Chapter 258

"Winshuang's luck point has decayed to this level, and it has risen again. It's really another village."

"Sure enough, I really complied with that sentence, there is no way to the sky, let alone the luck of luck."

Gu Changge's expression was a little inexplicable, and then he became interested.

On the way to the place where Winshuang and others are, he has been paying attention to Winshuang's luck points, because the system has been reminding Winshuang's luck points to decay.

So he was wondering whether he should secretly help win the frost at that time, so as not to be played to death so quickly.

He doesn't want Winshuang to die so early, after all, the pot still needs him to continue to carry it.

If he died in this way, he would have to spend a lot of time looking for the next bearer.

Winshuang is too weak. If he had the means to win the prince before, he would not be so passive.

Gu Changge can save a bit of worry.

But soon Gu Changge discovered that the luck point of Winshuang had risen inexplicably.

He guessed that it was because of the series of changes caused by the fact that Winshuang is now regarded as the inheritor of magic power by the world.

It is possible that the inheritors of magic power are indeed organized behind them.

Winshuang has probably been noticed by them now.

If life is in danger at that time, the real magician inheritor organization may come to rescue Winshuang.

Since the ages, after all, there have been many inheritors of magic power, although there is only one person who cultivates magic power in each generation.

But as long as they are not stupid, they are bound to leave behind some players.

In this way, it saves Gu Changge a lot of effort. At least now, Winshuang can't die. If someone saves him, it will be even more impossible for him to wash.

He must wear this magic inheritor's hat until the day of death.

As for falsification, let Yingshuang have another strength.

Gu Changge is not worried, because Winshuang doesn't prohibit magic skills at all.

Sooner or later, the clues will be discovered by that organization.

"According to the normal trajectory, if there is such a taboo magic organization, they should be looking for the mysterious person Ye Langtian said, and it has nothing to do with Winshuang."

"I just don't know if such an organization exists in the battlefield of Jue Yin, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't exist.

"I will help you.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge's smile couldn't help being a little playful, and his figure became more and more blurred, and he rushed to watch the excitement faster.

This scene fell in the eyes of the rest of the cultivator, which became Gu Changge's concern for the safety of the common people and anxious performance in his heart, which made them even more admired.


Streams of light ran through the sky, and Tianjiao and cultivators of all races were rushing away.

The news of the inheritors of magic arts has spread throughout the entire battlefield in the past few days, causing a huge sensation.

"Brother Gu is back, that's great. During this time, he is not on the battlefield of Jue Yin, which is really disturbing."

"Yes, if Brother Gu was there, the inheritor of magic arts would not dare to be so arrogant. I think he only dared to do it after he knew that Brother Gu left the Jueyin 447 battlefield.

"Brother Gu was actually still in good intentions and helped them to rescue them. I am afraid that Brother Gu would not have thought that so many things will happen in the past few days."

"Hey, if the descendants of the ancestral hall directly shot to kill Win Prince Town at that time, it is estimated that these things will not be there anymore.

"But at the time, winning the prince should be showing weakness, trying to hide it from everyone…

At this time, Ye Langtian, Wang Wushuang, Chi Ling and others were also driving the magic rainbow, galloping through the sky, rushing to the area where Huangshan is today.

They talked a lot, with emotion, they didn't contact Gu Changge at all.

In their view, the younger generation nowadays is almost impossible to be the opponent of the inheritors of magic arts, except for a few people such as Gu Changge and the descendants of Renzudian.

Now that the matter of winning the prince is the inheritor of magic power, it has almost settled. Even if he wants to excuse and refuse to admit, no one will believe it.

So they can't figure out what else to do if they win the prince at this time.Could it be that they plan to drag the entire Emperor Mountain and become the enemy of the world?

And even if he wanted to, Tianhuangshan probably wouldn't admit it.

Passing on for countless years, it is impossible for Tianhuangshan to play this foolish move at this time.

It is very likely that Tianhuangshan chose to abandon the winning prince. After all, Tianhuangshan has existed for many years, and winning the emperor is just one of the emperors.

The entire Tianhuang Mountain could not be his subordinates.

