Ch 364

"Jiang Chen, just leave it alone.

Hearing this, Ji Chuyue couldn't help frowning and glanced at him.

When Jiang Chen said this, it was equivalent to pushing them to the opposite of Gu Changge. There was really no room for relaxation.

Although she knew that Jiang Chen and Gu Changge had a grudge, she was still a little dissatisfied with his arbitrariness.

"Just now, if you have the courage, you can speak in front of Young Master Changge."

"It's almost reckless."

Chen Ning'er didn't care about Jiang Chen's mockery at all.

She smiled unabatedly, and even glanced at Jiang Chen contemptuously.

A little mortal, who only controls a little bit of the world and the geographical changes, really treats himself as a person?

Even dare to provoke Young Master Changge?

"We'll explain this matter to Young Master Changge. On the contrary, you, Chen Ning'er, followed us secretly. You have such a shameless behavior, so you really have the face to say it?"

Ji Chuyue took a deep breath, calmed down, and couldn't help but said coldly.

"I'm helping Young Master Changge to find the traces of the Tower of Heaven.

Upon hearing this, Chen Ning'er shook her head and smiled, her red dress swaying, and lotus steps, walking towards Ji Chuyue and others.

"I believe you will also understand my painstaking efforts.

"You…Ji Chuyue's expression is very ugly, and the confidant behind him stepped forward to protect her behind him.


Jiang Chen only wanted to curse these two words at the moment.

Obviously she looks like a beauty in the city, but she has to do something that flatters Gu Changge to the extreme.

This made him unbearably disgusted, and at the same time there was a kind of resentment.

"Don't think about how to explain it later?" Chen Ning'er walked over with a smile.

Hearing this, Ji Chuyue went silent, secretly anxious.

If Gu Changge really knew about this, the Ji family behind them would definitely not be able to walk around.

They dared to let Jiang Chen take action and help them find the location of the Palm Sky Tower, because they wanted to hide from Gu Changge, find the Palm Sky Tower in secret, and then take it away.

Just conceal the truth and keep Gu Changge from knowing about it.

But now Chen Ning'er has witnessed all these plans with his own eyes.

If she told Gu Changge, even Gu Changge would not "five zeros" on the surface to pursue anything, but secretly they had already offended Gu Changge to death.

After all, this is no different from Yang Feng Yin.

Needless to say, she also knows the fate of offending Gu Changge.

When they first made this decision, she and Ji Yaoxing had already guessed the consequences of this, but they were fortunate enough to feel that as long as they could conceal it, there would be nothing.

For a while, Ji Chuyue couldn't think of a good solution.

If you regret it, there must be some.

However, they already have the Heaven-Handling Wheel among the Seven Heaven-Handling Tools in their hands.

This is the end of the matter, is there any way to save it?

Chen Ning'er looked at Ji Chuyue's pale face, and smiled even more. "With this time, I would advise you to think about how to explain to Young Master Changge.

"Young Master Changge has a good temper, but he can't tolerate sand in his eyes. I think you should be clear about the fate of the Purple Mansion. The Hidden Shiji Family behind you doesn't want to follow in the footsteps, right?

With that, she picked up the messenger in her hand and signaled that she had notified Gu Changge.

Seeing this scene, Ji Chuyue's face turned pale, her slender hands clenched tightly, and her bone fingers turned pale.

"you "

She looked at Chen Ning'er with resentment, her body trembling with anger.

Ji Chuyue never expected that Chen Ning'er not only followed them secretly, but now she even notified Gu Changge of the events here.

Why did they act in the middle of the night, and weren't they worried about being known by Gu Changge? Chen Ning'er's current behavior is simply intended to let them offend Gu Changge to death!

His heart is so cruel, it's so cruel!

"Gu Changge is coming here?"

Jiang Chen's expression changed slightly when he saw this scene.

Although he has changed his face, he still has an uncontrollable tremor and fear towards Gu Changge.

"Xiaochenzi, the world's general situation here can be used by me. For us, this is the most advantageous topography, especially among the purple mountains. If my perception just now is correct, there is an opportunity that belongs only to you."

But at this time, the sound of good fortune immortal boat spirit sounded again, decisively.

"It's only my chance, what exactly is this? You said it once just now." Jiang Chen asked quickly with a beating of eyebrows.

"At that time, you only need to enter this purple mountain. I am confident that I can control the terrain of this place and contend with the rest of the people.

Good fortune Xianzhou Qiling's voice contains strong self-confidence.

