Ch 357

In the gate of Shenxu Gate, in addition to the girls in the goose yellow dress, there are also many young cultivators standing.

There are both men and women, and they are in their early twenties from the age, with divine light in their eyes, covering Baohui, amazing energy and blood, and the Cultivation Base is not weak.

But they were all faintly headed by the girl in the goose yellow dress in front of them.

At this moment, they all looked curious, looking at Jiang Chen coming from the gate of the mountain.

From the appearance point of view, although Jiang Chen is dressed in tattered clothes, his spirit is by no means comparable to ordinary mortals.

Especially the indifferent and confident look made all the young men and women a little surprised. It seemed that this beggar seemed to be extraordinary, and was still a bit extraordinary.

"Miss, is there anything special about this beggar?"

A man couldn't help but asked curiously. He looked at Jiang Chen several times, but he couldn't see how special it was.

I don't have any Spiritual Qi on my body, I look like I'm almost 20 years old, and I haven't practiced yet.

"His physique is very special."

The girl in the goose yellow long skirt said, her eyes were big and bright, and she stared at Jiang Chen who was walking by at this moment, as if she wanted to see him completely.

The others were also very surprised when they heard this, but they knew the girl's identity very clearly.

Even she said something about this beggar's very special physique.

That can only show that this beggar-like man is really not easy.

"I have seen this girl, thank you for her opening just now, and for giving me a chance to enter the gate of the gods."

Jiang Chen didn't care about the gaze of this group of people, but walked over openly, his gaze was very clear and calm, and he stared at the girl in the goose yellow long skirt.

Although he could also guess that the identity of the girl in front of him was not simple, he didn't worry about the black-robed old man in the dark, and he seemed very indifferent.

This look made everyone take a high look.

"You don't have to be polite. It's nothing more than a simple effort."

Hearing that, the girl in the goose yellow dress shook her head with a full smile on her face.

Although her face looks very ordinary, but she gives people an unspeakable favor.

The women behind, although their faces were beautiful and outstanding, they also looked bleak in front of her.

"I don't know what the girl's name is?"

Jiang Chen also had a good feeling for this girl, and couldn't help asking.

"Bold, Miss's name, you dare to ask too

However, upon hearing this, the girl in the goose yellow dress hadn't said much. The young men and women behind her changed their complexions suddenly and shouted coldly.

"It's okay, just a name, you can call me Chuyue.

However, the young girl waved her hand 497 to interrupt everyone, signalling not to care, and smiled.

"Choyue? It's a nice name," Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He didn't feel the slightest malice in this girl who helped him out loudly, just like a breeze blowing on his face, it was natural.

The spirit of good fortune Xianzhou didn't notice any malice or attempts on her.

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared here, with wide sleeves, a ruddy complexion, and bright eyes.

Many disciples followed, judging from the clothing, they were all disciples of the Shenxu Sect.

It can be seen that the middle-aged man also respects the girl named Chuyue very much, and after showing her a slight courtesy.

Then he looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Are you the one who threatened to make my Shenxu Sect break the rules?"

Obviously, the old man in front of the mountain gate had already informed him of the ins and outs of the matter, otherwise he would not come over so quickly.

"I have seen senior."

Jiang Chen slightly cupped hands, "Junior really has confidence in his own talents. Shenxu's admission of Junior as an apprentice will not regret it."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, "You have a big tone.

The rest of the people were also shocked, and they felt incredible about Jiang Chen's confident words.

Especially the disciples of a group of Shenxu Sects, they know the identity of the middle-aged man in front of them, and they are also among the top three masters in the entire Shenxu Sect.

If it wasn't for the girl's sake, he would never show up because of Jiang Chen.


"Aren't you afraid to fall into a fight?"

The girl named Chuyue originally planned to take people to walk outside the mountain gate, but at this moment, she was obviously interested and stopped here.

She naturally could see that Jiang Chen's physique was not simple, but places like Shenxu Gate could not necessarily be tested.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but laughed.

"Senior wait and see."

Jiang Chen glanced at her, thinking she was also amused, and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Chuyue pursed his lips and smiled, and suddenly wanted to see Jiang Chen embarrassed for a while.

"Miss, are we looking for that thing for a while?"

A woman behind her couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "The eldest son probably can't wait any longer now.

The girl shook her head and said, "Let's watch the show first. By the way, let me also Big Brother wait. If he can't wait, let him find it first."

Afterwards, the middle-aged man waved his sleeves and took Jiang Chen to the stone monument to test his talent. Because of this incident, many disciples of the Shenxu Sect were shocked, and they rushed (cedh) to join in the fun.

