Chapter 262

Hearing Gu Changge's words, let alone Jiang Chuchu, even Wang Zizhen couldn't help being stunned at this moment.


Jiang Chuchu stared at Gu Changge's eyes and couldn't help but widen again, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

But Gu Changge's expression was still as plain as water, without the slightest disturbance.

An individual can feel the indifference of his stone-hearted indifference.

"What about me, do you need me to say it again?"

He stared at Jiang Chuchu again, his tone was not hurried, "If you want to die, don't die in front of me."

"Do you really think that I am here specifically to save you?"

"It's ridiculous. When is it, what are you still dreaming about? Do you need me to repeat what I said at the time. Jiang Chuchu, you still can't change your self-righteous temperament, you really think you are dead, what will you do to me? Does it affect?"

His expression was slightly mocking, and his tone was even more unceremonious.

He almost pointed to Jiang Chuchu's nose and scolded her for being affectionate.

"Gu Changge, you bastard"

After reacting, Jiang Chuchu couldn't help gritting his teeth in anger, his body trembled lightly, his expression full of hatred, and he became colder and colder.

She did think that Gu Changge was here to save her.

According to his temperament when she got along with Gu Changge before.

Although Gu Changge said he didn't care about her life or death.

But when it comes to her life and death, it is impossible for him to ignore her.

However, what Gu Changge said now can be said to break her illusion.

And it's the kind that is merciless, with no face left to her.

Her death did not have any effect on Gu Changge, and there was even one less person in this world who knew his true identity.

Gu Changge is too late to be happy.

"I'm indeed a bastard, so have you finished scolding?"

"You can get out of the way after scolding, it's really an eye-catching blocking in front of me."

"I haven't seen a stupid person like you, who has a brain and can't use it or what's the matter?"

Gu Changge interrupted her, and the expression between her brows and eyes looked more indifferent than Jiang Chuchu.

"You scold me"

Jiang Chuchu was stunned suddenly.

For a while, she was a bit at a loss. She couldn't help but swallow all the words she wanted to swear at Gu Changge.

But in her heart, there was a sense of grievance that made her feel incredible.

Gu Changge, what right does he have to scold himself?

But at this time, Gu Changge didn't bother to care about her.

He raised his head to look at the sky deep in the sky, and the black and white light in his eyes turned.

With the power of Samsara stripped away, the horrifying and turbulent gray Absolute Yin air became thinner and thinner, and some outline shadows could be seen.

Except for a large number of creatures contaminated by the breath of extremity, there is only one horrible crack that runs across it, like a wound between heaven and earth.

The air of Absolute Yin was leaked from it.

Gu Changge's prediction is not wrong.

This Tianyuan indeed leads to the absolutely cloudy sky, but it is only a small part, and it is estimated to be hundreds of millions of times away from the scope of the entire area of ​​absolutely cloudy.

His plan is to go there to see if he can refine this little piece of absolutely cloudy sky first.

It now appears that the only difficulty is the endless shadow creatures among them, and the number of creatures in the holy realm is quite large.

Because of Jiang Chuchu's sake, even a few terrifying creatures who had reached the Holy Realm were brought out, wrapped in a strong atmosphere of absolute darkness, and the gray mist was overwhelming.

"Brother Gu, he is a real person.

At this time, the prince with a melon-eating look on his face couldn't help but muttered a word.

She didn't expect Gu Changge to say such a thing.

Looking at this posture just now, Jiang Chuchu and Gu Changge definitely have some ulterior histories. Otherwise, why would Jiang Chuchu tell Gu Changge not to save him.

She thought that Gu Changge would be comforted and soft-spoken to calm Jiang Chuchu.

As a result, Gu Changge's answer made Wang Zizhen sluggish for a long time, and then he couldn't help but admire him. He just wanted to say something worthy of you.

In front of him, a peerless beauty who used the words of the country's beauty and the beauty of the moon and the shame of the moon to be described and felt that it was far from enough, was so scolded by him.

It is simply incomprehensible.

If it was her, she must have stepped forward and hugged Jiang Chuchu at this time, and then there was a gentle peace of Balabala.

However, Gu Changge's approach seems to be quite useful, isn't Jiang Chuchu calm down now?

But now, what Wang Zizhen wants to know more is what happened between Jiang Chuchu and Gu Changge.

She was really curious, and logically, the two of them had only met two sides, why are they so familiar.

But she also knew this kind of thing, and she couldn't ask anything. Gu Changge and Jiang Chuchu could not be the kind of people who would answer her.

At this moment, suddenly accompanied by a divine light soaring to the sky, a monstrous sword light appeared from the front, like a mountain that broke through the sky.

Sword Ray bursts into the sky, blooming from the heavens and the earth, as if hundreds of millions of divine swords are pouring from all directions, and then directly cut into the terrifying gray mist ahead.

The sky fell apart, and all directions trembled.

In this breath, it is like snow meets the scorching sun.

Even before the screams were made, it instantly turned into ashes, disappeared in smoke, and disappeared.

