Chapter 312

"This Ziyang Tianjun has chased and killed me for so long, and it seems that he finally gave up."

On a mountain top, a figure of a woman in white appeared.

It is ethereal and celestial, clear and pure, almost dreamlike, with a slight smile on his flawless face.

It's just that the smile seemed a bit chilly.

It is Su Qingge.

On that day, he left the ancient country of Vermillion Bird and told "big brother" Chu Hao why he wanted to go back to the family.

She came to the ancient country of Black Tortoise, and through simple means, she easily solved a few talents with special physiques and gained their roots.

Moreover, for Ziyang Tianjun, Su Qingge had a different purpose, and didn't plan to let him go just like that.

But with her current Cultivation Base, she is not yet Ziyang Tianjun's opponent, so after thinking about it, Su Qingge thought of other countermeasures.

It's just that this countermeasure was seen through by Ziyang Tianjun for some reason, he seemed to have the supernatural powers that could break everything.

So far, she was hunted down by him.

It's just that as the inheritor of magic skills, she has a lot of means, and the other soul in the sea of ​​knowledge is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Under various means, Ziyang Tianjun suffered heavy losses, not only the followers were killed and injured, but he himself was also embarrassed.

During this period, Ziyang Tianjun was extremely angry, chasing and killing all the way, almost never stopped, Su Qingge even led him to the land of absolute Yin.

But no matter what, Ziyang Tianjun still failed to catch her.

On the contrary, it was the recent turmoil. Even Su Qingge was surprised when he heard the wind.

Inheritors of magic arts designed to kill many arrogances.

Ziyang Tianjun also seemed to be aware of the error, so he gave up chasing and killing him.

This incident attracted the attention of Su Qingge, and finally guessed that it might be the organization of the hidden magician inheritor.

As for the identity of Winshuang, she didn't have to ask Mo Lao too much at the time, just because she was worried about being suspected by him.

Worried that Elder Mo knew that she, the inheritor of magic arts, was far less powerful than they thought.

"The son was actually injured. Why do I always feel that this is his bitter trick."

"No matter, it's okay for the son to be fine anyway. Now this situation is an opportunity for me."

Su Qingge is communicating with another soul, and now all parties are in chaos. For the inheritors of magic art, she is afraid of ghosts and gods. The chaos is extremely chaotic. It just happens to be her good opportunity.

Otherwise, her current Cultivation Base would not even be able to deal with the sequence disciples.

at the same time.

Tianhuang Mountain is magnificent and vast, and many mountains and gods are majestic and ancient, revealing a wild atmosphere.

In the deepest part, many pavilions and palaces are located, beautiful, magnificent and simple.

Under the haze of chaos, it seemed to exist when the world opened up.

At this moment, there is a lot of horror here.

The heaven and the earth have changed, and all kinds of regular avenues are flooded among the mountain palaces.

Even the cultivator of the sacred realm was so overwhelmed that he could only kneel on the ground with a pale face and horror. 477

The supreme of Tianhuangshan is angry!

Among them, there are even ancient existences awakening, and they almost became enlightened in the past era. Today's Cultivation Base is unfathomable and no longer belongs to the supreme level.

Their emotional changes can easily trigger changes in the outer starry sky, and the large tracts of stars are fragmented and turned into powder.

The ancient existence of the line of the god prince let out a roar, shattering many lives Star hundreds of millions of miles away.

In fact, when the fate card of the god prince shattered, the old man in charge of guarding the fate card in the temple of Tianhuang Mountain noticed it.

At that time, his face turned pale and his soul was gone, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

After winning the prince rebelled from Tianhuang Mountain, the god prince was born, and his status and talent were no lower than the winning prince.

Coupled with many tough and iron-blooded methods, it soon became famous in Tianhuangshan and had a large number of supporters.

In the eyes of many people, the god prince is likely to be in charge of Tianhuang Mountain in the near future.

The future is limitless, and he is destined to be the most outstanding figure in the upper realm.

But now he has fallen, and he is still in the middle of a small trial in the True Immortal Academy.

For the many ancient existences of Mt. Tianhuang, this is tantamount to a bolt from the blue, like a dream, it is simply unbelievable.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the one who killed the god prince was actually another descendant of Tianhuangshan, who was a traitor to win the prince.

