Chapter 300

"have they gone?"

In the pavilion, aware of Chu Hao's breath going away, Gu Changge smiled calmly, and then waved his hand, "Stop, no need."

"You go back."

He said lightly to Tang Wan who was stunned.

"Miss Wan, let me do this kind of maid's work." Ji Qingxuan is also smart, and hurriedly stepped forward and laughed.

Seeing Gu Changge's expression like this, she knew that Gu Changge was really not interested in Tang Wan.

Tang Wan looked at Gu Changge anxiously, a little at a loss.


However, Gu Changge just shook his head, and didn't mean to explain.

At this moment, in his mind, the system is madly prompting.

Reaping things like fate and luck is a pleasant process.

Of course, he knew that Chu Hao was not at all happy now, and he even wanted to kill him.

From the very beginning when Tang Wan came to the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, Gu Changge guessed that she would persuade Chu Hao.

With Chu Hao's character, he must have doubts in his heart. After doubt, he is bound to follow.

In this case, Gu Changge just helped him by his hand, so that he could understand Tang Wan's good intentions.

Of course, Gu Changge was in it, but it just helped the situation.

To make Chu Hao understand that Tang Wan did not betray him, but also to make Tang Wan feel that she has nothing to do with Chu Hao.

This is not difficult at all.

As for just now, he just wanted to take the opportunity to disrupt Chu Hao's mood. After all, as a son of luck, he was just a little better luck than ordinary people.

He has all the flaws he should have.

However, Gu Changge was a little surprised that Chu Hao was so tolerant, which also allowed him to test Chu Hao's bottom line.

Tang Wan's proportion is higher than the ancient country of Vermillion Bird behind him.

As long as he didn't do anything more to Tang Wan, Chu Hao could bear it.

"So tolerable, it's worthy of being green.

Gu Changge couldn't help laughing suddenly.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Chu Hao what happened today. I don't have such a bad taste."

Gu Changge then waved his hand to let Tang Wan leave.

As for how Chu Hao will face Tang Wan in the next "four seven zero", that is not what he is considering, and he does not need to worry.

After all, Chu Hao is a son of luck, and Wei Guang is all in him. Even if he witnessed all this with his own eyes, would he tell Tang Wan frankly?


Chu Hao had to pretend to be ignorant. Honestly, he had to wear this hat firmly.

"Tianjun Ziyang has bounced for so long, it's time to attack him."

After the matter on this side was temporarily resolved, Gu Changge began to consider the matter of Ziyang Tianjun.

As the younger brother of Nine Heavens returning master Qin Wuya, he is more or less useful.

Moreover, Gu Changge had a plan to deal with Ziyang Tianjun in his mind as early as the beginning, which involved him harvesting another leek.

In addition, Su Qingge seems to have appeared in the ancient country of Black Tortoise recently, causing Ziyang Tianjun a lot of trouble.

In addition, there was an eyeliner to report, saying that Ziyang Tiankanjun noticed the clues of the traces of the magician inheritors and chased all the way out of the territory of the ancient country of Black Tortoise.

This is an excellent opportunity for Gu Changge to get his hands on.

Su Qingge did not disappoint him at all.

Gu Changge is considering whether to treat her better the next time he sees her.

"Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise are very close, and it happens that Ziyang Tianjun is not in the ancient country of Black Tortoise."

Afterwards, Gu Changge left again.

It's just that this time I left, it was more secretive than the last time. First, I took many followers to the place where the eternal evil broke out, and then went to the depths alone.

Of course, he must escape into the void on the way and choose to turn back.

In this way, almost all Tianjiao knew that he was now leading many followers to kill the dead.

Such an obvious alibi is still necessary, even if no one dares to doubt him, but in all arrangements, Gu Changge likes to be seamless, leaving no flaws.

At the same time, the ancient country of Black Tortoise, not far from the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, is not peaceful now.

Many young Tianjiao people are in danger, and they are worried and dare not act alone.

Inheritors of magic power appeared, and several Tianjiao had suffered from his poisonous hands, and the methods of death were almost the same.

All of this proves that the inheritors of magic power are indeed mixed into their team.

