Chapter 308

The gray mist was surging, and the avenue rune intertwined and fell in the void, condensed into a avenue bottle, swallowing all the blood of the god prince.

Many inherited magical powers flashed through Gu Changge's mind quickly, floating lightly.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and didn't care about these heavenly skills that were originally inherited from the Emperor's Secret Technique.

The supreme-level magic lamp floated in it for a moment, and a ray of fire could burn the sky down, but it also quickly dimmed.

Among them, the spirit gods roared with anxiety and horror, but disappeared invisible and returned to peace within a few breaths.

Even if it is just the Dao Aquarius condensed by Dao rune, under the display of Gu Changge's strength nowadays, it also contains incomparably terrifying power.

The supreme weapon does not have a real motivator, and even if the spirit of the device awakens, it is a duckweed without roots, and it is impossible to contend for long.

"I just don't know what kind of sky will be dropped this time, Heavenly Dao reward

Gu Changge stood in the void, his white clothes stretched out, whispering to himself, his expression seemed to be just a trivial thing ~ nothing.

Afterwards, he took action to remove the many traces in front of him, and then created a sense of terror-war.

In particular, many magical auras are permeated and interwoven in every inch of void. As long as a cultivator enters here, it will give birth to a sense of cold and creepy.

Fear, palpitations, chills, horror!

This place has turned into a terrifying area like The Underworld.

Not only is the yin aura flooded, but at this moment it is also full of forbidden magic aura, like a universe black hole, enough to swallow anything into it.

At this time, as long as Elder rushes to explore it by retrospective means, it will give birth to the feeling of freezing and cracking of the soul.

Not to be found, not to be found!

Of course, the most important thing is to feel the fierce fighting at that time, and even give birth to a feeling that even if they participate in it, it is impossible to escape.

"In this way, who can know exactly what happened."

"No, only I know what happened."

Gu Changge couldn't help but smile, then looked at the golden treasure chest in his hand.

The moment you killed Win Frost, the system prompts you, even taking Gu Changge to accept the task of killing Son of Luck before, and finish it by the way.

He didn't care much about the many points of luck and destiny.

I just want to know what the Heavenly Dao reward box will be this time.

But compared to the lavender treasure chest that was dropped when killing the ancestor before, it looked a bit shabby.

Of course, he is not surprised. After all, not every son of luck is like the ancestors. This kind of son of luck is better than shit, what else?

Even the most basic strength of the original owner of the body can't be displayed.

"Whether to open the Heavenly Dao treasure chest.

"Turn it on." Gu Changge glanced across a strange color.


Along with the brilliant golden brilliance blooming in front of the eyes, and then a crown of xenon hydrogen with gray-brown divine light, beating out, shining up and down in it.

The wisps of breath symbolizing bad luck, condensed and manifested in it, winding up and down, weird and simple, with a natural meaning of Taoist rhyme.

"Qingyun Grey Crown?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly, and quickly understood the effect of this luck gray crown.

Speaking of it, it is essentially different from the purple crown of luck he got when he killed the reincarnation of the ancestor.

Because the Qi Luck Purple Crown is to reverse the air luck, the user's air luck can be significantly improved in a short period of time, which is equivalent to being God's pro-son.

However, the use of Qiyun Purple Crown is limited to the number of times. When the limit is exceeded, it will burst into pieces.

So far, Gu Changge has not found the right time to use the Qiyun Purple Crown.

The effect of the gray crown of air luck is just the opposite.

It can make the user's luck drop to the lowest point in a short time, including the son of luck, who is known as the son of God.

I will not say that there is any offset function.

"The original winner of the prince was also a bad luck. The good-looking Emperor's parents were taken away by a small servant who feeds the horse, and it is indeed a good luck."

"So I also broke this stuff for me

Gu Changge's smile is a bit intriguing, although this kind of thing sounds very tasteless.

But this is not the case. The introduction of Qiyun Grey Crown says that any existence can work.

That naturally also includes those powerful cultivators that transcend the supreme realm.

That kind of powerful existence is more sensitive to all kinds of heaven and earth luck, and it is easy to calculate.

With luck, the gray crown is there, maybe when the Closed Door Training, a Deva five failures can directly take it away.

As far as Gu Changge is concerned, this is a good thing for killing people.

Because Qi Luck itself is elusive and difficult to find, even the supreme is very jealous of this method, and he does not know who is murdering him.

Later, after taking away the gray crown of Qi Luck, he glanced at the Qi Luck Points and Destiny Value he obtained this time, which was about 30,000.

It can be exchanged for a lot of superbone.

At the current level of Gu Changge, he has the transcendence and initiative to provide him with a variety of heaven and earth, rules and principles.