This matter has already caused a stir in the upper world.

Many Orthodox forces are watching jokes.

Now that the prince win is willing to degenerate and become the inheritor of magic skills, abandoning his previous identity and status, and even the tribe who came out of Tianhuang Mountain with him will kill him.

This made Tianhuangshan angry up and down, but he was helpless and couldn't find a place to vent his anger.

On the contrary, in the end, hearing of the death of the god prince, in fact, has a lot of connection with the golden cicada and Buddha.

The Foshan behind it has naturally become a place to vent many ancient existences on Tianhuang Mountain.

"Dead bald donkey, the deity and you vowed not to give up."

At the moment, there was a roar, a red glowing sky, with a terrifying aura. Taking a step from the sky, the Dharma body surpassed tens of thousands of miles and rushed to Foshan to seek justice.

The celestial palace trembled, and all kinds of red-colored rays of sunlight gushed down, turning into a avenue to the sky, directly penetrating the void and traversing the Universe.

The opportunity that God Emperor left behind for his heirs.

It is not as simple as inheritance and supreme device.

Among them, the most tyrannical force is the various tribes, who have fought with the emperor and killed boundlessly.

Everyone's Cultivation Base is unfathomable.

But now that all major ministries have recovered, they are all rushing to Foshan, and they will not let it go if they want to discuss the matter and the price.

For a time, many Taoist teachers all paid attention to it, and felt that this was a good show not to be missed.

The situation in the upper realm changes every day, and it is difficult to calm down.

In the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, in a magnificent and simple pavilion, several figures are here, talking about something.

"The inheritor of magic art failed to kill Gu Changge in the end."


Chu Hao heavily smashed the teacup in his hand on the table. If he hadn't controlled his strength, everything in front of him would have been destroyed to ashes long ago.

He looked very ugly, and he obviously got the latest news.

Gu Changge, as the character he hates most, he naturally hopes that Gu Changge will die in it.

Unfortunately, he was still disappointed.

It was another sequence disciple who died tragically at the hands of the inheritor of the magic arts, and Gu Changge was just the original wounded.

This injury is not worth mentioning in his opinion.

"Ho-er, don't get angry, why do you care about a Junior?"

Beside Chu Hao, an old man with a fairy style, strong spirit, long beard, smiled slightly, and put down the tea cup in his hand at the same time.

Tang Wan was sitting across from the two of them. He didn't say anything, but felt that this matter was strange.

But she couldn't tell what was weird.

Of course, she also wished that Gu Changge would die tragically, so the slave mark on her body could be solved?

Chu Hao showed anger, but he calmed down quickly and said with a bitter smile.

"Uncle Master, you don't know, then how strong Gu Changge is and deceive people too much."

"Even Wan'er, alas"

When Tang Wan was mentioned, he remembered the scene he had witnessed when he was hiding in the void.

This made him crazily hateful and has become a lingering nightmare during this period of time.

Whenever I want to enter concentration cultivation, I always feel uncomfortable and calm.

However, Chu Hao still did not mention this to Tang Wan.

Tang Wan naturally didn't know what he was talking about. It was purely because Chu Hao felt that the Tang family behind her was being persecuted by Gu Changge.

Because of the existence of the slave mark, it is difficult for her to betray Gu Changge.

I can only be by Chu Hao's side, mentioning things to persuade him to let go of his hatred from time to time.

But Chu Hao verbally agreed quickly, but he already hated Gu Changge in his heart for penetrates the bone.

"Haoer is not anxious. Although the background behind Gu Changge is terrible, it does not mean that you have no chance of revenge. In the current world, when you become enlightened, naturally there will be no other geniuses in this life."

"No matter how talented Gu Changge is, can he compare to you?"

After that, the old man with white beard smiled and said that his name was Bai Yang, and he was Chu Hao's uncle in Taishang Cave.

He treats Chu Hao very well on weekdays. The Cultivation Base is unfathomable. It had already broken through to the Supreme Realm many years ago.

After learning that Chu Hao had offended Gu Changge, he rushed from Taishang Dongtian to support Chu Hao.