Many young Tianjiao who followed the Sixth Crown King and Ziyang Tianjun regretted it. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the power of the inheritors of magic power.

That is a ruthless person who can retreat from Gu Changge's hands.

At this moment, in a quiet and quiet mansion, immortal Qi, Spiritual Qi xenon hydrogen, and rockery are almost liquefied.

In the medicinal field not far away, various fairy flowers and holy medicines were planted, and the sunlight was intertwined, and it was diffused there, which looked extremely dazzling.

There are also many auspicious beasts looking for food in the medicine field, and sometimes look up at the gray-clothed youth who is sitting cross-legged on the bluestone not far away, showing an expression of affection.

Sixth crown king, formerly known as Junyao.

After revealing his true face, he looked very ordinary, and there was a big gap between him and that dazzling, overwhelming peerless arrogant talent of the sixth generation.

It's just that there are very few cultivators who know his real name, let alone those who see him.

Because the Tianjiao of the same age as him, he has long since disappeared, either sitting in a seated position, or being buried in the previous battle.

Even the people who survived that era are the ancestors of a family, and the generations are old.

He is an ancient man who is out of place in this era. In order to become the number one, he will not hesitate to call himself several times, just to find the strongest opponent.

In this life, he once again had the intent to fight on Gu Changge.

"Brother Dao said you were framed? I don't believe that."

The six-time champion smiled faintly, and in front of him, there was a young man who looked very heroic.

The heroic young man was tall and his hair seemed to be burning, but in his eyes there was a golden rune gleaming, like a sun god.

It was the win cream that mixed into Ziyang Tianjun's team after the disguise.

He originally planned to find an opportunity to find Ziyang Tianjun and cooperate with him to deal with Gu Changge.

But now, many young princes in the ancient country of Black Tortoise have been undermined by the inheritors of magic arts, and their origins have been swallowed.

His plan could not help being disrupted and terminated.

Winshuang didn't know what method Gu Changge used to get started in the ancient country of Black Tortoise and threw the black pot on his head.

Logically, Gu Changge is now in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

How could he go to the ancient country of Black Tortoise to commit the crime, but there are still many young arrogances.

During this period of time, many people are beginning to look for inheritors of magic power, and Win Shuang is not worried, after all, he is not a true inheritor of magic power.

This disguise is not afraid of being seen through.

But he didn't expect that he would be seen through by the six-time champion today and recognized his identity.

This made Yingshuang feel uneasy, and she had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the Sixth Crown King to his residence.

"Then how can you believe me?"

Winshuang said in a deep voice, and the golden rune flickered in his eyes, even if he was a counterfeit, but at this time it also revealed the majesty of being a win prince.

"You said that the real inheritor of magic skills is actually Gu Changge?"

"What is the evidence?"

"As far as I know, Gu Changge is now in the ancient country of Vermillion Bird. Although it's not very far from the ancient country of Black Tortoise, it's not far from the ancient country of Black Tortoise.

The six-time champion spoke lightly, his face was very ordinary, but he was very confident and peaceful in his words, with an unquestionable demeanor.

"I don't know how he did it, but the person who framed me is definitely Gu Changge."

Yingshuang said in a deep voice, about this, he never doubted it from beginning to end.

He couldn't find anyone other than Gu Changge who would treat him this way.

Of course, on the battlefield of Absolute Yin, Gu Changge sent a few great sages to perform a play in front of everyone, and since then he can no longer get rid of this scapegoat.

"It's useless to say that, in my opinion, you have the biggest suspicion." The Sixth Champion smiled faintly, appearing extremely confident.

"However, don't worry, I won't break you down. As the inheritor of magic arts, don't let me down."

"You are too weak now, not my opponent, I hope you can grow to the day when I have the intent to fight."

After that, he waved his hand, and layers of bright rune filled the room, like rain and wine, and the figure of Winshuang at The next moment had disappeared and appeared outside the mansion.

"So strong."

With this method, Yingshuang's expression could not help but change drastically, and it was very shocking.

This is another monster!

The strength is definitely far above Ziyang Tianjun!

