Ch 424

Gu Changge slashed with a knife, and everything was overwhelmed by the vastness of the sword.

Many strong men in the distance burst into pieces in panic and despair, their bodies collapsed and burst directly into pieces.

The horrible sword qi dropped from the sky and went horizontally, seeming to tear the world apart.

At this moment, the entire Shen Clan was shrouded in this extremely powerful emperor that could destroy everything, and couldn't imagine what kind of catastrophe would be caused by the complete eruption of such fluctuations.

The peaks collapsed and turned into ashes, and many pavilions and palaces became children's fans in the aftermath.

Even the engraved formation pattern is instantly wiped out, and it is difficult to continue to protect it.

This is the real imperial weapon, even if Gu Changge didn't seriously sacrifice it.

But just the breath intertwined on it was frightening, and the body almost exploded after being far away.

"Is it imperial weapon to destroy everyone?"

The raging breath made everyone pale and trembling, and couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

For the first time in so many years, they have witnessed the horror of imperial weapons with their own eyes.

Just this wave of fluctuations is enough to tear open the barrier of Tianlan Realm and penetrate to the outside world.

Shen Xian'er, Gu's father, Shen's mother and others were very shocked. Unexpectedly, after Li Xiuliang's own identity, Gu Changge not only didn't care, but also killed the rest of the strong who came.

He even carried the imperial weapon with him, which simply did not give his opponent any chance of survival.

With just one stab, everyone exploded and everything was destroyed.

Even the existence of one of the Quasi-Supreme Realm screamed in horror and collapsed into blood fog.

This is a terrifying scene with a tingling scalp.

The existences who came just now are the ancestors of the other forces in the Skylane Realm. They have a long heritage and are not weaker than the Shen Clan.

But in Gu Changge's eyes, they are no different from ants.

"Big sis, is that what he usually does?"

Shen Xian'er looked at Gu Changge with complicated eyes, and couldn't help asking Gu Xian'er next to her.

"Well, he is very bad usually, and he often bullies people."

Gu Xian'er stared at Gu Changge, nodded, and said without thinking.

She had never seen this weapon in Gu Changge's hands before.

It can only show that during this period of time, Cultivation Base Ascension was terrifying, and he also got many opportunities.

She once boasted to Haikou in front of Gu Changge and said that she would suppress him.

Now it seems even more distant and impossible.

This made her feel a little quicker, the stronger Gu Changge became, and the more she couldn't resist when she bullied her.

During this time, she has been cultivating hard, trying to catch up with Gu Changge.

But the more you chased, the bigger the gap between the two was. By now, she couldn't see Gu Changge at all.

After hearing this, Shen Xian'er glanced at Gu Xian'er, she believed what Gu Xian'er had said during this period of time.

It seems that Gu Changge is indeed doing her best to compensate for Big sis, which makes her a lot better for Gu Changge.

The people of the Shen Clan were silent, watching from a distance, the ancestors of the Shen Clan still had a sense of fear, and felt fear for the first time.

This is the power of the imperial weapon.

With his current strength, it is estimated that he can't even get close, let alone push it.

This is enough to illustrate the horror and unfathomable strength of Gu Changge.

Gu Changge didn't care about everyone's views.

"Five Three Three" with a faint intention to lose, he stepped on Li Xiu's head, looked at his furious and cold complexion, and said, "I actually like people acting in front of me. Because it's here. In the end, they will be stepped on by me like you are now.

"You are fine!'

"This is the first time I have met someone like you…"

Li Xiu's whole body was in pain, and the talisman at the center of his eyebrows collapsed and exploded, and the whole person's bones did not know how much it broke.

Especially now that Jing Ran was still stepped on the soles of his feet by Gu Changge, his face plunged deeply into the soil, unable to raise his head.

Such humiliation made him look cold, and he almost exploded.

Once upon a time, he was an aloof war immortal, conquering eight wilderness and ten territories, killing the enemy with fear and deterring all directions.

Even if he fell accidentally at the beginning, he is still a war fairy, no one can replace it!

Hearing his name back then, who is not in awe, who dares to humiliate him easily?

