Chapter 234

"Jiang Yang, what the hell is going on? Why do god-tier mountains and restricted areas say you stole their gods?"

In the Great Hall, the atmosphere is very repressed and silent, like a volcano about to erupt.

All Elder and his disciples looked angry, frightened, uneasy, panicked, and looked like a catastrophe was imminent.

The Holy Lord of Xianlun took the lead in opening.

His complexion was also very gloomy and angry. He stared at Jiang Yang, as if he was going to show him through.

Now outside of Sacred Land in Xianlun, all the strongest beings are gathering, bringing the mighty mountains and creatures from the restricted area to the gate of the mountain, asking them to surrender the disciples who stole the divine things that day.

The dark turmoil said that it was launched as soon as it was launched, and it was bloody all the way, which shocked the entire universe, and countless cultivators and forces were moved-fearful.

And the cause of all this is Jiang Yang.

Although the outside world is saying that this disaster has already planted its roots, Jiang Yang's affair is just a small introduction. The god-tier mountains and the restricted area took the opportunity to cause chaos.

But the Holy Lord of Xianlun knew very well that this incident had nothing to do with Xianlun Sacred Land at all.

It was all caused by Jiang Yang!

They have the background of supreme weapon suppression, unless the mountain in the restricted area is really stupid, and then they dare to hit the gate of the mountain.

Now they have no regard for what Jiang Yang has done, making the god-tier mountains and the restricted area angry to the extreme, regardless of the fact that Xianlun Sacred Land has the supreme weapon!

A few days ago, Jiang Yang was covered in blood and embarrassed and fled back from the mountain gate. The Holy Lord of Xianlun still remembered that, even with the then Taishang Elder Zhao Yi, he was also badly injured.

What does this show?

It shows that the two sneaked into the sacred mountains in the restricted area, stealing their gods, and even the supreme weapon was carried away by the Supreme Elder Zhao Yi.

This statement was unanimously approved by the Elders of Sacred Land in Xianlun.

"This matter, Jiang Yang, you must wait for an explanation, otherwise you will be suppressed and sent outside today!"

Several Elders began to speak in trouble, with cold expressions, and were not prepared to endure this unprovoked involvement because of Jiang Yang's relationship.

"Yeah, I blame this guy, he brought us this kind of disaster in a good way. Every god-tier mountain is killed, who can stop it? Now the phantom of the Patriarch is not manifested!" Elder was angry.

"I think Jiang Yang was lucky at the beginning and deceived everyone. Why don't you take this opportunity to drive him out of the mountain gate, or you will have to cause even more terrible disasters!"

For a while, the Great Hall was filled with scolding, scolding, and blaming voices.

At this time, the only person standing next to Jiang Yang was Tai Shang Elder Zhao Yi, but her majesty was no longer as before, and several ancestors of the Most Holy Realm appeared.

Her words didn't work at all.

Zhao Yi was willing to help Jiang Yang, but it was useless.

And she is also the only person here who still believes in Jiang Yang. After all, she witnessed Jiang Yang being killed by a mysterious woman from the upper realm that day.

But what is the use of her explanation?

Even she was too in the position of Elder to be unstable.

"Each god-tier mountain framed me, you even believe it, even if the phantom of the ancestor is not visible, and the immortal seal suppresses everything, do you still need to care about the god-tier mountain restricted area?"

In this scene, Jiang Yang's expression was not very good, and it was even harder to see the extreme.

It's really a leak in the house that happened to rain overnight.

Now even Xianlun Sacred Land is fucking him.

The fortune of the entire Xianlun Sacred Land gradually shifted and no longer fell on him.

Jiang Yang even felt like he had a pair of invisible big hands in the darkness, taking away his luck.

This makes him feel uneasy.

This feeling is so strong for the first time. I have never encountered it before.

However, Jiang Yang is so powerful that he is still forcing himself to calm down.

"Who is calculating me? What is the origin of the mysterious woman that day? Why did she know my identity a long time ago?"

His heart is very gloomy.

"It's useless to say more. At this time, still want us to be implicated by you? Take care of what you committed?"

