Cultivation Base, right?"

Wang Wushuang said, in his eyes, the golden rays of light flowed, not very calm.

On weekdays, it is absolutely impossible for him to say this.

But today I saw its Big sis for the first time, and my heart was rather unquiet, and there was always a sense of repeated frustration.

Generally, Tianjiao would never accept this situation early, and thanks to his far-reaching ambition, he was not deeply shocked.

"Wushuang, there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky. You have to remember this sentence. Of course, this sentence is also for myself.

At this time, Wang Zijin, who had never spoken, finally spoke, his voice sounding like heaven.

With a smile on her face, she looked at Wang Wushuang and said.

Wang Wushuang, the Little Brother, is not like the kind of unwilling arrogant, which makes her a little satisfied.

Of course, she also said this to herself.

I thought I was very good before, but she found that Gu Changge's many methods were completely incomparable.

The only thing that can be obtained is talent and Cultivation Base.

This made Wang Zijin more curious and interested in Gu Changge.

As a traverser, he is familiar with various routines, has a strong background, and has a terrifying talent. He stood at the end of countless cultivators since he was born.

In the days that followed, it became boring and boring.

Wang Zijin actually wanted to find something interesting to her, so he planned to travel around the world.

Now I happened to meet Gu Changge.

This aboriginal Tianjiao looks completely different from the rest of the cannon fodder.

Such calculations surprised her.

At the moment, she continued to speak,

"This Gu Changge's Cultivation Base is not only as simple as what you see, but honestly even I can't figure out how his Realm is."

"Big sis can't you see its Cultivation Base?"

At this moment, Wang Wushuang and the other Wang Family Tianjiao around him were stunned, and they couldn't help but stare.


The strength of Wang Zijin, they have heard from the clan elders, it is very likely that they have reached the quasi-Sacred Land step by now.

But she can't see through Gu Changge?

Wang Zijin nodded. For her, this kind of thing is not bad to admit.

"But it can be easily promoted into Dao Item imitations, Cultivation Base must surpass ordinary people, if you now give you a Dao Item imitation, can you easily motivate like this Gu Changge?"

"And you said that he relied on the identity of the descendant of Samsara, then you think if you change his identity now, you are the descendant of Samsara, then can you be like Gu Changge and let the three tribes listen to you? The order?"

"As long as the three major ethnic groups are not stupid, they will not agree to surrender to a young man. Gu Changge can make him surrender. The methods used are not simple at all."

Wang Zijin said so, with her analysis and understanding.

The angle of seeing things is different from others.

When she said this, all the members of the Wang family on the ancient warship were silent for a while, and some of them took a slight breath, which was extremely shocked.

"It's Miss, I can see things so thoroughly in a short time."

The old enchantress of the Wang family couldn't help but nodded and smiled. He could see all this because he had lived so long.

But Wang Zijin can see that it only shows that she is really smarter and more talented than the average person.

"That's it."

Hearing this, Wang Wushuang was silent for a while, thinking according to Wang Zijin's words, and finally understood the gap between him and Gu Changge.

He really can't do Gu Changge like this.

A deep despair and unwillingness came into his heart spontaneously.

"It's a pity. I heard that Gu Changge has a marriage contract. Otherwise, he and Miss are actually a good match.

"But the marriage contract can be cancelled."

The Wang Family's old evildoer suddenly sighed, feeling it.

If the two marry together, it will definitely be a win-win situation.

Hearing that, Wang Ziyan was stunned, his expression suddenly a bit weird, why suddenly mention this kind of thing, is it possible that the fiancé routine she had previously thought about is coming?

Gu Changge tore up the original heroine's marriage contract, and then he signed a marriage contract with himself?

Judging from what Gu Changge did, he didn't look like a decent person.

It seems that it is not impossible.

"Clan elder, Gu Changge, does he have any useless fiancee?

After thinking about it, the prince deliberated his words and asked tentatively.

The old clan's words just now seemed too like the rhythm of some kind of dog-blood routine.

"This" the royal family elder obviously didn't expect that Wang Zijin would ask that, and he was stunned.

But Xiu'er next to him answered, "Miss, Changge Young Master and his fiancee are the famous Wushuang Immortal Dynasty's future emperor Yue Mingkong, who is known as a female emperor, how could it be a waste of wood."

Wang Zijin was a little disappointed at once.

If there really is a fiance like Gu Changge, she thinks it's fine, she won't get goose bumps all over her body when she thinks of it like before.

As a face dog, there seems to be nothing wrong with others' body.

After all, no matter which world you are in, you need to look at your face.

Prior to this, Wang Zijin had always felt that she would not encounter the young Tianjiao who was interested in her, and that was the case of Life with smooth winds.

After all, the protagonist's face is ordinary, and the youthful appearance

At the thought of all kinds of descriptions of the protagonist, she was overwhelmed and uninterested.

This world is obviously not a female frequency world.

On the contrary, it is a consistent male style. The protagonist must be the kind who gradually grows stronger from the weak, otherwise there is no so-called upgrade enthusiasm.

For Gu Changge, although Wang Zijin has not been in contact, he can feel that he is completely different from the rest of Tianjiao.

And her feeling has never been missed, Wang Zijin thinks that this is probably her own golden finger.

Don't be afraid of villain being bad, just be afraid that villain will be handsome.

Wang Zijin suddenly remembered a sentence from his previous life.

"Miss, since we are all here, how about we go and visit Young Master Changge?"

Seeing that Wang Zijin was a little disappointed, the elder of the Wang family suddenly asked.

Wang Zijin was taken aback when he heard the words, his expression on his face remained unchanged, and he smiled indifferently, "Then according to what the clan elder said."

"Miss, I'm not interested in what I said before." Seeing this scene, Xiu'er couldn't help muttering.

The result was a shock from Wang Zijin.

"Just you talk a lot.

And at this time, in the Dragon Island.

Gu Changge, who was searching for the dragon clan's heritage in a magnificent and magnificent treasure house, suddenly heard the system's prompt sound.

"Ding, the lady of luck is interested in the master, the luck point adds a thousand points, and the destiny value adds five thousand."


Gu Changge's eyes suddenly narrowed.

This also works?

Or, is this villain charm that I have nowhere to put?