Chapter 245

Watching Jiang Chuchu leave the territory of the Changsheng Gu family, Gu Changge then withdrew his gaze.

In any case, a trouble is solved now. Jiang Chuchu is known as the reincarnation of the ancient immortal. The mysterious palace in the position of the sea of ​​knowledge clearly contains an inexplicable and powerful force.

That's a lot harder to deal with than Samsara of Ancestor.

Because the Samsara seal of the ancestor must live in the flesh, but Jiang Chuchu's mysterious power can trigger an explosion at any time, which is extremely difficult.

If Gu Changge really intends to kill Jiang Chuchu, he will inevitably touch the mysterious palace.

In this way, it is very likely that the Ancestral Hall will be aware of Jiang Chuchu's situation and cause him unnecessary trouble.

So the best way is to let her go. As for what Jiang Chuchu said to hate him, Gu Changge didn't care at all.

Since he can make Jiang Chuchu hate him, naturally he can easily change her attitude.

Since she chose to betray the human ancestral hall, it means that in the future, whether she wants to or not, she will stand on the same side as Gu Changge.

Afterwards, Gu Changge got up and left here, intending to see how Tiantian this girl is doing these days.

Honestly speaking, his master, after taking Tiantian back to Gu's house, he hasn't visited her yet.

More or less incompetent.

"Maybe it would be appropriate to see Gu Xian'er by the way."

"Calculating the time, she should also return to Tao Village."

Thinking about this, Gu Changge couldn't help but smile a little, with some deep meaning.

In the past few days, he had heard about many things that Gu Xian'er often went to Tian Tian. The relationship between the two seemed to be quite good. Obviously, she should have noticed a special place in Tian Tian's body.

The mysterious peach tree behind her has a deep relationship with Tiantian.

According to the normal routine, Renzu's reincarnation should be related to Tiantian. Even with the mysterious peach tree, it will have a lot to do with Renzu's reincarnation.

So as to encourage its power after returning to the upper realm.

At that time, it will be very difficult to do anything against it.

Fortunately, Yuemingkong, the prophet foresight, knew in advance where the human ancestor's reincarnation was in the lower realm, and took the song of Gu Chang's "four forty zero" to find the human ancestor's reincarnation, and solved this trouble.

Now, on the other hand, Tian Tian is his apprentice, and Gu Xian'er has this relationship.

That mysterious peach tree inevitably has a lot of Karma involved with him.

It is Karma, but Gu Changge has the means to turn it into a favor.

Finally, letting that mysterious peach tree be used by him was a simple matter.

With this thought, Gu Changge soon arrived at the palace where Tiantian was.

He waved his hand to signal that the maid at the entrance of the temple did not need to say anything, and looked at the scene with some interest.

Gu Xian'er was indeed here.

I haven't seen it for a while, and she has a lot of Cultivation Base Ascension, which did not disappoint Gu Changge.

Although she lacks training, she has two sets of destiny templates, which is enough to make her Cultivation Base catch up with many younger generations.

In the hall, Tian Tianzheng and Gu Xian'er were talking about something, with a smile on their small faces, they looked very happy.

But soon, it seemed that something came to mind, and his expression suddenly became a bit quicker.

"Little sister, do you think Master is very busy? He didn't have time to come and see Tiantian. Before that, Master clearly said that he had time.

She pinched the corner of her skirt and asked in a low voice.

In the past few days with Gu Xian'er, she has become very familiar with him.

And because of an inexplicable feeling, in Gu Xian'er, she perceives a natural kindness.

Some things were told to her frankly.

"Your teacher respects him a lot, but I think he should come to see you soon."

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er was slightly startled, and then smiled, comfortingly said.

She can also see that every day has a deep dependence on Gu Changge.

But she didn't know why Gu Changge accepted her as a disciple and brought her to the upper realm.

In fact, I was a little worried, and Gu Changge would ignore it afterwards, because she hadn't seen Gu Changge come over these days, she seemed to overestimate the weight of Tiantian in her heart.

