Ch 437

Inside the courtyard, the moonlight is mottled, the wind is rustling, and the bamboo shadows are whirling.

Many wines and vegetables fell on the ground, and even the stone table exploded.

Because the moment Qin Wuya fell to the ground, it was difficult to control his own breath, leaking out, causing nearby bursts, and even the void almost collapsed.

After all, he is the Cultivation Base of the Quasi-Supreme Realm.

Spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood mixed with visceral fragments.

But the severe pain still didn't stop, as if to turn the body into pus and blood from the inside, which was terrifying and terrifying.

Qin Wuya's face was bloodless, and he quickly got up from the same place.

Enduring the severe pain, he took out many Medicine Pills from his storage ring, and stuffed his mind into his mouth.

Then he started sitting in the Lotus Position, trying to expel the poison from the body.

He knew he was poisoned.

There is a terrifying poison in the food and beverages in front of you, and even the quasi-superior realm powerhouse can hardly be spared.

"Why are you doing this

While removing the poison, Qin Wuya looked at Tang Wan with pain and disbelief, his voice trembling.

He knew that the poisoning was all because of carelessness, and felt that Tang Wan would not harm him.

The vigilance exercised in Nine Heavens in the past is gone.

So he didn't even notice that Tang Wan had poisoned the food.

He couldn't believe that Tang Wan would actually harm him.

Moreover, he prepared wine and food specially for him, and called him in the middle of the night.

At this moment, Qin Wuya's heart was very painful, because of betrayal, sorrow, sadness, and incredible.

Although Tang Wan has not recovered the memory of her previous life, he has done so much for her during this period of time, is it possible that she can't see it?

Qin Wuya didn't know why Tang Wan wanted to harm him.

Between the two, there is no hatred at all.

"sorry "

"But I have no choice but to do this."

Tang Wan's expression was calmer than Qin Wuya had imagined.

And she just said such a sentence, she seemed very indifferent.

Tang Wan's attitude made Qin Wuya even more painful and desperate.

Why would she do this?

"Who is threatening you? Can you tell me?"

Divine light rose from Qin Wuya's body, like golden flames, clusters of extremely gorgeous, trying to evaporate the poison.

This is a secret method from Nine Heavens.

But he found that the toxicity was terrifying, and it had even penetrated into the soul.

This kind of poison is impossible for Tang Wan to get

Therefore, someone must have secretly instructed or threatened her to force her to do this.

Tang Wan looked at him calmly, did not speak, but 540 stood there.

She didn't expect Qin Wuya's strength to be so terrifying. Needless to say, the horror of this immortal buried water.

But Qin Wuya persisted for so long, and even his expression turned a bit.

He not only possessed the mysterious secret technique, but also mastered a variety of rare magical medicine to relieve the injury.

"Qin Wuya, I actually knew my own identity a long time ago."

"Thank you for your kindness these days, but after all, it is impossible between you and me. I am not your wife. There shouldn't be any intersection between you and me in this life."

But when Qin Wuya was heartbroken and unbearable.

Tang Wan calmly said again a fact that made his mind roar, and it was almost blank.

"what "

Qin Wuya's eyes widened again, and he couldn't believe it.

This was actually spoken from Tang Wan, especially since she still uttered his real name.

This made him have to accept this shocking fact.

"You have known for a long time that you are actually the wife of my previous life?"

Qin Wuya's voice trembled.

Doesn't that mean that these days, Tang Wan is just acting with him, but he is so stupid that he doesn't know it.

For a moment, Qin Wuya's face twisted, very hideous, like an angry beast.

He never expected that tonight, he would know such a big fact, which would make him miserable, make him desperate, and make him angry and hated.

Tang Wan nodded calmly, looking at Qin Wuya's current appearance, the little guilt that had just risen in her heart also disappeared.

In Qin Wuya's eyes, she was just the wife of his previous life, and all the actions he treated her were only for this reason.

She is very clear about this.

"Who is behind the master making all this?"

"From the very beginning, I was calculated by others, and you actually saw everything in your eyes. That's why tonight's business happened.

By now, Qin Wuya had figured out all this, his eyes became very cold.

Tang Wanming even treated him like this when she knew her identity.

This made him extremely angry, and the anger in his heart was hard to vent.

Moreover, how did Tang Wan know about this? She has never drunk the water of Samsara Lake.

Could it be that she herself awakened the memory of her previous life?

"Sooner or later you will know. If you offend someone you shouldn't offend, this is your fate."

Tang Wan said lightly, as long as Qin Wuya and the Tang family are resolved, the cedh (cedh) will surely be solved.

