Chapter 197

On the other side, Wushuang Xianchao.

"Emperor Qiqi Chu, the space coordinates of the Tianchen Realm have been determined."

"Wushuangwei already has half a million people elected and is now forming a second team."

A female officer is reporting respectfully.

In the palace, Yuemingkong stood with his hands in his hands, looking out the window, his face was calm and deep, his robe was wide, but he couldn't hide his proud posture.

At this moment, she was thinking about things, and her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the words, and she looked a little trance on the beautiful fairy face.

Then he nodded and said, "Very good."

The Tianchen Realm was exactly the information she had learned from the memory of her previous life. Human Ancestor's reincarnation walked out of that realm and finally returned to the upper realm.

It's just that she spent a lot of time to confirm the definite location of the Tianchen Realm.

In addition, during this period of time, Wushuangwei is being formed, which has consumed a lot of energy, and has not left yet.

Yue Mingkong has been planning to solve this hidden danger for Gu Changge first.

If she can't do it, then find a way to inform Gu Changge of the matter and let him find a way and ask for more blessings.

Otherwise, it would be of no benefit to Gu Changge to be noticed by Ren Zudian early.

Once his identity as the inheritor of magic power is exposed, he will inevitably face the situation of enemies all over the world.

"If you leave for the Tianchen Realm now, you may miss this after a long time.

Yuemingkong's expression rarely showed some entanglement.

On the one hand, she is afraid that the time is too late. At this time, Renzu's reincarnation is the weakest and the easiest to deal with.

If the people in the ancestral hall find the past, it will be very difficult for her to deal with it, and the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Yue Mingkong did not intend to rely on her current strength to really deal with Renzu, at most delaying his return.

"In that case, there is an endless distance between Tianchen Realm and Inner Realm, and the human ancestor's reincarnation body will not be found by the human ancestor hall for a while.

"Even if they want to determine where the ancestors are, they have to spend a lot of effort."

Yuemingkong thought for a long time, but decided to wait for a while before leaving.

Because in a few days, it will be Gu Changge's mother's birthday banquet.

For this person who treated her as her own in the previous life, Yue Mingkong has always been grateful.

Her mother died young, and the only affection she experienced in her previous life was actually from Gu Changge's parents.

In this life, she didn't want to miss her birthday banquet, because going to the Tianchen Realm would inevitably be delayed for a long time.

During this time, she has been paying close attention to what happened in Xiangu Continent.

The final direction is not much different from the previous life.

The only difference is that the last life Gu Changge did not reveal the identity of the descendant of Samsara, but controlled the Guteng snake, the black sky eagle and other ethnic groups by other means.

In this life, Ye Ling died in the hands of Gu Changge, and he naturally changed this identity blatantly.

In this regard, Yue Mingkong is no surprise.

This approach is very Gu Changge.

"The descendants of the Ancestral Hall will be born soon, and their strength is unfathomable. Only some ancient freaks can match my current strength, and they cannot be their opponents."

"It seems that I have to go to the ancestral land to receive the imperial qi initiation and refine the remaining fairy spirits by the way."

Afterwards, Yue Mingkong groaned for a while, ordered down the things around him, and then set off to Wushuangxianchao's ancestral land.

Every Emperor Wushuang Immortal Dynasty has a chance to empower his emperor.

This is the inheritance method of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, and has been the foundation of Immortal for eternity.

Needless to say, the magical benefits of imperial qi empowerment, each generation has only one chance.

Yuemingkong originally planned to accept it when he kept the breakthrough holy realm.

But now that the descendant of the Ancestral Hall was born, she felt the pressure and felt the need for Ascension Cultivation Base.

Plus there are faeries given by Gu Changge.

Yue Mingkong felt that she could use refining together, otherwise she would hardly have a place in the ancient world of Tianjiao.

After unifying the various tribes of Xiangu, Gu Changge didn't take time off either. He searched all the way, but got a lot of good things.

Ancient scriptures, sentiments of former sages, supreme stone carvings. There are countless rune patterns, spiritual pills, ancient scriptures, and Divine Armament Dao Items.

