Ch 446

"They have already entered, shall we follow up?"

Just after Chu Hao waited for the people from the cave to enter the misty land.

Lin Wu, Luluo and other talents emerged from the mountains and forests on the side.

The speaker was a young man named Huo Rong.

He has crimson hair like a burning flame.

Even the eyes were faintly red with radiance, flowing with the blood of the god of fire, extremely hot.

"Don't worry, with the other party's caution, it is very likely that you will wait at the entrance first."

"We'd better be cautious. At this point, they won't be able to find anything."

Hearing this, Lin Wu shook his head and said, not in a hurry, but appeared very cautious.

He can get to this point, except for the mysterious space of martial arts, it is his cautiousness different from ordinary people.

So he thought it would be better to wait.

"In that case."

"Let's listen to Brother Lin Wu.

The goddess Luluo was also smiling.

She is tall, in a light green dress, and looks very beautiful.

His eyes were tinged with a faint ink color, and there was a natural and fresh breath all over his body.

Hearing what she said, the other young men and women also nodded, without saying much, still hiding in place.

Several old men looked at Lin Wu approvingly.

At this point, he didn't have any impulse, and he was very calm after doing everything.

It can be said that there are very few of the younger generation in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories that can be comparable to them.

"If Lin Wu doesn't fall, he will surely stand at the pinnacle of my eight wilderness and ten regions in the future, sweeping invincible."

While sighing in their hearts, they saw the distant sky.

There was a huge black shadow, like a meteor, quickly falling towards this place.

"what is that?"

The elders frowned, first for a moment, and then shocked. They felt a terrifying pressure and swept from the horizon.

Everyone was terrified and couldn't help but tremble.

Several young men and women even turned pale, almost suffocated, and their legs became soft.

Fortunately, an old man waved his sleeves and the rune disappeared, blocking the majesty that permeated for them.

Otherwise, at this time they could not help but bow in that direction.

That is unparalleled power, just spreading over a long distance, it will make the skin burst.

"A fierce of the supreme realm"

Lin Wu's complexion was so heavy that it was almost authentic.

"Three black dragons, how can such a terrifying beast come to this place?"

They were very shocked, carefully concealing their own breath, and did not dare to leak it out to make them notice.

"On that black flood, there is still a Daoist shadow sitting cross-legged.

The goddess Luluo spoke with a faint divine light in her eyes, and her voice was extremely solemn, "I can't see its true face, but I can only feel its terrifying vastness, which is beyond our ability."

Lin Wu nodded, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

That vague figure seemed to have a big Karma with him, although he had never seen the other person's true face.


A series of mysterious lines appeared in his eyes, as if they turned into rules.

He turned his eyes on the sky, and wanted to see who the figure sitting on the three black dragons was.

But apart from the blurry shadows, nothing can be seen.

The other party seems to be eating and standing in another world, but the only deity between heaven and earth, powerful, mysterious, and incredible.

He wanted to see more clearly, but couldn't help but groan. He received a backlash, his eyes stung, and blood was bleeding.

"Lin Wu" Goddess Luluo gave him a worried look.

Lin Wu waved his hand and said, "I'm fine.

"What a terrible person, I don't know how many times stronger than the group of people who entered just now.

"If the old man is not mistaken, the first three black dragons should be the terrifying overlord of the Boundary Tablet Sea, but they have now been caught as mounts.

An old man said solemnly, his heart throbbing and coughing waves, his jealousy reached the extreme.

The others also looked incredible.

In this place, I encountered such a terrifying figure one after another, and the strength of this person is definitely above the supreme realm.

"I feel that the person just now may have a big Karma with me.

Lin Wu said with a heavy voice, his heart heavy.

Goddess Luluo knew what he was worried about and couldn't help but comforted, "Don't think so, we are still young, and sooner or later we will catch up with such an existence. But this time we enter it, it seems that we need to be more careful."

In their gazes, the terrifying figure sitting on the three black dragons quickly disappeared in front of the misty space.

The other party may have noticed them.

But it is more likely that they don't care and treat them as a group of ants.