After hearing Jiang Yang's words, the other Elders in the Great Hall changed their expressions and looked even more angry.

He just pointed at Jiang Yang's nose and yelled shamelessly, not wanting face.

Xianlun Sacred Land kindly cultivated him. He not only caused trouble for Xianlun Sacred Land, but at this time, he also took it for granted, ready to let everyone accompany him to bear it?

What is this? White-eyed wolves are not like this.

When Jiang Yang heard the words, his brows became tighter and he shouted in a low voice, "Shut up, it's just a bunch of idiots who can't tell the right from the wrong.

The ancestor of Xianlun Sacred Land has a great relationship with him. He was instructed by him at that time, and this Sect was built since then.

Without him, where is Xianlun Sacred Land?

This group of idiots, now they blame him in turn?


"court death!

It's okay for Jiang Yang not to speak. When he spoke, everyone was even more angry, and his expression turned pale. He didn't expect that he would dare to be so arrogant.

On that day, Jiang Yang offended the mysterious god, and many people were very angry at him, but because of Tiantian's identity, he didn't dare to blame Jiang Yang too much.

Now with his temperament, he is really going to cause disaster for Xianlun Sacred Land!

"At this time, there is no need to say more. Someone will take Jiang Yang down for me, escort him to the mountain gate, and hand it over to the sacred mountain and the people from the restricted area."

"Today Jiang Yang was expelled from the mountain gate. What he did has nothing to do with my Sacred Land, Xianlun.

At this time, his complexion was already hard to see the extremely Xianlun Holy Lord, and he waved his big hand and said directly and strongly, he wanted to take Jiang Yang down.

As his words fell, several Elders with tyrannical aura suddenly surged in the Great Hall and surrounded Jiang Yang Qiqiguo.

"Stop it"

Seeing this, Zhao Yi's expression changed slightly and she wanted to stop, but a holy ancestor gave a cold snort, reached out with a big hand, and shot at her, to be treated as a traitor.

Recently, the mysterious celestial being, suspected to have fallen into the Yuhua Tianchi, causing the situation in the universe to change.

Many forces and cultivators are deeply affected and ready to move.

Naturally, the first to bear the brunt is Xianlun Sacred Land.

Now the outside forces know that the cause of the dark turmoil is all because of Sacred Land.

If Jiang Yang was able to calm the anger of the outside world, they would be relieved.

"Expulse me out of the clan?"

There was a chill in Jiang Yang's eyes.He didn't expect Xianlun Sacred Land to be really dare?

And the words of the Holy Lord of Xianlun contained great magic power, and it spread out from the Great Hall in an instant, echoing under the sky outside.

Everyone heard this sentence, and their expressions were different for a while, shocked, puzzled, and stunned.

Jiang Yang was expelled from Xianlun Sacred Land?

It seems that Xianlun Sacred Land is about to compromise?

During this period of time, dark turmoil broke out, Xianlun Sacred Land became the most eye-catching place in the universe, and many forces and cultivators gathered outside.

"It seems that Sacred Land is still smart and knows what to do at this time."

Outside the mountain gate of Xianlun Sacred Land, a burly creature with double horns and a thick black fog couldn't help but sneer and said, with a powerful sacred coercion on his body, he was the lord of the sacred mountain.

The mighty creatures, like a large black cloud, surging turbulently, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, standing on the edge of the sky, wanting to kill Sacred Land.

"Hand over that disciple, otherwise Xianlun Sacred Land will be buried here today!"

The lord of the sacred mountain opened his mouth and stood on the edge of the sky. The sound was like a thunder, and it exploded in the sky, making countless people's hearts tremble and tremble.

In the other direction, there is also a forbidden area, the Lord of the Holy Mountain has appeared, the breath is surging, and the blood is amazing, and he wants to besiege Xianlun Sacred Land.

This dark turmoil swept across the universe, and today it is even more eye-catching. Everyone's eyes are gathered here.

The words of Xianlun Holy Lord, are they not expressing his attitude?

"Jiang Yang was expelled from Xianlun Sacred Land?"

