Chapter 229


A layer of ripples spread out in the void.

Immediately afterwards.

A figure with immortal bones and lingering Taoism came out of it. With the shock of the sleeves, it seemed that even Star from outside the domain was shaking.

It is Gu Changge who came from Sacred Land in Xianlun.

He suddenly appeared, catching Tiantian that had fallen from the void.

His face was calm and he couldn't see the slightest joy or anger, but at this time, the cultivators and creatures of the entire ancient city had a sense of fear that faced the might of the sky, and they could clearly perceive Gu Changge's killing intent and anger!

Everyone trembled, and the soul couldn't help Yan Li, as if to face the end of the world.

Seeing this scene in front of me, I couldn't help but knelt on the ground.

The terrifying coercion came, like a huge mountain hanging above the head, at this time, even breathing is required to breathe.

The sudden changes that appeared every day in Gang オ shocked everyone. The aura was too terrifying, like a supreme being who overlooked the mountains and the sea.

It's just that before they could react, Tian Tian shot, showing terrifying strength, shaking the entire ancient city.

Especially some old antiques who were alarmed, recognized the Sacred Land Tai Shang Elder Zhao Yi who was following Jiang Yang.

The existence of such a most holy realm was behind a young man like Jiang Yang.

This made them extremely horrified, unbelievable, and they were speculating about Jiang Yang's identity.

But it didn't take long for such a speculation, Tiantian suddenly shot, and the terrifying aura was vast and vast, and he almost killed this famous Most Sacred Realm existence with one palm.

What they saw today made them shiver and subverted many previous cognitions.

What is Tiantian's identity?

Such a little girl, with the look and coercion just now, seemed to be able to destroy the entire universe at will.

Fortunately, they were relieved that the breath did not last long.

As for Gu Changge who suddenly appeared.

Undoubtedly, it was definitely the mysterious celestial being who was making a lot of noise in the sky during this period.

Does this kind of temperament and strength need to be said more?

At the moment, the cultivators and creatures of the entire ancient city, with a population of more than one million, look in awe in this direction, cautiously, like worshipping gods.

"Be careful, this god seems to be angry, it's too terrifying, there is a feeling of facing the end of the heavens."

"This is the horror of people from the upper realm."

Countless cultivators trembled. At this time, the whole ancient city became silent and dead.

No one dared to speak loudly or to make noise. It could be seen that the deity seemed to be in a bad mood, and that kind of horrible killing intent was like a terrible killing.

Destroying the world seems to be just a matter of thought.

"How is this going?"

At this time, Gu Changge, who was indifferent, finally spoke.

As soon as the terrible killing intent disappeared, she asked the silver flower mother-in-law who was also pale.

It seemed as if he had just arrived and didn't understand the matter at all.

Granny Yinhua's face turned pale, and her voice trembled, "Return to the gods, the old woman doesn't know what's going on."

Until now, she hadn't reacted, her head buzzed.

How to explain and explain to Gu Changge?

At this time, she was still secretly worried, afraid that Gu Changge blamed her for not taking every day well.

"I do not know how it is?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge frowned, and then his indifferent eyes swept across the ruined building in front of him.


He reached out with a hand, and the monstrous black light suddenly turned into an extremely real terrifying giant palm.

The lines are clear, the runes are intertwined, covering the sky and the earth, surging, and grabbing Jiang Yang, who is struggling to get up and his face is a little pale!


Tiangong trembled, as if being pushed forward, making a trembling sound.

Under this kind of breath, the creatures in the entire ancient city were even more shocked, and their spirits were about to explode.

Witnessing such a terrifying sight for the first time was like destroying the world.

"Do not "

Jiang Yang, who was slapped flying every day, finally got up.

As his face changed greatly, he watched Gu Changge's palm fall again, and he was about to retreat.

But the moment this palm fell, every inch of the void became stagnant, and even the general situation of the sky and the earth was shot apart, locking Jiang Yang there firmly!

Jiang Yang couldn't move, and couldn't avoid it at all.

Although I borrowed one percent of the first-life Dao Fruit Cultivation Base and has broken through to the Void God Realm Cultivation Base, it is still useless!

With a pop, a mouthful of blood spurted out again.

He could only be unwilling and angry, and was firmly rubbed in his palm by the big hand condensed by the rules of the Magic power of Gu Changge, his bones creaked and he kept coughing up blood.

