Ch 384

Above the cracks, the divine light gushes and the sun shines.

A colorful palace is like a palace made of celestial jade.

Jiang Luoshen, Jiang Chen, Monk Pudu and others did not hesitate at all and rushed directly into the crack.

As for the ups and downs of the palace, they didn't care at all, and they didn't even look in that direction.

Before that, after having suffered a big loss, they understood that the so-called ancient temple was actually just a fake tomb, so it was very dangerous and caused everyone's death.

The real cemetery is actually still deep underground.

Jiang Chen had communicated with Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling, and understood that the terrain and the direction of many formations here were actually for the purpose of dispelling doubts.

The real tombs of the ancestors of the Taixu Protoss are not the palaces outside.

Moreover, he also has own calculations in his mind.

If he can find the real cemetery, he can still get the favor of Jiang Luoshen and survive.

If he can't find it, he can use the power of the good fortune immortal boat spirit to leave from here.

That's why he was so determined that he rushed into it almost without hesitation.

"I hope you don't cheat me this time, otherwise our lives will be lost here.

Jiang Chen explained to Good Fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling in his mind, "The next best thing is to find the cemetery of Jiang Luoshen's ancestor, otherwise you have to find the secret tunnel."

"Don't worry, I just perceived that there are many channels hidden here, which can actually lead to the main cemetery, and the rest of the dark roads can quietly leave this place.

"No matter what, we have a retreat. How could I cheat you."

Good fortune Xianzhou Qi Ling promised to say.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and found his way with Monk Pudu ahead.

"I hope you don't lie to me, otherwise you will never leave this place alive."

Jiang Luoshen walked behind with a group of strong men, and said indifferently.

On the corridors on both sides, there are many bronze statues, which look strange and simple.

As they stepped into this place, a faint brilliance flashed in their hollow eyes, as if they were about to come alive.

It's just that Jiang Luoshen had expected that the golden token in the jade hand appeared, and a series of pale golden lines flashed from the virtual space.

Then the place returned to "May 10," and the dead silence was restored.

Those statues are made by the Taixu God Clan with secret methods, and they are responsible for guarding the tomb and are powerful.

So at this time, she somewhat believed Jiang Chen.

"This place is well-connected, even if the people behind follow up, they will never find the right route."

"About this, Princess Luoshen can rest assured."

Jiang Chen spoke confidently, and at this moment he seemed very calm and indifferent.

Monk Pudu heard the words and said with a smile, "The little monk knows that Jiang's benefactor is extraordinary, and he did not misunderstand him.

Jiang Luoshen nodded when she heard the words, but she didn't say anything more. Now she is eager to find the relics of the ancestors and then leave here.

The oppression and fear that Gu Changge brought to her from the outside world was too deep.

She was very upset.

Soon, with Jiang Chen leading the way, they quickly passed through many areas with Restrictions formations, and large tracts of collapsed ruins appeared in front of them.

Although there are many side roads, Jiang Chen seems to have been here, walking straight away in a leisurely manner, extremely confident, and not worried about going wrong at all.

This scene made the people of Taixu Protoss slightly shocked, feeling that Jiang Chen, whose Cultivation Base was not high, became unpredictable.

Outside, above the sky, one after another eyes fell, all of them were powerful men of various races and figures of the master leader level, with tremendous strength.

"When this happened, since the Taixu Protoss still intends to go in, it seems to be confident.

A strong Gu family looked at it, the magic rune flickered, and he carefully looked at the movement there, and couldn't help but say so.

"Young Master, are we waiting outside now?"

The rest of the Gu family members were also asking.

"Not in a hurry.

"Since the Taixu Protoss dared to enter, there must be some means, let them help us find the way first.

Gu Changge said casually.

Of course he knew that Jiang Chen was the greatest assurance of the Taixu Protoss.

Without Jiang Chen, Taixu Protoss wouldn't dare to rush in at this time.

A son of luck like Jiang Chen is only worthy of being a treasure hunter.

"Brother Gu is so sure that Taixu God Race can find it?"

Wang Zizhen asked with interest, thinking that Gu Changge should know something, or else he would not be so calm and calm, and not in a hurry.