It is worth it to her.

"You actually murdered me like this."

Qin Wuya was furious, unable to calm down, and couldn't help but spit out black blood again.

"It's wrong, but it's not her."

At this moment, outside the courtyard, a light smile suddenly came.

A slender figure emerged from the virtual space, and Gu Changge took the initiative to show up and walked over, looking very interested.

"You didn't disappoint me.

Gu Changge smiled casually, and then walked unhurriedly to the face of Qin Wuya who was shocked and unbelievable.

"Don't dare to violate Young Master Changge's will."

Tang Wan was very afraid of Gu Changge. He lowered her head when she heard the words and explained to Qin Wuya in a disguised form that who was secretly planning the master.

"Gu Changge, why are you here?"

"It's all because of you secretly harming me?"

The person Qin Wuya hates most, if Gu Changge is ranked second, absolutely no one can be ranked first.

He bit his teeth and hated the sky, he could no longer maintain his usual calm and steady appearance.

Because he never thought that Gu Changge would appear here, nor did he expect Tang Wan to be instigated by him.

The previous scene of junior brother Ziyang Tianjun tragically dying at his hands is still vivid and unforgettable for Qin Wuya.

Now that this big enemy took the initiative to show up, Qin Wuya could not wait to violently fight with him.

"Qin Wuya, we meet again."

"Last time you let you run away, you don't have a long memory, now I can't blame it."

With a gentle smile on his face, Gu Changge walked to him and stopped, looking down at him with interest, looking like a little bug dying.

"Gu Changge, you are mean and shameless"

"Calculating me in this way is presumptuous as the leader of the upper realm!"

Qin Wuya's back was cold, and he couldn't help but yelled, his eyes full of hatred and anger.

Under Gu Changge's gaze, his whole person seemed to burst apart, especially now that he was suffering from severe poison, it was impossible to exert his true strength at all.

Moreover, Gu Changge's strength was obviously much more terrifying than before. The vastness of the sea made him tremble.

"Do you know you now, it feels like a drowning worm, you can drown because of a wave at any time."

Gu Changge didn't care about his cursing, there was still a light smile on his face.

"Actually, I'm even more curious. Based on your ability, how did you live in Nine Heavens for so many years, did you stay in the marginal area or did I overestimate you?"

"you "

Hearing this, Qin Wuya's expression changed again. His experience in Nine Heavens Life for hundreds of years was his greatest secret.

No one knows except himself.

And now Gu Changge actually said it in one go.

This made his scalp numb, he was about to explode, he couldn't believe it.

"Who on earth are you?"

Qin Wuya's voice contained unprecedented tremor and fear.

He suddenly understood why Ziyang Tianjun would encounter Gu Changge's poisonous hand, and Tang Wan knew her past life identity.

This is definitely what Gu Changge told her.

"Who am I? You don't need to know this.

Gu Changge smiled, his smile seemed quite warm and natural, but there was no emotion in his eyes, cold and deep.

Seeing that Qin Wuya's luck had dropped to the lowest point, he didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, and squinted directly at him.

The divine light was surging, and the terrible breath, as if the blue sky collapsed, smashed down at him.

"Gu Changge, I played with you!"

Seeing this, Qin Wuya simply let go, putting life and death aside.

He shouted angrily, and the golden light rose up behind him.

Chains of order, sharp as a heavenly sword, shocked the world, and slashed towards Gu Changge.

But before he touched Gu Changge, he was shattered by the breath behind him, and he couldn't get close at all.

At the same time, Gu Changge's hand is extremely domineering, like the hand of the Heavenly Emperor, with divine light lingering, and it can wipe out everything in the sky.

All Qin Wuya's countermeasures collapsed instantaneously, not at the same level, and there was no chance of resistance.

The next moment, he endured the severe pain and opened his mouth to spit out a golden flag.

This is his mysterious treasure from the land of Nine Heavens. It is very powerful and possesses terrifying power.

The golden flag rose in the wind, with some blood stains and cracked Star debris hanging on it, which quickly enlarged and appeared in his palm, hunting and hunting, golden glow surging, shaking the world.

In the night, this scene is extremely amazing.

However, it was firmly locked in the courtyard, and it was difficult to pass it out. There was a hazy male spirit spreading around it, and everything was sealed.


Qin Wuya's eyes were about to split, holding the flagpole in both hands, waving with his greatest strength, shaking vigorously.

In just an instant, there was a vast wave trembling, the stars and the moon were dim, the universe was turned upside down, and even the town was almost cracked.