"Master Zhanxian"

Fortunately, the ancestors of Heavenly Sword, Holy Maiden, etc., who fled to the distance, watched this scene, and their hearts were completely frightened and terrified.

Even Master Zhan Xian was stepped on by Gu Changge, and he was determined to kill everyone just now!

This indifference and harshness made them tremble, especially the Holy Maiden, now their intestines are almost regretful.

I had known that she hadn't said this at the time, and things wouldn't be like this.

And it hurts Sect behind her!

"Oh? Is it the first time?"

"Maybe this will be the last time."

Gu Changge smiled faintly, stepped on his foot, and suddenly made a toothy bone cracking sound.

He controlled his strength so as not to explode Li Xiu's head.

In any case, without the battle talisman, Li Xiu is now a useless person, and he can't even use Magic power.

Just now Gu Changge could easily suppress Li Xiu even if he didn't use the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword.

Just considering that this guy might have other means, he simply used the imperial weapon directly, which was more simple and direct.

Sure enough, as soon as he saw him offering an imperial weapon, Li Xiu confessed without saying a word.

"Gu Changge!"

"Don't deceive people too much!"

Li Xiu's heart was extremely humiliating and cold, and his teeth were trampled off by Gu Changge, not as natural as before.

At this moment, he looked like a ghost, with disheveled hair, covered in blood, and was extremely embarrassed.

As a superior war fairy, he controls many demons and is invincible.

In the eyes of the people in the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions, he is a devil who slaughters all directions!

He never thought that he would have such a humiliating day when he was stepped on the soles of his feet in front of everyone, and he couldn't even lift his head.

He was reluctant to reveal his identity before, because he was worried that the enemies he had encountered before would act on him again.

At the beginning, his fall was not accidental, but the cooperation of the strong from the upper realm, which caused him to encounter traps and ambushes in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

That's why he will endure it until now.

However, after revealing his identity as a war fairy, he didn't get the respect and admiration he deserved, but instead lost a big face in front of everyone.

Li Xiu always felt that he couldn't have the same knowledge as them. After all, in his capacity, why stop here, doing so would only lose his worth.

"Oh, what if I deceive you?"

Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, and his feet pressed hard.

Suddenly, there was a muffled hum, Li Xiu was strong-willed and had been enduring the pain, even if he was so humiliated, he didn't want to continue to be ashamed.

However, Gu Changge didn't let him do what he wanted. A strand of Spiritual Qi with a light gray color fell on his head to avoid being accidentally stepped on and exploded.

He was very interested and found that Li Xiu was holding on, but he had already passed out in pain.

After all, Li Xiu is just a mortal now, and the pain he can bear is very limited.

The next moment, the sole of his foot moved lightly, and the sound of broken bones sounded again.

Everyone's complexion was cold, and they shook their faces, feeling that Gu Changge was so cruel that he could not be judged by his appearance.

"Ah" Li Xiu finally couldn't hold back, he let out a tragic cry, his mouth was full of blood.

"Young man, if you are acquainted, let go of Lord Zhanxian. Even if you have an extraordinary background and even possess an imperial weapon, you must know that as long as Lord Zhanxian gives an order, all his former subordinates will be killed."

"You can't imagine the horror of Lord Zhanxian

The ancestor of the Bi family turned pale and his voice trembled. He didn't dare to imagine that such a scene would happen to the invincible Lord Zhanxian, who was aloof and slaughtered in all directions.

He endured the fear in his heart and wanted to let Gu Changge let go of Lord Zhanxian.

"Are you talking to me?" Gu Changge glanced at him with interest.


At this moment, the ancestors of the Bi family were terrified.

He is a quasi-supreme powerhouse, but at this moment he still can't help but Yan Li, feeling that he has become a real dragon watching. ant.


However, Gu Changge didn't let him finish the words. He directly lifted the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword and slashed it down. The terrible murderous aura swept the sky, instantly splitting it in half.

The laws, magical powers, and weapons all collapsed and exploded, without any possibility of contending.

Everyone couldn't help but shudder coldly, and it only took a single shot to solve an ancient ancestor, just like slaughtering chickens and dogs, not nonsense at all.

"Let's talk about how you survived, maybe I'm in a good mood to let you go."

"If you don't want them to die, don't try to provoke my patience."