He was in a gloomy mood, and after being found out of his identity, he was determined to be the inheritor of magic power?

Don't give half a chance to justify.

After leaving the mansion, Yingshuang wandered around on the street of the Martial Emperor, his face was not pretty.

He discovered that the old Mo had recently stopped paying attention to him, and he had hardly reappeared.

"I heard that Ziyang Tianjun was looking for the trace of that magic power inheritor and has already left."

"If it is really Gu Changge, Ziyang Tianjun might be more ill-fortuned.

His expression became more solemn.

In this way, there is only one less partner in his partner, and dealing with Gu Changge, doesn't it seem like a distant future?

Suddenly, Yingshuang's expression changed. At the entrance of the attic in front, he saw a familiar figure walking into it.

This shocked his mind, his eyes widened, and he didn't dare to imagine, how could he meet her here?

"Is this the so-called fate?"

Winshuang's heartbeat is fast.

He remembered the days when he was still feeding Ma Xiaosi, if it weren't for Miss, he would have starved to death on the street.

Compared with the days of fear and fear, he found that the days were still comfortable.

Yingshuang thought that she would never have a chance to see her again in her life.

But he really didn't expect to be able to witness her again in the capital of Xuan Martial Emperor.

"This must be fate!"

"It's a pity, I'm just a rat crossing the street everybody shouts, and to her, I'm just a stranger I've never seen before.

"Miss Yin Mei was rescued by Gu Changge. It seems that she still doesn't know the true face of Gu Changge. I have to find a suitable opportunity to remind her."

Yingshuang thought in his heart, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

In the case of Xiangu Continent, Yin Mei encountered a magician inheritor. In his opinion, it is absolutely inseparable from Gu Changge.

Gu Changge even won a good reputation among them and won the admiration of Yin Mei.

"If I go rashly, with Yin Mei Miss's character, I will inevitably be suspicious of me."

"You have to find a suitable method."

Winshuang fell into deep thought, and finally he decided to use the simplest and simplest way.

After all, when he was still feeding Ma Xiaosi, he remembered a lot of Yin Mei's preferences and temperaments, and knew what she liked.

With these methods, he believes that he can get acquainted with Yin Mei.

Thinking about this, Yingshuang headed towards the front pavilion, intending to take a look at Yin Mei's purpose in coming to the ancient country of Black Tortoise.

"Miss, there is a young Tianjiao behind, who seems to be following you."

Hearing the maid's reminder, Yin Mei smiled and waved her hand, "Don't worry, let him follow, but to see what his purpose is."

Having said that, she couldn't help but think of Gu Changge's order in her heart

"This should be to win the poor prince's back pot man, right?"

Yin Mei's smile seemed a bit pitiful, of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it was nothing unusual.

She was just choosing something like the maid beside her.

Azure Dragon ancient city, the sky is pitch black.

In a stone room, Gu Xian'er frowned into the word Sichuan.

I was studying a bone book in my hand, and there were many strange runes hanging down on it, like a golden sun, very brilliant.

She muttered to herself with a bit of annoyance, "This Vajra is not bad for the Dharmakaya, will it train people into the kind of golden bronze figure poured with golden water?"

I thought of myself finally becoming that way.

She couldn't practice it a bit. After all, with her immortal image, she became a golden bronze figure in a blink of an eye. Gu Changge might not even recognize herself.

Gu Xian'er couldn't help sighing, and finally accepted the bone book, not planning to practice.

Of course, she will definitely not throw it away, and she can just find a place to put it out at that time, and she won't be able to attract blockbuster cultivators to come.

After all, this is the supreme-level Cultivation Technique.

She was a little puzzled, why did she get such a chance during this trial?

On the contrary, the Qingyue Dao Secret Art obtained by Qing Xiaoyi made Gu Xian'er a little moved. She was considering how to use this Cultivation Technique in her hand to pit the Qingyue Dao Secret Art in her hand.

No, it was changed.

In this trial, although they were only three people, they were surprisingly easy. They even found an ancient Immortal Cave in the place where the evils of the dead broke out.

