Chapter 295

In the dim and damp dungeon.

An extremely bloody young man with a wolf and fox was lying here, bound by five flowers, staring with a pair of angry, frightened, and disturbed eyes.

It was Tang Tian who was captured by Yin Mei in Zuixianlou.

At this moment he already knew that he was being calculated.

The treasurer Zhu of Zuixianlou had arranged everything from the beginning, and even said so much in order to make him feel at ease in the end.

But he was so stupid at the time, he hadn't doubted it.

Tang Tian didn't know what immortal jump was, and if he knew it, he could not help but yell out.

"Yin Mei, I have no grievances with you, why do you calculate me like this?"

Tang Tian angrily looked at the white-clothed woman who looked down at him indifferently, an undisguised hatred.

He had a lot of respect and admiration for him before, and called him Yinmei Tiannv.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You don't even admit it at this time, and you want to quibble?"

Yin Mei looked at him coldly, there was no temperature in her beautiful eyes.

"You are bloody, you have arranged all of this. The maid and treasurer Zhu were also arranged by you. It was for you to deal with my Big sis. That's why you came up with such a despicable method."

"I want to see my grandfather, Yin Mei, how dare you arrest me because of a maid

Tang Tian's mind was also flexible at this time, and he quickly figured out all this.

Thinking that Yin Mei was vying with his Big sis, he made the best move, and threatened his Big sis.

"I don't understand what you are saying.

"Don't admit it, do you? It doesn't matter. My Nine-tailed Celestial Foxes have a lot of methods to deal with people like you. They can just help you break the thoughts of your lower body. Even if you are a cultivator, you don't want to recover.

Yin Mei's expression was still cold, and then walked out of the dungeon and said to the guard outside, "Since he doesn't admit it, then execute the sentence."

Hearing this, Tang Tian's expression in the dungeon suddenly changed, and he panicked, "Dare you!"

"Yinmei, I am the only son of our Tang family. If you treat me like this, my grandpa and the others will not let it go."

If after this, he becomes a thing that is neither male nor female, he will definitely be crazy.

Tang Tiansi has no doubt that Yin Mei's words are true or false, and the nine-tailed Tianhu really has the means to make the cultivator like this.

"Is there any "four, six, seven" that won't let it go, is it possible that you think the Tang family really dare to offend my nine-tailed celestial fox clan? For the long life of the cultivator, does your generation have an impact?

Yin Mei sneered, then her voice fell indifferently, "Do it."

"It's Miss."

When the two guards outside the dungeon heard the words, they walked in with a sullen smile, holding a pair of huge golden pliers that looked like crocodile mouths, and gestured to Tang Tian.

"Yin Mei, stop it.

"Stop it!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Tian's face suddenly became white, without the slightest blood, and could not stop trembling.

He didn't expect Yin Mei to actually do this.

He would rather die than become a boy or girl in the future.

This makes him more uncomfortable than killing him directly.

"Admit it?"

Yin Mei smiled faintly outside the dungeon, holding nine fluffy snow-white foxtails, looking noble and beautiful.

"I admit I admit…

Tang Tian suffocated and gritted his teeth, hating Yin Mei to death.

Can't wait to cut her a thousand swords.

How could I never expect that this beautiful Celestial Immortals woman turned out to be a snake-hearted woman.

"Well, let's say everything that should be said.

Yin Mei smiled, holding a photo-taking stone in his hand.

Half a quarter of an hour later, she walked out of the dungeon to a quiet and quiet mansion.

In the courtyard, a white-clothed man sits here, quietly drinking tea, his facial features are pure and handsome, the ink is scattered, revealing a transcendence.

It is hard to imagine that the many methods in the dungeon will be ordered out of his mouth.

"Did he admit it?" Gu Changge raised his eyes to look at Yin Mei and smiled slightly.

"Acknowledged, according to the owner's instructions, Tang Tian was almost scared to pee at the time and admitted everything." Yin Mei smiled sweetly.

She handed Gu Changge the photo-taking stone that had recorded everything.

"well done."

Gu Changge nodded, glanced, and smiled, "Then we will prepare the banquet now and wait for the distinguished guests to come."

"You should prepare an extra copy of this photo-taking stone, and give the rest to the Tang family.