Gu Changge received the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword, glanced at Li Xiu, smiled lightly, and at the same time glanced over the Heavenly Sword ancestor, Yingyue Holy Maiden and others.

They all dared not look at him, they were terrified, trembling, and their legs were weak.

They couldn't imagine that after stepping on the once invincible Lord Zhanxian, Gu Changge could still talk and laugh so freely, there is no difference between words and stepping on an ant.

"just kill me.

"I can't say anything."

Li Xiu's face was full of pain, his heart was aggrieved, and he hated his weakness at the moment.

If he was at the peak, how could he have fallen to the point of being so tortured by Gu Changge.


"Then it will fulfill you.

Gu Changge didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words. The golden rune flashed in his eyes, and he searched for Li Xiu's soul directly in front of everyone.

Li Xiu suddenly screamed out of pain.

It's a pity that his current Hun and Po are very weak. Gu Changge just probed it and exploded with a bang.

"Master Zhanxian"

Heavenly Dao Ancestor, Yingyue Holy Maiden and others, their eyes widened with fear, and their faces were dull. They couldn't believe that Lord Zhanxian had fallen in front of them, their souls broke, collapsed and exploded.

Gu Xian'er, Shen Xian'er and the others were also surprised, just like Zhan Xian died?

"The place of soul cultivation, the land of ten thousand immortals

Gu Changge was not surprised by this. From this bit of Li Xiu's soul, he found out a lot of news.

It was almost the same as he expected, how could a person who has been dead for countless years reappear in the world.

If there is no good place to cultivate the soul, then it may have been only suspended animation.

In fact, he was planning to find a place to cultivate his soul, so that his subsequent plans would be foolproof.

The appearance of Li Xiu happened to solve the problem for him. As for how to find the hiding place of Li Xiu's real body, it is actually not difficult.

Now that he has killed Li Xiu, he has already forged Karma with him.

"He died so simple?"

Gu Xian'er was a little unbelievable. In any case, Li Xiu was a former war fairy, how could he die so easily.

Gu Changge glanced at her and said, "He is a dead man himself, but if you really say it, he shouldn't be dead yet."

"What do you mean?" Gu Xian'er was still puzzled.

Gu Changge said indifferently, "This can only be regarded as the body he walked outside. The real him is actually dead, but he still relies on the memory of the flesh left in the past to dominate everything."

When he said that, Gu Xian'er understood. He looked at the corpse of Li Xiu who had collapsed and exploded. He couldn't help but hum and said, "That's good, Xian'er's marriage contract is also relieved. This guy's attitude is really annoying. , I thought I was a former war fairy.

Hearing these words, everyone felt astonished and complicated. In any case, this was the former war fairy, who died in such humiliating torture.

But such words can only be said by Gu Changge and Gu Xian'er.

Even if only the memory of once fighting an immortal dominates this body, it is not something they can easily slander.

It is conceivable that today's events will inevitably shake the Tianlan realm, and even the upper realm.

The former Zhan Xian appeared in the world again, but was killed by Gu Changge in the Shen Clan again. If some of the Zhan Xian's subordinates knew about it, it would inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

"Young Master Changge, how do they solve it?"

The ancestors of the Shen clan looked at Yingyue Holy Maiden, Tiandao ancestors and others, with cold eyes flashing. These were all of Zhan Xian's subordinates, or descendants of their subordinates.

If Gu Changge were not here today, their Shen clan would have caused unimaginable troubles because of Li Xiu's relationship.

They asked themselves that there was no place to feel sorry for Li Xiu, but he deceived them so much because of his identity.

He himself didn't have a good face for the ancestors of the Heavenly Dao and the others.

"I will leave it to you as to how to solve it." Gu Changge said lightly.

"Yes." The ancestor of the Shen clan said respectfully.

At this moment, a divine rainbow came from the sky in the distance, and several murderous figures rushed up and appeared in front of Gu Changge. Annihilated, no one flees."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their backs. After a while, Huangyue Sacred Land was wiped out, and it really didn't leave a trace of life.

"Fortunately, we did not offend Young Master Changge."

Looking at Yingyue Holy Maiden and others, who had passed out because of hearing this news, many Shen Clan members were filled with joy.