There are also taboo magic powers that swallow a lot of original energy, so there is no need to think about cultivation at all.

Others' breakthroughs rely on Closed Door Training to realize that even if it is Jiang Chuchu, who is known as the reincarnation of immortals and the sacred prince, he has to make a breakthrough step by step.

But Gu Changge doesn't need to think about these things. His Cultivation Base is here, and it will be a breakthrough if it is a breakthrough.

He estimated that at this speed, it would not take long before he could break through to the Quasi-Supreme realm.

"Nowadays, the origins of all kinds of arrogance have no effect on me. It is time to consider starting with the older generation.

Gu Changge began to think about another thing, even for ancient freaks like the god prince.

For him, it doesn't play a big role, and it's not as good as a son of luck like Winshuang.

Therefore, Cultivation Base must be carried away.

He didn't forget the Red Devil mentioned before in the system. Calculating the time he took out from Yuemingkong, he was born recently.

A place like the Burial Demon Abyss, but a place that even the Supreme didn't want to get closer.

Gu Changge combined his previous memories to see that when he was a demon master, Cultivation Base was ominous and unspeakable.

But judging from the extent of destroying the heavens with one hand, it is far beyond the concept of immortals.

The red devil can hold a halberd without dying, but is beaten into the Demon Burial Abyss, isn't this strength enough to be terrifying?

As for whether he was merciful at that time, it is not clear, but the terrible degree of the Red Devil is absolutely shocking.

"Even in the deepest part of The Underworld, the indelible hatred

Whenever he chanted this sentence, Gu Changge could always see the figure in red. Although he had a plan in his heart, it was hard to say whether it would work.

But soon, he put the matter down, and there were other things to be arranged before his eyes.

Gu Changge's figure swept away and appeared on a mountain not far away, looking in another direction. At that time, Jin Chan Buddha and the god prince were separated, but the moment passed.

Jin Chan Buddha didn't chase people, as long as he was not stupid, he would turn back and chase in this direction.

Moreover, he always felt that the golden cicada and Buddha were not as simple as it seems, and the likes of Ziyang Tianjun and Six Crown Kings might be inferior to him.

Of course, from the perspective of luck, nothing can be seen. The most important thing is Gu Changge's intuition after playing against him at that time.

However, no matter how simple it is, Gu Changge doesn't need to care.

"Fuzi Jin Chan should feel the abnormality here soon, and will rush over."

"Then give him a surprise first…"

He couldn't help but smile, and with a wave of his sleeves, the majestic breath suddenly rose into the sky, entangling the glow of blood, spraying out from every pore, and shattering the sky.

Under this kind of fluctuation, he didn't believe that the golden cicada and Buddha would not be attracted.

Immediately afterwards, between the center of Gu Changge's eyebrows, there was a deep palpitating devilish air, and a villain could be seen faintly walking out, with indifferent eyebrows, just like Gu Changge.

But soon, the face was obscured by the mist, even if the supreme being existed, I would never want to see it clearly.

This is naturally the soul of Gu Changge.

It was just condensed by his thoughts.

Unspeakable, indescribable!

The next moment, behind him, a vague and terrifying figure appeared, demon-powered and majestic.

Four big sage puppets wearing black robes appeared, and each hand had a black avenue rune intertwined.

Finally, it condensed into a terrible bottle of avenue, which sinks and floats under the sky.



On the other side, the gray mist was surging, and the sky was extremely dim.

A golden light traveled through it quickly, the magical runes shone, and Buddha's light was flowing all over the body.

There are many Buddhas and Bodhisattva phantoms appearing on the monk's clothes.

It was the Buddha Jin Chan, who was frowning at the moment, and a premonition of anxiety was born in his heart.

"It seems that the inheritor of magic skills should be the direction of the prince of God, why is suddenly upset?"

"After calculating the time, it's almost time to go back and take a look.

"Under the Hanging Temple, Chan Buddha's clothes, before the Buddha, kowtow for thousands of years."

The Golden Cicada Buddha sighed, and there was a Buddha seal between his brows, and there was a sun-like seed in it, which seemed to be reflected in all directions under the lake.

So even if the place is extremely dim, it is difficult to stop his sight and pace.

There are rumors that he has 108 Buddha bones, but in fact there are more.

In his knowledge of the sea, Xiantian has his own merit light, and later he cultivated the merit light into a god of merit, which can bless the Buddha's aspirations between heaven and earth at any time.

Of course, this is his hole card method, which is rarely shown in front of outsiders.

"The god prince is afraid that it will be more ill-fortuned.

