Chapter 280

"Girl Xian'er, are we seeing each other again?"

At this moment, just as Gu Xian'er was thinking about it, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in front of her.

Gu Xian'er's expression changed in seconds, she was a bit cold and arrogant at first, but she was cold and frosty, with some disgust.

"Tianjun Ziyang, I said last time that you don't want to appear in front of me again."

Her voice was very indifferent, staring at the Ziyang Tianjun Dao that appeared in front of her.

After seeing through his self-directed and self-acting heroes to save the United States in front of the mountain gate, Gu Xian'er only hated him.

But Ziyang Tianjun didn't know it, and would come to her to say hello whenever he had the opportunity.

No matter how many times Gu Xian'er said it, he didn't care at all, just like brown sugar.

As a serial disciple, he was still the number one in the upper realm, and Ziyang Tianjun himself had a lot of fame.

Many good people feel that he is pursuing Gu Xian'er, the goddess of the long-lived Gu family.

"You don't know, you will only make people sick by doing this."

Gu Xian'er's voice was full of disgust.

However, Ziyang Tianjun didn't care at all. He shook his head and smiled.

"I just happened to see Girl Xian'er, so I came to say hello. You are too nervous.

Hearing this, Gu Xian'er looked at him coldly, only disgusted.

"Next time you dare to approach me, I will do it."

After that, her figure turned into a green haze, and disappeared in a flash.

The disgusting thing about Ziyang Tianjun was that he didn't do anything, just came over to say hello.

This made Gu Xian'er also very helpless, with a feeling of having a strong fist but unable to fight.

With her character, she can't even reach out to hit a smiley person.

At this time, she hoped that Gu Changge would be by her side. With his character, I'm afraid that he didn't care about the situation, first stepped on Ziyang Tianjun's disgusting face.

"This character is exactly the same as the little junior sister."

After seeing Gu Xian'er missing, Ziyang Tianjun couldn't help shook his head, but didn't care.

He knew what happened last time, after being destroyed by Gu Changge, Gu Xian'er left a bad influence on him.

In his opinion, as long as he is sincere enough in the "four, five and seven" period, Gu Xian'er can feel his good intentions and understand that all he has done is for her good.

"I just don't know if the man who came out of the strange stone is

Soon, Ziyang Tianjun's expression became confused.

When the strange stone was born, he was not there, but according to the pictures recorded by his followers.

The face of the man who walked out of the strange stone gave him a sense of familiarity, but he couldn't believe it if he didn't see it in person.

"If it's really a big brother, then God will help me."

Thinking of this, Ziyang Tianjun's mood could not help but become surging and excited.

"Sure enough, the inheritors of magic arts have mixed into the True Immortal Academy. Although I don't know why there are two inheritors of magic arts at the same time in this life, it is the best opportunity for you and me.

On the other side, in the Immortal Cave, Su Qingge's face was very calm, skin white as porcelain, like carved from beautiful jade.

At this moment, she was discussing with another voice in her mind.

Naturally, she also heard about You Tianjiao encountering the evil hand of a magician inheritor.

At first, Su Qingge was still a little worried, after all, if she secretly shot, it might arouse others' suspicion, and finally reveal the secret that she is the inheritor of magic power.

But nowadays, another inheritor of magic arts has taken action.

Next, even if she started on the rest of Tianjiao, no one would doubt her.

It is only possible to trace the whereabouts and traces of Yingshuang.

"I just need to be careful not to be noticed by Elder, there will be no problems."

"At that time, this pot will only be thrown on Yingshuang's head."

Many thoughts were revealed in Su Qingge's eyes.

Because of cultivation taboo magic skills, her Cultivation Base and methods are not inferior to those quasi-sequence disciples.

This matter, she has been concealing Gu Changge's presence.

She didn't know how long she could hide, after all, Gu Changge was so smart, and even a little clue, he might find something.

"I just hope that day will come later."

Su Qingge sighed slightly, then her figure flashed, leaving Immortal Cave, she actually had her own goal.

