Chapter 223

Outside the gate of Sacred Land in Xianlun.

Clouds and mists are encircling and magnificent.

Gu Changge took Tiantian and traveled all the way, and finally came here.

During this period, he was serious about becoming a master, and he couldn't say how caring he was, but he still performed his duties and made it impossible for people to find out what was wrong.

Although Tian Tian can't be cultivated, it doesn't matter.

He, a cheap master, took her all the way, leaving footprints in vast mountains and rivers, magnificent mountains and rivers, and ancient gods.

At the same time, let Tiantian understand a truth. Although she can't practice, no one can bully her with her own master.

Gu Changge also took her around the ancient forbidden area and the ancient mountain.

The little girl is very sticky to him now, saying that Master is the best person to her.

Even the mother-in-law Yinhua who followed, had a lot of light and gained a lot of insights, and she admired Tiantian's beauty very much.

With Gu Changge's intentional care, Tiantian now almost regards him as his closest person.

It even feels that Big Brother is not like Master, and treats her with great care.

However, after all, her Big Brother has been dependent on her and her mother-in-law for so many years, and her position in her heart is still very important.

Gu Changge knows this too, so he is not in a hurry.

At this moment, he raised his eyes and looked at the ancient Sacred Land in Kampongji.

To be honest, Xianlun Sacred Land's luck is changing at a strange speed in his opinion.

There is an elephant of Tamron, but some time ago, he felt that the luck here was fading.

But in a blink of an eye, the recovery began.

This change can only show that what Xianlun Sacred Land has done has begun to conform to the changes of heaven.

"Is it because of the reincarnation of the human ancestor that caused this change? It seems that the reincarnation of the human ancestor is not just as simple as the son of luck, but is also the world of Tianchen Realm?"

Various thoughts flashed in Gu Changge's mind.

He is standing here, long and fuzzy, as if standing in the other world.

A moon-white robe, wide sleeves, fluttering hair, fairy darts.

The face is blurred, and Transcendent is more refined, and people can't help but give birth to a sense of worship.

"Return to the immortal, I have sent someone to report."

Looking at him, all the disciples of Xianlun Sacred Land in front of him were stammering, their voices trembling.

He could even lose his footing.

None of them expected that the terrifying immortal in today's rumors of the domain would actually visit the gate in person today and come to the gate of the Sacred Land mountain in Xianlun.

This makes them shocked, shocked, worried, and frightened. They have all kinds of emotions and are very complicated.

Because during this period of time, many restricted areas and ancient sacred mountains were taken away by the Shangxian, asking for a lot of good things, and those who were dissatisfied were wiped out by his palm.

The end is domineering and boundless.

In the Lingxu Mountain, there are several ancient existences in the Supreme Holy Realm, and they have launched several dark turmoil, which has made countless forces and creatures jealous.

But it was also destroyed by this celestial being.

Now that he brought this little girl to Sacred Land in Xianlun, is it because he was playing their idea?

This made them horrified, and felt that their gates could not stop the immortal at all.

Unless the strongest means left by the Patriarch awakens.

"What's the matter? When I got here, I was a little worried?"

At this moment, Gu Changge suddenly spoke and asked with a smile.

I didn't care about the crowd of Xianlun Sacred Land disciples in front of him.

He was asking Tian Tian next to him, feeling that her little hand was a little cold at the moment.

Of course, this question is knowingly.

On the way, in fact, he deliberately asked, especially some Xianlun Sacred Land disciples.

I did ask some news about the Big Brother Tiantian.

Jiang Yang.

Nowadays, his status in Sacred Land in Xianlun is not trivial, even the Saint Child and Holy Maiden are inferior.

This is different from Tiantian's guess. Her Big Brother is doing well, without any trouble or difficulty.

As for why he didn't choose Yi 427 Jin to return home to visit Tian Tian and her mother-in-law.

This reason is not important anymore.

Or maybe it is because we forget them, we can't share the wealth and honor.

Or maybe it's really too busy to spare time

During this process, Gu Changge already felt that some aura was disappearing from the human ancestor's reincarnation body, and then gathered on him.

And the prompt of the system also made him feel that his own guess was not wrong.

Under his various hints, Tian Tian was indeed her Big Brother, and was a little disappointed.

