Chapter 231

Hearing this, Gu Changge looked surprised.

"It's not impossible to let you go. But not now, but it won't be long before he said casually, with disapproval in his words.

However, after hearing these words, Jiang Chuchu's back became more chilly, and even more disturbed.

Doesn't that mean that the human ancestor's reincarnation may have been found by Gu Changge? That's why he is so confident that this matter will be resolved soon?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chuchu was deeply worried.

In any case, as the Holy Maiden of Human Ancestral Hall, she was born on the opposite side of Gu Changge, and it is impossible to get along with him.

Despite Gu Changge's words just now, her Dao heart was shaking.

"You are underestimating Renzu's methods, Gu Changge, even if you have the upper hand now, but with the emergence of Renzu's many backhands, everything will be exhausted."

Jiang Chuchu looked at him and said calmly, "As for letting me go? I don't believe you will be so kind. In the end, you will definitely find a way to kill me so as not to expose your true identity."

Hearing this, Gu Changge was taken aback for a moment, as if she didn't expect her to say that.

Then he sighed and said, "Why do you not believe me so much? What if you let you leave here? Since you don't believe me, then I will let you go now, but at most I can only let you go away for a while."

"If you are obedient, then I can consider letting you out a bit more in the future."

He looked seriously thinking.

"What you said is true?"

Jiang Chuchu was a little surprised when she heard that, she just tried it, but she didn't expect Gu Changge to actually agree.

This suddenly made her feel an inexplicable emotion like guilt and confusion, very complicated.


The next moment, Jiang Chuchu suddenly saw a flower. She had left the inner world of Gu Changge and appeared in a simple and tall pavilion.

The sky is dim outside, and the moon is faint and the stars appear.

"The breath here is not in the upper realm

Jiang Chuchu's expression changed slightly, and he immediately noticed the abnormality of the rules of heaven and earth here.

This made her heart sink.

Since Gu Changge has come to the lower realm, it means that her guess is likely to have become a reality.

The reincarnation of Renzu has been found by Gu Changge. 24

"How? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"If you call me Master at this time, maybe I will let you stay outside longer.

Gu Changge looked at her intriguingly.

Since Gu Changge dared to let himself out, he must have confidence and confidence, and he was not afraid of running away suddenly.

So thinking of this, Jiang Chuchu's expression is particularly calm.

"It seems Gu Changge, you have left the upper realm and found the reincarnation of the human ancestor?"

She spoke.

Sweeping the magnificent building in front of me, I can see that the current location seems to be in an ancient city.

As for which sector you are in.

Jiang Chuchu has no way of knowing, Gu Changge has trapped her in the inner world for so long that she doesn't know how Gu Changge came here, how many methods and so on.

These made Jiang Chuchu's heart more uneasy.

As the Holy Maiden of Human Ancestor Palace, she saw that Human Ancestor's reincarnation was in crisis at this time, but it was difficult to stop her.

This emotion, like a thorn, made her feel pain in her eyebrows.

In the midst of it, there seemed to be a voice telling her that she wanted to stop all this and stop Gu Changge.

"I really don't know how Daoist Ancestral Hall brainwashed you, for the ancestors to offend me, is it worth it?"

Gu Changge glanced at her with a calm expression, smiled casually, and stood on the pavilion with his hands in his hands.

The crimson big engine, hunting and blowing, the breath is as deep as the deep sea, which makes the heart palpitating.

Then, his hand slowly pointed to the territory in front of him.

It seems to mean something.

"Did you see it? This world is already under my firm control. You said that the human ancestor reincarnated, how could he escape?"

The tone is confident, with contempt for overlooking.

Even the ancestors did not take it seriously.

And hearing these words from Gu Changge, Jiang Chuchu's face turned pale.

But in the dark, she gritted her teeth.

The faint old rune fluctuated, passing in her palm, turning into a strange breath, and slowly dissipating in the void.

The only thing she can do now is to let the ancestor's reincarnation perceive her existence with the secret method of the Ancestral Hall.

She believed that as long as Renzu's reincarnation awakened some of his previous memories, he would be able to distinguish his current dangerous situation.

More or less, it can help the reincarnation of human ancestors a little bit.

"Okay, let you come out and breathe out today, and the time is almost up, otherwise you will secretly move some hands and feet to ruin my plan, then it will not be good."

At this time, Gu Changge didn't seem to notice Jiang Chuchu's actions, and was still talking.

It's just that the smile at the corner of his mouth seems a bit deep.

It seems that this fish has finally taken the bait.

Hearing that Jiang Chuchu's face was a little pale, and his secret movements almost stagnated.

But she didn't wait for her to speak.

Gu Changge directly waved his hand and buzzed, cracks appeared again in the void in front of him, Jiang Chuchu's figure disappeared, and he returned to the inner world again.

She knew it was useless to resist.

So there is no choice to resist.

Gu Changge's true strength, I don't know how terrible it is. Jiang Chuchu's perception is strong, and he can feel the desperate feeling of palpitations and powerlessness.