Yue Mingkong looked deep and calm. Her figure appeared on a mountain, standing far away, but everything that happened outside Xianlun Sacred Land could be clearly seen.

Behind her, there were a group of terrifying creatures kneeling, either covering Baohui, or rune disappearing, surrounding the rules and order.

If the rest of the strongest in the universe were here, they would have their eyes widened in shock.

This group of creatures are all horrible existences in god-tier mountains and restricted areas.

Kneeling in front of a woman now?

This is too shocking.

"But it's not enough. Today Jiang Yang cannot fly unless he uses all means."

Yuemingkong said lightly.

She knows the origins of Jiang Yang and the ancestor of Sacred Land of Xianlun, so she will not despise Jiang Yang, and she also understands the magic of Jiang Yang's Samsara seal.

Want to kill Jiang Yang, this possibility is unlikely, but she can borrow many methods to remove Jiang Yang's backhands.

Now that Xianlun Sacred Land is about to leave Jiang Yang aside?

This is just as she expected, Xianlun Sacred Land cannot be an enemy of the world because of a disciple!

Her method of framing people is completely learned from Gu Changge.Although it is not as hot as Gu Changge, it is enough to oppress Jiang Yang at this time!

After receiving the order of Yue Mingkong, these kneeling powerhouses got up one after another and rushed out of Xianlun Sacred Land. The mighty Sage and the most holy breath swept the world and shocked all directions.

"Hand over that disciple, otherwise Xianlun Sacred Land will be destroyed here today!"

The mighty voice rang outside Sacred Land in Xianlun.

Accompanied by the terrifying murderous aura, the many disciples of Xianlun Sacred Land below made their faces pale, and they were extremely frightened, as if they had suffered an extinction disaster.


There is the most holy realm, raising the palm and falling towards the bottom.

The vastness of rune has evolved into the strongest rule of blockbuster movies!

It was as if the blue sky fell down, to cover everything, causing the mountain protection formation of Xianlun Sacred Land to make a terrible cracking sound.

At a critical time, a tyrannical and holy breath rose into the sky from Xianlun Sacred Land, blocking this palm, and did not let it fall, so as not to destroy the mountain protection formation.

How terrifying is the existence of the most sacred realm?

If it is outside the territory, just the breath can break the ancient star of life, and it will be boundless.

At this moment, all the cultivators felt a dazzling light, if it contains countless laws, it will explode!

On the horizon, it seemed that a dazzling sun had burst.

The light was extremely dazzling, and the void was blown apart, and it was white.

The forces and powerful existences that are secretly watching are now all in awe, and they are chilling all over!

"No, the mountain protection formation is cracked…"

In Xianlun Sacred Land, countless disciples were shocked and stunned when they saw that scene from a distance.

After that, everyone was panicked and desperate!

Because with the rupture of the mountain protection formation, the mighty creatures in the forbidden area of ​​the sacred mountain outside Sacred Land of Xianlun killed in.

This is a pure land-like area.

At this moment, it was all murderous and unwilling to roar. The island of God collapsed, turned into a robbery and ruined walls.

The rune boils, like the ocean.

The fighting was fierce, blood was permeated, everything was in ruins, and there were sounds of fighting.

At this time, everyone was cursing and resenting Jiang Yang.

Why is it going to cause this kind of disaster, and also cause them to accompany him to suffer? Losing their lives?

"Jiang Yang really damn it! Hand him over quickly and calm the anger of those sacred mountains and the restricted area! I don't want to bury this guy with him

"Jiang Yang, why don't you die?

"Let Jiang Yang get out of my Sacred Land, don't let everyone bury him!"

Everyone is yelling.

Suddenly, a strong atmosphere of resentment began to pervade among the buildings on the peaks of Sacred Land in Xianlun.

"Since you insist on doing this, there is no need for Xianlun Sacred Land to exist today!"

In the Great Hall, when someone shot at him, Jiang Yang's expression suddenly became very cold.

He has given Xianlun Sacred Land the last chance. He originally planned to drive back all the enemies outside before heading to Yuhua Tianchi.

But at this time, Xianlun Sacred Land has become his enemy!