Now Zhenxian Academy has gathered the most outstanding young talents from the upper realm.

Everyone's bloodline and physique are completely different, and many of them have special physiques, which makes Su Qingge very heartwarming.

After getting accustomed to taboo magic skills, she naturally can no longer cultivate step by step.

And when Su Qingge left Immortal Cave, Gu Changge, who was in the palace, felt it.

He naturally left the means on Su Qingge.

"Su Qingge is finally going to do it?"

He opened his eyes and looked a little interested. After all, he had been waiting for Su Qingge to do his hands, otherwise he would not be able to let the old Mo notice her.

Afterwards, Gu Changge stepped forward and followed the past.

But before that, he first went to a sacred mountain in the depths of Zhenxian Academy.

In the sacred mountain, in a glorious palace, many Elders are there, seeming to be discussing something.

For Gu Changge's sudden visit, I was very confused.

"Young Master Changge, I suddenly visited in the middle of the night, do you have something to do?"

They are still very polite to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge heard this, seeming helpless, and then he said, "Recently, I don't know Elder, do you have any clues about the inheritor of magic arts?"

Hearing this, all of you Elder's expressions became stiff and a little bit silly.

They even felt that the atmosphere became a little embarrassing. They thought that Gu Changge had come to Xingshi to inquire.

As Elder of True Immortal Academy, but they couldn't find a trace of a magician inheritor. They said it was a bit of a Losing face.

But Mo Lao among them frowned slightly, feeling that things seemed a bit bad.

Is it possible that Gu Changge has any way to find the whereabouts of the inheritors of magic power?

He was a little uneasy in his heart, worried that Gu Changge had really found some clues.

"It seems that Elder, like Junior, has no clue."

Seeing the expressions of you Elder, Gu Changge didn't seem surprised.

He shook his head slightly and said with a headache, "To be honest, Junior boasted in front of many disciples that he wanted to find the trace of the inheritor of magic arts, but now he still has nothing, and honestly he is a bit losing face.

"Now I'm here to ask Elders to see if there are any clues."

Hearing what he said, everyone including Elder Mo was relieved, and smiles appeared on their faces.

Gu Changge's such sincere attitude made them appreciate it.

By the way, give them a chance to step down.

"It's no wonder Young Master Changge, this time the magician inheritor is too cunning, leaving no trace at all. We also feel tricky, and we haven't come up with a countermeasure for a while."

"Yes, Young Master Changge, you did your best.

At the moment, several Elders spoke, their voices were helpless.

"Young Master Changge doesn't need to blame himself, this matter is really tricky.

Old Mo also nodded, but he was relieved. It seemed that the means of winning the cream were indeed hidden, no wonder he was so confident at the time.

Even Gu Changge felt troubled and came to ask them.

This made him feel relieved.

"If it weren't for this, Junior wouldn't bother you Elder in the middle of the night.

Hearing this, Gu Changge sighed and looked even more helpless, and continued, "However, there is a way for Junior to find the trace of the magician inheritor. Of course, it is more troublesome and time-consuming."

"Just to see if the Elders have time, they can help Junior to explore together."

"Next to explore?"

Old Mo's heart shuddered. The thing that worries him the most, still happens, Gu Changge is so afraid of trouble?

"Like tonight, the moon black wind is high on the murder night, if I am the inheritor of magic arts, I definitely have to make a move. There is no better time than this." Gu Changge affirmed.

"This, next to probe, is really troublesome and time-consuming, and it's a test of luck, in case you don't touch it.

Hearing this, all the Elders became silent, their expressions flickering, obviously they felt troublesome and didn't want to help.

"Then let Junior didn't say it."

Seeing this, Gu Changge didn't seem surprised, with a slightly mocking expression, and then planned to leave.

Hearing that, all Elder looked embarrassed, but they never continued to speak, and didn't want to waste time doing this thankless thing.

How many disciples does Zhenxian Academy have?

Next to the probe? Who knows if the inheritors of magic arts would do it at that time?

There are too many uncertain factors. The premise of finding a needle in the sea is that there is a needle on the seabed.

