Chapter 274

"Young Master Changge fights against Golden Cicada Buddha?"

The old men in front of the mountain gate looked at each other after being shocked, and didn't know what to say for a while.

It stands to reason that Gu Changge is one of the top ten sequences today, and the same is true for the golden cicada and Buddha in front of him.

Shouldn't the two of them be very cautious ~ serious?

After all, if there is a slight disadvantage, it can easily cause one's own position in the True Immortal Academy to be impacted-no longer stable.

"Young Master Changge is serious about this?"

On Jin Chan's face, it was the first time that she showed an expression other than calm, staring at Gu Changge seriously.

He didn't expect Gu Changge to be so sharp.

And it's still at the gate of Zhenxian Academy.

Jin Chan pays himself. Did he offend Gu Changge? No, this was just the first time the two met.

"This Gu Changge is too arrogant. He doesn't put the rest of Tianjiao in his eyes, so he is so conceited.

Among the crowd, Yingshuang clenched his fists and couldn't help but secretly said.

He became more and more convinced that Gu Changge was the real inheritor of magic power.

The purpose of his action is probably just to test Jin Chan's strength, or to show his terrifying power in the public.

In the future, in Zhenxian Academy, you may have to cover the sky by Gu Changge just like Celestial Immortals Palace.

"But it's just for the test, until the end, Brother Jin Chan, don't care too much.

Gu Changge still smiled indifferently, "But if Brother Jin Chan refuses, Gu will not be too tough."

"There are not many of the younger generation that can make me interested in playing against each other."

Although what he said was simple, it made everyone in this place feel like they were breathing. There was a feeling of being overwhelmed by an invisible mountain above their heads.

Casual and strong!

And it's still the kind of nonchalant that doesn't put the opponent in his eyes!

They know that this is not Gu Changge's arrogance, but that he really has the confidence to say such things, which makes people unable to refute.

But this is not an endorsement.

It is already a great honor to be interested in fighting against Gu Changge!

"If this is the case, it would be a crime!"

Upon hearing this, Jin Chan also knew that this battle was inevitable, and sighed in his heart.

He didn't come to Zhenxian Academy for the sake of being competitive, but Gu Changge in front of him put a lot of pressure on him.

And soon, I heard the news from here.

One after another, green rainbows kept coming from all over the Zhenxian Academy. The figures flickered and appeared everywhere on the mountain, all coming to watch the battle.

To put it bluntly, this is the most pinnacle battle for the younger generation today!

The sequence battle between the two true fairy academies!


In the depths of the sky, the chaotic fog spreads, and the Golden Light Avenue stretches all the way, and Elder's figure also rushed there. Also, I was very curious about this battle.

Many people have guessed the purpose of Gu Changge, he took the initiative to speak, is it not Liwei?

When I first arrived, the current Zhenxian Academy actually did not have an accurate level of order.

He took the lead, which was completely equivalent to telling the rest of his strength, so that they would have self-knowledge and know who they should respect in the True Immortal Academy.

Of course, this is everyone's guess.

On a mountain top, a woman with a fire-red phoenix wing on her back, a fire-red dress, her arms wrapped in flames.

From a distance, she looked beautiful, with a natural dignity, like a phoenix girl carved with red fairy crystals.

It is an ancient freak from Huangling, who is also one of the ten major sequences!

It is said that she has a great relationship with Xianhuang, and there is even a saying that she is the reincarnation of Xianhuang.

"Gu Changge

She chanted these three words softly.


The Phoenix Wing shook behind his back, his figure blurred, and he left here.

"Gu Changge took the initiative to fight against Foshan Buddha?"

In the Immortal Cave, the purple-robed man's brows frowned, "Just take advantage of this opportunity to explore the truth. If the rumors are really true, you still have to see it."

Thinking of this, his figure moved in the same way, leaving this place, with the mighty purple energy soaring into the sky, and heading for the mountain gate.

"Tianjun Ziyang, he also rushed there?"

This scene attracted the attention of many people and was shocking.

Ziyang Tianjun was the first serial disciple to come to Zhenxian Academy, from Zifu.

At the same time, he is also an ancient freak who is still in the dust.

The Purple Mansion is also the very mysterious Immortal Taoism in the upper realm today, with a very long and ancient heritage.

For a time, many of these scenes appeared in the Shenshan fairy islands of the Zhenxian Academy.

In front of the mountain gate, it is extremely lively.

The Daoist shadows flicker, and their breath is tyrannical, and in the outside world, they are definitely the invincible young supreme!