"What did you do to Tiantian?"

Gu Changge touched Jiang Yang in his palm and looked at him indifferently.

There was no trace of emotion in his eyes, as if he could be squeezed to death by hand, as easily as squeezing a bug to death.

"I don't know why every day suddenly becomes like this."

Jiang Yang's face was pale, and his eyes were filled with anger and coldness, and he was very unwilling.

But at this time, he was still gritting his teeth and patience, and his expression also showed puzzled and dazed expressions.

He had already borrowed the power of Dao Guo the day before yesterday to break through to the Void God Realm. He thought that with his means, he could slightly contend with Gu Changge.

But still can't do it!

The gap between the two is too big!

This made Jiang Yang very unwilling, and he did not expect to suffer a lot from Gu Changge's hands one after another.

Especially today, in the presence of all the creatures and cultivators in an ancient city, he was so humiliated in his palm.

If someone knows about this in the future, it will be a stain that will be difficult to erase in his life.

This was never encountered during Jiang Yang's long years of cultivation.

If it weren't for the present body is too weak and small, it is difficult to bear his more power of Taoism.

At this time, he absolutely must borrow more power to kill Gu Changge and wash away the shame and stains in his life.

"do not know?"

Gu Changge's brows were still frowning, and he looked at Jiang Yang deeply, as if to show him through.

Jiang Yang gritted his teeth and stared at him without fear.

Why did Tiantian become like this just now? In fact, he already had a guess in his mind. It was similar to his previous thoughts. Tiantian's origin is not simple, and it involves a certain Tao fruit.

Jiang Yang himself had a deep understanding of Dao Guo, and he had no doubt at this time.

It's just that he doesn't know whether Gu Changge really doesn't know or is fake.

"If the deity knows that you are deceiving me, even every day will not be able to save you.

Gu Changge snorted coldly, his eyes were deep and indifferent, containing a terrifying killing intent.

This voice fell in Jiang Yang's ears, but it was like a terrifying thunder, making him feel the sweetness deep in his throat.

The internal organs are all shattered!


Gu Changge let go.

The big hands condensed by the black rune spread out in the void.

Jiang Yang fell to the ground and his face was embarrassed. His fists were clenched tightly, and his heart was full of coldness and killing intent.

"I will kill you in the future!

Jiang Yang growled in his heart, it was the first time that he wanted to kill someone like this.

It is simply hateful.

But he was in a state of mind, and his expression still didn't look very abnormal.

However, Gu Changge's face gradually returned to calm, and there was no sense of joy or anger.

At this moment, the crazy reminder sound of the system sounded in his heart.

"Ding, the girl of luck fights against son of luck Jiang Yang every day, son of luck is impaired, gains 8,000 luck points, and has a destiny value of 40,000!

"Ding, publicly humiliate son of luck Jiang Yang, son of luck is impaired, and he gets 2,000 luck points, and his destiny is 10,000."

"Ding "

A series of system sounds made Gu Changge's smile deeper.

Things are still moving in the direction he expected.

If this trend continues, Jiang Yang's luck point will soon fall to a trough.

During this period, he actually wanted Jiang Yang to continue to be a treasure hunter, but considering Jiang Yang's current Cultivation Base, the opportunity he prepared for him would probably be of little use to him.

Gu Changge also gave up.

There are still tens of thousands of Qi Luck Points contained in Jiang Yang, and it is still starting to grow over time.

Gu Changge felt that many of his back players started to work.

"Master, I don't know what's going on. I don't know how this power appeared."

And Tiantian in Gu Changge's arms, his face was full of confusion, confusion, etc., and he didn't know what was going on just now?

It seemed that Jiang Yang's words made her angry and framed Master, so I wanted him to shut up, and then he felt a force that she couldn't refuse.

This power is so powerful that she can ruin the world with a single wave of her hand.

"Forget it if you don't know. Judging from the aura just now, this power should have no effect on you, but you shouldn't expect this power to do anything."

"This power doesn't seem to be under your control." Gu Changge sighed and nodded.

And hearing these words, Tiantian's heart became more and more confused.

Could it be that her origin is really as simple as the master said?

She had a strange feeling just now, as if she could overlook all living beings, no matter what existed in her eyes, she could be indifferent to it and would not let her make waves.

Afterwards, Gu Changge glanced at the many cultivators in front of him without paying attention.