When Jiang Chen heard these words, he felt a lot more relieved. He couldn't realize the panic that Ji Chuyue was like when he collapsed today.

In his opinion, he has done his best to help Ji Chuyue and others find the place of the Tangtian Pagoda.

As for offending Gu Changge, isn't it that the Ji family brothers and sisters had been prepared before then?

"It's a big tone. I don't believe that Gu Changge is so strong that he can cover the sky with only one hand in the upper realm? No one can compete with him for the treasure that I look for?"

Jiang Chen spoke again with indignation. It seemed to persuade Ji Chuyue, but he was more expressing his dissatisfaction with Gu Changge.

"Little ants, dare to arbitrarily discuss Young Master Changge, and they are looking for death."

Hearing this, Ji Chuyue didn't say much.

Chen Ning'er's eyes suddenly flashed cold, and her jade hand raised, and several magical runes were swept across the void, which turned into swish arrows, and shot at Jiang Chen to kill him here.

Although her strength is far behind those top Young Supremes, dealing with a mortal Jiang Chen is as simple as trampling on an ant.

Jiang Chen's expression changed. He didn't expect Chen Ning'er to be so vicious. He said he would do it without mercy at all.


At the critical moment, Ji Chuyue gritted his teeth and shot.

The green flute in his hand flew out, transforming into a cloud of brilliance, like a cloud, blocking Jiang Chen, blocking Chen Ning'er's strike for him.

Even so, Jiang Chen's complexion changed, a cold sweat on his back, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

"Okay, Ji Chuyue, you are so courageous. This ant speaks to insult Young Master Changge. You dare to protect him. I think you are planning to fight Young Master Changge.

Chen Ning'er sneered.

"I, Ji Chuyue, turned pale and wanted to explain, but I didn't dare to reply at this moment. With the state of the family behind her, I would never dare to oppose Gu Changge.

Especially this kind of thing on the bright side.

However, it is impossible for her to see Jiang Chen being killed by him without taking action, and she will not save her death.

She can't do this kind of thing.


However, at this moment, everyone suddenly heard a terrifying sound coming from the purple mountain behind.

It was like a wave, but it was like a Wanlingjun boulder rolling down, constantly rolling over.

Everyone looked over with shocked expressions.

I saw this purple mountain range suddenly seemed to come alive.

Between each rock, a thick purple mist began to erupt, which instantly covered the surroundings.

Such an abnormal change shocked everyone in an instant. Even Chen Ning'er and the others looked at it in disbelief.


Suddenly, a bright golden light flashed across the sky, like a small burning sun, hot and terrifying, rushing out of the purple mountain.

"Big Brother!

Ji Chuyue couldn't help but shouted, her expression extremely worried.

The person here was just Ji Yaoxing who broke into the purple mountain just now.

It's just that his current state is not good, his hair is scattered, his body is covered in blood, his clothes are torn, the wolf and fox are incomparable, and it is obvious that he has encountered some danger in it.

It's just that his complexion was still calm, and he quickly fell from the air. He glanced at Ji Chuyue, then turned his gaze on Jiang Chen without saying a word.

"Big Brother, are you okay?" Ji Chuyue asked, very worried, and at the same time told Ji Yaoxing what had happened outside.

"I'm fine, I have heard the matter in the purple mountain." Ji Yaoxing nodded, indicating that she doesn't need to worry.

"Brother Yaoxing Dao, can you gain something in it?

Chen Ning'er asked with a smile, with an expression of watching the show.

"Probably knows where the Palm Sky Tower is."

Ji Yaoxing's expression remained unchanged, "It's just that if you want to find the Tower of Heaven, it will take a while."


Hearing this, Chen Ning'er was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Ji Yaoxing to be so calm.

At this time, Ji Yaoxing spoke again with a calm expression.

"I didn't expect you to follow in the dark. In this way, I'm afraid this incident will disturb Young Master Changge."

"I thought that after I took the Palm Sky Tower, I would offer it to Young Master Changge in one fell swoop, and it would save him some trouble. These little things, I will trouble Young Master Changge to do it myself, Miss Ning'er, let me see you. Let's explain to Young Master Changge.


When Ji Yaoxing said this, not only Chen Ning'er was stunned, his Little Sister Ji Chuyue was also stunned, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Jiang Chen noticed the subtlety and wrongness of the atmosphere, and couldn't help but frown.