After all, if you go in a little slower, doesn't it mean that all the relics will be taken away by the Taixu Protoss.

Gu Changge is not like the kind of person who will let good things slip away.

"It's not certain, but if you enter this time, you may be in the plan of the Taixu God Race. Who knows if they have set some traps in it, just waiting for us to enter?"

Gu Changge smiled casually when he heard the words and explained.

His words shocked many people's hearts and thought it was very possible.

The prince didn't believe his foolish nonsense.

Although she is not interested in the tomb of Taixu God, if Gu Changge wants to enter in a while, she would like to follow.

Seeing everyone from the Taixu Protoss race rushing into the crack, the expressions of everyone present were a little different.

Many archeologists have divine light in their eyes, runes evolve, and various magical powers are performing, so you have to see through the changes.

To be honest, the sudden change just now shocked everyone.

All the strong men who rushed to it before had no bones left, and I don't know what happened in it.

The scream just now is still vivid, making many people feel palpitated.

He didn't dare to approach for a while, and could only watch the Taixu God Race people rushing away, their eyes flickering.

"The Taixu God Race holds a token that can spur the formation and terrain changes in this place, so they have no fear.

"If I wait to enter easily, I might be in danger of my life. I still need to be cautious. Let's see what is going on with the Taixu Protoss first.

An old man spoke, he was crouched, holding a piece of purple gold Feng Shui compass, and said.

Before that, he asserted that the place was dangerous, and he went in as soon as there was no abnormality there, and was able to save his life.

Now that he says so, many people are shocked and think it is very possible.

After all, this place is the tomb of the Taixu God Race. Who knows what news they know. If they accidentally enter and encounter them, there will be no place to cry.

Thinking of this, many people retreated and dared not go in again.

Many young Tianjiao in Zhenxian Academy looked at the crack with different expressions.

Although several Elders all spoke, let them stay where they are, don't go in, avoid encountering danger.

As a young generation, the most fearless thing is danger, and the intention is to fight.

Now that they have witnessed the strength of Gu Changge with their own eyes, they are naturally unwilling to be born in their hearts.

If there is a great opportunity in this tomb ruins, it is also an opportunity for them to catch up with Gu Changge.

Just as the six crown king Junyao thought.

At this moment, there were divine patterns in his eyes, and then he took out a broken charm from between his sleeves. Zhengcai's figure flickered and flew towards there.

"Hey, how come this guy doesn't listen

Several Elders shook their heads slightly, and did not stop him.

Being a sequence exists, it has a great background, and it does not need to do exactly what they say.

It doesn't matter to them if the six crowns fall into it.

After all, everyone on the scene was watching. They had already persuaded the six-time champion, but he himself didn't listen to them.

And the six crown king turned into a divine light and rushed into the crack, causing many people to be shocked.

"That person just now is the six crown king of the True Immortal Academy. It is said that he has six crowns and is peerless. He has pushed the world across the world. He is unparalleled in talent and powerful. It is a pity that he was crushed by Young Master Changge in this life."

"Unexpectedly, he dared to rush into it at this time.

Many young Tianjiao were discussing, shaking in their hearts, staring at the splendid underground palace that was still ups and downs.

"Now it seems that many people are afraid to go."

"Even the leaders of many archbishops are watching."

The expressions of Tianhuang Nu and others moved slightly, and they were also thinking about whether or not to go deep into it with the Sixth Crown King.

It's just that this idea just went out as soon as it came up.

Because of The next moment in the cracks in the ground, there was once again a huge momentum, as if there was terrifying energy about to rush out.

Immediately after everyone's shocked gaze, the splendid palace exploded.

The terrible blood light, instantly appeared like a cloud, shrouded in the sky, covering everything.

A strange-looking creature rushed out of it, and the number was unimaginable.

The killing is monstrous, the breath is terrifying, and it seems to have experienced countless battles in the battlefield.

The bloody atmosphere of horror, shrouded in the sky, made many people's complexions drastically changed.

It was as if a cage was broken through, releasing a terrifying murderous beast that was struggling to heal.

"Unexpectedly, there will be such a change, things become interesting."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, but his expression remained unchanged.

He is planning to find an opportunity to make this water muddy, because it is so-called muddy water to fish.