Even the Yinhua mother-in-law who had always known Jiang Yang sighed, feeling that Jiang Yang had changed, and was a little disappointed in him.

"Master, do you think Big Brother has forgotten Tiantian and Granny?" Tiantian asked Gu Changge softly.

"Why did he forget you? He should be practicing and can't spare time to see you."

Gu Changge touched her head, with a gentle expression, and said comfortingly.

"Master, please don't comfort Tiantian. Before, Big Brother would not be like this. He has changed."

Tiantian's voice is a little sluggish.

The mother-in-law used to tell her that people's hearts are unpredictable, and no one knows what will happen over time.

Compared with the mortal world, the cultivation world has too many temptations.

During this time, Gu Changge took her to see all kinds of prosperous and magnificent, so that she couldn't help but yearn for her at a young age.

It is understandable that her Big Brother would be addicted to these prosperous scenes.

However, Tiantian still hopes to see him in person and get an answer, and then she may leave with the master.

Master has been with her for a long time, and can no longer let Master bother.

"It seems that the memory of Renzu's reincarnation is indeed awakened, otherwise it shouldn't be the case."

"I thought it needed me to plan again, but I didn't expect it to be that simple."

Seeing Tiantian's expression, Gu Changge couldn't help laughing in his heart, thinking so.

But there was nothing unusual in his face.



And soon, among the mountains ahead, the rainbow soared into the sky, and several tyrannical auras began to come.

The person headed is the current Holy Lord of Xianlun, with a stalwart body and a strong breath, with many Elders behind him.

Majestic, shocking and shocked, came to greet Gu Changge.

"I'll wait to see the immortal!"

"It's really an honour for my sect to be here in person! It makes my sect alive!"

"If there is any negligence, I hope the immortal is magnanimous, don't be offended!"

"I just don't know why the immortal descended to my sect?"

Before people arrived, there were voices of respect, Luo Mei, and kindness from far away.

Outside of the Xianlun Sacred Land, many unexplained cultivators stared in shock, watching this scene, completely unaware of what happened.

But Mother Yinhua and Tiantian were already familiar with this scene, and they were not surprised at all.

During this time, Gu Changge took them, no matter where they went, it was like this.

Regardless of how noble cultivator the local identities were, they almost fell on their knees to greet them.

"Let's go and meet your Big Brother.

Gu Changge took Tiantian's little hand and waved his robe.

The many rune formations in front of her all disappeared from under her feet, leading her to walk into it.

He didn't care about the people in Xianlun Sacred Land in front of him.

After all, being a celestial being, not every cat or dog should take care of it.

A group of Sacred Land Elders looked at Gu Changge with wry expressions. Although they were in their territory, no one dared to stop them.

"I don't know the god…"

The Holy Lord of Xianlun is the Sage Realm Cultivation Base. After reacting to several changes in his complexion, he wanted to inquire.

"The deity wants to meet a man named Jiang Yang.

Gu Changge glanced at him and spoke lightly.

Jiang Yang?!

How could it be Jiang Yang?

What's so peculiar about him? He actually attracted the immortal to call his name in person?

Hearing this, all the Sacred Land Elder, including the Holy Lord of Xianlun, had their heads banged, and their eyes widened in shock.

"This is the little girl I saw in that small village."

However, the blue ghost recognized Tiantian, which was completely different from the muddy face at the beginning, but the breath would not change.

"Could it be that this celestial being came to Xianlun Sacred Land because of this little girl?'

"I was really blind at the beginning! I didn't even notice that there was something weird about this little girl.

Thinking of this, Qing Gui's eyes widened, and he sighed in his heart.

Speaking of which, the disciple named Jiang Yang is the Big Brother of this little girl!

How could his luck be so good? Not only is he valued by a lot of old antiques, but now his Little Sister has also met such a terrifying fairy.

With this level of relationship, wouldn't he be able to talk to this superior immortal, or even get into a relationship?

This makes Qing Gui extremely beautiful and jealous.

When he noticed Qing Gui's expression, Xianlun Holy Lord's expression moved and glanced at him.

Qing Gui also understood, and quickly understood, and hurriedly informed Yu Xianlun Holy Lord about the origin of Jiang Yang and the immortal in front of him.