But now, they don't even know when the magician inheritor will do it, how to investigate? This is simply a matter of luck.

However, Gu Changge's determination and perseverance still made them admire.

It can only be said that it deserves to be known as the first person of the younger generation.

"Young Master Changge, wait a minute, or else, the old man will be with you tonight, let's check it out first."

However, at this moment, Elder Mo suddenly spoke, as if he had made a difficult decision.

He was disturbed by Gu Changge's words. Will Winshuang really do something tonight? Don't be bumped by Gu Changge.

Therefore, he planned to go with Gu Changge to explore together, and then he might have a way to cover up for the win.

The rest of Elder also looked at Elder Mo in surprise, but they were surprised that he had agreed to Gu Changge's request.

"Oh? Then Junior will thank Mo Elder for all the disciples.

Gu Changge was slightly surprised, with a slight smile on his face, but in fact, it was not surprising.

He said so much, he didn't want Mo Elder to speak up, and then discovered that Winshuang was actually a fake inheritor of magic skills.

Otherwise, his next plan will never succeed.

"Young Master Changge doesn't need to say much, after all, it's for the disciples, this is nothing troublesome."

Mo Lao waved his hand, but he also looked awe-inspiring and majestic.

"Mo Elder, why don't we explore separately, I will explore this side first, and you will explore the other side."

"After that, how about going to the next area?"

Afterwards, Gu Changge and Mo Singing acted as divine rainbows, and soon came to the area where the Tianjiao practiced.

Gu Changge scanned the nearby Shenyue, then pointed to the area where Su Qingge was heading, and smiled at Old Mo.

"no problem."

Old Mo groaned for a moment, nodded, but did not refuse, fearing Gu Changge would think too much about it.

Immediately, the two separated.

Old Mo's expression was different, and his spiritual thought swept through, exploring all the way.


"Sun Hao, the body of the cold, contains the origin of the cold, from the ancient Sun family

On the other side, taking advantage of the moonlight, Su Qingge's figure quickly came to an area.

Here, the mountains are next to each other, very tall, or shining with shining light, or with dragon spirit.

Fortunately, the scope of Zhenxian Academy is very wide, especially at night, with almost no other people in sight.

Su Qingge's actions are very concealed, and the timing has already been calculated. At this time, he will not be noticed.

There is an Immortal Cave in front, located between the various gods and mountains, and it is gushing out various colors of sunlight.

Coming here, Su Qingge's expression became extremely indifferent, and his face seemed even more calm, like jade.

She walked forward and knocked on the door of Immortal Cave naturally, and at the same time touched the Restrictions pattern at the door, making her notice.

Tianjiao, who was cultivating among them, heard this voice, still a little confused, and asked, "Who is it in the middle of the night?"

He is not stupid, he didn't rush to open Immortal Cave. Recently, the inheritors of magic arts are making a lot of noise.

Many people are secretly vigilant, and he is no exception.

Came to visit at night, and I felt something was wrong at first sight.

What if the inheritor of magic arts came to murder him?

"Senior Brother Sun Hao is me

"Chen You."

Su Qingge spoke, her voice calm, but it seemed crisp and beautiful, like a girl.

"What, Junior Sister Chen You?"

Hearing this, Tianjiao in Immortal Cave was a little stunned, and a shy face appeared in his mind.

Is it possible that Junior Sister Chen You actually has a good impression of him?

During the day, he went to look for Junior Sister Chen You, trying to show his mind, but the other party ran away.

Thinking of this, Tianjiao in Immortal Cave figured it out and became a little excited and excited.

"It turns out that there are too many people in the daytime, and Junior Sister Chen You is shy. At night, she came to look for it in the dead of night…"

The doubts he had just now swept away.

After all, the inheritor of magic skills is male, how could it be Junior Sister Chen You?

At the entrance of Immortal Cave, Su Qingge calmly watched the other person open the door for her, not surprisingly, after all, she had investigated everything before.

