Ch 444

The bronze palace is magnificent and quaint, filled with a faint glow. I don't know what era it was cast, and it is carved with many ancient patterns.

At this moment, many life sources are converging in all directions, evolving life symbols, and falling into the pond.

The fairy fog xenon hydrogen, like the Milky Way down, extremely bright.

Chan Hongyi was soaked in it, the green silk was scattered, and it was tightly attached to her small face. She was also dressed in Zen clothes, suppressing a terrible hostility.

Those eyes, like black jewels, kept looking at the direction of the hall door.

Seeing Gu Changge stopped there, she seemed to feel relieved.

Then he smiled contentedly and happily.

It seems to her that as long as she can see Gu Changge, it is the most satisfying thing in the world.

"Master, red clothes will definitely cultivate well in the future. Don't leave me behind."

She murmured, but apart from her eyes.

The rest of the body was soaking in the fountain of God, and when I was speaking, there was a grunting bubble, which was stupid.


However, the strands of life origin turned into brilliant rays of light, permeating the illusory meaning in the virtual space, and constantly converging on the body of Danhong.

Those terrible injuries are slowly improving.

Especially in the confused eyes, there is gradually a sense of agility.

It seems that as the physical injury heals, the trauma of the soul is slowly recovering.

Gu Changge stood at the door of the bronze hall, his mysterious clothes stretched lightly, his eyes closed slightly, and he felt the rules of this place.

After leaving the city of God with Chan Hongyi, Gu Changge deliberately avoided everyone, and then brought her to the soul-raising place that was prepared early.

There are many scattered origins of heaven and earth here, and even more fall.

There have been countless wars in the Boundary Monument Sea, and the dead creatures are like the sand of a river of constant rivers. The origin of life that has gradually gathered for countless years is even more numerous.

After killing Zhan Xian Li Xiu, he still burned many Restrictions formations here just in case.

On the one hand, I was worried that someone would notice and destroy this soul-raising place.

On the other hand, the formation pattern here can be controlled by him.

If the time comes when the cicada's red-clothed anger rises again, he can use the pattern here to seal it in the inner universe.

However, this is only a deeper consideration, and it is not a last resort. This step does not have to be "five, four, three".

And just as Gu Changge was thinking about paying, a wave of fluctuations came from outside the ancient bronze temple.

Ah Da's figure emerged, a jet-black treasure bottle, floating up and down in his hand, with a majestic meaning of devouring it.

"Master, it's full."

He respectfully handed the bottle up.

Gu Changge glanced casually and nodded.

This is the great vase condensed by the great rune, which is as vast as the sea, but at this moment it has been filled with endless life origin.

A turquoise sea of ​​blood floated in it, turning into a red haze, extremely misty.

"not enough."

"But the source of life here is already thin. You go to the frontier where the two worlds are fighting, where there are many cultivator creatures. Kill them and fill up a bottle."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, and the black rune appeared in his hand, condensed into a black avenue bottle, and handed it to Ah Da.

"Master, do the cultivators and creatures in this world also kill?"

Some doubts appeared in Ah Da's golden eyes, and he asked respectfully.

"You can't kill it by mistake." Gu Changge nodded slightly, his expression unwavering.


The void was blurred, and a crack emerged, and Ah Da's figure quickly stepped into it and disappeared.

Afterwards, Gu Changge took the Avenue Aquarius and walked into the hall.

Streaks of scarlet wolf smoke rushed out of it and gathered on Chan Hongyi's body.

The source of life that had been thinned all around became rich again, like a sea of ​​blood floating in the void.

She was a little confused on her face, her voice was very weak, "Master"

"what happened again?"

Gu Changge glanced at her, his hands kept moving.

The black avenue symbol fell into the pool.

At the same time, he also threw in some magical medicines of transpiration, with red agate-like fruits, as well as transparent Sacred trees, shining with silver light.

"You, are you going to cook me like you did before?"

Chan Hongyi stared blankly at the Shenquan, which was gradually boiling because of the terrifying medicinal properties.

The water temperature continued to rise, and even gurgling bubbles were emitted.