Because what he wanted was not only the godhead left by the ancestor of the Taixu god clan, but also the origin of many archeologists here.

On the bright side, he can't do anything.

Only when you enter the underground for a while can you have the opportunity to do it. No matter what happens, you can easily throw the black pot to the Taixu Protoss.

Now there is a sudden chaos here, but it provides him with a good opportunity.

"This cemetery is obviously left by the ancestor of the Taixu Protoss to his descendants. These are all tomb-suppressing beasts. As long as they are creatures without the blood of the Taixu Protoss, they will be regarded as enemies and will fight."

Seeing this shocking and terrifying scene, an archbishop's leader suddenly reacted, his face changed drastically, and said so.

Immediately after the sleeves were rolled, many younger generations returned to the chariot behind them to protect them.

The weakest of these tomb town beasts is also in the Void God Realm, and the strongest has even reached the level of the master leader.

The killing was overwhelming, and the bloody breath shook the sky, shaking all directions.

Everyone couldn't help getting up in amazement, and was frightened because of the incident, and they couldn't help but retreat to the back.

Some people were too late to retreat, they were overtaken by these creatures, and they were torn to pieces in an instant while screaming, their form and spirit disappeared.

Suddenly, this place became a Shura killing field, filled with blood and wailing.

"Run away, you can't stay here for long."

"These fierce beasts are powerful, and we are not their opponents."

Many young Tianjiao turned pale, and witnessed a bet against a Sage-level old generation expert who was slapped to death by a tomb beast, and collapsed and exploded in the virtual space.

This scene made them shudder, and their spirits seemed to be frozen.

They were still planning to watch the excitement just now, but they never expected that things would suddenly usher in such a huge reversal.

For a time, this authentic rainbow broke through the sky.

Everyone started to flee, and no longer dared to be as casual as オ just now, admitting that this place was full of opportunities.

Many young Tianjiao, who were a little slower, looked terrified and desperate. They were overtaken by the Tomb-Small Beast and swallowed directly. The blood was permeated, terrifying and frightening.

Many people even wish they had a few extra legs and fled here one after another.

Except for many Tianjiao outside the Supreme Master and Immortal Orthodoxy, the others dare not stay, and they are shattered.

"I just don't know if the Taixu God Race knows all this? Damn it, knowing that there is a Tomb Suppressing Beast, I won't tell everyone."

An old man was furious and frustrated, his face was gloomy, and he witnessed his own disciple being killed by the tomb beast, but he did not have time to rescue him.

Soon, chaos began here, and many people had the intention of retreating, leaving with their disciples and fleeing outside the cemetery.

Said Celestial Immortals palace congregation Elder was also taking action to protect Xiao Ruoyin and the others behind him. If they were going to leave far away, the excitement would not be mixed up.

"Young Master, shall we continue to wait or leave for now?"

A strong man in the Gu family asked, he was also worried that the young people behind him would fall here.

Who knows what dangers are hidden in the ground?

"You take the rest of the tribe and leave first.

"Don't get involved in this matter.

Gu Changge heard the words casually.

At the same time, he glanced at the many Gu family members behind him, most of whom were the younger generation.

Although there are many direct disciples, most of them are collateral disciples, all of whom are unfamiliar faces and can't get in touch with Ben on weekdays.

"It's the young master."

With Gu Changge's orders, many Gu family members also began to evacuate.

Since there is such a chaos, the first thing to do is to save lives.

No matter how important opportunity is, how can life matter?

Wang Zizhen, Tianhuangnv and others are also the families and forces behind Fen's possession, and they took the rest of the tribe to leave here, and try not to mix them up.

And soon, many young Tianjiao here withdrew, leaving only a few of the strongest now recognized by the younger generation.

Jin Chan Buddha, Tianhuang Nu and others did not leave.

In addition, many archbishops are also waiting and watching. With their strength, naturally there is no need to fear this group of tomb beasts.

"It seems that the real cemetery is still underground

An old man opened his mouth, his eyes shed golden light between his boudoirs, and then shook many of the tomb-town beasts in front of him, and rushed away first.

Divine light was shrouded in the body of the other archbishops. As they moved, they shook the tomb beasts killed in the surrounding area and rushed to them.