Among them, there are exactly three chances, and one person just divides one, no more and no less.

At that time, Gu Xian'er didn't know that the Jade Slip in her hand would be the Cultivation Technique, otherwise she wouldn't want it to kill.

"Gu Changge guy, he said he would come to help, but no one was seen."

"Sure enough, I can't count on it."

Gu Xian'er whispered softly, thinking of Gu Changge.

Although she said that, she also knew that they didn't need Gu Changge's help in this trial.

The simplicity is a bit outrageous.

Because of the terrain of the Azure Dragon ancient country, there are several other ancient countries in front of it.

But is Gu Changge really indifferent?

Okay, in fact, she wants to see Gu Changge. It's a little bit boring here.


However, at this moment, outside the stone room, a terrible wave suddenly came, like a heavy wave, directly swooping.

Gu Xian'er felt very clearly even if it was separated by a layer of Restrictions.

"what happened?"

"In this direction? Is it the place where Qing Xiaoyi and Qing Feng are the brothers and sisters? Something happened to them?"

Before he could think about it, Gu Xian'er flashed, leaving the stone room, and hurried towards the place where the fluctuation had just been heard.

Above the sky, Gu Xian'er only had time to see a vague figure, which seemed to open the space channel and prepare to leave.

A comatose girl was clutched in his hand.

It is Qing Xiaoyi.


"Quickly put people down!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Xian'er understood everything instantly and gave a cold sigh.

At the same time, a jade sword was sacrificed and slashed towards the high sky. The visions were various, and the Sacred rune was bright, reflecting the night in a bright light.

But that blurred figure was just a casual shot, the terrifying force fell down, the rune broke, the jade sword flew, and it fell directly to the ground.


Gu Xian'er frowned, and once again offered a Magical Item, which was a quasi-sacred weapon, but a war spear.

Ambilight, illuminating the sky, under a single strike, the void collapsed 3.7, spreading terrible cracks, showing the power of terror.

However, that figure seemed very impatient, with two fingers together, turned into a sword shape, and directly pointed on her quasi-sacred artifact.

With a sound of Pin Ka, the war spear suddenly burst into a gap, turned into hundreds of fragments, and fell from the air.

For a moment, it looked like a meteor shower, passing across the sky, and it looked extremely gorgeous and radiant.

However, it seemed that she deliberately avoided Gu Xian'er and didn't hit her on her body.

This made her a little confused, but this doubt quickly dissipated.

At this time, she couldn't allow her to think too much.

"Put people down!"

Gu Xian'er's figure flew high into the sky, her delicate and delicate fist, like a jade carving, but with unparalleled power, she slammed into the fuzzy figure to save Qing Xiaoyi.

But the other party's method is still very simple, just a wave of the sleeves, the void in front of him is blurred, the passage opens, and he walks directly into it, and disappears in an instant.

Gu Xian'er's powerful punch could only make her feel unwilling.

"Damn it."

"Qing Xiaoyi was snatched away."

"For this matter, you have to contact Elder of Zhenxian Academy. Qing Xiaoyi is a stumbling block in their hearts.

After thinking of this, Gu Xian'er took out the jade talisman and planned to contact Zhenxian Academy. This kind of thing happened, she didn't worry that Elder would blame her for ineffective protection.

Just still a little guilty.

If she is more powerful, or Gang オ is more decisive and uses the remaining Magical Items, Qing Xiaoyi may be saved.

"Does the person who kidnapped Qing Xiaoyi cares about her fairy body?"

Gu Xian'er and Dai frowned, and suddenly thought of Qing Feng, Qing Xiaoyi's elder brother.

However, in her opinion, Qing Feng should be more ill-fortuned if this kind of thing happened.

Soon, Gu Xian'er's figure flashed and appeared in the courtyard of the brothers and sisters Qing Xiaoyi and Qing Feng.

Here, she saw Qing Feng almost exploded, blood spread, and it seemed that there was no life left.

"I came too slowly." Gu Xian'er felt a little guilty.

But soon, her expression changed slightly, and she was a little surprised.

"Huh? No, there is still a trace of life, what kept him?"