Now Gu Changge's cultivation resources have reached the most abundant level so far.

The accumulation of the major ethnic groups since the ancient times is amazing, unimaginable, and even the quasi-superior is jealous.

Gu Changge also took this opportunity, and the Cultivation Base of Swallowing Immortal Magic Skill also broke through to the Sage realm in one fell swoop.

On the surface, the Celestial Immortals Cultivation Base has also broken through to the realm of the true gods. At least for now, it is enough to cover the eyes and ears.

Gu Changge knows that many people doubt his true Cultivation Base, which is definitely far more than the real gods, but what is the use of doubt? Has the ability to expose his true strength?

Moreover, Gu Changge himself doesn't care about it.

His momentum has reached the point where no one can compare to the younger generation, even if it is the descendant of the human ancestors, how can it be? Seeing him, he also bowed his eyebrows.

During this time, Gu Changge was also looking for information about the reincarnation of Renzu.

Combining some previous classics, he is speculating how likely it is to replace Renzu.

In the end, he concluded that this is unlikely, but it does not mean that it is impossible to achieve.

Before that, he needed to find where the human ancestor's reincarnation was.

But how big the upper realm is, and the lower realm is vast, how many planes of the world it encompasses? It can be called endless.

So Gu Changge didn't plan to look for them one by one. It was not realistic at all, and he found it troublesome.

This is what Gu Changge's current troubles are.

Later, he thought of two ways.

One was to provide him with clues through Yuemingkong, but let her confidant explore the whereabouts of Yuemingkong, and found that she had gone to the ancestral land and did not leave the territory of Wushuangxian Dynasty.

At present, there is another way left, to find where the reincarnation of the human ancestor is through the human ancestor hall, and then he goes to cut Hu.

But this method, because of the many difficulties, it is impossible for the human ancestor palace to be without protective means.

Maybe he will lose his wife and break down at that time, exposing the identity of the inheritor of magic power.

Judging from the current attitude of Wang Zijin, she seems to have little interest in finding the reincarnation of human ancestors. This is also true. She is a traverser, how can she be willing to be a tool person.

Therefore, Gu Changge was thinking about how to turn Wang Zijin into his tool man.

This process will not be completed in a short while.

He put aside the matter of Renzu's reincarnation first, and planned to wait for Yue Mingkong to return from the ancestral land before considering it.

In addition, during this period of time, Gu Changge once again evolved the inner world with his destiny.

On the basis of the previous, the magnificent and ancient scene of the fairy court in the myth has been constructed.

In the vast expanse of mysterious world, golden palaces are formed into pieces, Sacred Star is like a sea, billions of stars are falling down, and the chaos is endless.

The majestic atmosphere is unparalleled.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the existence of the holy realm will be suppressed, and can't help but kneel and worship under such pressure.

After all, this involves Gu Changge's next plan.

He had to make arrangements carefully, otherwise the force was not enough, he couldn't bluff people, and he couldn't attract non-food.

"Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng, it's time to find someone to try 々[.."

Thinking of this, Gu Changge set his target on Heiming of the Hei Tianying clan.

The original Young Master, who was a waste of wood, has now transformed into a shining star of the Black Sky Eagle clan, and he is powerful.

The status is second only to his Big sis Hei Yanyu.

This made Heiming Chunfeng proud, and even began to think about how to help the family break away from Sea of ​​Bitterness and out of Gu Changge's control.

He did not expect that all this was the disaster he brought to the entire group.

"I have seen the master!"

And soon, Gu Changge's figure appeared in the Black Sky Eagle Family Clan.

His arrival shocked the entire Black Skyhawk tribe. Everyone came to see the courtesy. They were anxious and didn't know what he was coming for.

"Don't be polite.

Gu Changge nodded and took a look at the training results of their family during this time.

He was still satisfied, the entire Xiangu ethnic group was under control, and he began to secretly train a terrorist force for him.

With these troops, he will fight every day in the future, and it will be considered a powerful force.

