Chapter 254

Gu Changge's abacus is actually very good.

Now he actually doesn't need to do anything, he just intends to watch the show by the side.

Winshuang hides very well. Although it is a fake, compared with the real winning prince, most people probably can't see any difference.

Winshuang is not stupid. After so long, even a pig knows what to do~ What a disguise.

During this period of time, the people around Yingshuang have not noticed anything, which also shows that his method is not simple.

Gu Changge had anticipated this a long time ago, so he planned to let the prince know his own favor, so that it would be difficult for Winshuang to continue to act.

After all, demeanor and behavior can be disguised, but in terms of strength, he does not believe that Winshuang can be the same as the original Winning Prince.

At this time, anyone who is familiar with it can notice the abnormality of the win frost.

Therefore, Gu Changge has anticipated the next move to win the frost.

On the pretext of showing weakness, he informed the people of Tianhuangshan by the way that he had gone wrong in his practice recently.

In terms of Yingyu's character, she must have suspected the abnormality of Yingshuang before this.

As long as Yingshuang has a little brain, he will definitely say that there is something wrong with cultivation, which leads to some memory confusion.

Now he has a big deal to fool everyone with this reason again.

And Gu Changge just waited for him to say so.

After all, it can be something wrong with cultivation, but it can also be the inheritance of a certain Cultivation Technique.

As a descendant of Tianhuang Mountain, Winshuang took the initiative to abandon the original inheritance, and then changed to practice other methods. I believe that if this basin of sewage is poured on, Winshuang's luck point will suffer a big blow again.

Gu Changge doesn't plan to reap the frost so quickly.

Before that, the luck points in Winshuang's body had to be harvested first.

After all, he still needs to wear the hat of the inheritor of magic skills for a longer time.

It was hard to find a back-and-forth man. Before squeezing all his value, Gu Changge never let him go.

Then, Gu Changge's gaze fell again with interest.


Horrible rune fluctuations, accompanied by a shocking order of rules, fall from all directions.

Suddenly there were many Stars exploding there, and the energy fluctuations were terrifying to the extreme.

Many mountains are broken apart and become powders under this kind of breath.

Wang Zijin's sudden shot not only shocked the people on Tianhuang Mountain, but also shocked many younger generations near the Jueyin Battlefield.

They naturally recognize that this is from Tianhuang Mountain.

Among them, the person with extraordinary bearing and enchanting immortal spirit is the winning prince and wins the cream, and he is also the most suspected inheritor of magic skills.

Although Yingshuang seldom showed up because of magic power and had a lot of infamy during this period, he was the heir of an emperor in the line of the Taikoo royal family.

Since a long time has been sealed up to the present, he is extremely talented.

Many people think that he will be the most powerful young existence in this life.

Naturally, its strength needless to say.

However, now he was instantly injured on the hand of a woman in a blue dress, and the bleeding continued, which really shocked everyone.

Including Ying Yu, A Gu and others also stared wide-eyed and shocked, which is simply unbelievable.

Many of them are still followers of Winshuang, who are the most powerful of their peers, and they all feel that the scene before them is incredible.

Why has the strength of Winshuang become so weak?

Can't even stop the opponent's blow?

Or is it because it didn't react?

"Little Lord "

"Stop it!"

Afterwards, everyone reacted, and they offered various Magical Items one after another. Various powerful fluctuations erupted, and the brilliance was brilliant and reflected in all directions. They shot at the prince to stop all of this.

"Why is it just this strength?" Wang Zizhendai frowned slightly, a little surprised, even she did not expect that Winshuang's strength would be so weak.

She couldn't even take a blow from her.

In her perception, Yingshuang also had the strength above the Quasi-Sacred Realm.

It doesn't make sense to be so weak.

Even if he did not dare to perform taboo magic skills, but with the inheritance of Tianhuangshan, it should be enough to deal with her this strike.

"Are you showing weakness?"

She shook her head slightly, and waved her bare hand again, and a large area of ​​clear light emerged, and a strong breath filled it.

The sky trembled, and all directions resonated. At this moment, she was like a supreme female fairy king.

There are various runes intertwined, like two rounds of huge moon prints, driven by her, to suppress to win the cream.


Such a blow instantly changed the spirits of the other nearby Tianhuangshan creatures, afraid of it, and did not dare to take it hard.

This has involved the power of rules at the holy realm level.

Only the same level of power can be blocked.

"You are the descendant of the ancestral hall"

At this time, Ying Yu's expression changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the jade hand lifted, the crystal fingers pointed out in the virtual space, the sky was full of brilliance, and a strong resistance was used.

But it only broke after resisting for a breath. It was not Wang Zijin's opponent at all.

At this moment, she recognized the identity of Wang Zizhen, and her expression in her silver eyes was extremely shocked.

She never expected that they had just come to the battlefield of Jue Yin, and they encountered the descendants of the Ancestral Hall.

The horror of its strength, unless her Big Brother takes action, none of them will be its opponents.