Jiang Chen is very confident. He has a good fortune body. According to the good fortune fairy boat spirit, this is among the ten god-tier bodies and also belongs to the top physique.

But soon Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, it was hard to believe.

He couldn't keep up with his confident look.

When he put his hand on the test stone, there was brilliance on it, but the brilliance was not as far as he expected.

"This" he was stunned.

"Just want to break the rules of my Shenxu Sect, it's just going to laugh me to death."

"If you're lucky, it's not because you met Miss. At this time, he won't even be able to enter our mountain gate, so he dare to speak out."

There was a roar of laughter from the side, and everyone looked like they were watching monkeys.

Even the middle-aged man is suppressing his anger, as if you are wanting me.

"Qi Ling, what the hell is going on?" Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly, and he quickly asked the Qi Ling in his mind.

"It should be because this God Market Gate can't test your physique…"

At this time, the sound of Good Fortune Xianzhou's spirit was also full of embarrassment, which was completely unexpected.

"Looking at the face of Miss Chuyue, let you worship me and enter the gate of the gods, but you can only be a handyman disciple."

The middle-aged man shook his head, then walked away.

"I'm so ridiculous

The girl named Chuyue also disappeared at this time, only the clear and moving laughter like a silver bell came out, which looked very strange.

Jiang Chen touched his nose with some embarrassment, and it was completely beyond his expectation.

"But it's okay to be a handyman. According to the black robe senior, it won't be long before I can open up the sea of ​​spirits!"

Afterwards, Jiang Chen secretly said in his heart.

I am full of expectations for the next practice of Life. Although there are many disciples in the Shenxu Sect, for him, they are all hunting targets!

And after the girl named Chuyue left the Shenxu Gate with someone, she went straight to a mountain in the distance.

A man with a magnificent figure and a tall figure in a golden robe was standing there, quietly staring at the girl who came by. His eyes were as deep as the sea, and his pupils seemed to be as deep as tan and terrifying.

His hair is golden, like gold, like a young god, very conspicuous.

"In the first month, you are late." The young man's gaze fell on the girl, his tone of voice was flat, and there was no questioning tone.

"Meet a funny person, it will be lively after watching it.

Chuyue smiled authentically.

"I've seen Grand Prince."

The people behind her were in awe of the young man.

"Let's go.

The young man nodded, and then waved his hand. Everyone turned into a rainbow and fled to the mountains, seeming to be looking for something.

At the same time, Zhenxian Academy.

In the palace, divine light loomed, fairy fog xenon hydrogen, Yuemingkong sat on the bed.

She is tall and slender, with a picturesque fairy face and delicate skin. She looks like the most flawless work of art in the sky.

At this moment, she was flipping through an incomplete map with her bare hands, her eyes flashed lightly, and some thoughts flashed.

"It stands to reason that the Tower of Heaven will be born in this place, even if there is a slight discrepancy in time, it can't be wrong."

"In the Tianxuan Mountains, the nearby forces include the Shenxu Gate, the Ancient Sword Sect, and the Luoxia Cave Sky."

Yuemingkong whispered softly, slender and flawless like a green jade finger, and then also landed in an area on the map.

As Gu Changge guessed, she has been busy searching for the Seven Heavenly Palms during this period of time.

She already has a mirror and a seal of heaven in her hand.

In addition, she already knew the whereabouts of the Heavenly Sword. It just takes a little effort if you want to plan.

Therefore, Yue Mingkong put more energy on the palm of the sky.

According to her memory of previous lives, the Palm Tower actually exists underground, not in a fixed location.

And compared to the other hand-held artifacts, Xuetian Pagoda is more powerful, and there are rumors that it even has the effect of suppressing the sky.

It is even more rumored that the Tower of Palm Heaven is actually carried by an extremely ancient fairy beast, following the veins of the earth to travel through the upper realm.

In order to find out the news of the birth of the Palm Sky Tower, Yue Mingkong actually gave up a lot of thoughts. After all, compared with her previous life, many things in this life have deviated from the original development trajectory.

"Emperor Chu, this is something sent by Young Master Changge.

And at this time, just when Yue Mingkong was thinking about when to do it.

Outside the palace, there was a voice.

A maid suddenly came in holding a delicate-looking box, with an extremely respectful and fearful expression.

"Sent from Changge?"

Yue Mingkong was stunned when he heard the words, and then couldn't help showing a slight smile on his indifferent face.

This scene made the maid who entered the Great Hall couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and only when he heard about the young master Changge, Emperor Mingkong would smile on his face.

During this period of time, the female emperor's coercion on Yuemingkong has become heavier and heavier, and Cultivation Base has become more and more unfathomable.

