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This is an extremely strong force, and there are still a lot of them, coming from the various Immortal Great Sects, Supreme Orthodoxy, Longevity Family, and Primordial Royal Family.

Each stomping on the foot can cause shocks in all directions, and the strength and status can not be imagined, and I can't see them on weekdays.

Whether it is a reclusive Rogue Cultivators or a born old monster, Cultivation Base is extremely terrifying, and it is far from enough to describe it as unfathomable.

Just in the open eyes, there are avenues of divine light flowing, and it seems that it can evolve into the universe.

But today they all gathered in the city of God, discussing how to slaughter the Red Devil.

In their deductions and plans, the Red Devil will arrive in this area and will be here soon.

And this god city within a million li is the best place, with a population of tens of millions and a long and ancient existence.

Many palaces have been carved with strong formations, and even the city walls are miserably mixed with magical materials.

Fighting in the city of God can even withstand the fluctuations of the quasi-supreme, so this is the origin of the name of the city.

So they will lay formations here and ambush good hands. After the red devil arrives here, they will violently start their hands and besiege her here.

In this way, not only can she solve the scourge of killing her everywhere, but it can also be slowly wiped out.

And they are only the first group of people.

Later, powerful people of various races will come, with various Magical Item artifacts, which is bound to solve the disaster of the Burial Demon Abyss.

"This time around the encirclement and suppression of the Red Devil, I will bother you all."

Several ancient monks in Foshan sat cross-legged in the same place, their treasures are solemn, and there is a faint golden halo behind their heads, and the Buddha's light shines everywhere.

They spoke kindly and talked to the many peak powerhouses in front of them.

"Several eminent monks are polite, this time the disaster of the red devil is something that all the ethics of the upper realm must face."

"Even if there is no Foshan thing, the red devil will be born in half a year."

An old man with pale golden wings smiled and replied that he was very close to the several eminent monks.

He is an ancestor of the Golden-winged Great Peng clan, the Cultivation Base of the quasi-supreme state.

The Golden-winged Great Peng family is very close to Foshan and has a lot of origins.

This time Foshan will hold the Demon Slaying Conference. The Golden-winged Great Peng tribe immediately supported it and sent many powerful members of the tribe to come.

Upon hearing this, the other peak powerhouses on the other side also nodded their heads in agreement.

Some are from the ancestors of the golden gods, the ancestors of the nine lions and the sky monsters, and there are also the ancestors of the Yu clan, and they have a close relationship with Foshan.

This group of people walks very close to Foshan. Not far away, in a pavilion, there are also many peak powerhouses gathered, their faces are blurred, their bodies are majestic, as if they are standing in another time and space, and they are practiced by ray of light. Wandering around, one can't help but shudder, giving birth to the meaning of worship.

They are the true patriarchs, their strength is unfathomable and powerful.

Although the person here is not the real body, it is not much worse than the real strength.

"If this matter is resolved, you can find a way to share the flesh and blood of the Red Devil. It is said that she comes from an era that cannot be mentioned.

"It has been sealed for countless epochs. Even if the Cultivation Base was once the world, there is no one now. If we can find out the profound meaning of Taoism in her body, it will be a great advantage for me and others."

"This is a very good remark. The red devil has a lot of evil, and it is difficult to calm the anger if it is not eliminated.'

At this moment, they are all discussing and discussing in a low voice, and they have an alternative scheme for the Red Devil.

Although they have plans to eliminate harm for the people and solve the Red Devil, they still have other interests.

The Cultivation Base of the Red Devil may have surpassed the fairy.

If it can be divided into a small piece, it is really a good fortune for them, especially in the era when the fairy road is not visible and the fairy gate cannot be opened.

Maybe you can get a glimpse of the path of immortality because of this, isn't it an unimaginable opportunity?

And just as everyone was talking about it, outside the palace, there was a sudden fluctuation of breath passing through, causing many archeologists and old monsters to frown and look over.

Now that the city of God is empty, many cultivators have been evacuated.

Except for the daring and daring Cultivation Base seniors, no one dares to stay here.

Of course, there are some young talents behind them who want to meet the world. Although the Cultivation Base is not enough, they have important treasures that can be contended at critical times.

As long as you don't participate in it, it is also a rare good fortune to find a place to hide and observe.

Those younger generations are also quite favored by them, and brought them at such a dangerous time.

This is where they are confident.


