Chapter 221

The menacing and terrifying black wind bandit, in front of this upper immortal, just waved his hand and wiped it from the sky and the earth.

This kind of terrorism made the villagers of Beishan Village knelt on the ground in awe as they saw a miracle.

The words are all grateful to Gu Changge.

And Gu Changge just did a small thing casually, looking indifferent.

The rules of heaven and earth are under his palm, like a toy, which can be changed and reversed at any time.

"Shangxian is so strong"

Eyes are open every day, full of shock.

This is the first time she has seen this method, and it has exceeded her concept of cultivator.

Can the cultivator be as powerful as this?

The cultivator who took away the Big Brother that day, in her eyes, is already an extremely powerful existence, roaring to smash the mountains and rivers, blood rushing through the sky.

But in front of Shangxian, it seemed that he didn't even have the qualifications to compare.

"At this time, do you still call me Shangxian?"

Gu Changge smiled and looked at her.

"Teacher, Master."

Hearing this, Tiantian's words suddenly stuttered and trembled.

Then, seriously and respectfully paid an apprenticeship to Gu Changge.

After all, she is still a little girl, after this life-and-death crisis is lifted.

The whole person's mind was relaxed.

At first she didn't know why, where her courage stood in front of Granny Yinhua.

And others are afraid of the mysterious master in front of them.

Only she feels natural, without the troubling coercion.

Especially when she suddenly appeared in a crisis, she saved her life and said that she would be accepted as a disciple.

It's like being in the darkness, breaking through all the rays of light!

Such a surprise came too suddenly.

Tian Tian's little head is a little dizzy.

She even felt the Jiang Mu from her mother-in-law!

"Really a well-behaved and sensible little girl, the more I look at it, the more I like it as a teacher. Fortunately, at the time, she came to Tianyu on a whim."

"Otherwise, I really regret it."

Gu Changge smiled, and in words, he said a little bit of fortune, as if he was afraid of missing such a good disciple.

Of course, this is somewhat true and false, and only he himself knows.


Hearing Gu Changge's words like this, joy and joy appeared in every day's eyes.

At a young age, you can hear true feelings and falsehoods.

In her eyes, although Gu Changge's face was very vague, it was hidden by a layer of fairy fog, and it was not real.

But in his eyes, there was a natural and gentle look.

It was completely different from the image of aloof indifference she heard in the rumors.

"Having the heart of a child, pure and flawless."

"Such a good fairy jade, covered in dust here, is indeed a misfortune in this world."

Gu Changge smiled slightly and reached out to touch her head.

At this time, he could naturally guess what Tiantian was thinking.

After all, she is the daughter of luck, young and precocious.

Even if he didn't make a move just now, it is estimated that the nine masters of the black wind bandits would not have hurt Tian Tian.

Gu Changge had a very clear perception just now, and a horrible breath suddenly burst out from the center of his eyebrows every day.

That kind of breath can be called earth-shattering and can destroy everything.

Although it was only a flash, it disappeared soon.

But once that kind of power erupts, let alone a small black wind bandit, even the entire universe might be overthrown.

However, after his appearance, these 24 terrorist forces quickly disappeared.

According to Gu Changge's well-known plots and routines, this is probably the Tao fruit of the mysterious peach tree!

So no matter what, he must control this fruit in his own hands.

He has never been interested in teaching people, but this time for convenience, he intends to show up as a master.

He even arranged such a heroic rescue routine to get a good impression first.

Otherwise, this girl, I'm afraid he still doesn't want to go with him.

On the other hand, Tiantian is the Little Sister of the reincarnation of the ancestors of this world.

To deal with Renzu's reincarnation, the best way now is to start with her.

"Master, is Tiantian really as powerful as you said?"

Listening to Gu Changge boasting about himself so much, Tian Tian's small face is also shy.

Although she recognized the Master, she and Gu Changge are not very familiar with each other, and it is difficult to show a very natural look.

Gu Changge knows this naturally, so he is not in a hurry.

Although this drama of the hero saving the United States is very old-fashioned, even he himself feels that his acting is a bit awkward.

But he thinks it's worth it to get the bait every day.

After all, this is just an innocent little girl.