However, the purpose of his coming here is not these.

"Hey Ming is here?"

Gu Changge asked with a deep smile on his face.

"Knowing Master Heiming is here, I don't know what you want to do with him?"

An old clan's complexion changed, and he hurriedly replied, his voice changed.

Obviously, Gu Changge was terrified to the extreme.

"Bring him to see me."

Gu Changge said calmly, with his back to everyone, standing in the Great Hall.

No one could guess what he was thinking.

This kind of power makes everyone scared, trembling, like walking on thin ice.

"Heming, what's wrong with him?

Hei Yanyu's expression in the crowd changed slightly, his face turned white, thinking of some bad things, and worried that Heiming would offend Gu Changge.

Because some time ago, Heiming told her that he would find a way to save the family and get out of Gu Changge's claws.

This was what she thought of for the first time, and she felt that Gu Changge had noticed this incident and caused Heiming to kill him.

And soon, among the crowds of Hei Tianying tribesmen panicking and frightened, Hei Ming was brought up by several tribesmen.

Now he is no longer the mediocre boy who used to do nothing.

There is a kind of self-confidence and spirit that is different from others.

But Heiming's face still had some emotions such as confusion, shock, worry, and fear.

He didn't understand why Gu Changge wanted to see him suddenly.

For this young man who is in charge of the life of the entire ethnic group, Heiming is a fear from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, he also has a hatred.

Now Gu Changge suddenly wants to see him, which makes him very uneasy.

"Master, Heiming is here." A member of the Hei Tianying tribe trembled slightly.

"Well, Heiming stays, you all retreat." Gu Changge said lightly.


Soon, only Heiming and Gu Changge were left in the Great Hall.

"Owner "

Heiming spoke, forcing himself to calm down.

It's just that Gu Changge didn't seem to hear it.

He still didn't turn around.

Heiming didn't dare to speak anymore, his forehead was full of sweat, his face turned pale, and his body trembled.

"I heard that you want to unlock the slave mark of your clan

Finally, when Heiming couldn't bear it, Gu Changge finally opened his mouth.

He turned around, with a faint smile on his face.

For a while, Heiming's scalp seemed to explode.

He only thought about this in his heart, and only told Big sis Hei Yanyu.

How did Gu Changge know?

At this moment, Heiming looked desperate. He subconsciously thought that after Gu Changge understood his thoughts, he would kill him.

Under the control of Slave Yin, even if he resisted, it would be impossible for him to be easily resolved by Gu Changge, and then easily took his life.

Even the ancestors of the Quasi-Supreme Realm can't resist!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, after all, you are the one chosen by the supreme being."

And at this moment, just when Heiming was desperate, Gu Changge spoke again, with a slightly playful smile on his face.


Heiming's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked incredible and shocked.

He even heard the four words of supreme being from Gu Changge's mouth?


His head was as if hit by a giant clock, it became blank and roared!

Is it possible that Gu Changge is also a believer in the supreme existence?

Thinking of this, Heiming was even more shocked, unable to describe his emotions at the moment.

"you "

This is Heiming's biggest secret, he didn't expect to be told by Gu Changge.

And soon, Heiming also figured it out.

No wonder he always had a familiar breath in Gu Changge before, it turns out that he is also a supreme being!

"The supreme existence let me tell you that everything can be achieved as long as you are sincere.

"The one who recites his true name, immortality can be seen in Samsara!'

Gu Changge looked at Heiming with a shocked face, and the corner of his mouth smiled deeper.

After all, it involves the connection of the inner world. To fool with the supreme existence, obviously the effect will be better.

It is enough for the supreme being to show up once. If you show up often, wouldn't it be too compelling.

So he needs to be such a spokesperson, who would think that the real supreme existence is actually him?

As for what identity is supreme being?

This is actually not important, true immortal? Lord god? Immortal king? Or the indescribable Xiantian god?

Too much too much

Of course, in this process, Gu Changge uses the destiny as the medium to construct the access channel.

After all, destiny is omnipotent in the system mall and the inner world.