"There is still this relationship?"

The Holy Lord of Xianlun was overjoyed when he heard this. He didn't expect the little girl beside Gu Changge to have this relationship with Jiang Yang. It was her Little Sister.

Isn't this Sacred Land?

"Jiang Yang is now cultivating in Sacred Land, and he is highly regarded by the ancestors. Whether it is aptitude or talent, he is hard to find among billions of talents."

"I am afraid that it will not be long before Jiang Yang will succeed me as the next Holy Lord of Sacred Land in Xianlun and lead me to glory in Sacred Land.

At the moment, the Holy Lord of Xianlun spoke respectfully, guided Gu Changge, and headed into the mountain gate.

At this time, he naturally had to find ways to say that Jiang Yang had lived very well in Xianlun Sacred Land, and his status was above tens of thousands.

As for the matter of throwing Jiang Yang as a coolie some time ago, he didn't dare to mention it.

"Oh, is it so?"

Gu Changge nodded his head calmly, his eyes grew deeper, making people unable to feel his joy or anger.

But Tiantian on the side felt like Master Own, which seemed a little angry at this moment.

This made her a little sad, and her mood suddenly improved a lot.

Tiantian felt that Master was a little angry at her Big Brother's actions because of hearing these words from the Holy Lord of Xianlun.

Although Big Brother doesn't care about her and her mother-in-law, she still has her master caring about her now!

"Yes, Shangxian doesn't know anything. During this time, Jiang Yang inspired the phantom of our Xianlun Sacred Land ancestor, indicating that his talent has been recognized by the ancestor.

"Jiang Yang is so talented, how could we not see it? The most resources must be devoted to him."

And the Holy Lord of Xianlun at this moment, did not know Gu Changge's thoughts, and was still talking to himself.

Mention how good Jiang Yang has been in Xianlun Sacred Land now.

After all, he didn't know that Gu Changge came with Tian Tian's purpose, and subconsciously thought Tian Tian was the Big Brother who came to visit her.

"It seems that Jiang Yang has had a good life."

Gu Changge nodded and said lightly, even though his face was calm at this time.

But he was already laughing in his heart, and he almost couldn't cast admiring eyes on the Holy Lord of Xianlun.

He was a smart guy, and he probably didn't know the counter-effects of his words.

However, this wave of assists really came in time for Gu Changge.

It just so happened to save him some effort to sow discord.

Tiantian is actually very important to his relatives.

Her Big Brother had a good time in Xianlun Sacred Land, and she said she would come back to visit her and her mother-in-law.

But Jiang Yang didn't do it. Instead, it seemed to forget and abandon the two of them.

This made her feel sad.

Now the words of the Holy Lord of Xianlun are tantamount to sprinkling salt on the wound, which further confirms her previous speculations.

In addition, Gu Changge hinted and added to the flames with various words from time to time.

It makes sense to think so every day.

"Then you have mentioned from Jiang Yang about his Little Sister?"

At this time, Gu Changge looked at the Holy Lord of Xianlun, and asked inexplicably at the corner of his mouth.

The Holy Lord of Xianlun was taken aback when he heard the words. Gu Changge's eyes made his back feel cold, and he broke into cold sweat. He didn't understand why Gu Changge asked so suddenly.

He himself is not very clear about this kind of thing.

What I answered just now is indeed true.

But Gu Changge can't answer this question now. Who knows what the consequences are?

Before, he didn't know that there was such a disciple as Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang had something about Little Sister, and he only knew that Qing Gui told him just now.

For a moment, the expression of the Holy Lord of Xianlun was a bit silly, so he didn't answer, for fear of saying the wrong thing.

And this silent scene fell in Tiantian's eyes, making her face white.

In her opinion, this silence is the denial of the Holy Lord of Xianlun. Her Big Brother has not mentioned her as Little Sister in Sacred Land of Xianlun.

As for the reason?

Cedh (cedh) is afraid that she dislikes her and her mother-in-law's humble background.

"Ding, the Big Brother status in Tiantian's heart has declined, Samsara's son of luck, Jiang Yang's luck is impaired, he gets 6,000 luck points, and his destiny is 30,000.

"Ding, the family's fissure expanded, Samsara flowed son of luck, Jiang Yang's air luck was damaged, he gained 500 air luck points, and his destiny was 2,500."