Soon, what happened in the Shen Clan today caused a sensation in the entire Tianlan Realm.

The extreme imperial prestige that soared into the sky just now was terrifying and swept across the entire sky, and even caused the Star outside the domain to tremble, making many powerful people feel terrified, guessing what happened in the Shen Clan.

Moreover, many big forces that were extremely low-key before had their ancestors awakened and rushed to the Shen Clan, but no one was able to come out in the end.

In addition, Sacred Land, which has a long heritage, was attacked and killed by several horror beings today, was wiped out, and disappeared from the Skylan Realm.

A lot of news shocked all directions, causing the Tianlan Realm, which had been calm for a long time, to set off a terrifying wave.

Subsequently, news from the Shen Clan came out, which was even more shocking.

Many people can't believe it, wondering if their ears are wrong.

Zhan Xian, who had fought in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, appeared again, and turned out to be the famous waste son-in-law of the Shen Clan.

It is a pity that he offended a young existence from the upper realm and was killed by the Shen Clan.

Many powerhouses who went to visit Zhanxian were also beheaded here, collapsed on the spot, and vanished.

This incident caused a sensation in the Tianlan realm, and even spread to the upper realm, shocking many people.

In any case, Zhan Xian was once invincible, Cultivation Base is the world's best. It is rumored that he has already fallen and was ambushed during the battle in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

Now, somehow now appearing again in later generations, but encountering such an ending, it is really unbelievable.

The young existence that can spur the imperial weapon, borrowing the big upper realm, who else has such a big hand?

In fact, many people already know it without guessing.

Fairy mists, green mountains and green bamboos, in a valley like a fairyland, Gu Xian'er, Shen Xian'er, Gu's father and Shen mother are sitting around the stone table.

The tea fragrance is curling, and the green tea is as if the sky is reflected in it, which is quite beautiful.

Gu Changge sat opposite them, raised his glass to his mouth, took a sigh of relief, took a sip, and couldn't help but praised, "Auntie is good tea art."

"Young Master Changge praised." Mother Shen said coldly, still being very rude to him.

Although he has changed a little bit about Gu Changge because of what happened just now, he still can't let go of what he did to Gu Xian'er.

Father Gu's expression is rather complicated. I feel that Gu Xian'er's attitude towards Gu Changge is more familiar and natural than their parents.

Moreover, judging from the relationship between her and Gu Changge, it doesn't look like she will suffer and be oppressed by Gu Changge.

He didn't know why Gu Xian'er had such an attitude towards her big enemy.

Gu Changge came to Tianlan Realm because of his relationship, and dealt with Shen Xian'er's troubles by the way.

"Actually, I came this time just to take a look at Xian'er. I didn't mean anything else. If Uncle and Auntie mind, I will leave afterwards."

Gu Changge smiled and put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Young Master Changge joked, how dare we mind?" Mother Shen's attitude is still cold, waiting for Gu Changge to explain herself.

However, Gu Changge had no plans to continue talking to her, let alone any explanation.

Mother Shen's expression was stagnant, and Gu Changge had such an attitude, she could ask anything more.

After all, she is just a woman's family. Gu Changge is polite to her because she is Gu's daughter-in-law and also because of Gu Xian'er's mother.

She still has this point of self-knowledge. If the time comes to make trouble, not only will she lose her face, but also Gu Xian'er's face.

Seeing this, Gu's father sighed slightly and shook his head.

Gu Changge looked to the other side and kept cold, but his head was lowered, but his eyes couldn't help falling on his toes, as if Gu Xian'er was wandering beyond the sky.

"Since you are okay, then I will leave first, whether Shen Clan's side or Gu's side, you can stay wherever you want."

"In Tao Village, I will go there when I have time, and take a look at Tiantian by the way.

That's what he said, but before he left, he had to find the place to cultivate souls.

Regarding the battle of the immortal, Gu Changge is most interested in the place to cultivate souls, and the second is the point of luck.

"In fact, there is nothing wrong with me, I just plan to go back to the village to see the Master and the others.

Gu Xian'er raised her head when she heard the words, and looked towards her with her crystal clear eyes.

Now she feels that her head is going to be bigger now

In fact, the last thing she wants to see is her parents meeting Gu Changge.