In fact, it does not need to spend a lot of Mandate Points to construct the access channel.

The most important thing is the actual strength of the receiver and the problem of space distance.

Obviously, the consumption will be a lot.

It's just this consumption, Gu Changge doesn't plan to do it by himself.

For any creature, if you want to see the legendary "~Supreme Existence", you must first believe in him.

Gu Changge can completely flip his hands and feet in this. When the creatures recite his real name, he knows and judges its position according to the place of faith.

Through this method, he can know how many popular luck points are.

Because of the amount of luck, it determines how Gu Changge will harvest.

As for how does faith come from?

This is not simple. It spreads to the heavens and domains through the Marriage Yixian Jue, and uses itself as a net to snare all the planes and the lower realms.

As long as they cultivate the Cultivation Technique of the wedding dress, these creatures are all believers of "Supreme Existence".

"The so-called belief is just a statement, it is only equivalent to a line, a line of life that can be controlled by me

Gu Changge had already thought of a plan.

So he planned to experiment with Heiming first.

At this moment, when Hearing Gu Changge's words, Heming suddenly reacted.

The expression became extremely excited and excited, sweeping away the previous depression.

Sure enough, the last time he saw the supreme being was completely accidental.

If you want to see the supreme being on weekdays, you have to read his real name.

"Nowadays, supreme being has given you a task.

"Within three months, find 30 devout believers for the supreme existence."

"When you say the real name of Supreme Being, you can see Him.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and began to issue the first any for Heiming.

As for whether it can be completed, it doesn't matter.

He just experimented first.

He doesn't care how Heiming wants to complete it. If he can't even do this, then this chess piece will not be used anymore.

"I see, please rest assured, I will complete the task of supreme existence!"

Hei Ming said with excitement and enthusiasm.

Gu Changge (good) nodded, and then took a step, the emptiness disappeared here.

If this experiment goes well, he can start the second step of the plan.

"Absolute Yin is coming, the ancestors are now"

Gu Changge has a deep expression on his face. For the world, absolutely cloudy sky is a great horror to avoid, but in the eyes of Gu Changge, it is a great opportunity and good fortune.

Then, after leaving Celestial Immortals, Gu Changge returned to the Celestial Immortals Palace to digest and absorb the various gains during this period of time.

It had already breakthrough to the strength of the Sage realm. After devouring several physical origins, it became stable again.

In addition, Gu Changge had four extra bones all over his body, totaling thirteen.

During this time, he exchanged his luck points.

Being detached from the body, the control of the rules of heaven and earth and many Taoist origins is obviously higher.

With many methods in hand, Gu Changge does not need to be afraid of the existence of the Great Sacred Realm.

And time passed quickly.

Except that Gu Xian'er would run to the foot of the mountain from time to time to provoke one or two.

As a result, Gu Changge was indifferent and ignored.

Everything was calm.

But Gu Nanshan hunted all the way to the depths of the Sea King Palace, and finally forced the Sea King Palace to seal the sea. Within 100,000 years, the sea clan creatures were not allowed to leave the Boundless Sea.

This incident caused a huge sensation. At that time, even more people witnessed that a black sword light penetrated the sky and the earth, smashing from an unknown distance, shocking all directions.

A peak powerhouse of the Sea King's Palace was hit hard by the sword light.

Some people say that this sword light was cut out by an ancestor of the Gu family.

But more people think that it comes from a mysterious strong man.

"It seems that the master behind Gu Xian'er has made the shot."

Suspect, Gu Changge was not surprised when he learned of this.

At this moment, there is also a letter from the Changsheng Gu family in his hand, which is quietly unfolding.

"Mother's birthday feast, let me take Gu Xian'er back."

Gu Changge looked calm and scanned the content above.

Then, his eyes couldn't help narrowing.

In his opinion, this is an opportunity.

A good opportunity to get in touch with Tao Village behind Gu Xian'er by the way.

At the same time, it will be a brilliant start for Gu Xian'er to pave the way for the tragedy for so long. Extension,