Yin Mei nodded, and then asked with some doubts, "Master, what if the Tang family is suddenly anxious? In my opinion, Tang Wan doesn't look like a stupid person. Will she be fooled?"

"She will not be fooled. Not only will she not be fooled, but she will also tell her grandfather about this. So I want you to give the Tang family the photo-taking stone first. As long as the Tang family is not stupid, they will understand this matter. simple."

Gu Changge smiled casually, already calculating everything, even if Tang Wan had various means, it would be difficult to fly in the end.

He is still waiting to surprise Chu Hao, his son of luck.

Now Chu Hao, as he expected, is solving the problems of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird in the place where the evil and chaos broke out.

There is no time to take care of his childhood sweetheart.

"I know, now it's up to the Tang family and Tang Wan's attitude towards Tang Tian."

Yin Mei nodded and quickly understood Gu Changge's intentions.

With Tang Wan's cleverness, she might have noticed that this was a conspiracy.

Even if it is a feast, I know it is a Hongmen feast.

So Tang Wan would definitely inform her grandfather in advance that if the time comes to redeem someone, she might follow the many strong men of the Tang family.

But now, she first gave the Tang Family the photo-taking stone that Tang Tian admitted everything, just to let them know that this matter can actually be easily resolved.

This is a question of attitude, and of course it can be regarded as a threat.

After all, the Nine-tailed Celestial Fox family does not need to fear the Tang family.

Speaking of Tang Tian is a direct disciple of the Tang family, and the maid beside Yin Mei is far inferior to Tang Tian in identity.

If the Tang family were to be tough, Yin Mei wouldn't be able to stand up, and the nine-tailed celestial fox clan behind her would not completely betray the Tang family because of a small maid.

This is a simple matter of interest.

On the other side, the ancient city of Jintan.

It is not far from the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

It is an important ancient city under the sub-rudder of the Wandao Business League.

At this moment in this ancient city, in a quiet and unique courtyard.

A graceful woman in a plain caged gauze dress was quietly watching the many Jade Slips in front of her behind the curtain.

She has a gentle and charming face, and her complexion is delicate and white. At the same time, Yu holds a brush in her hand, writing something.

As she wrote down, terrible visions appeared between heaven and earth, with layers of mysterious powers appearing in her writing.

One by one, the text with golden lines, with her wave, turned into the Jade Slip in front of her.

In the faint, you can even see the scene of the mountains and rivers that seem to be alive, condensed in it, as if to manifest from the Jade Slip.

"The power of Miss's painting skills is even higher. I am afraid that Miss is now an enemy of the Holy Land cultivator just by relying on the characters he painted."

The maid beside the gentle woman couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile when she saw this scene, looking very admired.

"What about the Enemy Holy Realm? Hao Big Brother, he is now the quasi-supreme."

"And I'm about to break through to the Supreme Realm. Compared with him, I am really far behind. I really don't know how he practiced in these years. It's a monster. Fortunately, I have noticed his dazzlingness once."

"Otherwise, I don't know how many days' worth of girls have gathered around him now."

The gentle woman smiled when she heard the words, looking very helpless.

However, when it comes to Chu Hao, he can't help but express his joy and admiration.

Naturally, she was Tang Wan after quietly leaving the ancient country of Vermillion Bird with Space Magical Item.

But considering that Chu Hao's current situation is not good.

So she did not leave too far, and finally chose to live in this ancient city temporarily.

Although this courtyard looks quiet and quiet, it actually hides many murderous intents, and traces of formations are hidden everywhere.

If someone dared to break in without authorization, they would be strangled by the power of many formations, and their body and spirit would be destroyed.

Not to mention that Tang Wan has arranged a lot of masters of the business alliance outside, the lowest Cultivation Base is also the existence of the Holy Land.

She doesn't worry about being called to her door.

In fact, she doesn't have to worry so much.

After all, her grandfather is the leader of the Ten Thousand Dao Commercial League, and he is powerful. Who dares to offend her easily?

Only this time Tang Wan considered a lot.

The person Chu Hao sinned was Gu Changge. Tang Wan felt unprecedented pressure on this young man.

Tang Wan doesn't know why, she always feels that Gu Changge is not too simple.