This is the first time that Samsara has encountered such a thing since he was reincarnated so many times.

As the words fell, Jiang Yang began to make a decision!

His methods are amazing, the dazzling brilliance, appearing under the palm of his hand, like a piece of light and rain, accompanied by a avenue-like atmosphere.

Xianlun Sacred Land is trembling!

Below the ground, there seemed to be something to be awakened, and the terrain was rolling in from all directions, turning into a surging and astonishing power of the heavens and the earth, which was used by Jiang Yang!


"What's going on? Jiang Yang, why did his strength suddenly become so strong?"

"How is this possible? How could the Xianlun seal be used by Jiang Yang?

Elders of Sacred Land in Xianlun, including the Holy Lord, changed their expressions and were shocked by Jiang Yang's methods.

Then their backs were chilly, their souls trembled, and they felt deep danger.

Under this kind of breath, I almost knelt down, my body shattered!


At this moment, a breath that was so terrible to destroy the world appeared from the depths of Xianlun Sacred Land.

An incomparably crystal clear seal dropped a terrifying chaotic energy, flowing with the supreme aura, and rising there.

With so many backhands, Jiang Yang urged Xianlun Yin again, and the power this time was far more terrifying than the last time!

"This is the seal of Xianlun"

"How can this be "

"Who on earth are you? Why can you easily use this thing, even the most holy, it is difficult to act like this!"

The masters of the sacred mountains and the forbidden areas who appeared in the horizon were extremely shocked, and there was something unexpectedly shocked.

They didn't know Jiang Yang's identity, but the upper realm behind them existed. If they wanted to kill Jiang Yang, they would naturally not ask more.

It's just that I didn't expect Jiang Yang to use such a method at this time?

To be honest, Jiang Yang's move more than shocked the world!

At this time, when Jiang Yang heard the words, he just got up and stood on the horizon, looking at the enemies in all directions, his expression was indifferent, and his spleen was disdainful.

"Only you? You dare to take action against me. All those who come here today will be destroyed here.

"I'm acting Jiang Yang, do you deserve to ask?"

At this moment, he stopped explaining, just taking the opportunity to let the world understand.

He is not a soft persimmon, anyone can really bully him on his face?

As the words fell, Jiang Yang raised his hand, and the terrifying terrain turned into surging power, rushing towards the Xianlun Seal.

This is Xianlun Sacred Land's accumulation of heaven and earth luck and the four-sided terrain over the past millions of years!

Now, everything is used by him!

"Very well, Jiang Yang uses this method at this time, and then I don't believe how many more players he has left."

"Once the back hand is exhausted, the chance of killing him is even greater. Fortunately, he has not been allowed to return to the upper realm. In the Tianchen realm, there are not many methods that the human ancestor can use.

In a distant place, Yue Mingkong calmly watched this scene, and various thoughts flashed in his heart.

She was not surprised at all, and even had a strange feeling.

Is this calculation of Jiang Yang's plans and actions too smooth?

It made her feel like someone was helping her in the dark?

Otherwise, how to explain the previous accident.

Is it really a coincidence that Jiang Yang went to the appointment and mistaken it for the descendant of the Ancestral Hall? Yue Mingkong did not believe that Jiang Yang would be so stupid.

And she subconsciously thought of Gu Changge.

Could it be that Gu Changge noticed her whereabouts and secretly followed her to the lower realm?

Yue Mingkong thought of the mysterious immortal some time ago.

The more she thought about it, the more likely she felt.

First came to the Profound Realm to unify all the forces there, and then used the name of recruiting disciples, is actually looking for the reincarnation of the human ancestor?

Only in this way, there is a big loophole in it.

If the mysterious celestial being is Gu Changge, why didn't he take care of Jiang Yang after he came to Xianlun Sacred Land, so he wanted to keep it for now?

So Yue Mingkong felt that either she was thinking too much, or there was something else she didn't think about.

That Shangxian is suspected to have fallen in Yuhua Tianchi?

She didn't see this kind of news in person, she actually didn't believe it.

"not good!"

"This Jiang Yang is so cruel, I want to kill us together!"