At this time, the prompt sound of the system made Gu Changge's eyes narrowed slightly and his expression became deeper.

The reaction of the Holy Lord of Xianlun was in his expectation.

This large amount of luck points and destiny value made him feel that the key really lies with Tiantian and Granny Yinhua.

After all, both of them are Jiang Yang's relatives, which have extraordinary significance to him.

Especially Tiantian itself is the supreme existence in a certain sense.

Daoguo is so mysterious that no one can tell exactly what it is.

Maybe one day when he suddenly wakes up every day, he will be able to have the power at his peak in an instant.

You must know that in Tao Village in the Land of Immortal Abandonment, there is definitely something wrong with that peach tree.

But Cultivation Base is still earth-shattering.

It can be seen how terrifying it was at its peak.

Gu Changge felt that the strength of that peach tree might surpass the real fairy.

Judging by the trust Tian Tian now places in him and Gu Xian'er's current attitude, it is very likely that the peach tree will be used by him.

"From the perspective of routines, Jiang Yang should have something unspeakable, otherwise he won't let his own relatives be in danger. It's just that this unspeakable hiding can't be known to every day."

"The first misunderstanding, and then the misunderstanding is solved, it becomes even more troublesome."

"But since it's a misunderstanding, just let the misunderstanding go on. She doesn't need to know this every day."

For a moment, Gu Changge's eyes became darker.

But on the other hand, this person's ancestor reincarnated as a leek, really fat.

From the perspective of luck, it has surpassed any son of luck that Gu Changge has encountered in the past.

After harvesting the reincarnation of Renzu, he can start to consider things that are absolutely cloudy.

After all, the destiny value can be omnipotent, and he can completely rely on the destiny value to refine the absolutely cloudy sky.

Its own magic power of swallowing immortals can also have the effect of resisting and resisting under the aura of absolute yin.

And soon, the news of Gu Changge's arrival in Xianlun Sacred Land soon spread from the mountain gate.

After hearing that he named Jiang Yang, many Elders were the first time, with a dog-legged and flattering appearance, rushed to the place of Jiang Yang cultivation, to bring it.

At this time, it doesn't matter who cares about Jiang Yang cultivation's talent or status in Xianlun Sacred Land.

Since Shangxian wants to see him.

That is his honor, and it must be brought in the first time!

In the Great Hall, Gu Changge sits first, drinking tea, looking calm.

Tian Tian next to him seemed very restless and nervous.

And the people in Xianlun Sacred Land below are more nervous than Tiantian, their backs are all wet with cold sweat!

At this time, they obviously felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The expression of the Holy Lord of Xianlun was also a little pale, and I felt that Jiang Yang had brought disaster?

And here.

In the depths of Xianlun Sacred Land, in an Immortal Cave, the radiance shone, the spirit was like a tide, and the misty brilliance undulated like water.

In the middle, a delicate young man sat in Lotus Position, his face was very calm, he appeared very calm, and he was cultivating here.

Many visions emerged and manifested in his Dantian place.

Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, True Phoenix. All kinds of terrifying beasts, like guards, sink and float next to him, roaring, terrifying and terrifying.


As he breathed, a terrifying vision appeared above his head.

The heavens and the stars, all things in the Universe, seem to be heading toward a stalwart figure in the middle, worshipping and making a sacrificial sound of worship.

The magnificent and ancient world sounds are ringing in Immortal Cave!

If someone is here, they will definitely be frightened by this sight.

The young man himself seemed very indifferent.

At the entrance of Immortal Cave, a beautiful woman dressed in palace costumes was clinging to him, making a sound of admiration.

"It deserves to be a barren Eucharist to untie the curse. Such visions are really amazing."

The beautiful woman in the palace costume is now the supreme of Xianlun Sacred Land. Elder Zhao Yi, Cultivation Base is the most holy land.

Although it looks very young, it is actually a very old existence.

It can be regarded as Jiang Yang's guardian Daoist now.

After all, his talent has shocked the phantom of the Patriarch, and he deserves to be treated like this by these old antiques.

The future of Sacred Land depends on Jiang Yang.

But after hearing what Zhao Yi said, Jiang Yang himself was still calm and didn't care.