The terrifying creature from which the palm of the hand was just pierced out could not help but screamed. There was rotten blood falling from the heavens and the earth, containing terrible corrosiveness.

With a bang, even the void was corroded into an astonishing big hole.

Such a sight is really amazing. The average Sage has to be discolored and dare not approach it.

Wang Zizhen and Jiang Chuchu couldn't help being stunned.

Beneath this sky, Gu Changge walked away, his body was dazzling with colorful lights, wrapped in a thick chaotic mist, like a young deity.

At this moment, many terrifying visions appeared beside him, the true dragon bowed its head, the fairy phoenix swayed its wings, the universe was wiped out, and the tribulations were turned into ashes.

There is even a faint and mysterious vast world emerging, in which the fairy trees are tall, the gods are boundless, and the fairy lakes are vast.

During the steps, a golden passage spread out from under Gu Changge's feet, and the power of the vast rules extended to the gap in the high sky.


Behind him, a mouthful of golden Taoism unfolded, among which densely packed Divine Armament sacred artifacts appeared, the brilliance is extremely bright, reflecting the splendor of this place.

Knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, Zhong Ding and mirror seals are surging, containing unparalleled power, and they have killed the deadly creatures in all directions.

A fight that was many times more terrifying than Jiang Chuchu's battle just now was staged here.

Looked at the countless deadly yin creatures pouring in front of him.

"Roll 々 "!"

Gu Changge gave a soft drink, his expression indifferent and calm, and many Divine Armaments appeared above his head, descending the terrifying rules and order.

At this time, he had an awe-inspiring look of justice to prevent the overcast sky from coming for the people under the world, and he did not fear to kill it!

All the Absolute Yin creatures along the way could not even get close to him. They were in the midair, shattered by various terrifying auras beside him.

"Gu Changge"

Seeing his behavior, Jiang Chuchu and Wang Zizhen couldn't help but be stunned, completely unable to figure it out.

A touch of surprise appeared on Wang Zijin's face, which was unbelievable.

She even felt that she was thinking something wrong.In fact, Gu Changge's purpose was to prevent the absolutely cloudy sky from falling.

His purpose is exactly the same as Jiang Chuchu's?

"What the hell is Gu Changge going to do? Isn't it true that like Jiang Chuchu, he is going to fight against the creatures of Jue Yin? This can't be killed.

"Are you crazy? Did he really think he would have a way? This is something that makes many ancient beings a headache, avoid it like a snake or scorpion."

"There is no difference between doing this and sending you to death!"

Wang Zizhen was shocked and couldn't understand Gu Changge's actions.

In her view, Gu Changge is an absolute self-interest, not doing things that would harm her interests.

There is absolutely no need to say how dangerous it is in the days of absolutely cloudy days.

Like the absolutely yin battlefield they encountered before, it was only caused by some of the aura leaking out.

The danger in the days of Absolute Yin, I am afraid it will far exceed the battlefield of Absolute Yin by tens of thousands of times.

It stands to reason that at this time, shouldn't Gu Changge stay far away, like other cultivators, for fear of getting half a point?

"It seems that Brother Gu is still different from what I think. People like him are not completely selfish and still have the righteousness in the world."

As Wang Zizhen thought so, he couldn't help but feel admiration for Gu Changge.

For this point alone, the rest of the younger generation can't catch up with Gu Changge even if they shoot horses.

As a traverser, she can't understand Gu Changge's feelings about the common people in the world.

But it does not affect her admiration for Gu Changge.

She couldn't show such courage.

"Brother Gu is not of Lu Zang's generation. Since he dared to do this, he must be confident."

Although Wang Zizhen was worried, he had no choice but to wait at this time.

Contrary to Wang Zizhen's thoughts, Jiang Chuchu was stunned at this time.

In her opinion, Gu Changge is such an indifferent and unsympathetic demon who has done all bad things and is frantic.

How could he regard the safety of the world as a responsibility like himself.

Let him stop the overcast sky from coming? This is simply impossible.

However, he did so now, and went to it in front of the ancestral hall of the two people to prevent the absolutely cloudy day from coming.

"Why, Gu Changge, why did you do this

Jiang Chuchu was stunned, his eyes widened, and he couldn't understand it at all.

In the end, she thought of a possibility that was the most possible, and also the most light-hearted.

Gu Changge's purpose for doing this has a lot to do with her.

He scolded her like this just now because he was actually worried.

After all, in terms of Gu Changge's temperament, it is impossible for him to show anything, so he can only show his anger and worry through this method.

And now he is going to prevent the overcast sky from falling, in fact, he wants to help himself, fearing that he will stay here and lose his life in the end.

Thinking like this, Jiang Chuchu couldn't help but bit his lips tightly.

There was no longer a trace of coldness on his face.

Just now Gu Changge scolded her very badly, but his behavior was unambiguous.

In fact, he is hard-mouthed, and he is not merciful at all, but he still has warmth in his heart.

This made Jiang Chuchu's expression extremely complicated, remembering when he was detained in his small space by Gu Changge.