The only thing she hopes now is that the wave of the secret technique she has just passed on can be noticed by the reincarnation of her ancestors.

The same as the inheritance of the ancestral hall, even if the distance is far away, it should be sensed.

"It wasted so much of my tongue, but it still seems to be very effective."

After throwing Jiang Chuchu back into the world, Gu Changge couldn't help showing an expression of interest.

During this period of time, his Cultivation Base has already broken through to the peak of Sage. Before and after, he has used his Qi Yun points to exchange 60 pieces of detached bones, including the entire spine dragon, skull, limbs and hand bones.

With all kinds of magical powers, the Great Sage is not necessarily his opponent.

Not to mention that he has a lot of strong cards.

Jiang Chuchu is smart and naturally will not make senseless resistance.

On the other hand, when Gu Changge shakes his Dao heart, he has already heard the prompt sound of the system.

As a result, Jiang Yang's son of luck's luck point was attenuated.

But then Jiang Chuchu's reaction surprised him a bit.

"It seems that the fear of human ancestors is too deep-rooted. This is just reincarnation.

Gu Changge's expression was different.

This also confirmed his guess, as expected, the methods of this man's ancestral hall were not too bright.

"Now that the evidence is available, and the time is almost right, even if Jiang Yang is cautious, he will be fooled at this time."

Gu Changge laughed.

From the very beginning, I planned to let Jiang Chuchu show up and deceive Jiang Yang, but Jiang Chuchu would definitely not agree to what he said directly.

That's why he thought of such a way.

Jiang Chuchu probably never expected that her vigilant action actually cheated Jiang Yang.

In the next time, Gu Changge went to Yuhua Tianchi according to the news he had received before.

He knew that there was someone behind the arrangement of his ancestors, but he didn't care.

Except for Sacred Land in Xianlun, Yuhua Tianchi is definitely the place Jiang Yang wants to go most.

If you are in danger at that time, you will definitely have to flee to that place.

Gu Changge can just go there first and give his tricks.

Yue Mingkong certainly couldn't kill Jiang Yang, but it should be no problem to hit Jiang Yang severely.

In order to make Jiang Yang's luck point drop to the lowest value, Gu Changge had to find a way to make Tiantian and Jiang Yang really break with the girl of luck.

In fact, when he left Xianlun Sacred Land, when he said those things to Tiantian, he was already planning.

On the other side, after Jiang Chuchu secretly performed the secret technique of the Ancestral Hall.

Far away in Xianlun Sacred Land millions of miles away.

Inside the Immortal Cave, he perceives the strange fluctuations in the void.

Jiang Yang, who was sitting cross-eyed with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in them.

He looked at the letter laid down on the stone table and couldn't help but smile indifferently.

"It turned out to be the breath of this secret technique…"

"Is it finally here? It wouldn't be enough to show your breath earlier, but you have to wait until now."

Regarding the secret technique of Renzu Temple, he naturally couldn't be more clear.

Because apart from the descendants of the Human Ancestor Hall, no one knows this secret technique. In the Tianchen Realm, this kind of breath is the best proof of Human Ancestor Hall's identity.

So this time he didn't doubt it anymore.

As for why the other party didn't show his breath last time, Jiang Yang thought about it, and felt that it should be too cautious.

This makes him somewhat satisfied.

Then Jiang Yang gave a simple order and called the Taishang Elder Zhao Yi, with a leisurely expression, went outside the Sacred Land of Xianlun and rushed to the agreed place.

Once the Human Ancestor Palace intervenes in the Tianchen Realm, then the next thing is much simpler.

Everything is back under his control.

As for Gu Changge who has been away from Xianlun Sacred Land for several days, he has not cared about it anymore. As long as you go to places like Yuhua Tianchi, don't even think about coming back.

"Mother-in-law, where exactly is Yuhua Tianchi? Master has been away for four days, and there is still no news."

At the same time, at the mountain gate of Xianlun Sacred Land, a small figure, with flawless and clear eyes like a black gem, revealed anxiety.

It is every day.

At this moment, she was looking outside with expectation and worry, wanting to watch Master descend from the sky.

But for several days, no one was seen.

Although she thinks that Master is so powerful, there is little possibility of accidents, but who can predict it?

Moreover, when the Master left that day, what he said was clearly like a last word arranging for the funeral.

"Yuhua Tianchi seems to be a very dangerous place. It is even more terrifying than some life restricted areas. But don't worry about it every day, your master will destroy even the sacred mountain at will, and the danger of Yuhua Tianchi is not like walking on the ground. simple."

After hearing this, Mother Yinhua comforted her, but she was actually as worried as Tiantian in her heart.

Even Shangxian is cautious.

I am afraid that there is no need to say more about the dangers of the emergence of Tianchi.

And now Gu Changge is not by his side, and now she and Tian Tian both know in their hearts that Jiang Yang was taken away, but they have not yet torn their faces.