Every time they saw something, they were trembling, walking on thin ice, not daring to say much, for fear that they would be thrown out and beheaded if they made a mistake.

"What is this? That guy is still willing to give me something, but it's really rare."

"Could it be that the sun came out from the west?"

Although Yue Mingkong said so, but the words still couldn't hide the meaning of happiness and joy.

At the same time, Yushou raised her hand, and the exquisite-looking box fell into her hand.

The surface of this box is covered with cloud-like silk and purple mist, giving people a very strange feeling.

Yuemingkong knew that this was a space box, and it contained space, so I could see that there should be a lot of things hidden in it.

"After the destruction of the Purple Mansion, all his foundations and accumulations over the years have all fallen into his hands.

"There are good things that haven't forgotten me, but it's kind of conscience."

Yueming Kong said quietly, and at the same time opened this space box.


What catches the eye are many exquisite jewelry, earrings, hairpins, etc., which are engraved with fairy phoenix and other patterns.

There are various rules and orders hanging down, there is a strong atmosphere intertwined, and the fairy aura surrounds, just like the immortal made by himself.

In addition, the sacred artifacts, the quasi-sovereign artifacts, the holy medicine, the dragon marrow, the phoenix jade, and so on are countless, making the maid below almost blinded, and she is envious.

Any one of the pendants is not a simple holy artifact, and the refining is extremely complicated.

Not only has a strong defensive ability, it can even be sacrificed at a critical time as a secret treasure of attack.

It is no exaggeration to describe it as priceless.

As a woman, Yue Mingkong naturally loves beauty. When she sees these things, even though she conceals herself, she can't help but show joy in her eyes.

Naturally, she could see that these were chosen by Gu Changge carefully.

I know what she likes, so I deliberately picked it out and sent it to her.

Thinking of this, she was still a little moved, and she didn't pretend to pay so much for him silently.

"Go down."

Afterwards, Yuemingkong raised his hand and accepted everything in the box.

His face returned to his previous indifference, and he waved to let the maid go down.

However, the maid who is familiar with Yuemingkong is very clear that although Yuemingkong seems to be indifferent nowadays, the joy between her brows cannot be concealed.

She was envious, but she also knew that only a man like Young Master Changge could show Emperor Mingkong with such an expression.

And just when Yue Mingkong planned to continue planning the whereabouts of the Palm Tower, footsteps came from outside the palace again.

"How did you come?"

Yue Mingkong looked down, sat up on the couch, and heard a cold voice.

"What? It's not easy for your husband to have time to take a look at own's future wife, isn't it possible?"

"After all, I am not like you. I know that I am at war with the army of the Purple Mansion, so I don't care about me. If I die in the hands of the Purple Mansion, won't you be a widow for the rest of your life?"

Gu Changge walked in outside the hall calmly.

The many maids outside the door naturally did not dare to stop him.

Afterwards, he ignored Yue Mingkong's cold and disgusting look, and sat down beside her.

Suddenly, a good smell came, elegant and cold, like snow lotus blooming on the top of a billion-year-old iceberg.

"No, you are not allowed to enter my palace for half a step without my permission." Yuemingkong said coldly.

"All right, then I will go out now, and I won't come again." Gu Changge said, he was about to get up.

"No." There was annoyance in Yue Mingkong's cold voice, and she stretched out her hand to hold him.

"Neither does this, nor does that work. What do you want to do for your husband?,

Gu Changge looked back at her, with a helpless expression, "Your temper, am I used to you too well?"

Yue Mingkong gave him a sideways look, "Let's talk, what's the matter with you coming to me."

She knows Gu Changge well, he belongs to the kind of person who doesn't go to the Palace of Three Treasures.

If it's okay, it's impossible to come and find her.

"Why do I have to have something when I find you?"

"I miss you, and I want to see you suddenly, can't you?"

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, with a helpless expression.

"This excuse is fine."

"However, I have seen everything you gave me, and I like it very much."

Yue Mingkong ticked the corner of her mouth and put it back immediately. She liked Gu Changge's way of accommodating her.

"Just like it, or it will take me to pick you for so long in vain."

Upon hearing this, Gu Changge smiled and took her into his arms.


Yuemingkong struggling and struggling, and then squinted lightly, leaning quietly in his arms, enjoying his rare gentleness.

Gu Changge looked at this flawless fairy face close at hand and smiled, "Ming Kong, honestly explain, have you wanted to be your husband during this time?"

Yue Mingkong opened his eyes, glanced at him coldly, and snorted from his nose.


"Sophistry." Gu Changge lowered his head.


What Yuemingkong wanted to say was blocked.

Suddenly, the palace is beautiful and beautiful. .