All of this should have been thought of on the day that the Prince Ying accepted the inheritance of magic skills.

And soon, Wang Wushuang, Ye Langtian and others also rushed to the area where Tianhuang Mountain is now.

It's just that what they saw in front of them really surprised them, and it would be difficult for them to come back to their senses for a while.

The soaring brilliance is enough to submerge all cultivators below the holy realm.

Even if it was them, they couldn't help but feel a palpitating feeling at this time, and they felt dreamy.

"At this time, is the winning prince really planning to massacre everyone? Is it impossible for the world to be an enemy?"

So soon, their faces quickly became gloomy, and they were extremely angry.

Wang Wushuang and others even directly urged their own forbidden weapon secret treasures, and they were vigilant.

I saw a mighty breath emerging in front of me, as if an ancient god was resurrecting.

That kind of world-famous breath is really amazing, like a chain of rules and order like the Galaxy Cluster, where there is a golden bell floating in the sky.

The golden bell is very huge, like a mountain range across the sky, covering everything.

The horrible power of time, flowing on the golden bells, swaggered out the strongest breath, and almost returned everything to chaos.

The incomparably splendid and terrifying golden light, like a mountain, seemed to penetrate the universe and crack the sky.

Even in the battlefield of Absolute Yin, it was difficult to stop that kind of breath, and the sky was exploded.

This scene deeply shocked everyone, making Ye Langtian and others palpitated.

As a descendant of the Primordial Ye Clan, Ye Langtian naturally knew what it was for the first time.

So (cedh) because he couldn't figure out why winning the prince was so bold, he dared to urge this thing, this is already an appearance of being an enemy of all beings.

"This is the ancient bell that won the emperor's soul in the first place. No, it's not the weapon that won the emperor, but it was also made by him and reserved for his own heirs."

"I'm afraid it is a supreme weapon. The deity in it is like a resurrection of the world's supreme supreme. Who can stop it?"

"This magician inheritor is really too revealing, and he still doesn't admit it now. Does he really think that behind the emperor is the Emperor Mountain, and his father can do whatever he wants if he wins the emperor?"

"The young king of the endless fire country was said to have been accepted as an apprentice by a supreme. Now that she is dead here, I am afraid that it will make the supreme angry and come here.

"By then, the battlefield of Jue Yin will not be calm, and it will be even more dangerous for us."

Amidst the depleted mountains, many young cultivators were discussing, seeing this scene, they were all angry, and then they looked extremely worried.

At the end of their sight, a monstrous qi and blood could be seen rising.

It was a protector of Qilin who roared from the Most Holy.

He felt something was wrong when he shot to Winshuang.

A world-famous aura appeared in his body, almost shattering his soul.

"Everyone who inherits the magic power is punishable!"

Even if you kill me, someone will kill you.

At this moment, he was roaring with a loud noise.

The majestic rules of the holy realm, like a gap between the world and the earth, where the horror is vented.

Under such volatility, even the average Sage has to be discolored, it is impossible to stand up.

The holy sage was angry, the mountains and rivers were changed, the heavens and the earth were eclipsed, and the universe was destroyed.

If such a battlefield takes place outside the territory, many life stars will burst into pieces and become child fans.

But now, he looks extremely humble and small.

Under the supreme coercion, like an ant, nothing can be done except roaring unwillingly.

The next moment, the golden light vented down, as if the world had been burned down.

The power of endless rules drowned this holy sacred with a puff, and even the screams were too late to make a scream. The smoke disappeared instantly, and the body and spirit disappeared.

"It is said that I am not the inheritor of magic power, why do you just not believe it?"

As the party's winning frost, the face at this time is more stern than anyone else.

He was standing under the sky, and the heavenly spirit cover was shining brightly, in which the divine light was brilliant, connected to the ancient golden bell in the sky.

But this has nothing to do with him.

This golden ancient bell was only proactively recovered when he encountered a life crisis.

On weekdays, it is simply difficult for him to mobilize.

Nowadays, Yingshuang only feels that the black pot of the inheritor of magic skills on his head is tightly clasped, as if he can't take it off.