Taking a step, passing thousands of miles in an instant, taking her away from here, and returning to Xianlun Sacred Land, it seems that she wants to know more about what is wrong with her.

Seeing the two disappear and disappear, Jiang Yang, who was standing in the same place, gradually became ugly, and he was no longer calm and indifferent.

"Now that's the matter, I can't keep him anymore! If I mobilize those methods and arrangements, I can kill this guy, and I won't doubt it every day."

Jiang Yang's expression became very cold, and many thoughts flashed in his mind.

Finally made up my mind.

Because at this time, he also felt the pressure, unable to firmly control everything.

It's a shame, but if Gu Changge destroys his plan, it will be too late to regret.

And now he must figure out a way to use the rest of his back hands to get rid of Gu Changge, an eye-catching fellow under the premise that he won't be suspicious every day.

What happened outside of Xianlun Sacred Land today, although only a small episode, also caused a huge sensation, spread quickly, and caused a huge earthquake among many forces in the sky.

Many cultivators have also learned that the little girl next to Shangxian does not seem to be simple.

But in any case, many cultivators have witnessed the terrifying power of that celestial being. Just a thought can overthrow the world.

Many rumors spread quickly everywhere.

After Gu Changge returned to Sacred Land in Xianlun, he first comforted the next day and assured her that she would not become another person in the future. She was the same one.

Even if she becomes the other appearance, she is still her master, and this will not change.

After getting Gu Changge's guarantee, the little girl was relieved and smiled happily, afraid that she would become another person in the future.

During this process, Gu Changge also told her a lot about Xianlun Patriarch, saying that Jiang Yang was probably taken away by a spirit left by Xianlun Patriarch in Sacred Land.

All the signs and evidence surfaced that he was not talking nonsense.

After listening to it every day, there was no doubt, as Gu Changge thought, this hatred of Xianlun Supreme was written down.

After pitting Xianlun Supreme, Gu Changge didn't care.

Anyway, the hatred has long been formed, is it wrong to act first?

During this period, Gu Changge had been paying attention to Jiang Chuchu's actions in the inner world, and wanted to see if anyone from the ancestral hall cultivator rushed to this world based on her reaction.

If there is, he must first ambush them and kill them in this world, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble and affect his next plan.

But judging from Jiang Chuchu's reaction, he seemed to think too much.

To the outside world, the inner world is a completely independent and closed world, and it is also bred by the most advanced kind of world seeds.

Unless he takes the initiative to open up, it is impossible for Jiang Chuchu to perceive the atmosphere of the outside world.

Gu Changge is still considering how to snatch the last chance of Jiang Yang's reunification, but Jiang Yang has not left, which makes him have to put the matter on hold.

Jiang Yang's biggest chance now is the biggest secret of his union.

"this letter

On the other side, in the Immortal Cave, Jiang Yang frowned and looked at the letter in his hand.

This is a letter written in a language that does not belong to this world. Every word contains an amazing Taoist rhyme. It can be seen that the person who wrote this letter is not simple in Cultivation Base.

It is impossible for the cultivator of Tianchen Realm to understand this letter.

Because the text of this letter is a very old text from the upper realm.

Jiang Yang could see it naturally.

"This was given to the disciple by a mortal at the foot of the mountain, and the disciple gave it to Senior Brother Jiang Yang.

The disciple in front of Immortal Cave said respectfully.

"I see, you can go down first." Jiang Yang nodded, with thoughts in his eyes.

The content of this letter made him frown.

The other party knew his identity, and bluntly came from the upper realm, and agreed on a place for him to meet there.

If you haven't met Gu Changge.

Jiang Yang may not doubt it yet, but now he has a sense of vigilance in his heart.How did the other party know his identity?

Now that he knows he is the reincarnation of the human ancestor, why not come to Xianlun Sacred Land in person, but choose a place instead?

Is it because you are worried about Gu Changge, the so-called celestial being, or is there another purpose?

Under all kinds of doubts, he didn't have the first choice to believe it, and the most important thing was that since the other party claimed to be from the upper realm, why didn't there be any news before.

The other point is also the most important. Nowadays, he doesn't believe in anyone except the people in Renzudian.

"The most urgent task is to go to the place where the green lotus of Nirvana was planted first."

Many thoughts flashed in Jiang Yang's mind, after all, he could kill Gu Changge.