In the mist of xenon and hydrogen, her little face became a little hot and flushed like a haze.

However, these mists are condensed from the origin of life and the peerless magical medicine, and each strand contains astonishing to the extreme vitality.

Even the legendary human medicine is nothing more than that.


Gu Changge flicked some memory fragments in his mind, shook his head slightly, and said, "That's called Foundation Building, how many times have I told you?"

"Oh, oh. It's called Foundation Building. I remember it in red. Then Master, I'll be cooked in a while, can you eat me?"

Chan Hongyi is still a little confused, and feels very unfamiliar with the term Foundation Building.

But she remembered another very important thing. Her eyes were like fawns, with some caution and some joyful expectations, looking at Gu Changge.

"eat you?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows and walked closer to her, feeling that her confusion was really serious.

Chan Hongyi nodded, with a confused expression, rare and serious, as if this matter was very important to her.

"Yeah, I've grown up, and the Master has eaten me. I, I can marry the Master." She explained seriously.

Gu Changge didn't expect that she meant to eat it.

In his impression, Chan Hongyi's character is a bit straightforward, but it is by no means to such a point.

"Where did you hear these words?"

Gu Changge put her on her head, her voice gradually softened.

"Yes, it's the aunt at the foot of the mountain. I asked her when she can marry the Master."

"She said at the time, unless I let the Master eat me."

Chan Hongyi's voice was a bit weak, and his expression was a bit dazed, as if he was thinking about it seriously.

Having said this, she couldn't help but pull Gu Changge's sleeve, "Master, can you stop killing Auntie?"

"Auntie, she is a good person, and she taught me how to cook."

"I want to cook for the Master…"

In her memory, Gu Changge rarely allows her to contact outsiders.

Many strangers who tried to approach her were mercilessly killed by him.

Once the young master of the hidden immortal clan was destroyed by Gu Changge because of this relationship.

"I won't kill anyone this time."

Gu Changge rubbed her head, her eyes were calm and deep, "Recover your injuries."


Chan Hongyi nodded very obediently.

In the following days, the bronze palace was filled with a faint red haze.

Gu Changge is paying attention to many news from the outside world, and let his subordinates pass the news.

Among them, he is most interested in that many ethics and forces are speculating about his life and death.

Some people say that he is suspected to have fallen, and others say that he was taken away by the Red Devil.

This time the Demon Slaying Conference in the God City can be said to have caused a shock in the upper realm.

There are too many dead peak powerhouses. Those who escaped are also seriously injured and need a long time to recover.

In particular, many ancient monks in Foshan died tragically, but no one was left alive.

This has led many people to speculate on the whereabouts of Gu Changge.

Both the younger generation and the older generation paid great attention to him and wanted to know his life and death eagerly.

For Gu Changge, this does not actually have much impact.

Because he didn't need to use fake death to deceive the enemy. In the upper realm today, no enemy needs him to do this.

The main thing he considers is the matter of Chan Hongyi.

She is a time bomb, which is difficult to control, and the burst of hostility is even more unstable.

And as her injuries heal, her strength will only become more terrifying.

Gu Changge inspected her injuries and recovered less than one percent of her peak.

Now it seemed that the only way to stabilize her soul was to plan the rest.

The Upper Realm is already different from the previous era, lacking the immortal Dao material, it is difficult for Chan Hongyi to fully recover.

She is now in this state, it is easy to handle when she is confused, once she falls into the killing, it is bound to be a hundred times more difficult than before if she wants to suppress it.

Chan Hongyi's injuries are recovering during this period, which means that her strength when she fell into the killing will only be more terrifying.

However, just in case, Gu Changge laid the rest of his back hand, in case there was no means to suppress her at that time.

A few days later, the source of life within a million li of the soul-raising place has been exhausted.

The faint bloody glow that once floated on the boundary monument sea has already dispersed. It will take at least tens of thousands of years to gather together again.

Gu Changge took Chan Hongyi and left here, but her current trace cannot be known to the outside world.

So Gu Changge thought about paying and threw her in the inner universe.