No matter how much she knows, it is impossible for her to know that Gu Changge arranged all this.

The others didn't even dare to doubt, they only had a godly attitude towards Gu Changge!

"Every day is really lucky, I said she has great luck, and she can turn the bad into the good at any time, and turn the crisis into peace.

Even the silver flower mother-in-law who is the only cultivator in this place is full of excitement and joy.

She was even a little envious.

Everyday's good luck is completely beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Can be regarded as an apprentice by this unfathomable and powerful immortal.

Far better than what was taken away by Xianlun Sacred Land thousands of times.

Even Big Brother every day, it is impossible for her to have such a good future!

As for suspecting Gu Changge's other purpose?

She didn't even think about it.

Not to mention that with Gu Changge's strength, it is absolutely easy to take Tian Tian away, no one can stop it, and it can even be done without her noticing it.

How could he be so exhausted.

With Gu Changge's identity and strength, there are definitely too many cultivators who want to worship him as a teacher.

"Yeah, you are actually very good.

At this moment, listening to her question, Gu Changge couldn't help but smiled and said, seemingly a pun.

After all, he waved his sleeves.

A burst of clear light flickered in front of me.


The mud stains on Tiantian's face seemed to have been washed by a clear spring, revealing a clean, white face.

The features are exquisite and flawless, and the eyes are as dark as jade.

The skin is delicate and white, shiny and beautiful, like a porcelain doll.

Although it is very old and has many stitches, it is still difficult to conceal an amazing fairy charm.

As if it were the most perfect masterpiece of heaven.

Thanks to Granny Yinhua, who concealed her on weekdays.

Otherwise, as long as she is a discerning person, she can perceive the extraordinary in her.


Tian Tian was blushing, a little shy.

It's still rare to grow up like this and show your true face in front of people.

Even before her Big Brother had not taken away, her face was still covered with mud.

This scene stunned all the villagers in Beishan Village and called the little fairy to come down.

No wonder she is valued by this god, because she is not a mortal herself.

This kind of temperament, dusty but without dirt, and natural beauty, can it be what ordinary people can have?

"Do not worry."

"In the future, in front of the teacher, there is no need to cover up. No one dares to hit your idea." Gu Changge touched her head and said with a slight smile.

Although she is a little girl, she definitely loves beauty, and she doesn't want to muddy her face all day long.

Gu Changge prides himself on controlling their thoughts very well.

"Yeah, listen to Master every day." Everyday nodded obediently.

There was joy in his big eyes.

As Gu Changge guessed, she actually didn't like this, and smeared the mud on her face.

How can a girl not love beauty?


At this moment, Gu Changge's sleeves flicked suddenly.

In the void in front of him, bursts of bright fairy light suddenly appeared, extremely dazzling.

Pieces of exquisite and gorgeous fairy clothes and treasures, colorful fairy skirts, radiant and colorful, intertwined with various runes and chains of rules and order.

In the void, manifestation appeared, filled with a frightening atmosphere.

Judging from the appearance, these things are absolutely god clothes far beyond what the world can see.

It's so valuable, it's hard to find the second one in the world.

Not to mention the gorgeous accessories of each piece of fairy clothes and god armor, all kinds of immortal stones, bracelets, earrings, etc., it is really dazzling.

Granny Yinhua's eyes went straight for the first time, and she suddenly sucked in air-conditioning in her heart.

She has never seen these things.

The aura circulating on every piece of fairy clothes is extremely terrifying, as if it can easily crush everything.

Even a small earring, there are many runes flickering, hanging down a silky breath of law.

This horrible handwriting is really shocking!

Except for this celestial being, I am afraid that no one in the Tianchen Realm can take it out, right?


Every day, she stared at her for a while, seeing this, is it for her to choose?

She couldn't help showing joy in her eyes. For the first time in her life, she saw such gorgeous and exquisite clothes and accessories, which were embroidered like the brilliance of the Sun, Moon and Star.

Her eyes are dazzling, it's all about love and happiness.

"It's all for you."

Gu Changge smiled.

When I was in Daotian Ancient City, many clothes that Gu Xian'er liked but couldn't wear after buying them all threw them to him.