Although he was in the crowd at the time, he didn't embarrass Chu Hao anymore.

But in the dark, she had a hunch that Gu Changge was planning to deal with Chu Hao.

Because when she was born, she had a special talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

In the end, she kept thinking about it and deduced the technique to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

With this talent, Tang Wan became well-known in the Wandao Business League.

Anyone who knows her must respectfully call her a "wan girl".

For hundreds of years, this talent has not been missed.

Only some time ago, Tang Wan used her own secret pen to deduce Gu Changge, trying to get a glimpse of the secret.

But accidentally suffered a backlash.

This situation shocked, stunned, and puzzled her, because it had never happened before.

Finally, after thinking about it a lot, Tang Wan came to the conclusion that Gu Changge was hiding a great horror.

For this reason, she even took a huge risk to remind Chu Hao.

Although Chu Hao's current Cultivation Base is already in the quasi-extreme state, he will even be able to break through to the supreme state soon.

However, in the opinion of the senior management of the Wandao Business League, it is still not worthy to go to Gu Changge because of a Chu Hao.

So Tang Wan had to be careful.

Although Tang Wan has created a lot of value for the Wandao Business League over the years.

But in this situation involving fundamental interests, she simply cannot influence the decision of the Wandao Commercial League.

She didn't even dare to tell her grandfather about this, because at that time her grandfather looked down on Chu Hao's origin.

No matter how strong the talent is, if there is no strong background behind him, it will eventually become a chess piece played by many forces.

Unless Chu Hao can be strong enough to open up a side of Immortal Orthodoxy.

"I hope that Chu Hao Big Brother can understand my painstaking efforts, otherwise this effort will be wasted. At that time, he shouldn't be impulsive. In the end, he can only hope that Tai Shang Dong Tian can stand beside Chu Hao Big Brother."

"If he can succeed as the future palace lord of Taishang Dongtian, he will have a lot of power to speak, and Gu Changge will not dare to be so unscrupulous anymore."

Tang Wan sighed deeply. Before that, she had never thought that one day she would be so afraid of a young man.

The strength that Gu Changge showed, in her opinion, even the Supreme could be the enemy.

When the supreme weapon was activated that day, Gu Changge's understatement was enough to show that it was far from his limit.

This kind of thing can't be disguised.

In the Wandao Business League for so many years, Tang Wan still has eyesight and will not easily underestimate anyone.

Especially Gu Changge, a strong mess, no one in the younger generation dared to provoke existence.

"Miss Miss, the big thing is bad, the big thing is bad

But at this moment.

Outside the courtyard, suddenly a famous guard ran up anxiously, and he was very flustered in words, as if something major had happened.

"What is it, so flustered, what kind of style is it?"

Tang Wan hadn't spoken yet, and the maid next to her frowned, unhappy.

"It's okay, what's the matter, so flustered?"

Tang Wan waved her hand, indicating that the guard need not worry.

But for some reason, she felt uneasy again in her heart, and it was still very strong.

When I had this hunch, it was the last time I suffered a catastrophe in ancient Immortal Cave and almost died.

Only that time, she was finally turned away from danger. She even got the inheritance of an ancient strong man and got the celestial pen to draw into Taoism.

"Big Miss things are not good, Young Master has offended the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox Clan, and is now in the hands of Yin Mei Tiannv of the Nine-tailed Celestial Fox Clan…"

The guard reported with a trembling voice, knowing that Miss is very fond of Tang Tian Young Master.

Now that such a big thing has happened, only Miss can find a way to solve it.

"Tang Tian offended the Nine-tailed Celestial Fox family? What's going on? Didn't Tang Tian stay in the city? How could he offend the Nine-tailed Celestial Fox family? What happened?"

After hearing this, Tang Wan was taken aback, and then her expression became serious and serious, and she quickly asked.

When it comes to her Little Brother, she can't help but not take it seriously.

Although she also knew that her Little Brother Tang Tian was very ineffective, and her character was domineering and domineering.

But he is not stupid, how could he offend the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox clan in a good manner?

Is there any misunderstanding in this?