"Well, I thought Master, he forgot about every day…"

Every day, black jewel-like flawless eyes flickered. Hearing Gu Xian'er's words, he seemed to relax a lot.

In fact, what she said was also asking, wanting to know from Gu Xian'er what Master was doing.

Master is not the kind of person who will forget her at will.

But if you ask directly, Gu Xian'er will inevitably think that she is a little girl, how can she think about this.

She could feel that Gu Xian'er seemed to be particularly concerned about Master, and kept asking about what happened in the lower realms, what Master did and so on.

She is very early and intelligent every day, and she is not easy to say these things, so she still has a little sadness in her heart.

"Every day, Master has to deal with a lot of things these days, but I put you aside for now, sorry.

At this time, Tian Tian suddenly heard the familiar warm voice, and there was some surprise on her little face.

"Master," she looked out of the temple with a joyful smile.

A handsome and handsome man with a long stature is standing there.

Gu Changge walked up with a smile, "It seems that you are quite used to this place. I am still worried that you will be uncomfortable as a teacher."

"Master, I'm used to it very much, and Little Sister Xian'er treats me very well."

Said happily every day.

Gu Changge nodded, "That's good, as a teacher, I'm afraid there is something you are not used to."

As for Gu Xian'er who looked a little embarrassed beside Tian Tian, ​​Gu Changge didn't look at her, as if she had something to see Tian Tian, ​​and didn't care about her existence.

This scene made Gu Xian'er a little sad.

Why is Gu Changge so gentle to Tiantian, but so indifferent to her.

Isn't she as cute as Tiantian?

Obviously Gu Changge was very good to her before, although on the surface it was very cold, but it is not the current attitude of seeing and not paying attention to it, is it because it is difficult to pull her face down after she has noticed the unspeakable concealment?

Thinking about this, Gu Xian'er stared at Gu Changge, but she spoke first, her voice was cold, but mixed with anger, "Gu Changge, why are you turning a blind eye to me?

"how do I say this?

Gu Changge seemed to give her a surprised look at this moment.

"Why don't you greet me when you see me?"

Gu Xian'er was anxious, staring at him, and there was a faint indignation in her crystal clear eyes.

"Isn't it too late?" Gu Changge shook his head with a calm expression.

"A liar, if it wasn't for me to speak up, you would definitely ignore me again. As a man, why are you so small, and remember some trivial things for so long, I despise you Gu Changge!

Gu Xian'er finally caught the opportunity to talk to Gu Changge, and she couldn't help but waited to grab him by the robe, and asked why she was so indifferent to her now.

"I don't need you to look up to it. Gu Xian'er, I think you don't have a long memory?

Gu Changge replied casually, this attitude of inadequacy made Gu Xian'er teeth itchy.

But she remembered the scene in the Nirvana pool before.

Gu Changge's devilish spirit is overwhelming, and his will is indifferent, but he would rather fight to break his arms than hurt her.

Therefore, her eyes suddenly softened, and she hummed slightly.

"You guy is a knife-mouthed tofu heart. If I really care about you, I'm afraid I will be pissed off by you."

She was telling the truth.

Now that I know what Gu Changge has suffered over the years, I also understand why he did the excavation in the first place.

After all, at that time Gu Changge was occupied by demons, and he was totally involuntary.

So later, he gradually suppressed the demon nature, and felt guilty about the things that year.

Only then did she find her parents secretly, and also helped her to go to the Celestial Immortals Palace, helped her to go to the teacher's Elder, and forced her to kill the princess of the Sea King Palace in the town of the ancient ancient continent, in front of the ancient city of Daotian, In the face of the people of the world, she acknowledged her identity as a custodian, confessed what happened in the past, and digged her bones to return the many things that happened behind her.

Gu Xian'er feels that she has a deep understanding of Gu Changge's character, and she is not ignorant of good or bad things.

Hearing that, Gu Changge made an unpleasant voice and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

"During this period, I have consulted many classics for my teacher, and also asked many elders. They actually don't understand your situation."