Now he didn't plan to review his home first, there were still some things to deal with in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

In the report from Ah Da, another son of luck, Chu Hao, had appeared on the side of the Boundary Tablet Sea during this period, trying to break into the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

Gu Changge estimated that after he eliminated Chu Hao, Cultivation Base should be able to break through the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

But as time went by, the power of inviolability above the boundary monument sea became thinner, causing more and more forces to come here.

A large black cloud swept away from the sky, shaking the sky.

It was a vast and vast ancient battleship, with many powerful men standing densely on it, with the glow of the sun shining around its body, and its radiance.

Although the peak powerhouse is difficult to cross over, it will cost a lot.

But for the younger generation, it is an extremely suitable trial opportunity.

Almost all major Immortal Taoist and Supreme Masters, including the Changsheng Gu Family, had young people here long before they went to the border land to fight with the young people on the opposite side.

The last time Gu Changge was manifested with the Dharmakaya of Faith, it was the epitome of a battlefield.

Crossing the sea of ​​boundary monuments is difficult for the other peak powerhouses, but for Gu Changge, who is proficient in the origin of space, it is like walking on the ground.

Although there are many dangerous places on the way, it is difficult to hurt him now.

Gu Changge's robe is fluttering, and his complexion is calm and waveless. Soon, almost Setsuna appeared tens of thousands of miles away.

But soon, he noticed that in the huge wave ahead, three black scorpions appeared, black light practiced around, extremely hideous and terrifying, like a majestic island spreading across it.

It lives in the sea of ​​boundary monuments, without fear of the majestic coercion here, and its body is covered with dense black and cyan scales, which is as strong as Immortal gold.

The three black dragons noticed Gu Changge's expression, and first showed a hideous appearance and tried to kill them.

But when The next moment, when the terrifying mighty coercion swept over it, it shuddered and shuddered, and its soul was almost frightened, and it burrowed into the depths of the boundary monument sea.

"The strength of the Supreme Realm just lacks a mount for transportation."

Gu Changge nodded slightly, unhurriedly, and walked towards it.

At this moment, the eight deserts and ten regions, the shore of the boundary monument sea, is a barren yellow desert.

The endless yellow sand flooded the world, occasionally withered bones appeared.

The peak powerhouse of the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains, who have been killed in battle here, all died tragically while fighting the invasion of the upper realm.

After being buried in the sand for many years, the bones are still Immortal, exuding bright white light.

Pieces of barren hills and mountains spread here, and some peaks are incomparable, with shining rays of light and dazzling radiance.

Some barren forests lie across each other, shrouded in thick healing qi and chaotic mist.

From time to time, we can see huge mountain-like beasts, crossing the sky and landing here.

In some places, there are even strong people on the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories. The war fortresses cast before the earliest are as huge as stars.

But it has long been damaged, falling from the sky, smashing terrible pits

From a high altitude, the place was full of sores, with traces of battles.

This is a dangerous land, with magnificent mountains and rolling yellow sand.

But there is a very unusual scene, hidden in the depths, a group of people trekking here.

The old trees that seem to have withered, seem to have long since passed away.

But it still takes root and grows, and you can see that many black fierce birds are building nests on it.

This group of trekking people is very cautious. The number is not small. There are human races and foreign races, and there are a total of 20 or 30 people.

Among them, most of them are young faces, but there are also many elders, with a faint brilliance in their bodies, and their strength is terrifying.

"Venerable, the spirit gourd of our world, is said to have played against a supreme being named Taishang in this world. It is difficult to separate, and the result is a void of space."

"The two died at last, but their heritage and many relics, including Magical Item, remained here."

"But that piece of void space is very weird. It will only manifest itself when it encounters the fluctuations of the horrible battle, otherwise we will never find the entrance on weekdays."

Among the group of people on the way, a young woman spoke.

She is tall and graceful, with long hair like silk, very smooth, dark green in color, and even her eyes are dark green. She has a beautiful face. She is a rare beauty.

The whole body is filled with a fresh plant-like breath, which makes people feel peaceful.

Many young men looked at her with admiration.

The woman's name is Luluo, from an ancient race in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, with the blood of ancient life gods flowing in her body, and she is close to nature.