Above the sky, a golden avenue stretched out from the sky, with rays of sunshine, and it was misty, with divine light and chaotic light looming, and two Daoist shadows stood on the top.

The headed person is dressed in mysterious clothes, tall and slender, with clean and handsome features and no biography, abundance of gods like jade, which means Transcendent, and very young. Compared with the many great masters and old monsters present, he can be said to be like a child. Generally, the age can be ignored.

Behind him, a tall figure dressed in a dark iron battle suit, with golden eyes, holding a black spear, standing like a guard, and a terrifying and majestic aura on his body, causing everyone present to look slightly solemn, and their hearts rise dignified. Meaning.

Very strong! Stronger than ever!

This was the first reaction of many peak powerhouses. I didn't dare to underestimate it. I felt that there was an amazing character here.

"Young Master Changge.

"He actually came here, is it possible that he intends to watch this battle too?"

The young men and women standing behind some of the Immortal Archbishops all recognized the young man on the Golden Avenue.

Regardless of men and women, shock and admiration could not help showing in their eyes.

Although they are the same generation, the opponent's Cultivation Base has reached the point where they can't even see a trace of their backs when they are chasing.

Gu Changge's current Cultivation Base and power can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful, and it can even be on an equal footing with the leader and others in front of them, on an equal footing with each other.

In front of Gu Changge, they are not worthy of the word genius.

By now, Gu Changge has been recognized as a leader in the upper realm.

Many people feel that if the immortal gate is open in this life, with his qualifications, it is bound to be Immortal Ascension, unstoppable.

Of course, there are still many people looking at the tall figure behind Gu Changge, carefully identifying his identity, but they don't know which one is strong.

With such strength and Cultivation Base, it is impossible to borrow namelessness in the upper world.

Suddenly, it caused quite a stir here, and both the older generation and the younger generation walked out of the palaces.

Soon, Gu Changge landed from a high altitude and came to the pavilion.

There are already many people here, all of them are the leaders of many great patriarchs, looking at him with complicated eyes.

It was the first time that they saw this young man with their own eyes, and even made them unable to understand his strength, which made them feel a little shocked.

"I have seen Young Master Changge.

All the young Tianjiao were very restrained in front of Gu Changge.

"Changge has seen many seniors.

Gu Changge smiled, slightly face, and then looked at the other older generations, appearing very casual.

Among the younger generation here, he even saw many familiar faces.

For example, Ye Langtian, the young master of the Primordial Ye Clan, and his Little Sister Ye Liuli.

Ye Langtian, who used to discuss with his peers, is now just standing respectfully behind the Patriarch, looking at Gu Changge with extremely complicated eyes.

As for Ye Liuli, she also looked at him blankly.

It has only been a few years since the other party has reached the same height as their parents, and they need to look up.

What happened in the lower realm sometimes appeared in her mind from time to time.

"I don't know why Young Master Changge is here?"

At this moment, a very refined middle-aged man asked, holding a feather fan, extraordinary bearing, quite literary and elegant, he was a great priest.

While talking, many people looked at Ah Da, who stood respectfully behind Gu Changge, very afraid.

Because it is difficult to guess its Cultivation Base, it feels better than them.

Now such a strong man, beside Gu Changge, is just a guard, which makes them feel incredible.

"Here I am here, naturally, just like you, I want to contribute my own little strength to the elimination of the Red Devil."

"At that time, in Demon Burial Abyss, if it was stopped in time, it would not let Foshan descendants and cause such a catastrophe."

"When I think about it, I feel ashamed."

Gu Changge smiled, but his tone was a bit regretful, and explained to everyone.

Many archeologists and old monsters are human spirits, who have lived for countless years, and their eyelashes are empty.

For what he said, I didn't completely believe it, I was guessing whether he had any other purpose.

However, a group of young men and women are in awe. They feel that what Gu Changge has done can bear the many rumors, which is admirable.

Even if the matter of the Red Devil's birth has nothing to do with him, he will come here to contribute to this matter.

In the other palace, a group of ancient monks in Foshan also showed up and walked over when they heard the voices of discussion here.

But when I saw Gu Changge and heard what he said, his expression was a little unnatural.

Some people are even more angry, very angry.

Others don't know, don't they still know?

Regarding the birth of the Red Devil, Foshan just has no way of defending it, and only carried the scapegoat for Gu Changge.

The real initiator is himself.