The golden flag is very special. It keeps spreading, and it is terrifying and slams into Gu Changge's palm.

But The next moment, accompanied by a sneer.

There is no change in Gu Changge's complexion, and there is no unnecessary fluctuation in this palm.

It was only suppressed from high above, with the vast and magnificent ancient atmosphere, tearing down the golden flag.

"Not how possible"

Qin Wuya was shocked, and he was already at the end of his life.The golden flag was a thing of Nine Heavens, so mysterious, how could it be destroyed by Gu Changge?

He couldn't believe it, but even if he didn't believe it, there was nothing he could do. This is a bloody truth.

Qin Wuya was desperate. There was no way to counteract it. Gu Changge's strength was simply not what he could rival, even if he was not poisoned and was in a peak state.

The next moment, this palm fell suddenly, and the void collapsed, completely covering Qin Wuya.

He was directly slapped to death with a palm, turned into a blood mist, collapsed and exploded.

Gu Changge's soul was also swallowed by Gu Changge, intending to read some memories of Qin Wuya about Nine Heavens later.

As for Qin Wuya's remaining storage ring, it was directly taken by Gu Changge.

He knew that Qin Wuya had a lot of good things, and then he explored it, and suddenly found that it was colorful, all kinds of Xia Rui dazzling.

In addition to many magical materials, all kinds of secret treasures, broken scripture inscriptions, etc., all came from Nine Heavens, not the things of the upper realm today.

Even Gu Changge saw the god pill sealed in the jade jar.

He opened it and saw that the fragrance of pill was permeated, and there was even a shining glow, which manifested in the virtual space, like a galaxy.

"Taiyi Xuan Dan"

"Eight Trigrams Yangxu Dan

Afterwards, he rolled up his sleeves and put away all these things. As for the Heavenly Dao treasure chest, luck points, and destiny points, there were many gains.

The Heavenly Dao treasure chest dropped by Qin Wuya was obviously much dimmer than the former War Immortal Li Xiu.

Gu Changge guessed that it was due to the difference in strength between the two at their peak.

With bursts of golden light, the Heavenly Dao treasure chest opened, and the things that emerged from it attracted Gu Changge's interest.

It was an inscription with purple meanings, with many ancient words written on it, it was very vague, the chaos was hidden, and it had a grand and simple meaning.

"Time and Space Monument."

Gu Changge looked at the explanation that emerged, and quickly understood the purpose of this object, which was very similar to the teleportation array.

But the teleportation array can only be teleported in the same era.

Although the distance can be very far apart, or even endless, the time spanned is always in a line without the slightest deviation.

However, the time-space stele can be teleported across time and space. Before the mystery of the long river of time is involved, this thing can make people travel through the years.

"It is somewhat similar to the good fortune immortal boat, but the space-time stele is just a coordinate, once determined, it cannot be changed. And this coordinate can only be found in the long river of years.

"To reverse the years, this is not what manpower can do.

Gu Changge accepted the Time and Space Monument, and maybe it will be used in the future.

After doing this, Gu Changge glanced at Tang Wan, who was still a little shocked, and then took away the power of the town that was shrouded in the surroundings, and left the place without taking care of her.

Tang Wan is actually of little use value to him now.

But considering that there is still Chu Hao's matter, keeping Tang Wan might have other effects.

"That's it.

Seeing Gu Changge's figure disappeared, Tang Wan was relieved.

The sense of anxiety and fear just now gradually dissipated, and my heart calmed down.

From her point of view, Qin Wuya's strength was already terrifying, and Ordinary Supreme might not be her opponent.

Although he was poisoned, he couldn't even hold Gu Changge's palm.

Many rumors in the upper world now underestimate the true strength of Gu Changge.

Qin Wuya's death was not a major event for the Tang family.

Except Tang Wan, no one knows what happened last night.

Mrs. Tang and others didn't even know that there was someone like Qin Wuya beside Tang Wan.

After solving Qin Wuya, the Tang family's affairs, for Gu Changge, didn't care much.

Moreover, he has already explained to Yin Mei that those who dissatisfied can be killed, and there is no need to care about the trouble.

People with the surname outside the Tang family, without the supporters behind them, naturally lost their confidence. After killing a few people, they were shocked and obediently handed over the property behind them.

As a result, many properties of the Tang family were smoothly controlled by Yin Mei.

Afterwards, Gu Changge sent a message to Bai Lian'er of Chunfeng Biyulou, and asked her to come here. The most indispensable eyeliner can be used by Yin Mei to hand over with her.

In this way, the assassination efficiency of Chunfeng Jasper Tower can be assassinated. .