This made him extremely angry, frightened, and uneasy.

Who is setting him up, and why would he buckle these hats on his head over and over again.

"Young Master, stop it quickly, Sea of ​​Bitterness has no end. As long as the taboo magic is abolished, there is still a way."

"Otherwise, even the subordinates that the Emperor had left behind will not be able to save you.

"You are not only harming yourself, but also Tianhuangshan!"

"Young Master, are you worthy of the Emperor if you are like this now? If the Emperor is still alive, he would not want to see you become what you are today…"

At this time, Ying Yu, A Gu, and many other people in Tianhuang Mountain, with their expressions of regret, opened their mouths one after another, persuading Winshuang to turn his head and stop being obsessed with it.

Suspicion is one thing, and now that suspicion is confirmed, it is another thing.

This makes them extremely worried, deploring, not

Good point, why wins frost will go astray.

As the inheritor of magic power, no matter when it is, it is a mortal situation.

In the end, only relatives will be implicated, and the whole world will be enemies, and there will be no good end.

Why doesn't he think about Winshuang?

"Everyone said that I was wronged, I am not the inheritor of magic arts, why don't you believe me?"

"Ying Yu, are you the same?"

Yingshuang's expression was extremely angry, staring at the people of Tianhuangshan, especially Yingyu.

Even Little Sister didn't believe him, thinking that he was the inheritor of magic power.

This made his heart cold, disappointed, and chilled.

"It's about this time, Big Brother, why do you continue to persevere? Are you really planning to drag the Emperor Mountain into the water?

"I knew today, why did you choose this way?"

Ying Yu's expression is full of pain, with struggle, sadness, regret, and entanglement

She thought about such a day, but always hoped that it would not come.

But when it really came, she was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"Hehe, you still thought of me as your Big Brother, so you doubted me like that."

Hearing the words of Ying Yu, Ying Shuang's expression also suddenly became cold.

Fists clenched and body trembled.

But in fact, his anger, aggrieved, and frightened to the extreme.

Ying Yu doesn't believe him, which means that there is no assistance behind him and he will face all the enemies.

At this time, he would rather go back to feed the horses than encounter such a thing.


At this moment, the golden ancient bell above Yingshuang's head suddenly burst into an unusually brilliant brilliance, with hundreds of millions of golden glows lingering.

The terrible coercion swept across the sky and the earth, making countless cultivators frightened.

Even the cultivator in the rest of the battlefield of absolute Yin deeply felt a kind of uneasy fear, fear from the soul, and couldn't help but kneel down.

"He intends to kill all of us."

"Fight with him! Everyone who inherits the magic arts will be punishable!"

Everyone looked at Yingshuang, with expressions of anger, hatred, and murderous intent.

At this time, they knew that they were not the opponents to win the frost, but they were not afraid at all, ready to go forward and fight with it.

Winshuang is really too arrogant. Just now, in front of everyone, he strongly sacrificed this class of weapons to kill a holy man.

"Big Brother, I really don't want to fight with you, don't forget the golden ancient bell, I have it too.

Ying Yu's coldness mixed with painful voices resounded through the heavens and the earth.


The next moment, I saw a large area of ​​extraordinary brilliance emerge from the center of her eyebrows, in which a strong aura was rising.

The terrifying phantom suddenly solidified under the sky.

It is also an ancient golden bell, exactly the same as Winshuang, and it was made by the emperor Winsor.

It's just that Ying Yu is motivated by secret methods, not his active recovery.

There is a fundamental difference between Weili and the golden ancient bell above Yingshuang's head.

"You want to kill me too?

"Why do I say that, you still don't believe me?"

Seeing Ying Yu's actions, Ying Shuang was stunned, his eyes widened.

Turning to his expression became a little unbelievable, it seemed that he didn't want to believe that Ying Yu would actually make a shot at him in the end.

"You have killed a lot of people, stop it."

Ying Yu's voice was lamented and struggling.

With that, the position of her heavenly spirit cover burst into a dazzling glow.

Seeing this, Yingshuang also knew that it would be useless to say more. This black pot made him have nothing to say and could not justify.