But now he still looks like a nice guy, it really made their hearts angry, and he had never seen such a shameless person.

"Oh, you all came here just right, but I am a little curious about it. How did Foshan solve such a wrong thing by the Golden Cicada Buddha?"

Seeing everyone in Foshan coming over, Gu Changge looked around, then smiled and asked, seemingly concerned.

The other masters and the others had different colors on their faces.

They did not expect that Gu Changge would attack the people in Foshan and expose their scars. Then, in front of the people, he sprinkled salt on his wounds again.

If it is the rest, they may still be afraid of Foshan Jan. 2. It is difficult to mention this matter.

But Gu Changge didn't have any fear in this respect. He seemed very casual, as if he was asking a trivial matter.

The high-ranking monks in Foshan had a kind look on their faces that was immediately difficult to maintain, unnatural, and sullen concealed.

No matter how good their mood is, they can hardly continue to calm down in the face of Gu Changge's provocation.

Gu Changge is really deceiving people too much, knowing the truth of the matter, but still humiliating them in front of everyone.

At that time, Gu Changge did not hesitate to release the Devil in Red in order to take away the treasure of Foshan. Although he is here now, it is probably to make up for the fault at that time.

But he still humiliated them so much.

They even saw the teasing hidden in Gu Changge's smile.

"It won't work, Young Master Changge is worried.

"Fuzi Jin Chan has been punished as he deserves."

The old monk with long eyebrows shook his head.

Hearing this, Gu Changge felt a little regretful and said, "Is it? That Zai Xia is the inspiration for those innocent lives who died tragically because of the birth of the Red Devil.

Hearing this, not only the expressions of the monks in Foshan became cold, but the other masters and old monsters were also heart-jumping.

They felt that there should be some contradiction between Gu Changge and Jin Chan Buddha.

Otherwise, Gu Changge would not say this in front of the Foshan people.

Obviously, this is no longer not giving the other person Face, but pulling hatred.

"Young Master Changge's statement is wrong. The Red Devil will be born within half a year at the latest. From the time point of view, it is not too bad. Moreover, according to the old man, there may be any misunderstanding of what the Golden Cicada and Buddha did at that time."

"Foshan will not let the red devil be born. You are still young, and many things are too one-sided, and you can't understand Foshan's good intentions."

At this time, the ancestor of the Golden-winged Great Peng clan saw that the situation was wrong and couldn't help frowning, walked out, and said with such persuasion.

In his opinion, Gu Changge, as a young man, said this a bit too aggressively.

He is close to Foshan, and he is not as afraid of the forces behind Gu Changge as the others.

So although this sounds very polite, but the implication is still talking, you are just a young man, what do you know?

Everyone in the room heard it, and suddenly looked at the Golden-winged Great Peng old man with interest.

"Really? It turns out that I don't understand Foshan's good intentions?"

"I don't know how to call senior?"

Gu Changge heard that there was no change in his expression, but instead looked at the Golden-winged Great Peng ancestor in front of him, and asked casually.

"Under the golden sky."

Although the ancestor of the Golden-winged Great Peng clan was a little puzzled at this time, why Gu Changge asked his name, but still replied.

"Oh, the senior is here to explain Foshan's painstaking efforts, so I will listen carefully.

Gu Changge smiled casually, his tone sounding serious.

Jin Yuntian's complexion was slightly stiff, he just said what he said just now, ready to persuade, how does he know Foshan's good intentions?

"It seems that senior can't explain it."

Seeing what it looked like, Gu Changge smiled, then his expression suddenly turned cold, and said calmly, "Then you are entertaining me?"

As the words fell, everyone suddenly felt a terrible chill swept over.

Even the great masters of the great cults felt a chill on their backs, and they felt like they were shrouded in horror and murderous aura.

The next moment, I saw Gu Changge's palm falling towards the golden cloud sky in front of him. It was very simple and direct, his face was extremely indifferent, and the pieces of golden rune fell in the virtual space. The prestige of the world.

"you "

Jin Yuntian's complexion changed drastically, a little pale, unexpectedly Gu Changge suddenly treated his opponent in a good manner, making him unprepared.

Moreover, Gu Changge's strength made him horrified and shocked.

His whole body was glowing, and the golden wings manifested, like a thousand swords, with extreme sharpness and horror to the extreme. He cut off at Gu Changge, trying to counter his palm.