But at this time, the state of Win Frost seemed to be wrong. He had been passive, injured and coughed up blood constantly, and had no terrifying strength as a winning prince in the past.

"Recognize me, that's good."

Wang Zijin still had a smile on his face. The blue skirt was fluttering and unparalleled, but he didn't show any mercy.

As the heir of the Ancestral Hall, she could not deal with the inheritors of magic arts or something, nothing more normal.

At this time, no one can say much.

"My Big Brother, he has nothing to do with the inheritor of magic skills, you should stop, don't hurt good people by mistake."

Ying Yu couldn't help but yelled, although she suspected that Yingshuang had something to hide from her, she didn't believe that he would have something to do with the inheritor of magic power.

However, Wang Zizhen's expression did not change much, and he said lightly, "It's not that you said that he has nothing to do with the inheritor of magic arts, he is okay, all the evidence is pointing to him. If you want me to stop, then you can, let you Big Brother Show some real strength."

"At this time, is it necessary to show weakness?"

With that said, her hands were even more merciless.


The sky's divine light blooms, like a large expanse of petals, gorgeous and crystal clear, and more runes emerge from it, as if rooted in Minor World.

This is a vast and ancient divine art, a mystery that has evolved endlessly, and everyone seems to have noticed a door opening in a trance.

Numerous chains of order gods, piercing through them, appeared, causing the expressions of the people on Tianhuang Mountain to change drastically.


Someone instantly sacrificed pieces of forbidden devices to resist.

This kind of power is too terrifying, at all, it is not something that ordinary people can stop. As a descendant of the ancestral hall, Wang Zizhen's strength is really too strong.

Even Gu Changge, who has been watching from a distance, still feels that Wang Zijin's strength is good.

At the quasi-sacred level, it showed the power that made Sage jealous.

Worthy of being a fellow traveler.

"Wow "

Facing this terrifying blow, Winshuang changed color and wanted to resist, a vague and stalwart figure, swallowing all over the world, appeared behind him.

Win cream at this time, his face was completely gloomy and ugly, without the indifferent self-confidence he had just entered the battlefield of Absolute Yin.

At this time, he still didn't understand, the prince was waiting at the entrance, just waiting for his arrival.

But after all, he was not the original winner of the prince.

Just for a moment, the brilliance exploded, like countless stars exploded, and terrifying energy raged here.

The next moment, Yingshuang sprayed blood again, his body flew upside down, his whole body was in severe pain, and many bones were broken.

The prince slapped him with a palm, and the terrifying force was like a fairy transforming into a sacred mountain and falling down.

"Will you continue to show weakness? I underestimated your tolerance.

The prince frowned. She really didn't expect that at this time, Yingshuang didn't fight back and still continued to show weakness.

During the period of cultivating in the Ancestral Hall, she had learned a lot of Secret Technique supernatural powers inherited from Taoism, among which the supernatural powers of Tianhuang Mountain were not limited to this degree.

So she couldn't understand why Winshuang would choose to show weakness or be in front of everyone.

This is exactly hitting him in the face of Mt.

Such a shameful thing, he could really endure it.

In this regard, she can only say that she is worthy of the inheritor of magic arts, such a temperament, it is far beyond the many young princes she has encountered.

Thinking of this, Wang Zijin's expression couldn't help but become colder, but she still chose to stop.

"Young Master, are you okay?

The rest of Tianhuangshan also hurried to Mei Fuyingshuang at this time.

However, the appearance of Winshuang was really miserable. He was covered in blood, with disheveled hair, and he didn't know how many bones he had broken.

The shock caused by this scene is really too great, shocking many young people near the Jue Yin battlefield who have found the other entrances to come in.

It is hard to believe that this person in front of him will be the rumored prince to win. In the hands of this mysterious woman, there is no power to fight back.

However, more people, their eyes fixed on Wang Zijin, seemed to want to see her through.

"Who is the opponent who won the prince? How could it be so strong?"

"It looks like it is the rumored descendant of the ancestral palace, that very mysterious Wang family goddess."

"No wonder it's like this."

"This strength is really terrifying, I'm afraid I already have the strength of Sage."

"However, it seems too weak to win the prince?"

They talked a lot, and they were very surprised.

As the younger generation, they are all outstanding everywhere, and naturally they know the elites of all ethnic groups very well.

There are also many young supreme members of the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clan. Although Cultivation Base is not as good as the ancient freaks, it is still difficult to find rivals in various places with the same strength as Realm, and there is an invincible phenomenon.

Today's performance of winning the prince made them stare. It was completely unexpected and could not be accepted.

That is the leader of the younger generation of the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clan, why did he lose so humiliatingly?

Gu Changge watched with interest, and the system reminder sounded in his mind again.

Winning luck points are still declining.

Although he did not personally suppress the wins, but through the tool Wang Zijin, but it does not prevent him from gaining fate and luck points.

Just this time, I lost a lot of luck to win the frost.