Moreover, as long as he integrates the green lotus of Nirvana, he can complete the first step of the plan for the unity of the worlds.

At that time, if he borrows Dao Guo, his strength will inevitably soar, and he will not be able to withstand even one percent of his strength as it is now.

To this end, he arranged for so long.

In the end, he chose such a realm, found the most suitable place, planted his Nirvana green lotus seed, waited for it to mature gradually, and then picked and merged.

That nirvana green lotus seed, but among his many Samsara, he spent a lot of thoughts and calculations to obtain the gods.

It was the lotus seed of the green lotus that gave birth to chaos according to the rumors.

Before that, he even cultivated with multi-world air transport, and even exhausted the whole world air transport, it was difficult for him to take root and sprout.

Fortunately, in such a remote place of Tianchen Realm, I found the most suitable place for its growth.

Jiang Yang didn't worry that someone could snatch Nirvana Qinglian from his hands, because in that place, he left a lot of back players, just to wait for such a day.

As long as it was there, no matter who came, he had to be suppressed by all his backhands and was finally buried here.

Jiang Yang thought so, his expression gradually deepened. Although it seems that Gu Changge has the upper hand now, all the situation will be reversed by his many methods.

As long as Gu Changge dies and there is no master every day, he still cannot rely on him, the Big Brother.

Afterwards, Jiang Yang called Xianlun Sacred Land, too, Elder Zhao Yi, and asked her to report the exact location of the Nirvana Qinglian to Gu Changge.

"I learned this by accident, but if I tell Shangxian, he probably won't believe it, so you should go."

Jiang Yang thought for a while, and said to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "I know, then I will just say that this matter is what I know from my disciple."

She is not stupid. Now that she decides to follow Jiang Yang, she must follow his decision.

And she didn't know what medicine was sold in Jiang Yang Calabash, and why she had to tell the celestial thing about this kind of thing.

She couldn't help feeling palpitations, and she felt a chill in her back.

Suddenly I felt like I was involved in a horrible whirlpool.

Jiang Yang, is he planning to calculate the immortal?

This kind of thing is too terrifying. If the celestial being noticed, the entire Xianlun Sacred Land, I am afraid it will face an impossible situation.

Zhao Yi's face turned pale, thinking of this, the whole person seemed to be trembling, very disturbed.

"It's okay, you just need to remember that this news was accidentally learned from a disciple, and it has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Yang looked at her and said lightly, there was a purple vortex turning in his eyes, which seemed to contain a kind of strange power.

After hearing this, Zhao Yi nodded in disbelief. At this time, he could only bite the bullet and choose to believe in Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang smiled, looking very indifferent.

It would be great if Zhao Yi were to gain Gu Changge's trust.

Even if it doesn't work, that's fine.

Gu Changge, as a comer from the upper realm, as long as he understands it, he must know what a fetish it is, and he will definitely be fascinated.

Moreover, he is not afraid of Gu Changge taking the initiative to explore Zhao Yi's memory.

He moved slightly, Zhao Yi had already remembered the things he wanted to explain, and forgot the rest.

So even if Gu Changge searches her memory, it will not reveal the slightest flaw.

"Oh, there is such a good thing? Why does the deity feel unbelief?"

In the Great Hall, Gu Changge opened his eyes. In the deep eyes, many visions appeared, and the breath was majestic and vast.

He looked cold, looking down at Zhao Yi, and said lightly.

Zhao Yi's face was pale, standing below in awe,

"Returning to Shangxian, this matter is very true. It is the news I learned from a disciple. In Yuhua Tianchi, there are green clouds reflecting in the sky, a green lotus phantom propping up the chaos, and there is endless sound. I would like to come to the birth of a strange treasure, I hereby tell the gods, I dare not conceal the slightest."

She replied respectfully, forcing herself to calm down and don't panic, so as not to be noticed by Gu Changge.

As Jiang Yang ordered, he came to report Gu Changge.

As Xianlun Sacred Land Tai Shang Elder, her identity can be described as unspeakable and unparalleled.

But in front of Gu Changge, he was still in awe to the extreme.

"Yuhua Tianchi? A green lotus phantom propped up the chaos? Green clouds reflect the sky?"

Gu Changge nodded, showing a somewhat thoughtful look, as if he was seriously thinking about Zhao Yi's words.