"It seems that Jiang Chen will soon find it."

Gu Changge squinted his eyes and saw that the time was about to come. He also started to get up.

It's just that all the disciples of Zhenxian Academy followed him, obviously it was him.

He didn't say much, anyway, after going underground, he would be separated.

Tianhuang Nu and others are naturally not stupid. They understand that Gu Changge's strength is very strong, and what kind of dangers are hidden under the ground, there is no way to know.

With Gu Changge by his side, it will definitely be much safer.

And soon, everyone passed through the crack that stretched several meters long and went directly to the ground.

As previously guessed, this place is obviously a ruin of a ruin, and you need to walk down all the time.

It didn't take long to see an ancient city buried deep underground.

There were obviously a lot of powerful formation patterns here before, but now they have all been abolished.

Gu Changge could tell that Jiang Chen did it.

Looking around, there is a ruin-like ruins in front of you.

The vicissitudes of life are ancient, and many broken walls are ruined. I don't know how long it has been buried.

A group of archbishop leaders displayed various powerful methods, and the brilliance reflected in all directions, flying in the front and heading into the depths of the ancient city.

"It seems that this place is the cemetery left by the ancestor of the Taixu God Race. The path is developed in all directions. I don't know where the main tomb is."

A young disciple looked at the many diversions that suddenly appeared in front of him with some shock, and didn't know where to go for a while.

"There are many crises here. Although everyone is walking together, it is indeed a lot safer, but if you don't know the way to go, you may end up in vain and you will find nothing."

"It's also a waste of time."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, seeming to have a headache because of the sudden turn in the road.

Many archbishops in the front are using their own methods to explore the danger of each road.

After arriving here, even if the supreme exists, you have to be cautious.

Let alone them.

"In that case, we can go separately. There are many fork roads here, and if we take one of them, the chances are really slim."

"Whether they can get the chance then depends on their own means."

Hearing this, Yue Mingkong glanced at him, and instantly understood what Gu Changge meant. He couldn't help but nodded and said lightly.

Even when she said so, the expressions of the other disciples became a little unnatural.

If Yue Mingkong hadn't said that, they could naturally follow Gu Changge's face and follow Gu Changge, regardless of chance.


But if she insists on separating now, they dare not say much.

Wang Zizhen knew Yue Mingkong's plan, and gave her a smile, without breaking.

"It's fine to separate."

Gu Xian'er has a cold voice and always likes to be alone. After arriving here, she wants to go alone.

Had it not been for Gu Changge who insisted on keeping her by her side, she would have ran in earlier.

After all, her figure moved and walked straight towards a forked path ahead, and soon disappeared.

Gu Changge glanced at her, with a rumorous smile on the corner of his mouth, but didn't say much.

Seeing this scene, Tianhuang Nu, Jin Chan Fuzi and the others sighed in their hearts. They were also intrigued. They each chose a fork in the road and left first.

"There are only so few roads left, so I'll follow Brother Gu."

"I'll go wherever Brother Gu goes.

The prince smiled in an authentic manner, without realizing it.

Yue Mingkong took a deep look at her. During the previous trial, she understood that Wang Zizhen's personality was like this.

Later, she went to another fork in the road, and had no plans to go with Gu Changge.

For Gu Changge, the godhead of the ancestor of the Taixu Protoss is more important.

For her, the chance of another fork in the road is more suitable.

"I'm going here."

Jiang Chuchu also glanced at Wang Zijin, somewhat annoyed by her boldness, but she couldn't help but feel a little sullen.

"Where is Brother Gu going? I plan to follow you."

Soon, only Gu Changge and Wang Zijin were left here.

But she looked like she was not too big to join in the fun, smiled and said, her eyes were clear and moving, like the morning mist in the forest.

Gu Changge knew what she was thinking.

As a traverser, Wang Zijin's own ideas are very different from the others.

Others came here to find opportunities, and she was obviously here to join in the fun.

"Then I will go here."

Gu Changge sensed the location of Xia Jiangchen, then picked one of the forks and walked away, seeming calm and relaxed.

Wang Zijin noticed his expression and couldn't help but smile. "Brother Gu, we are both so familiar.

"Can I ask you a question?",