After all, the younger generations nearby are all well-known figures on all sides, and they represent different orthodox forces behind them.

There are even many ancient freaks hiding in the dark.

Just like him, he didn't show up.

"Do you think it is related to the recent rumors. Didn't you say that the winning prince is the inheritor of magic power? He simply showed the enemy to be weak, so as to clear the suspicion of own, but in this case, it feels really unnecessary."

...For flowers…

At the moment, many people guessed, their eyes were very puzzled.

"How about it, do you continue to fight? This is my strength, does it disappoint you a bit?

However, at this time, Winshuang stood up with the support of several followers, but his expression was completely different from the angry and gloomy expressions that everyone thought.

At this time, he was very calm, his eyes were extremely indifferent, and he was not as anxious as everyone thought.

As if all this had been expected a long time ago.

Even the ancient freaks of Tianhuangshan who had been a little skeptical of him just now, their expressions became suspicious.

Otherwise, why does he have this look?

"Big Brother"

Ying Yu looked at Yingshuang in surprise, and suddenly felt that he had become unpredictable.

The humiliation just now seemed to be something he deliberately did.

Is it really showing the enemy to be weak?

"It's quite pretentious."

Gu Changge, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but chuck at this scene.

This wins frost is a bit clever, and he really regards himself as the king.

Instead, it was installed at this time.

But does he have the capital to pretend?

You must know that the prince in front of him is a traverser, not a local arrogant.

"What are you pretending to be in front of me at this time?"

Hearing this, the prince was taken aback.

Turning around, I couldn't help laughing. The beautiful face had a slight smile. Although wearing a veil, it still made many young men look a little straight.

There is such a flawless character in this world.


It can only be said that it is worthy of being a descendant of the ancestral hall.

Wang Zizhen didn't feel angry at all because of Winshuang's attitude.

No matter what the plan is to win the cream, at this time, he has been so humiliatingly defeated, even dare to pretend to be in front of her?

Make an unpredictable look.

Wang Zizhen hated such pretending to be a crime.

So when her words fell, she shot again.

A seal cut across the sky and turned into a towering sacred mountain, with hundreds of millions of rules and orders hanging down from the sky, pressing down towards the win frost.

Seeing this scene, his expression was still indifferent, and he felt that he had an idea to calm the scene, and his complexion changed a little.

He didn't expect that Wang Zizhen would not play cards according to the routine at this time, and did not ask questions, so he shot directly.

This caught Winsor by surprise.

At this time, it shouldn't be the prince frowning and asking why.

Then he maintained such an unpredictable look, and bluffed her first, so that she was not interested in doing anything at him.

But now, the sacred mountain and big mountain condensed by rules and order has been crushed down, and it is about to hit his head.

"Little Lord.."

The expressions of the people on Tianhuang Mountain changed drastically, and they wanted to fight against this strike, but they couldn't resist it. They just vomited blood and flew out after being hit by the gods.

Win Frost, who was the first to bear the brunt, looked even more miserable, and half of his body exploded directly.

If it wasn't for his physical body to be very strong, otherwise under this strike, it would definitely not be so hurt.

"If you plan to show weakness all the time, then I will fulfill you."

Wang Zijin looked on with a faint smile, but the words he said changed the expressions of everyone on Tianhuang Mountain.

Could it be that they had to leave when they first entered the battlefield of Jue Yin?

Even the quota of Zhenxian Academy is not available.

At this time, they hope that Winshuang can make a move, and don't make any unpredictable weaknesses.

"Young Master, don't hide it anymore, just do it now."

"If I don't do anything, my face on Mount Tianhuang will almost be lost. Maybe at this time even the quota of Zhenxian Academy will be gone."

They all opened their mouths, hoping that Winshuang would quickly show their true ability, not to be like this, it would be too humiliating.

"Big Brother, at this moment, what are you still hiding? Ying Yu is also extremely anxious, shouting at Yingshuang.

She thinks that if Yingshuang said that just now, it shows that he has a way.

Hearing the words of everyone, Winshuang is really suffering. If he really had a way, why would he be beaten and not fight back? It was so miserable.

Although he has learned a lot of the Secret Technique of Tianhuangshan's inheritance during this period, it is completely incomparable compared to the winning cream accumulated for decades.

How does he counter Prince Jin?

However, just as the expressions of the people on Tianhuangshan became paler, a faint ripple spread in the void.

Then, a young figure stepped out of it.

"Zijin Holy Maiden, why don't you stop first by looking at Gu's face?"

"In my opinion, there may be some misunderstanding about this matter."

It was Gu Changge, with a look of surprise, he glanced at Yingshuang and the others, then stood in front of them and spoke to Prince Jin.

"Gu Changge!

"It's him!"

"He has also come to the Battlefield of Absolute Yin?"

When a group of young people nearby saw Gu Changge, their expressions couldn't help but changed suddenly. They were shocked and jealous. Many people had obvious awe flashing across their eyes.

I didn't expect Gu Changge to come here suddenly. superior.