At that time, Gu Xian'er chose the most expensive and most beautiful in order to make him bleed.

It just so happened that these things came in handy today.

Others who accept apprentices usually give the treasure Cultivation Technique as a meeting gift, but Gu Changge thinks that these things might be liked more every day.

Moreover, there is no shortage of things like Cultivation Technique, as much as he wants.

After all, the wealth is rich!

He doesn't know how to teach apprentices, but he can train apprentices!

Not to mention Tiantian's simple and naive personality, even the rest of the people, under this kind of offensive, I am afraid that they will be dizzy and quickly fall.

"All for Tiantian?"

Hearing that, Tian Tian was a bit disgusted, and there was some confusion and shock in his eyes.

Suddenly became a bit at a loss.

I thought Master asked her to pick one or a few of them, but I didn't expect it to be all for her.

She could also see that these fairy clothes accessories are extraordinary and invaluable.

If placed in other places, I'm afraid it will set off a cultivator scramble and cause a bloody storm.

"Yeah, it's all for you." Gu Changge smiled, waved his hand casually, and flashed cash in front of his eyes again.

Many sacred artifacts, Magic Treasures, elixir of magical medicine, and the remains of ancient books are manifested in the void.

It's like a walking treasure house of the great religion, and the resources are too numerous to count.

Even the quasi-supreme will be greedy, and it can't compare to Gu Changge's many wealth!

"this "

Granny Yinhua was going to be silly, especially when she saw the sacred artifacts up and down, her eyes would pop out.

She didn't read it wrong, the sacred artifacts in it were not one or two, but hundreds of them!

Hundreds of sacred artifacts? What is this concept?

Just take it casually? It shows something like this.

What kind of terrifying force is behind this Shangxian? Her scalp is numb, and her spirits are trembling.

What kind of terrifying master does Tian Tian worship?

"Why should Master be so good to Tiantian… Her eyes suddenly became a bit moist."

In addition to grandma and Big Brother, he was the third person who treated her so well.

She was embarrassed to accept so many good things that she had just met.

"Silly girl, you have to know that in this world, sometimes the master is someone who is closer to your relatives."

Gu Changge looked a little moved when he heard the words, then sighed lightly and touched her head.

The expression was gentle, and he smiled without saying a word.

"Anyone who is closer than their relatives?" Tiantian whispered this sentence.

Afterwards, under Gu Changge's insistence, he accepted some meeting gifts every day, but he refused to ask for too many things.

Very sensible at a young age.

This point made Gu Changge very satisfied. How could he refuse to be an ordinary person.

He himself is not interested in such a little girl.

If it weren't for the reincarnation of Renzu, by the way, he brushed his fate and luck, he wouldn't be lazy to waste so much effort.

It's just that Tiantian itself is also very well-behaved.

Gu Changge felt that it was not a problem to cultivate such a young apprentice while developing Gu Xian'er.

It was really fragrant.

Is this the first apprentice in his life as Gu Changge?


Gu Changge thought of this, and suddenly felt a movement in his heart, like an unknown corner, cracking a gap.

He faintly felt some fuzzy pictures, emerging from the depths of his mind or body.

A figure dressed in red like blood, murderous and powerful.

In the end, he was knocked down and penetrated by a magic halberd, and fell into the bottomless magic abyss.

The picture was very vague. When he remembered the sentence just now, it suddenly appeared, and it was fleeting.

"Since that Nirvana Pool, I can always see some pictures vaguely. Is it a memory of self-styled when I didn't know it? Or a memory of a past life?"

Gu Changge frowned secretly.

In fact, he had already sensed this state recently, just like his current inheritance of Swallowing Immortal Skill.

Except for him, it is estimated that no one would have thought that this part of the inheritance came to him naturally when he was three years old.

It was not who taught him.

In other words, this is the seal breaking on its own, and some memories and inheritance reappear.

This method is the same as Gu Changge's own action, fearing that his identity will be exposed, and sealing his magical memory.

And now, the memories of these seals are beginning to emerge.

"Could it be that Tian Tian is not my first apprentice?"

Gu Changge faintly felt this part of the memory, as if he was reminding him that the next son of luck is coming.

But soon, he abandoned these thoughts and no longer cared about them.