In their eyes, a young arrogant like Gu Changge is doing nothing but making a fuss.

What really affects the changes in the situation in the upper realm is the true supremacy of the strong in the various dao forces!

Even the existence of the emperor above the supreme!

"Huh? Why is there a strange feeling of familiarity suddenly?

At this moment, Tang Wan frowned suddenly, her expression became strange, and she felt a weirdness in her heart.

A picture that looked like a long time ago, suddenly flashed across my mind.

But it is very vague and incomplete, and it is not clear at all.

"What's wrong, Wan'er?

Chu Hao's expression moved slightly, and he asked with concern, thinking she was unwell.

But Tang Wan didn't answer him. She looked a little dazed, got up and walked to the window of the pavilion, and looked down, as if she was looking for something.

The feeling just now came so suddenly that she caught her off guard.

It's as if someone close to you suddenly appeared by your side.

The two met again after a long time.

It's just that the cultivator on the street communicates with the creatures, and she is not sure who she is looking for.

"Chu Hao, Big Brother, I'm fine.

Tang Wan shook her head and walked back soon, but after thinking about it, she still wondered, "Hao Big Brother, do you believe in Samsara in the previous life?"

Chu Hao was stunned when he heard the words, and his mind (cedh) was dazed by Tang Wan's question, and he didn't know how to answer.

Why did she suddenly ask, did she notice anything just now?

"Samsara in the previous life is naturally there."

"Samsara was solved by soldiers, and the sea became ashes."

"Many Tianjiao, many of them are born with Su Hui from the previous life, this is not a strange thing."

"Like Hao'er, his previous life is definitely an amazing person, but because of various relationships, he has never awakened the memory of his previous life. The vast upper realm is actually a cultivator that can awaken the memory of the previous life. There are very few and extremely rare."

At this moment, Bai Yang smiled slightly and answered like this.

Tang Wan nodded seemingly understanding.

Chu Hao frowned, feeling a bad feeling in his heart, why did Tang Wan suddenly say that?

"The woman just now is not wrong!"

"It's definitely Wan'er! As Junior Brother Ziyang said, she has also been reincarnated to this era."

"Great, I owed her in the last life, and in this life I can finally make up for it. God treats me well!"

At this moment, not far from the pavilions of Chu Hao, Tang Wan and others.

In the alleyway, a man of medium build and ordinary face was clenching his fists excitedly and muttering.

It was the big brother who had returned from Nine Heavens, who was regarded as a strange stone, and was later cut open by Elder of Zhenxian Academy.

Qin Wuya.

From his junior brother Ziyang Tianjun, he learned that Gu Xian'er had not awakened the memory of his previous life, so he took the initiative to rush to Samsara Lake to fetch water there.

Lake Samsara is a forbidden place for life in the upper realm. It is extremely dangerous, and the supreme dare not easily step into it.

Because it involves the true meaning of life, the profound meaning of Samsara.

The water in Lake Samsara can help Cultivation Base remember past lives.

Although this rumor is a bit shocking, it has more or less proved its miracle. This trip to Samsara Lake, Qin Wuya spent a lot of effort, and only then got a small bottle of Samsara Lake water.

And that was what he exchanged with the lord in Samsara Lake through a fetish in Nine Heavens.

Afterwards, he hurried back non-stop and learned that Junior Brother Ziyang Tianjun was in the ancient country of Black Tortoise and planned to reconcile with it.

However, Qin Wuya really did not expect to be able to meet a woman who looked exactly like his dao companion in his previous life in this place.

For him, it is already hard to describe the joy of surprise.


In the darkness, it was as if something was taking care of him!

"Wan'er's memory of her life should never be awakened. This bottle of Samsara Lake water is enough for two people."

"At that time, when Wan'er and Daoxian Junior Sister recover their memories, we will be able to reunite."

Thinking of this, Qin Wuya looked forward to excitement, faintly thinking of the future pictures, his face couldn't help but smile.

However, he didn't intend to show up, but decided to investigate the identity of Wan'er in this life first, and consider the long-term plan.

Like Ziyang Tianjun's method before, in his opinion, it was too rough and impatient.