All kinds of natural spells are readily available without hindrance.

She is also a very famous goddess of the younger generation in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, and many pursuers.

"If it hadn't been for this time the two worlds were fighting, and the aftermath had spread here, I'm afraid this void space would not have been revealed yet."

"It just happened to be cheaper for us."

Hearing Luluo's words, the other young men and women nodded one after another, their eyes flashing, and there was an aura that was completely different from that of the upper realm.

They are on the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, their status and status are not low, the family power behind them is very old, and they know a lot of secrets.

That's why after the discussion, we came here to explore the void space together.

"Don't be careless, since we can know this void space, then those on the other side may not know it."

At this moment, another black-clothed man with a slightly younger face spoke up.

His hair is very long, his face is not handsome, he is not very tall, and he is even a little thin.

But there is another temperament that is hard to ignore on his body, his eyes are bright, his palms are covered with faint dragon scales, his knuckles are large, and some parts have calluses. Obviously, he often practices various spells and moves.

Calm and calm, calm and natural, don't be surprised.

"Brother Lin said that, then I will naturally be careful when I wait."

Hearing that, the other young men and women all had a solemn face, and there was obviously a kind of awe for the man in front of him.

Even a goddess like Luluo couldn't help showing appreciation in her eyes.

The man's name is Lin Wu, from the ancient mysterious dragon blood family, and he is a legendary genius in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

Guanghua is extremely dazzling and can be regarded as one of the enemies of the younger generation.

Lin Wu's origin can only be regarded as ordinary, even the birth of a concubine of the Lin clan.

Had it not been for the confusion of the Lin family's head at the time and the chaos after drinking, it is estimated that there is no such person as Lin Wu now.

Before the age of thirteen, Lin Wu was nothing surprising, even lagging far behind his peers, and did not receive much attention from his family.

But when he was thirteen years old, when he awakened the dragon blood of the Lin clan, his talent for horror was revealed and shocked all directions.

A sword that has been honed for more than ten years, showing a dazzling 3.7 brilliant brilliance.

How terrifying is Lin Wu's talent?

There is nothing in this world that he can't learn.

No matter how obscure and incomprehensible the spells are, he can reach the pinnacle of perfection in a very short time.

In one sentence, there are two types of geniuses in the family, one is called Lin Wu, and the other is called the rest.

After lagging behind his peers for more than ten years, it is a miracle that Lin Wu can still catch up and become the invincible existence of Guanghua's dazzling peers.

However, Lin Wu's horror lies in his talent.

Today's Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, it is like the golden age that has been backlogged for a long time, and it is beginning to gush out, and all kinds of terrifying evildoers appear in the world.

The star of troubled times is dazzling, even Lin Wu can only be regarded as one of them.

"I just don't know how much we can win in this war. It is said that there is a problem on the other side, otherwise there will be more powerful players.

This seemed to be thinking of something, the goddess Luluo sighed faintly, her expression was a bit bitter and helpless, she had a deep anticipation and fear.

When the other side was mentioned, hatred and anger appeared in almost everyone's eyes.

This is not the first time the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories have been invaded. There have been many such things since the ages.

Now the many destroyed war fortresses on the shore of Boundary Tablet Sea are the result of countless years of fighting.

Soon, everyone rushed forward cautiously again, avoiding the many fierce beasts here.

The goddess Luluo saw that Lin Wu seemed quite attentive, and couldn't help asking, "Lin Wu, are you still thinking about the previous things?"

Lin Wu nodded in silence.

"You, you have to be sorrowful and obedient. Qingyang Dage did not give in at the last moment. He died bravely and deserves the name of your family of dragon blood God of War." Lu Luo sighed.

She knew that Lin Wu and his Big Brother Lin Qingyang had a deep relationship.

But some time ago, when Lin Qingyang fought a young creature on the battlefield and narrowly defeated the opponent who was about to kill, he was beaten to death by an extremely terrifying existence behind him.

Together with an ancestor of the Lin family, he died tragically on the spot, turned into a blood mist and collapsed without leaving any traces.

This incident made Lin Wu angry for a long time, his hatred almost burned his eyes. .