"Inheritors of magic arts draw us here all the way, with obvious intentions

Buddha Jin Chan shook his head slightly and sighed, with a compassionate expression on his face.

...For flowers…

He didn't know what the god prince was thinking, but he hadn't broken it.

On the other hand, the strength of the inheritor of magic arts, needless to say, although he has a Buddha heart, it does not mean that he is stupid.

All words and deeds in the devil and defense.

He has a Buddha's heart, and when you look at the mountains and rivers, he is treacherous, and naturally it is impossible to escape his eyes.

Afterwards, the golden cicada Buddha's figure had a meal, turned into a Buddha's light, reflected in the sky, and had already turned back, without staying too much.

"I hope it's still too late at this time."

Before long, there was a surging breath in the gray mist.

He shook his head, and quickly followed the original road to the other direction where the prince of the gods had left. On the way, he had noticed some terrible aftermath from the battle.

There is another breath he is familiar with.

At that time, when fighting in front of the gate of Zhenxian Academy, Jin Chan Buddha had already remembered Gu Changge's breath, and it was naturally impossible to admit his mistakes at this time.

So, he was still a little stunned for a while, but he didn't expect Gu Changge to chase him one step ahead.

"Gu Changge, he has also come in, did he leave the supreme device outside?"

"Unexpectedly, even he was caught. The inheritor of magic arts deliberately blocked the way with the supreme weapon, just trying to kill me and wait."

"Amitābha, I hope God Prince and Young Master Changge are fine.

The Golden Cicada Buddha was taken aback for a moment, and his figure appeared among the mountains, traversing here, stepping forward, the space changed, and the speed was extremely fast.

He groaned for a while, and sighed at the place, "It seems that the little monk is coming a bit late for this battle."

In this mountain range, he felt the breath of the god prince, of course the remaining breath.


And the situation is very bad, he can feel this.

However, although Buddha Jin Chan had compassion in his words, there was peace in his eyes without any waves.

He had already guessed the purpose of the inheritor of magic arts, but he didn't break it. At that time, the god prince looked very anxious, for fear of being escaped by the inheritor of magic arts, he wouldn't say much.

So this situation is already expected.

"Although you have the heart to lower demons, you don't have the power to lower demons, so you can't help yourself."

Jin Chan Buddha's figure moved, and the monk's clothes fluttered, rushing to the mountains in front of him.

If his perception is correct, there has been a battle there.


However, when the Buddha Jin Chan arrived there, he was shocked the first time he saw the situation, and his Buddha's mind was also a little unstable.

"Gu Changge"

"He actually had such an embarrassing day.

There was a wave of waves on his calm face, but soon there was no wave of silence.

I saw in the high sky, a thick gray fog surging into the sky, and terrible rules and orders fell down, covering everything, surging and surging.

The jet black is like a Galaxy Cluster, thick and heavy.

-The black aquarium condensed by the rune of the avenue, ups and downs there, as if to collect the heaven and the earth.

A vague figure, shrouded in black mist, could not see his face, standing under the aquarium, with an indifferent expression with a sneer.

There are four great sacred realms standing beside him, and many runes have evolved in his hands, which firmly seals the heavens and the earth.

Every inch of the void is filled with a palpitation and chilling breath.

Jin Chan could not help but give up some chills on the back of Buddha, what kind of battle happened here before.

Just the remaining aftermath, there is a kind of trembling fear.

"Gu Changge, chased me for so long."

"Have you ever thought about this one day!

The figure shrouded in black mist above the sky couldn't help but sneer presumptuously, extremely proud, and chilly.

His face was obscured by the fog, but from the perspective of his breath, Jin Chan Buddha could conclude that it was the previous win over the prince and win the cream.

The four Great Sacred Realms that existed before have also appeared on the Battlefield of Absolute Yin, suspected to be the subordinates of the inheritors of magic arts!

Under the mountain range, Gu Changge is sitting there at the moment, with a golden decree unfolding in front of him, protecting him in it.

But he is not in the right state now, his body is stained with blood and his breath is disordered.

The most horrible thing is that there is almost a wound that penetrates Dantian on his body, and the colorful Shenxi is flowing, accompanied by various shades of sunlight, to repair the injury.

However, as the layers of black mist rose, it was corroded and difficult to get rid of, making Gu Changge's complexion pale and weak, and his eyes seemed to be extinguished.

"The origin is damaged, even Gu Changge is dying

"The breath of the god prince has disappeared.

Jin Chan's pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't expect that the outcome of this incident exceeded his imagination, and it could be described as horrified.

Once it spreads out, there is bound to be a terrifying earthquake in the outside world, sweeping across all directions, and it will be difficult for peace!

"It seems that the outside world is going to change."