However, it didn't make much difference. Gu Changge just slapped him casually, as if a big wave ran through the sky, the gods shook the sky, rumbling, and the void collapsed, annihilating many Sword Qi.

Then a palm fell on it, blasting it upside down, and with a bang, it exploded directly in the virtual space, turning into a blood mist and collapsed.

Until the moment when the body and spirit were destroyed, the ancestor of the Golden-winged Great Peng clan still had horror, disbelief, and despair in his eyes, and he did not even scream.

He couldn't believe that Gu Changge killed him to death with just a palm, and annihilated him together with his spirit.

At this moment, everyone took a breath, and even the many ancient monks in Foshan had their pupils shrunk, and their hearts were shaken.

It seems that at that time, the Golden Cicada Buddha was able to escape from Gu Changge's hands, which was already a great fortune.

With one palm slapped Jin Yuntian in the quasi-extreme state, Gu Changge's strength may have reached the supreme state.

The rest of the archbishops are also full of cold, unbelievable.

Now they are truly witnessing Gu Changge's strength, and they have already raised their importance and vigilance to an unprecedented height in their hearts.

A group of young Tianjiao stared in amazement, their mouths wide open, and the description of the stormy sea in their hearts is far from enough.

The monks in Foshan frowned and said nothing.

Jin Yuntian was shot to death by Gu Changge, although it made them angry, but even Jin Chan Buddha was framed, but also endured.

What is this kind of thing?

The other strong men of the Golden-winged Great Peng clan looked terrified and did not dare to say anything, regretting the recklessness of this ancestor.

He should have just been born, he didn't know Gu Changge's fierceness and was deceived by his current appearance.

"This time, with the help of Young Master Changge, the disaster of the Red Devil is bound to be solved.

At this time, a group of strong men came not far away, with their big sleeves fluttering and their clothes moving.

The person headed is an old lady in Tsing Yi, with a smile on her face and unfathomable strength.

She comes from the Qingluan clan, and is an ancestor of the clan. Just now, she witnessed Gu Changge shooting the golden-winged Great Peng ancestor to death. Her heart was throbbing, but it was more enjoyable.

The Golden-winged Great Peng clan and the Qingluan clan have hatred, and it is no secret that 3.7 in the upper realm.

Now Gu Changge has shown terrifying power, so that many old monsters dare not underestimate them, and be cautious.

"I don't know seniors, what are your plans for this slaughter meeting?"

Afterwards, Gu Changge's expression returned to his natural expression, as if it was just a fly that had just been shot dead, his eyes swept across many archeologists, he smiled and asked.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions moved slightly. Regarding this plan, it is actually not a secret.

After all, everyone who came here had to deal with the Red Devil.

The middle-aged man with an elegant face just now smiled gently and explained, "I waited to go to the Tianji Pavilion a few days ago, looking for the former Tianji Pavilion main performer, to see if things went well this time."

"As a result, he gave us a corner pattern that is closely related to Demon Burial Abyss, saying that it can play a key role in the killing of the Red Devil."

"Besides, I am waiting to lay a net in the city of God. As long as the red devil walks into this place, the big formation will be activated. With her current state, it will be impossible to escape with her wings."

He explained to Gu Changge's plan this time, including where to lay the pattern, who to guard, and how to be extremely meticulous, and how to ensure that there is nothing wrong.

This is also one of their confidence this time.

After hearing this plan, everyone here couldn't help but smile, already anticipating the situation where the Red Devil would be caught.

Not to mention that some of them also brought imperial weapons. In addition to the more terrifying forbidden weapons, they also carried them. They were used to suppress the foundation. The number of times that they could be displayed was limited, but the power was terrifying and vast, far from being an enemy.

"A pattern? Is it related to the Burial Demon Abyss?"

Gu Changge's eyes flashed with a different color, and then he seemed to be a little surprised, "This is a perfect plan. Even if the Demon Cultivator is a girl in red, it will be difficult to escape. I don't know if the angular formation can be given to Junior. A view?"

He was indeed a little surprised. He didn't expect these people to use so many methods to deal with Chan Hongyi.

With the current state of Chan Hongyi, once he enters this round, he is bound to suffer a big loss.

Of course, what made Gu Changge notice the most was the formation pattern related to the Burial Demon Abyss, which was probably the key.

But since let him know this plan, it is bound to not let them do as they wish. How could his apprentice let anyone other than him calculate.