At this time, the only thing he can do is to find a way to live!

And soon, the two golden ancient bells fought in the sky. The fluctuations were as turbulent as the vast sea, and the scene was extremely frightening, almost as if to shatter the sky.

The terrifying rules, order and divine light, incomparably chaotic, are there to perform an amazing scene like the sky.

Even some Stars outside the domain were swept by this divine light, then cut down and turned into child fans in midair.

The haze of chaos fell from outside the domain, flooding all of this, and many creatures were too late to escape and died directly in this aftermath.

Just like the most holy person before, even the screams were too late to utter a scream, and his body and spirit would be destroyed.

For a while, it became a scene of purgatory on earth.

Many young beings are rushing here, but in the midway they were swept by the eruption of divine light, they exploded in an instant and turned into a cloud of blood.

"Run away, the winning prince is crazy. He wants to kill everyone. He intends to be the enemy of the world.

"Quickly go back to the newspaper clan, the inheritor of magic arts is present, he is going to kill everyone!

Everyone was frightened, and they kept fleeing everywhere, desperate, frightened, and angry.

Judging from this move, the winning prince really intends to kill everyone and destroy everyone here.

I am afraid that since today, there will be no place in this world.

So thinking of this, the winning prince plans to drag everyone to the funeral at this time. After all, it is natural to be able to pull one more back.

"No, let's run away too. To win against the prince, we are planning to break the boat. Even if we are to die, we have to drag us down!"

The expressions of Wang Wushuang, Ye Langtian and others changed suddenly.

Although they are backed by the Primordial Leaf Clan and the King of Longevity, they have no such amazing means to win against the prince.

The supreme device, is that something that ordinary people can have?

If you don't run at this time, you will just die here just like the others.


But The next moment, there were strange fluctuations from heaven and earth suddenly, which made everyone's expressions change, and felt a strange power covering all directions.

"Jie, let me see, who dares to escape!"

"Even if the heavenly king daddy appears, no one can save you!"

"Everyone is going to die here today. Since the ages, we have always been chased by people.

"Unexpectedly, there will be such a day. Feng Shui is really taking turns. The descendants of this generation are bold."

Accompanied by the sound of sneer.

Everyone who was trying to escape trial in all directions was shocked, and couldn't help being cold all over, and even the soul was trembling.

In the void, three terrifying figures suddenly walked out.

They were shrouded in black robes, surrounded by thick gray fog, and their eyes were cold, cruel and bloodthirsty.

Their breath is a great sacred realm, and the rules of the great sacred are intertwined with them. They are so powerful that they can easily crush everyone here.


"How can it be!"

"This must be false, how could there be a great sage hiding in the dark, and there are still three, this is driving everyone to death!'

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded, and then reacted and couldn't help but feel cold all over.

His face was pale, his soul trembled, and he was desperate to the extreme.

In the dark, there are people hidden, and suddenly appeared at this moment?

Moreover, there are still three great sages who are terrifying to the sky!

With a random palm, I am afraid that everyone here can be wiped out.

"Heirers, please rest assured, no one can leave here alive today."

At this time, the three great sages who suddenly appeared, in the desperate and frightened expressions of everyone, they all saluted to Yingshuang, their expressions were very respectful.


Winshuang was also a little shocked at this time, even called dumbfounded and at a loss.

Then, there was a burst of ecstasy.

It's really an inexhaustible road.

He even wondered if the previous winning prince was indeed the inheritor of magic power, but after he seized the house, he didn't know that part of the memory.

"No, I am not an inheritor of magic arts, I have not been from the beginning, someone is deliberately framed me!

"And the three people in front of me were sent by him. They seemed to help me, but they actually had another purpose, to make it difficult for me to clear my suspicion!"

"Damn it, it's so cruel!"

"It must be Gu Changge. During this period of time, apart from him, I have no contact with anyone else. I knew he would not be so kind."

But soon, Winshuang reacted, his whole body was very cold, a little desperate and fearful.

But after reacting, what can he do?

But for all this, he could think about it, but he couldn't refuse it at all.

This is a murderous plot!