"Big Brother, what do you mean by this?" Ji Chuyue's head was a little dizzy, and she still didn't understand Ji Yaoxing's words.

Chen Ning'er frowned and couldn't help asking, "Ji Yaoxing, what do you mean by this? Why should I explain to Young Master Changge?"

She spoke very rudely and directly addressed Ji Yaoxing by his full name.

"It's because of your actions that broke my plan." Ji Yaoxing's voice was very flat, and with his introverted and steady expression, it gave people an unspeakable sense of conviction.

Ji Chuyue's expression is also at a loss, does his Big Brother have any plans to tell her?

"What do you mean, tell me clearly?" Chen Ning'er's voice was cold.

"The Heavenly Palm Tower that Young Master Changge wants is here, but with my ability, I can't take it out, or even find it. And Jiang Chen behind me is a god master, with him Naturally, you can easily find the location of the Palm Sky Tower and take it out."

Ji Yaoxing's voice was calm, as if he was stating a fact.

At the same time, he also exposed Jiang Chen's identity and pointed to him in the first place.

"Ji Yaoxing, you cross the river and tear down the bridge."

Jiang Chen's expression changed drastically, and the expression staring at Ji Yaoxing was very angry.

The thing he worries most still happened.

But Ji Yaoxing didn't care about him, even his eyes didn't fall.

When she heard this, Chen Ning'er's expression changed a little, and she began to be surprised.

If it was her relationship that undermined Gu Changge's plan, then she was guilty of death, and even apologizing for death would not be qualified.

"Shen Yuanshi?" She stared at Jiang Chen, a little shocked, and when she looked carefully, she naturally knew what these three words meant.

"No wonder he is so capable."

Afterwards, Chen Ning'er sneered, "But what does what you told me have to do with your plan?"

"Jiang Chen and Young Master Changge actually have an enmity. After learning about this, he was unwilling to help us find the location of the Tower of Heaven. Therefore, there is no way. Will promise to help us find the Tower of Heaven"

Ji Yaoxing sighed, his expression changed a little, "Unfortunately, because of your relationship, now this plan can only be dismissed. The Heavenly Palm Tower is indeed here, but without the help of the Shenyuan Master, it would be difficult for us to take it out.

The words have already come to this point, as long as the individual understands it at this time.

"So there is still such a thing? Have hatred with Young Master Changge?"

Chen Ning'er couldn't tell whether what Ji Yaoxing said was true or not.

However, if the Shenyuan Master and Gu Changge in front of him had an antagonism, the Ji family brothers and sisters should not have the guts to take him in.

"Big Brother"

Ji Chuyue stared at Ji Yaoxing blankly, and didn't seem to expect him to say that, pushing all the troubles onto Jiang Chen.

This made her feel that Ji Yaoxing in front of her had become very unfamiliar. He would never say such things or do such things before.

Playing with gratitude, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?

Although she knew that Big Brother was for her and for the family, she couldn't accept it for a while.

She looked at Jiang Chen apologetically, but Jiang Chen didn't notice her.

"Ji Yaoxing, I didn't expect to be as upright as you, and even do this kind of thing. Even if I am blind today, I will help you lead the way."

"I took note of today's matter!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sneered, his eyes were very cold, and his anger and hatred were gone.

This is a complete disappointment.

He had no idea that the first thing after Ji Yaoxing appeared, he actually said so and sold him.

And it's completely cut off any relationship.

Jiang Chen knew that if there was nothing tonight, Ji Yaoxing's statement would definitely be another matter. Before that, he actually thought that Ji Yaoxing could be a close friend.

Simply blind!

"If this is the case, then arrest him. I don't believe that under severe punishment, he dare not follow suit."

After that, Chen Ning'er looked at Jiang Chen and turned cold.

However, at this moment, above the sky in the distance, bursts of divine rainbows flashed by suddenly, especially under the dark night sky.

A group of people are coming here.

The headed person is a man and a woman, with fluttering robes and aloof demeanor. It is Gu Changge and Yuemingkong.

Jiang Chen's complexion changed suddenly, and he wanted to leave, but everyone here had already stared at him, making him afraid to move.

"I have seen Young Master Changge.

Seeing Gu Changge who was here, Chen Ning'er hurriedly saw Lidao, and her heart was also a little uneasy.

Judging from what Ji Yaoxing said just now, she had indeed ruined his plan.

Moreover, Gu Changge will come here, she also informed.

As a result, after arriving here, I only saw the traces of the Palm Sky Tower, but did not see the real Palm Sky Tower.