The most urgent task at the moment is to first consider solving the matter of the ancestors before we talk about it.

Then things became simpler.

Gu Changge waited with his eyes closed in Beishan Village.

On the other side, with the help of Granny Yinhua, she dressed up and changed into new clothes every day, and appeared in front of him again.

Compared with her worn-out dress before, she is completely new.

The fairy charm is beautiful, the fairy bones and the fairy posture, as if there are endless Taoist rhymes, all gathered into her body.

Against the backdrop of an expensive and gorgeous colorful fairy dress, the hair is soft and dusty, just like a little fairy on Nine Heavens.

This makes Gu Changge have to admit that she is indeed the daughter of luck. As the Tao fruit of the mysterious peach tree, this kind of temperament is unmatched.

"But if I guess right, the next normal routine should be that every day you can't actually cultivate

"As Dao Guo, she herself contains extremely terrifying power, but she can't use it on her own.

"But it doesn't matter, it saves me the effort of teaching, just keep it."

"Speaking of which, it will not be the time when my master shows care."

Many thoughts flashed through Gu Changge's mind, but a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Every day, since today, leave here as a teacher? How about?"

"Yeah, listen to Master every day." Nodding every day.

Although she and Beishan Village are very affectionate, she also knows that it is impossible for Gu Changge to stay here with her.

"But Master, can mother-in-law leave with us?"

Tian Tian asked tentatively with expectation on his face.

She was very dissatisfied with Granny Yinhua, but she was not sure whether Gu Changge would agree to take her and leave with her.

"For the sake of raising Tiantian for so many years, why not bring it.

Gu Changge smiled, and Tian Tian was very surprised by what he said. I didn't expect Master to agree so quickly and decisively.

"Thank you, Master!" She obediently said.

"Thank you God!" Granny Yinhua also said with a look of excitement and gratitude.

Thanks to the blessing of every day, otherwise she would not have such a good blessing.

Now her Cultivation Base is exposed. If she doesn't leave, her enemy will be found soon.

In this respect, following Gu Changge is definitely the best choice.

Of course, she didn't know that Gu Changge kept her, but there are other functions.

Afterwards, Gu Changge took the two of them and left Beishan Village, intending to find an ancient city in the universe, first to find a good foothold.

On the other hand, as a master, he must do his duty as a master every day at this time.

Transfer power, boil the body, and build the foundation. Anyway, the process that should be followed has to be repeated.

And soon, in the next period of time, horror rumors began to appear in the various restricted areas and sacred mountains of Tianyu, which caused a sensation on all parties.

A white-clothed man, with a little girl, an old Ji, and a servant, went straight to the forbidden areas and ancient sacred mountains. As if entering the land of no one, he came to ask for all kinds of sacred medicines for the blood of gods.

Even a forbidden area owner who has lived for more than 100,000 years and has reached the Holy Land of Cultivation Base.

The most precious single horn was cut off by the white-clothed man with a sword. He wanted to take the rarest Blood Essence among them to refine the foundation for the little girl.

Even the Holy Mountain, who was sitting in the Most Holy Realm, refused to accept it. As a result, the servant of the man in white was wiped from the world with one palm, which caused a sensation in the entire universe and aroused all kinds of discussions.

All kinds of horror rumors have made many sacred mountains and restricted areas that are used to be uneasy on weekdays, for fear of when it will be their turn!

These news shocked countless cultivators and creatures to the extreme.

Many people speculate that the immortal who appeared in the profound domain has come to the heaven!

And the identity of that little girl shocked countless cultivators and forces, and there were all kinds of speculations.

At the same time, the master of the black wind bandit with a cold sweat on his face listened to the reports of the other masters.

What happened in Beishan Village not only shook them, but even the forces in other places had heard of it.

The immortal descended that day, and all the bandits in the raised hands were erased from the heavens and the earth.

Such immortal relics were even more shocking under the personal statements of the villagers in Beishan Village, which caused many forces to quietly send people to investigate.

Today's Beishan Village is different from the past, although it is full of mortals without Cultivation Base.

But no force dared to provoke.

Because the cultivator speculated that the little girl next to Shangxian was 427 who walked out of Beishan Village!