Among them, Inner Sect disciples and quasi-sequence disciples are the most, and many sequence disciples have not yet rushed to Zhenxian Academy.

For example, the two descendants of Renzu Temple are still missing, and the mysterious six crown kings have never appeared.

In addition, the remaining major sequence disciples are also very mysterious, and their traces are hard to find.

"I don't know who can win this battle? I feel that Buddha Jin Chan is very mysterious. Before this, I have never heard of his rumors, but it must be someone who can be sealed as a sequence by the True Immortal Academy. Place."

"This battle is very hanging.

"Not necessarily. I don't use other methods. Based on my own strength, I think Young Master Changge is definitely better. After all, he is the only one who can resist the inheritance of magic power."

"There are rumors now that Young Master Changge may be the reincarnation of Human Ancestor."

"Hiss! No wonder!"

A lot of people were discussing this, and when they said this, they couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning, and were startled.

"Young Master Changge!"

"excuse me!"

Just when everyone was talking about it, Jin Chan, who had been sitting on the golden nine lions, moved his hands, and his voice was calm.

The light is permeated, the sounds of the Buddha are intertwined, and the Sacred and brilliance are incomparable.

As soon as he shot it, it was Dharma, which was extremely mysterious and profound, and a circle of gods appeared in his mind, like a fairy Buddha.

Moreover, he didn't dare to take it lightly, and the strength he showed was already at the Sage level.

The ancient Dharma evolved, and an extremely tall golden Buddha figure appeared, bright and compelling.

The terrible breath made many young Tianjiao present, and felt the feeling of splitting their bodies.

"So strong!"

"Sage's strength, is this the tyranny of this generation of Buddha? It's far more than I have waited too much!"

They were shocked, and their hearts trembled!

Such strength, if shown before, can definitely cause a sensation to all parties.


The huge golden Buddha body rolled down towards Gu Changge, as if to suppress him together.

"Brother Jin Chan, do you look down on Gu? If it's just such a trick, it really disappoints me."

However, Gu Changge still had a smile on his face, as if he didn't care.


He just lifted his palm slightly!

The other hand was not even moved.

Instead, gently press the front cover!

There was a roaring sound in the void, almost exploding.

The next moment, the palm is so real, and the void collapses.

Like the hand of the heavens, Heavenly Dao breath flows, and the fairy radiance is rich, wrapped in colorful divine light and fairy mist!

The phantom of the Buddha, which is a thousand feet high, has a majestic appearance, but under this palm, it bursts instantly and directly eliminates the invisible.

"What!? It broke in one palm

"It's desperate. Isn't this too powerful?"

This scene made everyone in this place tremble, and they couldn't help feeling shudder.

"It cannot be treated with common sense.

Even the Heavenly Phoenix Girl and Ziyang Tianjun were frowning slightly, and comparing secretly, they found that neither Gu Changge nor Jin Chan had used their full strength.

Soon, Jin Chan shot again, and under the monk's clothes, a golden bowl flew out.

The Buddha's light is dazzling, reflecting in all directions, contains Zen, and seems to purify everything.

This is an ancient Buddhist artifact, containing the power of the holy realm, falling down the terrifying light of order like the Galaxy Cluster.

Gu Changge is even simpler.

He just flicked his fingers and struck Sword Qi.

But there was a terrible sword chant, and in a daze, everyone seemed to see a peerless fairy sword, piercing the universe, and the Sword Ray dazzlingly fell down!

Everyone couldn't help closing their eyes.

The next moment, just hearing a click, it seems that there are hundreds of millions of brilliant blooms, and the golden bowl has cracked a gap.

Soon afterwards, this trace spread and seemed to be broken.

Had it not been for Jin Chan to see that the situation was not good, and hurriedly took it back, I am afraid he would lose an ancient Buddhist artifact today.

"Young Master Changge is strong, and Jin Chan is no longer an opponent of Young Master Changge.

"Will give up.

Jin Chan's expression changed slightly, but he still sighed, and did not choose to continue to shoot, but chose to admit defeat.

"Brother Jin Chan is really boring."

"But since you have said so, then Gu will naturally not make another move."

Hearing this, Gu Changge seemed a little surprised, but his smile on his face remained unchanged.

Jin Chan would choose to surrender, which was in his expectation.

At this time, there is no grievance and no enmity, who will do all the means to fight life and death?

He just wanted to test Jin Chan's strength to estimate the feasibility of subsequent plans.