This led to Gu Xian'er's disgust.

Afterwards, Qin Wuya's figure flashed, and he had disappeared in this alley, rushing to the place where the ancient country of Black Tortoise was.

In this matter, he had to find Ziyang Tiankanjun first, and through his influence, could he help him find out the identity of this woman.

At this moment, Qin Wuya didn't know that Tianjun Ziyang had disappeared for many days.

Deep south of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird.

The mountains are dry.

The mist is endless and endless, it will drown and cover everything, and it will appear vast and turbulent.

Large swaths of tide-like creatures are raging below, incomparable riots.

However, at this time, you can still see that a crack is emerging in the sky.

A lot of absolutely cloudy mist fell from it, one after another, as if there was life gestating.

A beautiful woman is standing here.

Holding a Taoist sword, the brilliance is shining, and it is cut down, looking outstanding.

The skirts fluttered, like the flawless Fairy in the Guanghan Palace dancing in the world, cold and moving.

It is Jiang Chuchu.

She raised her bare hands, and a large amount of divine light shed, as white as a bright moonlight, with great power, turning the large shadowless creatures below into ashes.

Under her cuffs, a messenger was tied.

There are all kinds of things that happened outside during this time.

Naturally, it also includes the fact that Gu Changge was seriously injured when he was calculated by the inheritor of magic power.

Regarding this, Jiang Chuchu didn't believe a word.

Gu Changge encountered a magician inheritor?

Isn't that the thief shouting to catch the thief?

In her opinion, suffering a serious injury is purely a bitter trick made by Gu Changge in order to frame others.

Gu Changge didn't know how many times he had used this method before, and he didn't know how many Tianjiao creatures were kept in the dark by him without knowing it.

However, during this period, she finally found the source of the eruption of Absolute Yin Qi and passed the news of this place to Gu Changge.

As for whether Gu Changge will come or not, that's his business, and she can't interfere.

In the final analysis, he is a real demon, and he has no responsibility to shoulder the righteousness and save the people of the world. That is not what Gu Changge should do.

However, Jiang Chuchu still had some expectations in his heart, hoping that Gu Changge could come.

It was like the last time I had solved the evil for her.


Suddenly, this place exploded.

Within the cracks.

A terrifying creature rushed out, full of gray hair flying, with sage, showing the terrifying Cultivation Base of the great holy realm, and killed her.

Jiang Chuchu's expression changed slightly, his eyes were slightly cold, his hands were imprinted, and his strength was vented, the fairy light was surging, and a holy artifact was sacrificed and turned into a streamer to contend.

A creature in the Great Sacred Realm, with her current methods, she only needs to be careful and can still contend a little bit.

But soon, in the other direction, a roar rang again.

Accompanied by the majestic holy realm coercion!

"No, how can there be a creature in the Great Saint Realm?

Jiang Chuchu frowned, her thoughts flickered, and she planned to retreat first. She had already found the root cause of the outbreak.

It's just that at this time, with her ability, it can't be solved.


Suddenly, a divine light flew, shining brightly, and across the sky, it easily penetrated the Great Saint Realm creature just now, almost collapsed and exploded.

A figure walked up, with terrifying fluctuations, unpredictable, and Gu Changge stepped forward with a slightly ridiculous expression.

"Even the creatures of the Great Sacred Realm can't deal with it. The descendants of the Ancestral Hall, you are really incompetent."

"Gu Changge..

"You came?"

Jiang Chuchu was a little surprised and happy, and didn't care about his sarcasm.

She really didn't expect Gu Changge to come, and she came so fast.

Sure enough, Gu Changge said he wouldn't care about her, he wouldn't care about her.

But it was just talking.

But soon thought of something, Jiang Chuchu's expression turned cold, and he let out a cold snort from his nose, without saying more.

"You are really a waste, Chu Chu Holy Maiden, this kind of thing can't be solved well, I have to make it difficult for me to be a wounded person."

Gu Changge took a step, came to her side, looked up at the crack, and spoke at will.

"I didn't tell you to come over, I just told you." Jiang Chuchu said coldly.

"So if I don't come, you plan to find death here again?" Gu Changge smiled, "Do you really think I can't bear it?"