At that time, he was actually like this. In the end, it was because of his own behavior that disappointed him too much and exhausted his last patience.

That's why he would say the kind of irresponsible words that no matter whether he lives or die, there is no relationship between the two.

"Gu Changge"

Jiang Chuchu couldn't help muttering.

For a while, she felt so confused in her mind, she obviously hated him so much, wishing him to die like this.

In this way, there is one less terror in the world.

But why, I can't help but worry about it?

"Jiang Chuchu, as a descendant of the Ancestral Hall, how can you be moved by a big demon?"

"You and him are destined to stand on opposite sides."

She chanted the Purifying Heart Mantra silently in her heart, trying to calm herself down, but after so many years of cultivating the Tao, all the things she had learned seemed useless at this time.


This made Jiang Chuchu feel at a loss.

In the depths of Tianyuan, the gray mist was surging.

Gu Changge looked a little interested.

At this time, he had actually faintly guessed the thoughts of the two outsiders. After all, he did it deliberately, whether it was Jiang Chuchu or Wang Zijin.

It is impossible to guess his true purpose.

Since ancient times, when absolutely cloudy days have come, the first reaction of the cultivator has been to run away.

Who would dare to go into it?

Not to mention that in the absolutely cloudy sky, there is no chance at all, it is this level of danger, which is comparable to many eternal forbidden places.

Unless you want to die, who else is here?

So no one would think of his plan, but would feel that he came here to prevent the absolutely cloudy day from coming.

""~Thinking like this, that's all right, so I won't bother to think about it. "

Gu Changge couldn't help but smile a little at the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, between raising his hands, many Divine Armaments emerged, uttering terrifying powers, and shattering the deadly shadows around the body.

He stepped towards it.

The closer you get to it, the more powerful the creatures you encounter, and they have already lost their spirituality. They only have to kill and destroy.

The absolute Yin here is actually very strong.

Sage will also be corroded when it comes in. Staying here for a long time is bound to be affected.

But it doesn't affect him much.

At this time, on Gu Changge's body surface, a black whirlpool emerged one after another, and the horrible and heart-palpitating avenues of runes flowed.

Among them, there seems to be an indescribable and unspeakable ancient god sitting cross-legged, and the world sounds, sacrificial sounds, and chanting sounds reverberate.

All the breath of absolute Yin was swallowed by these whirlpools when approaching him, and it couldn't affect him at all.

On the contrary, there are more and more dead-yin creatures here, which makes him frown.

It's okay if there is no Wang Zijin outside, if he uses the taboo magic power now, it is very likely that some breath will come out, which will attract her attention.

Then, Gu Changge sacrificed something, and the golden light was surging. It opened from this space in an instant, like a big seal on a mountain and sea, but it was actually Gu Changge's immortal seal behind the eyes.

This is a real supreme device.

With his current Cultivation Base, if he wants to fully urge him, it is almost impossible, but a ray of supernatural power from the supreme weapon is enough to shake the nearby dead-yin creatures.

Then, the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd started.

The head hung the immortal Lun seal (Ma Zhao), and the terrible divine light fell down, like a Galaxy Cluster, incomparably vast.

Gu Changge raised his hand and smashed down. A creature in the Holy Land in front of him immediately collapsed and exploded, making it difficult to stop his steps.

Soon, this gray mist, vast and boundless space, he cleared a clean road, leading directly to the deepest place!

It is also the source of Absolute Yin Breath!

It didn't take long for the time to pass.

Gu Changge found the place where the gray mist was thickest in the depths of Tianyuan.

The nearby Jueyin creatures had been swept away by him, and there was almost no sign of sight.

At this time, it seemed a bit strange and peaceful.

"It seems that this is the source. As long as I refine this place, I can control this part of the absolutely cloudy sky."

Gu Changge whispered to himself.


In the light of his eyes, black and white colors flowed, and the power of time and years emerged, turning into two peerless fairy swords, clanking, and slashing away!

The terrible gray mist exploded from it, as if torn apart by terrible force, it became more and more dense and amazing black matter, slowly flowing in it.

It was a matter of life, as black as a starry sky, but it was able to swallow the barriers of the world and cover everything!

At this time, if there is a cultivator here, the skull will explode in horror.

This kind of breath, clearly not yet close, is enough to break everything.

Even after the death of the supreme, even the corpse of the quasi emperor, it is impossible to have such a breath.

Just a strand seems to be enough to swallow the heavens and crush all matter.

"This is an extremely rare source of Absolute Yin in the core area of ​​Absolute Yin. I didn't expect my luck to be pretty negative.'

"E's wrong, this should be attributed to Wang Zijin, thanks to her, I was able to find this thing."

Gu Changge's expression showed a little interest, even at this time, there was a sense of fear in Xianlun Yin.

The deity among them, perceiving the danger, is extremely afraid of Absolute Yin's origin, for fear of being swallowed and covered by it.

But the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd was very quiet.

"I just don't know the origin of this kind of absolute Yin, and I'm a treasure bottle, strong and weak."

"Maybe it can take the opportunity to evolve the bottle a little bit.