Chapter 329

I thought of the scene that I saw through the eyes of Immortal Dao at that time.

How desperate and helpless Gu Xian'er was at that time.

Cold and arrogant like her, how can she fall to such a point?

This is all Gu Changge's conspiracy!

Gu Changge won her trust, and in the end, unsuspectingly, he suddenly shot, imprisoning Gu Xian'er and plundering and devouring her source.

"How can I let this happen."

"How can I let her suffer from this suffering? Little Junior Sister is destined to be above Nine Heavens.

Ziyang Tianjun clenched his fists, his body trembled, and the flames of hatred and anger were burning in his eyes.

After the anger, he found that he had become surprisingly quiet, and he no longer had the panic and fear he had before.

The existence of Junior Dao Xian is his greatest courage to support him against Gu Changge!

Hearing Ziyang Tianjun's firm words, Qin Wuya fell into silence for a while.

He could understand Ziyang Tianjun's feelings for Gu Xian'er.

Even if it is known that under this situation, it is very likely that the traces of Ziyang Tianjun will be exposed, and Gu Changge and others will be in danger of life.

But Ziyang Tianjun did not hesitate.

"Junior, you have to think carefully."

"This matter can't be solved on impulse. Gu Changge is far from your enemy, whether it is background or Cultivation Base, and at this time, Gu Xian'er may not believe your words."

"She trusts Gu Changge so much. At this time, she will definitely think that you are separating the relationship between her and Gu Changge.

"On the contrary, it will widen the distance between the two of you, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Qin Wuya sighed slightly, still planning to persuade.

"Senior brother, don't have to persuade me, I have already decided.

Hearing that Ziyang Tianjun insisted, his fist was still clenched, and his bone fingers turned white because of too much force.

After knowing the true identity of Gu Changge.

Gu Xian'er stayed with Gu Changge a little longer, and he felt it was a torment and was extremely worried.

"Four Eight Three" was afraid that the fragmented picture of the future he had glimpsed would become a reality, and then it would be displayed bloodily in front of him.

Although the former Gu Xian'er dismissed him, he had no distractions, only the main road.

But he didn't mind.

For him, Samsara thousands of times, just to change her look back, Ziyang Tianjun also felt that it was worthwhile.

This has become his obsession.

In the last life, Gu Xian'er was still called Daoxian, and he was the most outstanding disciple of their Wuya Daozong since the ages.

It is very possible to have the capital of close to immortals, and worship into the immortal palace overlooking the eternal heavens.

In their era, immortals communicated with each other.

Not as it is now, the traces of the immortal world are slowly elusive, and even the immortals have become the existence of legends.

At that time, immortals often appeared in the world, visiting friends and discussing Taoism, and the immortal palace was high above the top and ruled all directions.

In every fairy palace, there is an existence beyond immortals sitting in town.

If there is no such terrible catastrophe, the fairy palace will collapse and the eternity will become ashes.

He now estimates that he doesn't even have the qualifications to stand in front of Senior Sister Dao Xian, let alone do something for her.

After all, Senior Sister Taoxian was destined to be the character of Immortal Ascension.

Ziyang Tianjun had also complained about her, why in her eyes, apart from Tao, there was no room for anyone.

But now, he is relieved.

Because of that kind of Taoxian, she is the real one.

With one heart to say, it will only be Immortal Ascension, will not be interfered by foreign objects, will not stop for anyone, and will not leave a glance for anyone.

That is the little junior sister he has always admired.

"Isn't there a way? Senior brother, haven't you already obtained the water of Samsara Lake? As long as Senior Sister Taoxian can restore her past life memory, then she will believe us. I must save her from Gu Changge's clutches!

Afterwards, Ziyang Tianjun eyes reveal the divine light, and he said in a deep voice, feeling that this matter is not so desperate and there is no chance.

"Do you mean that we directly acted on Senior Sister Taoxian and forced her to drink the water of Lake Samsara?"

Qin Wuya frowned and asked.

In addition to this method, he really couldn't think of what Ziyang Tianjun could do.

But in this way, if Gu Xian'er resists, the suspicion from them will be more and more unclear.

In this way, this hat will still be solidified.

"I don't want to be like this either, but if Junior Sister Taoxian doesn't believe us then, then there will be no choice but to make a move.

"We did it this way for her good. I believe she will choose to forgive us when the time comes."

"Break the cauldron and sink the boat, you can see Xiyue.

Ziyang Tianjun said, there was a gloomy and lone wolf-like room in his face.

Qin Wuya glanced at him and stopped to persuade him, then nodded and said, "Well, just follow what you said. Next, I will take the initiative to expose my whereabouts and attract Master Dao Xian. You pay attention to hiding this place. The pattern is arranged, it is best not to let Gu Changge find any clues."

After all, his figure moved directly into a magic rainbow, leaving this place, and heading outside the ruins.

Ziyang Tianjun nodded, standing with his hands behind him, his purple robe hunting, his face was cold, and compared to before, he seemed to have suddenly changed his person.