…For flowers…

Zhao Yi took a peek at him and found that Gu Changge was really thinking about these words, and the reaction was not much different from what Jiang Yang said.

She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

I admire Jiang Yang even more, and his statement is correct.

Regarding this news, Gu Changge was very concerned and did not doubt its authenticity.

Even this point has been calculated, how did Jiang Yang do it? What is there in the Yuhua Tianchi?

Zhao Yi also had all kinds of doubts in her heart.

"You only told the deity about this matter?"

At this moment, Gu Changge spoke again.

The indifferent gaze fell on her, making Zhao Yi's face pale.

Cold sweat appeared on his forehead, which seemed unbearable to bear the pressure of terror.

"Don't dare to conceal the immortal, this matter only tells you."

Zhao Yi hurriedly replied, almost suffocating under this gaze, knowing that she is a holy!

"If you dare to deceive the deity, then there is no need for Xianlun Sacred Land to continue to exist."

Gu Changge's voice was still indifferent and unwavering, but it contained monstrous killing intent and endless blood.

As if Zhao Yi dared to deceive him, then the entire Xianlun Sacred Land will usher in the most terrifying killing!

Zhao Yi's face turned pale, and her throat was stunned by the words, and her internal organs were about to burst.

Lian Dao didn't dare, and then retire quickly and didn't dare to stay for a long time.

Then, after seeing Zhao Yi disappear, the indifference on Gu Changge's face disappeared.

"At this time, I dared to calculate me, Jiang Yang, Jiang Yang, it's really you, it's just this kind of method, it's too ridiculous.

He let out a dismissive sneer.

No matter how normal Zhao Yi's performance is, it is impossible to convince Gu Changge.

He knew immediately that this was ordered by Jiang Yang.

As for the purpose, I want him to go to that piece of Yuhua Tianchi to seek opportunities in it.

How could Gu Changge fail to see such obvious digging methods.

Of course, if it is a general upper bound cultivator, he must be fooled at this time, and he is absolutely impatient to rush to that piece of Yuhua Tianchi.

In the final analysis, Gu Changge already knew Jiang Yang's identity and took advantage of every opportunity to gain insight into all his methods.

Otherwise, Jiang Yang might have to kill a lot of people.

For example, the moonlight sky who rushed to the lower realm recklessly.

"It seems that there should be a lot of Jiang Yang's backs in Yuhua Tianchi, so he is so self-conscious."

"It's just that I really thank you Jiang Yang for telling me where the opportunity is, so I don't need to look for it again."

"You can decorate, will I not decorate?"

Gu Changge's smile became intriguing, and he smiled slightly.

He would definitely not go to Yuhua Tianchi before Jiang Yang, and he would have to go behind Jiang Yang, waiting for the profit of the fisherman.

After so long, he can also consider closing the net.

On the other side, Jiang Yang, who got Zhao Yi's reply, couldn't help but smile.

"In this way, it also solves a problem

Jiang Yang's heart was relieved, his expression became more indifferent and confident, and he had anticipated what would happen next.


"This guy Yue Mingkong has also come to the universe. By her means, she should already know who the Daoist ancestor's reincarnation is…"

"It seems that she didn't rush to Yuhua Tianchi rashly."

In the next few days, Gu Changge also felt the moonlight sky, which was not very far from Sacred Land in Xianlun.

This made him fall into thinking to pay.

Judging from his understanding of Yue Mingkong, at this time, Yue Mingkong will definitely find a way to calculate the ancestors, just like the last time he calculated Ye Ling.

So what she would do, Gu Changge had almost guessed.

It was nothing more than trying to inform Jiang Yang, confessing her identity, saying that she came from the upper realm and came here to help her ancestors, and then agreed on a location for Jiang Yang to come.

And she waited there, came to wait for the rabbit, catch the whole thing in the urn.

This method sounds pretty good.

But the only question is, will Jiang Yang believe it then?

So Gu Changge felt that this time, Yuemingkong would have to fetch the bamboo basket again, just like the last time Ye Ling was released, and finally he had to make his own shot.

Judging by Jiang Yang's cunning level, he is of the kind who doesn't see rabbits and scatter eagles, and Yue Mingkong can't come up with evidence that she has a relationship with Renzu Temple.

Will Jiang Yang believe it?

He believes in three points at most. Even if he goes to the appointment at the time, he will definitely bring some means or back-ups.