Compared to Ji Yaoxing's prudent approach, she is indeed reckless.

Thinking of Gu Changge going to blame it, she couldn't help sweating from her back.

"Young Master Changge!

The two brothers and sisters of the Ji family also hurried to meet, but compared to Ji Yaoxing's calmness, Ji Chuyue seemed a lot more nervous.

"Oh, I seem to be late, what good scene did I miss?"

Gu Changge didn't care about everyone.

With a faint smile on his face, his gaze fell on the faces of Ji Chuyue and Ji Yaoxing, looking interested.

Ji Chuyue's expression changed slightly, because of nervousness and anxiety, cold sweat broke out in her palms.

When she met Gu Changge before, she didn't have such intuitive feelings.

But now I only feel a terrifying coercion rushing towards her face, and she is about to let her breathe.

"Young Master Changge, this is how things are."

At the moment, Chen Ning'er hurriedly reported what had happened just now, not daring to hide anything.

Including how she followed the Ji family brothers and sisters, how she heard them talk, and how Ji Yaoxing explained just now, they all repeated it all together, without missing a word.

After listening, Yue Mingkong glanced at Ji Yaoxing deeply, his face was cold and deep, and he didn't say much.

She naturally knew what Ji Yaoxing thought, but she didn't bother to break it.

She wanted to know how the Ji family brothers and sisters planned to solve this matter.

After listening to this, Gu Changge smiled at Chen Ning'er, "Thanks for your hard work."

"You are welcome, Young Master Changge, it is an honor for Ning'er."

Seeing that Gu Changge didn't blame herself, but to say so, Chen Ning'er was a little flattered, and hurriedly waved her hand.

Hearing such a sentence, it seemed to her that it was all worthwhile to do so.

"I heard that Brother Yao Xing Dao intends to help me find the Tower of Heaven?"

Then, Gu Changge looked at Ji Yaoxing with interest, with a little playfulness and scrutiny in his eyes.

Although Ji Yaoxing remained calm, Ji Chuyue clearly saw that cold sweat was also on his 3.7 forehead.

It can be seen that his Big Brother's heart is not as calm and steady as it seems on the surface.

When facing Gu Changge, they finally realized the chilling and trembling power in the rumors.

This is the kind of huge gap that is insurmountable.

"Don't dare to conceal Young Master Changge. When I heard that Young Master Changge was planning to look for the Tower of Heaven, Little Sister and I had this idea. It was only because of Jiang Chen's non-cooperation that we came up with this decision."

Ji Yaoxing's voice is calm and honest,

"Furthermore, Little Sister and I plan to contact the family behind us after we find the Pagoda of Palm Heaven, and we will offer the wheel of the Palm Heaven to the Buddha by borrowing flowers and offering them to Young Master Changge.

"It's just a pity that I haven't communicated with Miss Chen Ning'er about this matter. This shocked Young Master Changge and I am deeply sorry.


When Ji Yaoxing said this, it was not just Chen Ning'er that was stunned.

Even Jiang Chen, who had been staring at Ji Yaoxing with anger and cold expression, was stunned.

"The Palm Sky Wheel is in your hands?"

Chen Ning'er couldn't believe her own ears, she was very dreamy.

The Ji family brothers and sisters actually planned to send out the cupped hands of the Heavenly Palm Chakra, which has greatly exceeded her expectations.

But up to now, it seems that there is only such a way.

"Really? So that's how things are?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge didn't say much, just smiled faintly, and his eyes fell on the faces of Ji Yaoxing and Ji Chuyue.

"Every sentence is true, don't dare to deceive Young Master Changge."

Ji Yaoxing looked at each other calmly, cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Ji Chuyue lowered his head and squeezed her hands tightly, understanding the difficulties of Big Brother saying this, after all, the situation is better than human beings.

Ji Yaoxing's explanation was concealed by Chen Ning'er and others, but it was definitely not concealed by Gu Changge.

Rather than offend Gu Changge to death, it is better to take the initiative to give up the chakra to calm people.

In this way, even if Gu Changge knew what was going on, he would look at the Heavenly Wheel and would not pursue it.

"In this case, then there is Brother Lao Yao Xing Dao."

Finally, Gu Changge smiled, smiling calmly, and looked away.

The Ji family brothers and sisters recovered from that terrifying power, feeling that their backs had been wet with cold sweat, and a gust of wind blew through, and it was biting cold.