He then looked at Tiantian and apologized slightly, "However, there should be a solution."

Regarding Dao Guo's classics, he did find a lot of them, but it must be similar to his guess.

It's just these things, Gu Changge doesn't plan to tell Tiantian.

After all, I told her that she was actually a Tao fruit split from a certain supreme being, and it was a bit cruel to Tian Tian.

Of course, according to normal routines, it is impossible for that mysterious peach tree to be integrated with Tiantian.

Gu Changge had no doubts about this.

Tiantian, who was watching Master and Little Shigu quarreling, found it very interesting. Hearing Gu Changge's words like this, he was a little stunned.

"Master is actually looking up these these days?"

She was very moved. Before that, she was wondering what Gu Changge was up to. She didn't expect that Master was actually busy with her affairs.

"Is there anything special about Tiantian?"

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er was also a little surprised.

Although she feels that every day is special, she can't actually tell what is special.

Gu Changge looked calm and did not answer.

But every day, he said crisply, "Little sister, every day, I can't actually cultivate, Master has been helping me figure out a solution."

Gu Xian'er was stunned. She thought that every day there is no cultivation, and there is no Spiritual Qi fluctuation in her body.

I really didn't expect this to be the reason.

Since she can't cultivate, why would Gu Changge still accept her as a disciple and take her back to the upper realm?

Gu Xian'er became more and more confused.

But at this time, she glanced at Gu Changge, and suddenly thought of the things she had been considering before.

Isn't Gu Changge born with devilishness and difficult to suppress?

Gu Xian'er always thought that her Dao bones could suppress Gu Changge's magical nature.

That's why Gu Changge only did the digging of bones before, and it was precisely because he exchanged that piece of Dao bone for her that it was difficult for him to suppress the demon nature, and he would be occupied by the demon nature just like he was in Nirvana Pond that day.

Maybe it will break out again someday in the future?

Gu Xian'er felt it was necessary for her to help Gu Changge solve this problem.

After all, the Taotian Big sis of Taocun has such a mysterious origin, and her masters have great magical powers and profound knowledge.

Maybe they really have something to do.

Gu Xian'er is not stupid, knowing that this matter is the unspeakable secret of Gu Changge, it is impossible to ask the ancestors of the Gu family.

It is estimated that not many people except his father knew about this.

Therefore, the only ones who can think of a solution are her masters.

Gu Xian'er believed her masters very much, they would not expose this matter.

After all, it is a good thing for Gu Changge to solve the devilish things, why not?

If she had proposed this matter before, Gu Changge would definitely dismiss it and could not agree to it.

But now, every day as an excuse, she does not believe that Gu Changge will not agree.

"Actually, I think Gu Changge can take Tiantian with you, and we will return to Tao Village together. Maybe my masters will have a solution."

So Gu Xian'er thought for a while, combed her tone, and then opened her mouth to make herself look natural.

"Peach Village?"

Gu Changge frowned slightly when he heard this, but he couldn't help but smile. He waited for Gu Xian'er to take the bait and take him to Tao Village.

Before coming, he still considered how to make Gu Xian'er speak.

It now appears that things are much simpler.

"Yes, before, I grew up in Tao Village

Gu Xian'er thought that Gu Changge didn't know this matter, and planned to explain it.

However, Gu Changge waved her hand to interrupt her, and said lightly, "I know the mysterious peach tree in Tao Village, where you have a few mysterious masters, and there is also a mysterious peach tree."

"You know?" Gu Xian'er was suspicious.

"I know it naturally." Gu Changge said.

"You have investigated this so clearly, do you still say that you don't care about me?"

Gu Xian'er showed a faint smile and muttered softly, still very happy in her heart.

If Gu Changge didn't care about her, why would he investigate everything about her so clearly?

"Naturally need to investigate clearly, lest the master behind you come to me for revenge." Gu Changge replied casually.

"Gu Changge, do you know that if you talk like this, you will kill God!!