Even the villagers of Beishan Village seem to have a relationship with that Shangxian.

Even some Sacred Land disciples didn't dare to offend them too much when they saw them!

"Master, do we still avenge this grudge?"

A third master next to him asked with a solemn expression.

But before he could finish his words, he slapped the master in the face.

"Take revenge? Tell me a fart? Just remember it for me, don't ask me about Beishan Village, don't mention a word, don't you think you don't know it?"

The big master said with a fierce face, but only now he knew that his back was all wet with cold sweat.

That celestial being is definitely the mysterious lord who suddenly appeared during that time!

On this point, the master is convinced.

He didn't know why the Shangxian had to arrange the arrangement in this way, but it would be fine if he knew this kind of thing and rotted in his stomach.

He is a wise man, the immortal, who did not take action to erase the entire black wind bandit, is the greatest gift!

Or tell him what to do.


Thinking of this, the master is more determined, and he directly started, and forcibly cut off his own memory about that part!

At this time, no one knew except for the upper immortal that the black wind bandits suddenly wanted to slaughter the village was arranged by him alone.

No one can track down the truth here anymore.

On the other side, Gu Changge took Tian Tian to travel around the universe, looking for some precious blood gods for her to exercise.

One side also learned a lot about her and her Big Brother.

Of course, these things have to be talked about by accidentally picking up a baby by the river after Granny Yinhua lived in seclusion.

Granny Yinhua was also a disciple of a very strong Sacred Land back then, with a good talent.

But for some reason, the Sacred Land she was in declined rapidly, and after meeting the enemy, it fell apart.

Gu Changge is not interested in this.

If it were son of luck, maybe she would help Granny Yinhua recover Sacred Land or something.

But for him, there is no benefit in doing so.

And the baby that Yinhua's mother-in-law picked up was naturally Tiantian's Big Brother, which is the reincarnation of today's ancestor, Jiang Yang.

From this point of view, Jiang Yang may have some bitter and feuding background behind him, because he was abandoned by his parents because of the last resort.

Gu Changge is not interested in understanding.

The name Jiang Yang is different from the usual Son of Luck.

Without dust, Fan, Wu and the like, Gu Changge was a little surprised, but it made sense.

Son of luck like this kind of Samsara boss is not comparable to that kind of crap.

This kind of start is high, the identity background is strong, it is estimated that even the state of mind is also a few streets away from the ordinary son of luck.

Gu Changge didn't find it challenging either.

After all, there is no upper bound orthodoxy to intervene here.

In Tianchen Realm, he doesn't say that he only covers the sky with his hand, but in fact it is not much worse.

Now that the identity of Renzu's reincarnation is confirmed, everything is easy.

Strangle the reincarnation body of human ancestors in the bud.

By the way, squeeze all the luck points on him.

This is Gu Changge's next purpose and plan.

From the words of Granny Yinhua, Gu Changge even knew that Renzu's reincarnation was taken away by the cultivator of Xianlun Sacred Land more than a year ago to practice. Since then, there has been no news.

Xianlun Sacred Land, the ancestor is Xianlun Supreme.

This surprised Gu Changge.

Judging from the barriers of the Tianchen Realm, at most the Great Sacred Realm exists. If you want to become the quasi-sovereign, you need some luck or chance.

Or self-styled for many years, a breakthrough.

The ancestor of this Xianlun Sacred Land, turned out to be the supreme.

This only shows that he is not a creature born in this realm, maybe it is also possible to come from the upper realm.

In addition, the reincarnated human ancestor is now practicing in Xianlun Sacred Land, but I don't know how much Samsara's memory about him has been awakened.

"The better thing is called Samsara's awakening, and the worse thing is no different from seizing the house. Swallowing takes over the original consciousness, thus letting the previous memory dominate."

Gu Changge smiled deeply.

To deal with this kind of son of luck, you are already familiar with it, so naturally it is easy to catch it.

He had actually thought about how to plan.

Tiantian and Yinhua mother-in-law, as the relatives of the reincarnation of the ancestors of this world, are naturally the key and weakness.

On the other hand, apart from Gu Changge, no one knows the true identity of the reincarnation of Daoist ancestor.

I don't even know every day. .