On the contrary, he sighed and said, "It took a full month for the Cultivation Base to reach the supernatural power realm. This speed is still too slow."

The corners of Zhao Yi's mouth twitched, feeling that his words were meant to shock people.

Crossing several borders in a month, this kind of record, except for Jiang Yang, in the rest of the people, has never heard of it.

This is a monster and cannot be treated with common sense.

Jiang Yang glanced at Zhao Yi in front of him, and said, "These resources are not enough. I will break through to the Fenghou Realm within half a year. It's still far from now."

Breakthrough for half a year?

Zhao Yi's expression froze again, he could really say this kind of words, and it was so natural.

Supernatural power, great power, Holy Lord, Fenghou.

Between these realms, the more difficult it becomes as you go to the back.

Let alone half a year, even if it is given another three years, it is impossible.

However, considering that Jiang Yang's talent is really terrifying, she also nodded suspiciously.

Thinking of her dignified Elder, in front of Jiang Yang, this young disciple, she felt unable to lift her head and couldn't help being suppressed by him.

Who is the junior?

In this regard, she also didn't understand it, and found it very inexplicable.

There was a breath of surrender in Jiang Yang's body.

"It's really hard to see, this is really a mysterious guy." Zhao Yi shook her head.

Jiang Yang didn't care about Zhao Yi's views.

At this time, he closed his eyes again and put his mind on the practice.

At the same time, he said indifferently in his mind, "Did you see it? This is all you can get after accepting me."

"Do you still want to go back to that dark place and continue to be coolie digging?"

Another unwilling, stubborn voice sounded, "You are you, I am me, we are not the same, I cannot accept you!"

"The young man is really stubborn, forgetting who was unable to persist at the time, and finally compromised with me. If it weren't for me, you would have been ominously eroded at the time, how can you live to the present?"

Jiang Yang's expression was indifferent, as if he didn't care about everything.

After he took over the body, how could he do anything to be ominous?

He is the ancestor of hundreds of millions of lives, and his beliefs pervade every world.

The number of believers is like Galaxy Cluster mud and sand.

At that time, he moved a little bit to change the terrain, causing the dragon pulse to burst, and instantly broke the Immortal Ascension Road of Sacred Land in Xianlun, making their plans to promote and ascend to vanish.

And Xianlun Sacred Land still doesn't know this.

Afterwards, he showed his powerful talents and borrowed special methods to provoke a phantom of the grandmaster of Xianlun Sacred Land, and his status immediately rose.

Without him, the original Jiang Yang is probably dead now, and he is exhausted on Immortal Ascension Road.

He was magnanimous, and he didn't want to erase his true spirit. This was left until now, waiting for him to figure out all this and disperse himself.

The original Jiang Yang's consciousness can be retained until now, of course, part of the reason is because it involves the issue of the unification of Samsara's imprints in the worlds after him.

Just when Jiang Yang was lost in thought, the sound from outside Immortal Cave made his brows frowned.

"Jiang Yang! Come out quickly!"

"Did you hear me?"

"Jiang Yang, Shangxian wants to see you, come out quickly, don't neglect Shangxian!"

Along with divine rainbows, one Elder came here and shouted into the Immortal Cave.


Hearing these words, Zhao Yi's expression changed slightly, and she reacted immediately.

As the Supreme Elder of Xianlun Sacred Land, she naturally knows the Supreme Immortal who has been raging in the sky during this period of time.

How could he come to Xianlun Sacred Land and even call to see Jiang Yang?


"Is it finally here?"

At this time, Jiang Yang's reaction shocked her even more.

He seemed to have known it a long time ago, and his expression was calm and calm, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This scene made Zhao Yi stare out, why did Jiang Yang know? What is his origin?

Afterwards, Jiang Yang took the initiative to get up and walked out of Immortal Cave.

Looking at the crowd of Elders in front of him, he said lightly, "Go tell the so-called god, let him come over, say I'm waiting for him here, watching people wait, don't come.


Hearing Jiang Yang's so indifferent and confident words, all the Elders were dumbfounded and couldn't believe Own Ears.

Let the Shangxian come by himself?

Still waiting for him?

Did they hear it right?

Is this Jiang Yang brain silly?