Gu Xian'er was very happy at first, but when she heard Gu Changge's words, she suddenly became a little angry.

Gu Changge calmly said, "I didn't plan to chat with you.

"I fought with you!"

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er raised her eyebrows.

At this moment, I couldn't bear it. I was so angry that Gu Changge felt so angry that I felt so sorry for him.

Gu Changge glanced at her with interest, and then looked at Heavenly Dao, whose little face was full of surprise next to him,

"Every day, if you are not obedient, I will pick you up like this as a teacher.


Hearing this, Tian Tian was very surprised.I didn't expect this to be the way the master and the little sister get along?

"It's up to you to see how many catties you have grown during this period of time. If the scar is healed, forget the pain.

Looking at Gu Xian'er, who was in front of him, Gu Changge couldn't help but let out a sneer.

The courage of this exclusive receiver seems to be fattening again.


He took the lead at Gu Xian'er.

Still sticking out a hand!

Extremely despised and casual.

"Gu Changge, don't you look down on people!"

"If you have the ability, just use one palm!

Gu Xian'er's eyebrows were full of high spirits, and there was a sense of war.

As if to vent all the suffocation that has been suppressed by Gu Changge these days!

She is still very satisfied with the results of her practice since this time, and she doesn't believe that she still can't even fight Gu Changge with a palm.


The long skirt danced and the flowers fell like rain, covering the void in front of him.

She was in the middle, shot at Gu Changge, out of dust and cold, like an orchid in the deep mountains, moving with her bare hands, like a large celestial flower blooming.

This is the great technique contained in her fairy bones.

A flower contains a world, and it can even be seen that the chaotic fog needs to roll in it, thick and surging, terrifying and astonishing.

But The next moment, an incredible thing happened.

"The bells and whistles.

"A palm can suppress you."

Gu Changge's hand reached out, covering the void in the Great Hall, and clear light emerged, like the first ray of light in the world.

With the rumble!

It seemed that there was a burst of unparalleled power, pressing down towards the bottom.

One spend 3.7 one world, one palm all worlds are collapsed!

"You bully!"

"This palm is not counted!"

Gu Xian'er yelled loudly and refused to accept the account.

She didn't expect Gu Changge's strength, Ascension was even more terrifying than before.

With just one palm, her fairy bones technique was destroyed.

She wants to step back.

But it was too late.

With a snap, she was knocked to the ground and took a firm hit.

Everyday, she was dumbfounded. She didn't expect the little sister-in-law to be cleaned up so quickly. She thought it really could be.

"Gu Changge"

"You are too much! Don't you know to let me?"

Gu Xian'er screamed, gnashing her teeth, feeling that the majesty of her little sister in front of Tiantian was gone.

"Leaving you alone will only make you owe you even more."

"Have you seen it? If you don't listen to what you say as a teacher in the future, you will end up just like your little teacher and aunt.

Gu Changge shook his head, then smiled at Tian Tian.

Every day, the little chicken pecks at the rice and nodded, but how does it feel like being taught so by the master, it is also quite good?

Afterwards, the farce of Gu Xian'er came to an end quickly, and she was not convinced anymore.

At this time, she didn't dare to provoke Gu Changge anymore, but no one dared to help her in Changsheng Gu's family.

Gu Xian'er just recorded the account again, and when he was able to fight Gu Changge in the future, he had to find a way to retaliate, and he couldn't make him so proud every time.

However, after being taught such a lesson by Gu Changge, Gu Xian'er found that she was in a much better mood than before.

This discovery made her a little sad, did she have a brain problem, and she was really used to it after being bullied for a long time?

If Gu Changge doesn't bully her, she will be really uncomfortable and feel uncomfortable?

With such thoughts, Gu Xian'er's expression was a bit resentful all day long.

But soon, under her plan, the old treacherous cunning such as Gu Changge finally took the bait and promised to return to Tao Village with her.

This somewhat comforted Gu Xian'er, and the plan worked.

Gu Changge also had a day when he was calculated by himself!