This feeling was so strange that she was fidgeting, but she had to look mature and stable in front of her parents, setting an example for Little Sister Shen Xian'er.

Fortunately, Gu Changge did not make her embarrassed, but gave her a suitable step.

Back to Tao Village, by the way, meet the Master and Tao Yao Big sis.

"I think you haven't seen your parents for a long time. It's good to spend more time with them."

However, Gu Changge's mouth showed a slight smile, and as the voice turned, Gu Xian'er was suddenly a little dazed, "Huh?"

"No, I have been here for half a year, Master and they must miss me, I have to go back and see them."

She reacted and gave him a darkly annoyed look, feeling that Gu Changge had said so deliberately and did not intend to let her get away.

She just said how Gu Changge could be so kind and let her down the steps.

"I think you, Master, they should not miss you. They will be clean if you are not."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, and couldn't see Gu Xian'er's cold eyes.

Gu Xian'er felt that Gu Changge was not talking about her Masters, but about himself.

"Young Master Changge is right, Xian'er, you should stay here and stay with us more. I haven't seen him in so many years."

Mother Shen also spoke at this moment, wishing Gu Xian'er to stay by her side, feeling that it was dangerous for her to be with Gu Changge.

In her opinion, Gu Changge's methods have nothing to do with the so-called good people, but Gu Xian'er still trusts him very much.

It was almost impossible to write the words about to go with him on his little face.

"I have a lot of questions about my practice and I want to ask the Masters. Gu Xian'er has troubles on his face.

She does have a question to ask for advice, this is not nonsense.

"No matter, since Xian'er is leaving, let her leave. Anyway, we are in the Shen clan. She can come back whenever she wants to see us."

At this time, Gu's father spoke and waved his hand to interrupt Shen's mother.

He knew that Gu Xian'er had already left and couldn't stay, so it was better to let her leave.

Mother Shen sighed, glanced at Gu Changge, and then at Gu Xian'er. Suddenly, she felt that this was evil fate.

When she was still very young, Gu Xian'er was like a follower, sticking behind Gu Changge. She followed wherever he went.

As a result, after suffering a big loss, the bones of the avenue were excavated and almost lost his life. I still don't know the long memory.

She's afraid it wasn't because of Gu Changge who sold her, so she still has to count the money for him?

When Gu Xian'er heard her parents say this, she breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Gu Changge with some pride.

"I think it's better for Xian'er to stay here. Gu Changge noticed her expression, her expression unchanged.

Gu Xian'er felt that she was disgusted by Gu Changge, and she was so angry that she always disliked him.

He even dared to dislike himself, it's too Damn it!

Shen Xian'er, who had been silent for a while, was the first time she saw her "mature and stable" Big sis like this, and she was very curious in her heart.

"I heard from Xian'er that you are very interested in Dao Fa. As a clan brother, I don't have any good things as a meeting ceremony.

"This Jade Slip is what I got from my travels when I was young, and it records many profound Taoisms, which is quite mysterious.

"Today I will treat it as a meeting gift and give it to Xian'er Little Sister."

At this time, Gu Changge seemed to notice that Shen Xian'er was in general, and smiled slightly.

He took out a crystal clear Jade Slip from his arms, with Taoism and Gods intertwined on it, which looked very mysterious and primitive.

Gu Changge handed it to Shen Xian'er, who was a little dazed. She hesitated for a while, wondering if she should pick it up.

Since it is the Jade Slip presented by Gu Changge, it will definitely not be easy.

But considering the relationship between her parents and Gu Changge, she is not easy to pick up.

"Since it was a gift from Young Master Changge, you can accept Xian'er. Why not thank Young Master Changge?"

Mother Shen sighed in her heart, knowing that because of their relationship, Shen Xian'er had a grudge against Gu's family.

Otherwise, with her talent, if she is in the Gu family, she will definitely shine.

After all, they delayed her.

"Thank you, Young Master Changge.

Hearing that, Shen Xian'er took Jade Slip, raised her eyes, took a look at Gu Changge, and found that he had been chatting with herself, as if there were flowers on her face.

This made her a little unnatural, lowering her eyes.