"Why can he spur the seal of Xianlun"

At The next moment, everyone in Xianlun Sacred Land reacted and became horrified, and their faces appeared pale, desperate, shocked, unbelievable, and so on.

…For flowers…

Accompanied by the dazzling divine light, it emerged from the Xianlun seal, which looked extremely bright.

"These are all you asked for yourself." Jiang Yang looked cold and indifferent.

At the same time, in his hands, a corner of the supreme array pattern revived, and the light beams were intertwined, as if it had become the only color between the sky and the earth.

Everyone's discoloration, panic to the extreme, at this time, apart from despair, resentment, and regret, there is no other emotion.

"Something has happened… Xianlun Sacred Land's supreme weapon is resurrected, and it wants to kill everyone."

"This guy is crazy. He doesn't even let Xianlun Sacred Land go. This is to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor!"

All the creatures and cultivators were fleeing far away, afraid of being affected by this kind of breath, their complexion was pale and shocked, and their heart palpitations were endless.


The next moment, no matter what kind of existence it is, as long as you dare to stop it, it will be bombarded into slag, and within a hundred thousand li, everything will be turned into child powder and dissipated in the dust.

The strong creatures and cultivators who watched the battle from the horizon in the distance were also terrified and shocked to the extreme.

Watching Xianlun Yin erupt with supreme divine power, destroying the world, trembling the universe, and the world turbulence, destroying all the enemies who come!

Of course, including the place where Xianlun Sacred Land was originally located, is also turned into powder production under this breath.

The forces that have passed on for more than a million years, including all the disciples Elder, were unable to resist even under the eruption of the supreme weapon, and disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Yang's move shocked everyone, and his back was chilly!

How many enemies did you kill? Even Xianlun Sacred Land didn't let it go?

"Jiang Yang really escaped after this

A rune flickered in Yue Mingkong's eyes, and the quasi-superior device behind him burst out with dazzling light, resisting these aftermaths, and went deep into the site of Xianlun Sacred Land.

Sure enough, there was no Jiang Yang in it.

After annihilating all the enemies, Jiang Yang had already left.

As for where he would go, Yue Mingkong had actually guessed it, but Jiang Yang's self-destruction of the city wall made her a little mocking.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the reincarnation of the human ancestor, the method is really tough and ruthless, the treatment of Xianlun Sacred Land is the same, and the enemy is the same.

Only in this way, Jiang Yang lost his most advantageous helper, which was equivalent to breaking his own arm.

Thinking of this, Yue Mingkong also considered starting to go to Yuhua Tianchi, losing the most beneficial help of Xianlun Sacred Land. She didn't believe that Jiang Yang had any other stronger backs.

Soon, Sacred Land of Xianlun was scrapped and turned into ashes. This matter, which was passed down for millions of years and destroyed in one day, caused a sensation in the entire universe and caused shock.

Including the many sacred mountain masters who started the dark turmoil that day, the existence of the forbidden area, etc., they were all destroyed in it, shocking all directions and terrifying countless people.

Of course, those guys were hired by Yue Mingkong as cannon fodder to consume Jiang Yang's back.

Even if they don't die here, she will eventually find a way to get rid of them so as not to leave traces of her existence.

For a while, a disciple who deceived the master and ancestor of Sacred Land in Xianlun used the seal of Xianlun to destroy the affairs of Sacred Land in Xianlun.

As for how he urged the immortal seal, it has become a mystery and suspense, no one knows!

The supreme weapon left by the supreme Xianlun eventually destroyed the Sect he left behind.

What ironic thing is this?

And in the dark, a general trend has changed, and the fortune accumulated by Xianlun Sacred Land over the past million years is also shifting because of this matter.

The change of Qi Luck in Tianchen Realm is particularly clear.

Gu Changge, who is in the depths of the Yuhua Tianchi, feels the most profound changes in this kind of intangible change.

"Ding, son of luck Jiang Yang breaks with Sacred Land

"Ding, son of luck ruined Sacred Land"

Under a series of system prompts, he inexplicably obtained a large amount of luck points about Jiang Yang.