Perhaps the self-confident Moon Mingkong will suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge was a little angry and funny.

It happened to be an own woman, and she couldn't say anything about her yet, and she did all this for him.

"This silly woman, let me help you solve these vulnerabilities, but Jiang Yang is not that easy to kill…"

A deep smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, Gu Changge took a step and moved to find Tiantian.

He planned to use Jiang Yang's calculations to come up with a plan.


Seeing Gu Changge's arrival, he opened his big, flawless black jewel-like eyes every day, and looked good and obedient.

"Listen well every day.

"Next, Master will go to a place called Yuhua Tianchi. It is very dangerous. Don't follow Master every day. Stay with your mother-in-law."

Gu Changge touched the head of the little girl in front of him, smiling gently, and making a long story short.

"Master, don't you want to stop every day? Why did you throw me here?

Hearing this every day, water mist suddenly appeared in his eyes, thinking that Gu Changge might not want her, so he threw her down.

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled somewhat dumbly, "Every day is so obedient, how can I be willing to leave you behind as a teacher?"

"It's just that things are different this time. There is a foreboding of the danger for the teacher. I am not at ease when I bring you on, because I am afraid that you will not be able to protect your safety."

"Don't worry, thinking that the teacher's ability, in this mere lower realm, there is nothing that can hurt me.

"Master, you are a lie. Didn't you say that Tian Tian is a big man? Tian Tian should also be very powerful, and it must be able to help you. Didn't Tian Tian also suddenly possess strong power that day?"

Although Gu Changge had already explained this, Tian Tian still shook his head, trying to follow him.

No way.

Gu Changge had no choice but to straighten his face, the smile on his face narrowed, and he did not have the usual gentle expression.

"Naughty, how can this be confused, every day you don't listen to what you say as a teacher?"

He put on airs.

Tian Tian didn't dare to refute any more, and looked like weeping, "Master, do you have to go?"

She is very smart, and Gu Changge's attitude so important, that only shows that the place he is going is really dangerous, even he is not sure.

That's why I don't want her to be in danger.

This makes Tiantian feel both worried and moved in his heart.

"I have to try it. I know it's a shameful plot, but I don't want to give up as a teacher. This is really a rejection." Gu Changge sighed slightly, then nodded.

"I know Master, I am here every day waiting for you to come back." At this moment, Tian Tian had no choice but to nod his head.

From Gu Changge's words, she heard a lot of meaning.

Obviously knowing that it is a arrogant certain?

Is it related to her Big Brother Jiang Yang, is he calculating Master?

Thinking of this, Tiantian's expression suddenly became a lot angry, completely different from her usual.

She didn't find evidence of Big Brother Jiang Yang being seized, but her hatred of Jiang Yang has actually reached a peak.

"This is how you obey."

Then, when Gu Changge was about to leave, he glanced at her again and shook his head slightly.

"Every day, if you don't come back as a teacher within a month, follow your Big Brother. As long as he has other goals, he shouldn't hurt you.

"But the teacher should be back soon.

After all, he left a pale face every day.

With a step, the void became blurred, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the high sky outside Xianlun Sacred Land.

And noticed that Gu Changge left Sacred Land.

Jiang Yang, who has been paying attention to him on the other side, also showed a faint smile on his face, "It seems that I can't help it."

"This is where I have specially arranged a burial place for you."

He felt that Gu Changge suddenly left Sacred Land at this time.

That must have gone to Yuhua Tianchi.

But I dare not send people to follow Gu Changge for fear of being noticed by him.

After all, the many methods and arrangements in the Yuhua Tianchi, except him, as long as the others dare to break in, they will encounter it.

There are only two possibilities at that time, either die in it, or be trapped there for a long time, it is difficult to escape!

As the reincarnation of human ancestors, Jiang Yang once left behind how terrifying.

That's why he is so confident.

"I said you are only on the third floor

After leaving Xianlun Sacred Land, the smile on the corner of Gu Changge's mouth looked a little playful, and he did not go in the direction of Yuhua Tianchi.

Instead, he went to the place where Yuemingkong was.

Of course, he didn't intend to rendezvous with Yuemingkong, but intended to help her secretly, so that Jiang Yang would believe that she would go to the urn she had arranged to catch the whole place.

Jiang Yang's energy is exhausted, and this good show is about to be staged. Gu Changge is now waiting to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

PS: Two in one, lazy score.