However, Gu Changge quickly retracted his gaze and smiled softly, "Xian'er, Little Sister, you are welcome, this is my token."

"If you want to return to Gu's house when you want to, just urge this thing, and someone will come here to pick you up.

"With your talent, you shouldn't be buried in this place."

He said he gave her a jade pendant.

He felt that something else should happen to Shen Xian'er, so please keep an eye on it.


Shen Xian'er took the jade pendant and nodded, actually looking forward to the upper realm in her heart.

After all, that is the place where Taoism originated, the practice Sacred Land that is difficult to replace in the minds of all cultivators.

She felt that Gu Changge was not as evil as his parents said.

Seeing this, Gu Xian'er actually wanted to take her Little Sister away, but she also knew that she was not in charge of this matter.

Then, she bid farewell to her parents and Little Sister for a while, and then left the Shen Clan with Gu Changge, planning to return to the upper realm and leave the Tianlan realm.

From the beginning to the end, he never mentioned to Gu Xian'er's parents that back then, although they wanted to know the reason in 3.7, they could only give up, and they faintly believed in Gu Xian'er's statement.

Gu Changge seems to have real difficulties.

"Finally gone"

"It's really breathless."

Many Elders, including the ancestors of the Shen nationality, came to see each other outside the mountain gate together, exclaiming in their hearts.

For Gu Changge, the sensation caused by the Skylane Realm is not worth paying attention to. The lucky point he has gained has allowed him to exchange a few more detached bones.

After he left, Tianlan Realm was still unsettled, because the battle of the immortal caused a major earthquake.

Many implicated forces are extremely afraid, the ancestor died tragically, and the life card was broken.

If you follow in the footsteps of Huangyue Sacred Land, don't you regret your death?

In addition, because of the Upper Realm's conquest of the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, the aftermath of the battle came outside the Skylane Realm, and the barriers were unstable and there were signs of rupture.

Many cultivators are in danger, and feel that soon, Tianlan Realm will be the first to bear the brunt and suffer a catastrophe.

Not long after leaving Tianlan Realm, Gu Changge did not take Gu Xian'er to Tao Village first, but appeared on a mountain not far from the Boundary Tablet Sea.

Looking at it from a distance, the sky is full of yellow sand in the distance, and it can be seen that withered bones are submerged.

"What is this?" Gu Xian'er looked at the Hongmeng Zijian in his hand curiously.

"The fetish of spying on the secret." Gu Changge glanced at her, "If you dare to make an idea, I will throw you away."

"you dare!"

"I… I just asked, why are you so careful." Gu Xian'er was pricked by him, a little bit angry.

At this time, as the Gu Changge Magic power surged, the misty purple mirror suddenly became clear, and a picture appeared.

Among them was an old man with a waistless waist.

"The place where the soul was raised was originally there." Gu Changge looked a little interested.


"Gu Changge"

"My lord and you have no grievances or grudges, but you are going to be cruel and deceive people too much.

Near the Boundary Tablet Sea, an old man who was collecting mysterious energy in the waves, heard the news, his face was full of hatred and anger.

However, he endured it abruptly, holding a jade jar in his hand, which contained many energy light clusters.

He is the aging of Zhan Xian, and has been running around for the resurrection of Zhan Xian.

Today, there are many sources and memories of strong men who died during the war near the sea of ​​Boundary Tablets, which are extremely scattered.

And he was searching for the body of Zhan Xian that had collapsed at the beginning, which contained the origin of Zhan Xian's not yet dispersed.

The method that Zhanxian cultivated focuses on the physical body.

Therefore, even if it has been fallen for many years, as long as you find the body that once collapsed and reunited again, you can really return Zhan Xian.

Now Li Xiu, who died tragically in the Shen Clan, is just a body dominated by the part of the memory of Zhan Xian's awakening.

But having said that, Li Xiu, in the eyes of the old man, is also the new life of Lord Zhanxian, and is expected to make him truly come back.

But now this hope is abruptly wiped out by Gu Changge, how can he not be angry?

Afterwards, the old man took the jade jar in his hand and walked into the cracked void somewhere near the boundary monument sea.

His figure flashed, and the many lines on the surface dispersed and quickly entered it smoothly.