Afterwards, he took out the jade talisman and told the purple mansion behind him about his current situation.

Ziyang Tianjun was born in the Purple Mansion, and the family behind him is also the vein of power in the Purple Mansion.

Although it has been somewhat decayed after several generations, the right to speak in the Purple Mansion is still unshakable.

Ziyang Tianjun believed that the family behind him was still standing beside him.

at the same time.

the other side.

The mountains in the distance are spreading, majestic and ancient, like terrifying beasts lying on the ground.

The mist flowed away, the mist was lingering, and the border was not seen.

Many miasma beasts have towering branches, covering the sky, making the place more and more dark and damp.

Qin Wuya's figure appeared in a mountain range, with rune flashing in his eyes, strands of golden light, looking at the distant scene.

It was here that he met Gu Xian'er the other day.

Judging by the speed of Gu Xian'er's search, she estimated that she would not be able to go far during this period of time.

So Qin Wuya intends to show his traces here, to attract Gu Xian'er to come, and then lead her to the place where Ziyang Tianjun is now hiding.

"The best way is to be unconsciously noticed by her, otherwise, with her cautious level, she might be suspicious

Thinking about this, Qin Wuya deliberately went to a plain below and found an open but hidden place.

Then, he laid out some simple concealed patterns, and started sitting cross-legged, making the appearance of being healed with a serious injury.

A secret Magic power wave spreads out, unless it is very close to him, otherwise it is absolutely imperceptible.

In this way, even if Gu Xian'er suspected that this matter was weird, he would not think deeply.

At most, he thought he was seriously injured after fighting with Gu Changge and couldn't escape, so he could only find a secret place to start healing.

On the other side, a beautiful girl with a big red bird on her shoulder was walking through the mountains.

The girl has a slender figure, delicate white skin like porcelain, exquisite facial features, and dusty temperament, just like the most flawless work of art from the hand of heaven.

At a glance, it was cold and frosty, and the dress was fluttering, with fairy air, Transcendent was refined.

It is Gu Xian'er.

However, her expression is not very good at the moment.

As Qin Wuya had expected, she had searched every mountain range these days, but she had not found a trace of Ziyang Tianjun.

This caused Gu Xian'er to feel anxious and uneasy.

It has been a long time since Qing Xiaoyi was taken away.

At this time, although Qing Xiaoyi's soul lamp was still bright and there was no dimming trend, it still made Gu Xian'er uneasy and a little guilty.

But Ziyang Tianjun's method of hiding is really good.

Even if she used many methods, it was difficult to find any clues.

Just as Gu Changge laughed at when she knew that she was coming to find Ziyang Tianjun's trail, now she is wasting her time and effort.

"I don't know what Gu Changge plans to do now?,

Gu Xian'er's brows tightened.

Naturally, I also heard about the attack on Gu Changge these days. With Gu Changge's strength, there must be no surprises.

What she wants to know most now is what Gu Changge plans to do, whether to continue to wait for Ziyang Tianjun to show his trace, or does he have another way?

At this moment, Gu Xian'er didn't know that Gu Changge had already started to rush to the place where Ziyang Tianjun was.

"No matter Gu Changge, he has his method, I have my method, and I can't rely on him too much. If I encounter any trouble, I want him to solve it the first time."

Gu Xian'er thought so in her heart, and her figure flashed, rushing to another mountain range.

Although her method is very stupid, she needs to search side by side, but she wins with meticulousness, and almost never misses anything.


"This is?"

Suddenly, Gu Xian'erdai frowned, looked around, and noticed that there was a faint wave of Magic power coming from in the void.

Although it was very secretive, she couldn't hide her powerful perception.

Gu Xian'er is now about to break through to the semi-sacred realm.

Her primordial spirit is even more powerful. She has swallowed all kinds of Divine Sense Heavenly and Mortal Treasures since she was a child, trained with various secret methods, and cultivated the primordial spirit concept, and her perception is far superior to her peers.

So at this time, she immediately noticed the unusual aura in the void.

"Is there anyone else here?"

Thinking like this, Gu Xian'er's figure flickered, quietly hiding her breath, and hurried to the direction of Magic power fluctuations.

Soon, she noticed in a hidden plain.

A man with a normal face and a medium build, sitting cross-legged there, the glow of the gods flowing, the rune flashing all over his body, and his various expressions of light appeared. He was obviously severely injured and he was being healed.

"This person is the brother of Ziyang Tianjun, the mysterious man cut out from the strange stone of Nine Heavens."

Gu Xian'er quickly recognized this person, her pupils shrank slightly, and she subconsciously sacrificed a talisman in her sleeve.

She knew all the rumors during this period of time, that it was the person in front of her who went to assassinate Gu Changge, only to explode Gu Bao and fled away.

But no one thought that he would be seriously injured and healed here.

It seems that in the battle with Gu Changge, he was indeed injured.

Thinking of this, Gu Xian'er didn't stun the snake, but carefully concealed her breath.

She has own abacus.

This person is absolutely inseparable from Ziyang Tianjun.