Although these are all things Yuemingkong did, Yuemingkong is his person, and the changes in her fortune are naturally closely related to Gu Changge.

The number of Qi Luck Points alone is more than 20,000, and even the destiny value has reached 100,000.

To be honest, Jiang Yang is worthy of being a Samsara stream leader. Just the points of luck he carries have reached a level that can be called heaven-defying.

With the emergence of Jiang Yang's many backhands, his luck points are still growing and changing.

It's just that Jiang Yang's luck point, no matter how it grows, has fallen to a level that can be called a low point!

In Gu Changge's eyes, it was only the last trace of grass that crushed the camel.

After all, according to the normal trajectory, Xianlun Sacred Land will definitely serve as a springboard for Jiang Yang's development, allowing him to spend the early period safely.

Now Jiang Yang personally destroyed his springboard.

This is tantamount to self-destructing the city wall.

"This guy Yue Mingkong made me feel a little relieved this time. He was a lot smarter than before. He knows that he can use the general trend to overwhelm others."

"By the way, it delayed me a lot of time.

Gu Changge couldn't help but smile, still sitting on the body of the green lotus of Nirvana, intending to completely refine it.

Nirvana's tyrannical body lies in the power of the world.

But now Gu Changge devours this terrible talent with a devil heart, and the sixty trillion cells in his body are all undergoing transformation.

At the back, a cell is an ancient and vast universe, which is infinitely powerful and can suppress everything.

This kind of body can accommodate the power of the unity of the ancestors of the world.

Otherwise, the ancestors will not calculate for that long and spend so much effort.

With this kind of body, why worry about things you can't bear.

Only now, this good thing is cheap Gu Changge.

Although his own physical strength is tyrannical, it is not yet unparalleled in the ages.

With this green lotus of Nirvana, the power can definitely be transcended to another terrible level.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and the area outside Yuhua Tianchi was full of magnificent mountains and towering ancient trees.

Two people, one old and one young, came in a hurry. The young man wore a plain long skirt with a delicate and flawless face, with a determined look on his small face.

It is every day.

Next to her, was her mother-in-law. After the two left Xianlun Sacred Land, they came here non-stop. Because there were no warships, flying boats, etc., the speed was not very fast.

It took many days to get here.

Regarding the life and death of Master Own, every day she has to personally come to determine the true and false, even if the Master has fallen, she will find the remains of the Master.

We must enter the earth for the sake of master.

With such an idea, she now sees the majestic mountains in front of her, which is shrouded in a chaotic fog and frost, her complexion is also a little pale, and she can't help but feel a kind of palpitations.

Within a 10,000-mile radius, it seemed very quiet, let alone a cultivator, even a fierce beast could not be seen.

Under this deadly atmosphere, it can be seen that Yuhua Tianchi is definitely a dangerous place, and the road will not be too smooth.

"Master is inside, I don't want to be afraid, Master also said that I am a big man, I want to find him!"

Talking to yourself every day, squeeze your little hands, cheer yourself up, don't be afraid at this time.

"Tiantian, you really are here, how can you come to Yuhua Tianchi? Big Brother has been looking for you for a long time.

"After returning to Xianlun Sacred Land, you are gone, and you won't let you tell Big Brother. It really makes me very worried."

However, at this moment, Tiantian, who was considering where to enter the front, suddenly heard her familiar voice.

The mother-in-law Yinhua, who was on the alert field beside her, suddenly had her hair on top, and she felt chills.

Behind a huge rock, there was the sound of footsteps.

Jiang Yang's figure appeared. Behind him, he brought Elder Zhao Yi, who was once Xianlun Sacred Land too, with surprise, concern and other emotions on the front, looking towards Tiantian.

Finding Tiantian here makes him very pleasantly surprised.

He guessed this girl, and he couldn't help it. He came to Yuhua Tianchi, looking for her master.

Jiang Yang's surprise expression, actually is not a fake, he doesn't care about the destruction of Xianlun Sacred Land. A force like this is completely incomparable to Yuhua Tianchi.

Tiantian's existence is also like this for him.

It's a little bit Cavan, my head is bald, I owe a chapter today,