Jiang Yang appeared beside the two from time to time, and expressed concern for a while.

This makes them even more disturbed.

The mysterious power in Tiantian is not under her control.

If Jiang Yang really intends to disadvantage them, the two can't resist it at all.

"Mother-in-law, did you say that Jiang Yang deliberately told Master that he wanted to cause Master to be buried there?

Tian Tian said with a worried look, afraid that Gu Changge would have an accident.If the master is no longer there, what will she do in the future?

Really, as Master told me, I went to Jiang Yang and pretended not to know anything.

"If Master has any shortcomings, Jiang Yang will not be spared every day."

She whispered softly, and there was a flash of peach blossom light at the center of her eyebrows.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Yuhua Tianchi, just like its name.

This is a vast and boundless clear Tianchi, located on the top of Yuhua Shenshan, covering a radius of nearly eight thousand miles.

Among them, the light and shadow are gorgeous, layered on top of each other, and a lot of mist is lingering, which looks ethereal and Sacred.

Down this sacred mountain, you can see a variety of regular veins giving sacred patterns, as if it is completely natural, densely distributed in all directions of the mountain.

Towering and ancient, giving people a terrifying coercion.

In a deeper place, there is still chaos in the air, like an open land.

It is rumored that there was an invincible creature that emerged from this place, and then went to the upper realm. Later generations even said that this creature was already Immortal Ascension, so powerful that it was unknowable.

Under various rumors, Yuhua Tianchi is covered with a layer of mysterious color.

What's more, some people say that Yuhua Tianchi contains unparalleled celestial power, which can make people detached from change.

In the history of the Tianchen Realm, almost every year, cultivators with little lifespan rushed to this place to perform Nirvana, intending to extend their lifespan and live for another lifetime.

Of course, all the cultivators that came, regardless of the Cultivation Base, ended up bleeding outside the Yuhua Tianchi, and they couldn't get close to one step at all.

Some people even say that there is an ancient existence in it, one word can break the sky, one line can break the ground.

"In the last few days, there has always been a shocking movement in the Yuhua Tianchi, accompanied by dazzling green clouds, what happened?"

"Is there a fairy in Yuhua Tianchi? It's a pity that at 430 our Cultivation Base, you can't even get close.

On the mountain far away from Yuhua Tianchi, there are many cultivators and creatures from the heavens gathering here.

They looked there in shock.

The thick chaotic air tumbling, accompanied by the dazzling green haze, the brilliance soared across the sky, faintly, everyone also heard the wonderful sound of the opening of the world.

Although it is far apart, many people are breaking through with this sound, and the Cultivation Base has a large arc of Ascension.

Many cultivators who have missed these Dao Yin have their regretful intestines.

So these days, the vicinity of Yuhua Tianchi has become very lively.


There are gods, warships, and flying boats rolling across the sky, making a shocking sound.

Many powerful cultivators have arrived, but those who have no strength can only be at the outermost point, and they can't even get close.

Some incomparably powerful forces came with sacred artifacts, but in the end, they were only close to the outermost part of Yuhua Tianchi.

There were occasional fluctuations in it, which caused all the blood to roll over, almost vomiting blood, and suffered serious injuries.

"There is an unusual movement here. It is said that even the upper immortal who is in Xianlun Sacred Land has rushed. A few days ago, someone saw a golden divine light in the void coming through here, like a heaven and earth avenue."

"That posture was too scary. A road appeared directly, tearing everything apart, and extending into the depths of Yuhua Tianchi. The figure above seemed to be the mysterious god."

"Really? It seems that the things that appeared in Yuhua Tianchi this time are not simple, and even the Shangxian was shocked.

"Yes, you can't read it wrong."

"At that time, there seemed to be an earth-shattering battle inside. The sound was so terrible. It was so far away that it made people feel weak in their legs."

Many cultivators are talking about the big things that have happened here these days.

Especially the thing about Shangxian has attracted the attention of countless people.


However, just as all the cultivators were discussing, the depths of Yuhua Tianchi suddenly flooded with blood.

There seemed to be an accident there.

There were horrible roars and slaying sounds that were spreading outside.

Faintly, everyone saw the place shrouded in mist.

A figure surrounded by immortals is fighting with a vague invincible existence, its momentum is shaking the world, and the rules and order between the hands are all overthrown!

Afterwards, everyone saw the shocking scene, and their eyes widened.

So much so that the scalp is numb!

The blood was almost solidified, and the soul trembled to the extreme.

Blood light broke through the sky!

The figure of the celestial being exploded and torn apart.

A terrible blood rushed.


"Even the gods have fallen into it."

"How can this be "

"This Yuhua Tianchi is too dangerous. Even Shangxian is dead. You have to leave and can't stay anymore."

After reacting, everyone's spirits were trembling, and their fear was extreme.

Soon, the mysterious Shangxian rushed to Yuhua Tianchi, and the news of the suspected fall caused a sensation in the entire universe and caused terrible waves like an earthquake. .