Of course, by the way, let everyone know that even if they are in the same sequence, there is still a big gap between them.

...For flowers…

Gu Changge actually doesn't like the feeling that makes people feel like him.

It used to be because I was afraid of being noticed by Cultivation Base, which caused unnecessary suspicion.

But now the ancient freaks are born one after another, and the inheritors of magic skills are also different. No matter how strong his Cultivation Base is, it will no longer be as noticeable as before.

Even if he is still competing with the younger generation, he should also let them understand that the gap between him and them is not just a little bit.

In layman's terms, it's a showdown. I'm better than you, not just a billion points.

Although Gu Changge doesn't like the various resources of Zhenxian Academy, it doesn't mean he doesn't care.

The stronger the strength, the more naturally you will get.

Hearing this, Jin Chan shook his head, did not say anything, and looked very calm.

There is no unwillingness or anger after frustration.

He still has many methods, but he also knows that after all those methods are exhausted, it will be difficult to defeat Gu Changge.

He is too strong, the kind of strength that deeply penetrates the bone!

Today, it was unlucky for him to say that he happened to be hit by Gu Changge. If he meets other sequence disciples, Gu Changge will also say so.

He just wanted to stand up, which made people jealous. Fortunately, he will only cover the sky with his hands in Zhenxian Academy.

"It's not unreasonable that this guy will be so strong and confident."

"You have become the only inheritor who was suppressed by the rest of Tianjiao."

Outside the mountain gate, Mo Lao, who was silent for a while, looked a little solemn, and spoke to Yingshuang next to him.

He felt the difficulty of things for the first time.

I thought it would be much simpler to find the inheritor of magic power in this life, but why did such a Gu Changge pop up?

The strength is still outrageous.

Winshuang's look was also very unnatural, and Gu Changge's strength really made him desperate.

He estimated that even if he once won the prince, he could not be Gu Changge's opponent.

This made him clenched his fists, and he was very unwilling. Now, what made him feel a little relieved was that he was hiding in the dark, and Gu Changge was in the Ming, and he didn't know that he had also come to Zhenxian Academy.

He will repay this hatred!

"This matter needs to be explained slowly.

"Before this, I have to find a way to tell Gu Xian'er the danger of Gu Changge."

"Although she used to be so indifferent to me, but I am not so desperate to save me."

Ziyang Tianjun frowned, his face was heavy, and he whispered in his heart.

He also didn't know that he went all out to fight Gu Changge, who wins and who loses.

The first time there is no bottom, there is no half of the confidence, Gu Changge is indeed many times more terrifying than the rumors.

On the other side, the Tianhuang Girl stared at Gu Changge closely, as if she wanted to remember her firmly, then her figure flashed and disappeared soon.

"This golden cicada is an upside-down."

Yuemingkong whispers softly, knowing the purpose of Gu Changge.

"It's not bad luck. It's already his luck to be alive after playing against him." Gu Changge's smile was a bit intriguing.

Yue Mingkong glanced at him, feeling that he seemed to be calculating something, could it be related to the Burial Demon Abyss?

And soon, the results of this battle in front of the gate of Zhenxian Academy spread.

Not only did it cause a sensation in Zhenxian Academy, it also caused major earthquakes in Upper Realm.

The younger generation is naturally the focus of major religions.

The fight between Gu Changge and Jin Chan Buddha Zi is even more eye-catching.

The result of this battle was recorded by the photo stone and circulated among the ancient cities.

For a time, Gu Changge's momentum reached a peak again.

Before, many people felt that he didn't have enough time to practice, and he was no better than those ancient freaks.

But today's battle has shocked many people and it is difficult to calm down.

Even those ancient freaks, it is estimated that they are far from enough to see in front of them.

Many older generations feel that they are not Gu Changge's opponent anymore. Before they know it, he has grown to a point where the older generations are noticed and jealous.

In a blink of an eye, several days have passed since this battle passed.

"Qing Xiaoyi really still went to the Zhenxian Academy."

"The so-called fairy demon body.

"If my memory is right now, the bottle is now in her Big Brother's hand."

Very close to a magnificent palace in the area where Gu Changge is located.

Yuemingkong whispered softly, and there were many expressions passing by in his eyes.

Regarding Qing Xiaoyi, a legendary character, she was actually very impressed in her previous life.

Her rise shocked all the Daoist forces in the upper realm, and she was one of the two most proud disciples of Zhenxian Academy.

There is also a strange stone that has been sealed up in Zhenxian Academy for a long time. superior,