Soon, a face with excitement and excitement came out, and the moment he saw Su Qingge, his stiffness suddenly solidified.

"You who are you?"

But his words are not finished yet.

Su Qing Geyu waved his hand, clear light filled.

He only felt a terrible black light shrouded in front of his eyes.

A large road rune emerged, turning into crystal clear flowers, rooting down from his eyebrows, making his consciousness black.

If you can't even resist, you lose your mind.

The next moment, this flower continued to spread, and finally all bloomed, bearing a black light down fruit.

"It went well.

A faint smile appeared on Su Qingge's face, ready to pick this fruit.

"not good

"Elder is here!"

But The next moment, her expression changed drastically, and she felt a horror like the Divine Sense of the Galaxy Cluster, swept across from the sky, and then fell on her.

Suddenly, she became cold all over, her hands and feet were cold, and her back was covered with cold air.

Su Qingge couldn't believe it.


She has clearly calculated that there will be no Elder investigation tonight, and all the timings are seamless. Why does anyone come suddenly?

"It's over."

"Identity revealed!

As she knew the sea, another voice was also trembling.

Subconsciously, Su Qingge thought of Gu Changge. If he knew the true identity of Own, he might be unbelievable and shocked.


In the high altitude, Mo Lao's expression changed drastically, and it was hard to believe what he was seeing.

As a person organized by the inheritors of magic power, he naturally understands this forbidden magic power.

Therefore, he recognized at a glance that the means used by Su Qingge came from taboo magic.

"How is it possible? Why is there a second inheritor of taboo magic? Is it possible that the old man is wrong?"

"Impossible, there is at most one person in the first inheritor of magic art. Is it true that winning the prince and winning the cream is actually a counterfeit? Is it a counterfeit?"

Mo Lao's mood changed drastically, and then he took a step forward, and his figure fell from a high altitude, looking at Su Qingge blankly.

Su Qingge's complexion was also a little pale, and there was a chill in her back, but at this time she was still trying to maintain her composure.

A supreme!

Now in front of her is a supreme, even if she has exhausted all the means, it is impossible to escape 3.7, let alone contend against each other.

Today is completely dead! Without leaving a trace of life!

Thinking of this, Su Qingge felt a bit bitter in her heart. Today's reality is beyond her expectations, and even makes her desperate.

She felt that she had no face to face Gu Changge again.

The inheritor of magic skills Gu Changge has been pursuing is actually by his side, and he has been hiding from him.

"Follow me.

However, Su Qingge was stunned, and what he couldn't figure out was that Elder in front of him didn't do much.

His expression changed for a while, and he didn't say much, only a wave of his sleeves led her to leave the place quickly.

"You must not say anything about today's affairs, otherwise no one can keep you."

On the other mountain, the two figures reappeared, and Old Mo looked extremely serious, and said to Su Qingge.

Su Qingge was still a little stunned at this time, and he didn't even react to what happened.

Why did things suddenly develop like this?

After this Elder discovered her identity, instead of telling her, he said these things to her.Does he intend to help her?

"It won't be good if Gu Changge notices..

Mo Lao's expression changed for a while, and he felt that things were very bad. Su Qingge's suspicion was too great to be cleared away.

And at this moment, just as Old Mo was speaking, a magical rainbow flew here from the other direction.

The person here is Gu Changge with a heavy expression.

"Mo Elder, things are as I expected. Sure enough, some disciples have been poisoned by the inheritors of magic arts."

"We are still half a step late."

As he was talking, Gu Changge's voice was taken aback for a moment, and he noticed Su Qingge next to Mo, and seemed a little surprised.

"Qingge, why are you here?"

Then, he seemed to think of something, and his expression suddenly fell silent.

"Young Master"

Su Qingge's voice also contained trills, and her heart was flustered and disturbed.

"Don't be afraid, I am here.

Gu Changge glanced at her, only then did his eyes fall to Mo Elder, his voice a little deep,

"Mo Elder, did you catch the wrong person? Qingge is mine.

"It is impossible for her to be related to the inheritor of magic power, I can guarantee this."