"It's such a big Miss. According to the cultivator who witnessed it at the time, Tang Tian Young Master kidnapped a nine-tailed sky fox girl in the Drunken Immortal Tower that day, with bad intentions. The Tiannv Yin Mei of the fox clan found her

"This matter is already known to everyone.

The guard reported the cause and effect in a panic. Of course, this was not what he saw with his own eyes, but the news from there.

"How can Tang Tian be so stupid and so bold?"

After listening, Rao was dumbfounded by Tang Wan's gentle temperament.

Then he reacted, and couldn't help feeling angry, extremely angry.

For the Little Brother who was not a weapon and caused her troubles, it is no longer as simple as hating it for not fighting.

At this time, she just wanted to keep him in the clan and forbid him to take another step.

"I still understand Tang Tian's character. Even if he has sex, he has no courage. He must be held back by someone. Is there anyone with Tang Tian at that time?"

However, Tang Wan calmed down quickly and couldn't help but ask aloud. There was a kind of majesty in her eyes that was hard to behold.

"According to the cultivator I witnessed at that time, it was Young Master's proposition. Seeing that the maid of Yin Mei Tianmai came out to purchase, no one was following behind. This was a temporary intention, sent someone to knock him out, and took him to the Zuixian Lou. go."

Upon hearing this, the guard hurriedly replied, daring not to conceal anything.

"Really? Is this really the case? What about the cultivators that protect me from Little Brother? Where are they, I want to ask them?"

Tang Wan was taken aback, and instinctively told her that this matter didn't seem to be that simple, so she couldn't help but ask in a cold voice.

The iron-blooded wrists over the years are not just talking.

At this time, a terrible majesty was born in her.

Even the maid who followed her for a long time felt a kind of palpitations and fear.

"Qigenda Miss, the cultivator who was protecting the Young Master at the time, was killed by the angered Tiannv Yin Mei. No one survived."

The guard's voice trembled and stammered.

"All killed?"

Tang Wan's voice suddenly rose a lot, showing her current anger.

Although it doesn't sound wrong, but he came with anger, the first thing he did was not to find the maid, but to kill Tang Tian's protector?

No matter how you look at it, it gives people the feeling of destroying the corpse.

However, if Yin Mei Tiannv came because of anger, it would only make sense to vent his anger in this way.

But it was too weird.

Intuition tells Tang Wan that this matter will not be too simple.

"I see, where is Tang Tian now? Does Yin Mei Tiannv have any requirements?"

Tang Wan asked in a deep voice, calming down.

"Tang Tian Young Master is now being held in the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox Clan, and it is not easy for the family to come forward to solve the problem, the guard hurriedly replied.

"I see."

Tang Wan nodded, knowing this kind of thing, the family can't stand for any reason, whether it is true or calculated, it is already known to everyone.

The Tang family's face was completely lost.

In her opinion, if this matter is calculated, it is probably also what Yin Leak wants to mention.

Although the Nine-tailed Tianhu is behind the Wandao Business League, it is not the only one.

Yin Mei has been in power for a short time, coupled with his young age, and his convincing power in the Wandao Business League is not strong.

So sometimes, the two inevitably have some friction and fighting.

As a senior, she is much more mature and stronger than Yin Mei in terms of wrist ability.

It would be excusable if Yin Mei had calculated it for this reason.

"I overestimated Yin Mei's personality and planned to persecute me with this method.

"I just don't know if she will play any tricks?"

Tang Wan frowned, and then left the courtyard, planning to leave.

Only before that, she planned to contact Chu Hao first, but the news that she got later made her a little helpless, and in the end she had no choice but to give up.

Because Chu Hao is now not in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, but has rushed to the place where the evil disaster broke out.

Even if something happened, he was beyond his reach.

She originally planned to let Chu Hao accompany her to go with her, with more safety and assurance.

"This time the redemption should not be too simple, you have to inform the family. Although Grandpa hates Tang Tian, ​​he will not sit back and watch him be captured by the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox Clan.

"There are not enough strong people on my side. This kind of uneasiness in the dark becomes stronger. It is necessary for the family to send more strong people over."

Thinking of this, Tang Wan sent a message to inform her family as she set off, it was best to be fully prepared.

This kind of magical power of predicting misfortune and fortune, let her avoid many crises. .