As long as you quietly follow behind him, wouldn't you be able to find Ziyang Tianjun?

And just when Gu Xian'er was thinking about paying, the figure in front of him suddenly opened his eyes, and the long dragon made of blood and breath gushed out, making a rumble of thunder.

He frowned, got up slowly, and muttered to himself.

"This injury will take some time to heal."

"Gu Changge really is the real inheritor of magic

"Do you really think that if you can deceive the people of the world, you can deceive me? I took Qing Xiaoyi abducted and framed Junior Brother Ziyang, but now I even plan to kill people with the knife."

"It's a cruel heart.

"If you don't get rid of him, it will be a terrible disaster."

Qin Wuya's brows were very tight, and his face was heavy, he couldn't help but whisper.

"The most urgent matter is to reunite with Junior Brother Ziyang and discuss with him how to solve the following things. Junior sister Daoxian really trusts him too much, and she doesn't know Gu Changge's intentional backtest, and she may suffer from Gu Changge's poisonous hand in the future."

After all, his figure swept forward, disappeared in the same place for a flash, and soon disappeared.

"what "

"What does he mean by these words? Gu Changge, is he a true inheritor of magic power?"

However, Gu Xian'er, who was hiding behind, was stunned at this moment, was shocked, her expression was full of disbelief, and she did not expect to hear such words.

She only felt her own head buzzing, like being hit by Huang Zhongda Lu, and it even became blank.

She didn't know what kind of mood she was at the moment.

Gu Changge, is he the real inheritor of magic?

The culprit of everything? The most terrifying scourge in this world?

Gu Xian'er couldn't believe all this.

But if Qin Wuya deliberately framed it, why would he know that he would be here? Saying all this deliberately?

Shouldn't he quickly avoid hiding after seeing him, afraid that he would contact Gu Changge and come to chase him?

All this is just a coincidence?

Or is it that everything Qin Wuya said is not nonsense?

"Impossible, if Gu Changge is the inheritor of magic power, how could it be possible that there is no sign at all."

"If he is the inheritor of magic power, how could he be injured several times by the inheritor of magic power?

"Qin Wuya must have misunderstood something. Either he said this deliberately, knowing that I came here and wanted to separate my relationship with Gu Changge."

Gu Xian'er's head was very confused, and her heart was suddenly flustered and very disturbed.

She didn't know why she was so upset, worried, and even feared that she did not know why.

She didn't even notice Own's face, but she was actually a little pale.

At this moment, she even hoped that she had not heard such words.

Before, she had never doubted that Gu Changge would be the inheritor of magic power.

And now, after hearing about this possibility, she couldn't help but doubt it.

Soon, after realizing it, Gu Xian'er didn't stop, and hurriedly pursued it, hoping to find the location of Ziyang Heavenly Monarch based on Qin Wuya's trace.

Regardless of this time, it doesn't matter whether Qin Wuya deliberately designed to lead her.

She just wants to know the true and false of all this.

Otherwise she won't feel at ease.


3.7 At the same time, the other side.

The void shuddered, bursts of brilliance emerged, and bursts of spatial fluctuations permeated.

Immediately after a shining portal opened, many figures walked out of it and came to the outside world.

The headed person is slender and tall, white clothes wins snow, fine dust is not stained, eyes are calm and deep, hair is crystal clear as ink, revealing the meaning of Transcendent, like a young god walking from Nine Heavens.

Behind him, there are Tianjiao and Young Supreme of all races, Cultivation Base is powerful, with amazing energy and blood, covering Baohui.

A creature with the appearance of Yaksha stood in front respectfully, pointing to the mountains in front of him and said.

"Master, in front of you is the Yokotake Mountain Range in the ancient Black Tortoise.

Gu Changge nodded, his eyes flashed below, and said lightly,

"Ziyang Tianjun's hiding place is here, search for me, don't let go of any corner."

"The rest of the people block every direction of the place, and no creatures or cultivators are allowed to take a step. The offenders, as Ziyang Tianjun's accomplices, will be killed directly without mercy.

"Yes, master."

After hearing the words, a group of followers suddenly grumbled, and they all agreed to shout. The momentum was shocking and murderous, which made the many arrogances who followed behind their faces changed and their backs became chilly.

This is really Gu Changge's style, directly blocking this mountain range, and no one is allowed to escape.

They smiled bitterly in their hearts, and didn't dare to approach at will at this time, for fear that Gu Changge would be regarded as a gang with Ziyang Tianjun and the inheritor of magic arts.

Afterwards, Gu Changge glanced at the mountain range ahead, moved forward with a move, his clothes fluttering, he walked thousands of miles away, within easy reach.

Tianhuang Girl, Golden Cicada Buddha, Six Crown King, Ying Yu and others also followed.

However, they never came forward, but stood on the sky, their eyes swept away, waiting for Gu Changge to find the trace of Ziyang Tianjun.

After all, Gu Changge is so sure that Ziyang Tianjun will be here, that must be certain.

Otherwise, he was hitting his own face at this time. .