"I'll contact our clan uncle, he is also nearby. We go in first, if we encounter danger soon, he can come to support us."

A young man suddenly spoke with a heavy expression.

He felt a kind of fear, was very worried and worried, and even wanted to stop there.

The others nodded when they heard this, and began to think about the future.

In any case, after witnessing the horror of the figure just now, no one can calm down.

That person was obviously a terrifying figure on the upper realm side, although he did not know why he came here.

But if they encounter each other, they will definitely be more fierce and difficult to escape.

"Let's go."

Then, an old man's face was solemn, and he dared to show his figure after he felt that horrible aura disappeared.

Afterwards, Lin Wu, Luluo and others approached the misty space cautiously. After a while, their figures slowly disappeared in it.

"The leaf of the mysterious Calabash of Venerable at the beginning is in my hands. As long as I come from Fangxi based on this breath, I will soon find the leaf of Venerable."

After landing again, Lin Wu looked at the vast expanse of barren forest in front of him, and his heart gradually calmed down.

Although the opponent's strength is stronger than him, he obviously doesn't know the exact location of the treasure here.

As long as he seizes the opportunity and obtains the inheritance of the spirit gourd Venerable, he can leave quickly.

At that time, who can find him?

"My son, don't you care about that group of ants?"

On the backs of the three black dragons, Gu Changge sits cross-legged, his robe moves with the wind, his figure is lofty and motionless, and the threads of brilliance and chaos are intertwined, mysterious and mysterious.

Hearing the words of the three black dragons, he opened his eyes and said lightly, "Since they are all ants, is there any need to care?"


Hearing the words, the three black dragons hung their heads and continued to the vast barren forest ahead.

Although the group of young men and women hid well, they couldn't hide it from the powerful perception.

Of course, it is impossible to buy Gu Changge.

However, since Gu Changge didn't care about it, it naturally wouldn't go over it and care about such trivial matters.

The mountains here are stretched, ancient trees are verdant, and every sacred mountain and ancient mountain is extremely majestic, flowing with sunlight.

There are still many powerful beasts living, entrenched in one side.

However, after feeling the breath of the three black dragons, they all fled in horror and did not dare to approach.

Here is the nature of fierce beasts, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil.

In the distance, the colorful mist disappeared, and the fairy mist was lingering, and there was no way to see the emptiness caused by the aftermath of the previous battle.

The so-called nihility world is a kind of Minor World that does not know exactly where it is, hidden in the nihility, it is very difficult to find.

Such a world is generally barren, and it is difficult to have any vitality to manifest, because it has been destroyed in the previous battles.

"The Son of Luck from the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories has appeared.

"Both sons of luck rushed here, so it seems they will give me a surprise.

Gu Changge's eyes swept forward, and the corners of his mouth showed interest.

Before coming here, he just wanted to get rid of Chu Hao.

But just a moment ago he scanned a little and found another thing that interested him.

In addition to Chu Hao, there was another son of luck appearing. Judging from the blue degree of luck, it was not simple.

For Gu Changge, this can be said to be a surprise.

However, he didn't start to frighten the snake and wanted to know what kind of surprise this son of luck could bring him.

It would be too boring to take him just like that.

Each son of luck, in addition to being a qualified non-dish, can also function as a treasure hunter.

In this huge void space, there seems to be a lot of good things hidden.

In many mountains, you can see a lot of magical medicines that are extremely rare from the outside world, and the age is still quite long.

Of course Gu Changge doesn't like these things.

He just inferred from this that since the birth of this empty space, it is estimated that it is the first time that an external creature has broken in and broke the tranquility and peace of this place.

Afterwards, Gu Changge followed the breath left by Ah Da.

Chu Hao probably didn't know that strange faces were mixed in the people he brought.

In the Cultivation Base of Ahmedabad, unless you meet a real enlightened person, no one will be able to find him.

At this moment, there was a huge rumbling sound in the distance, like a large mountain range collapsing.

Dust and smoke soared into the sky, and the mountains on both sides crashed down, revealing a blue lake, sparkling, boundless and vast.

In the depths of the lake, there is a shining glow, and the gods are rushing into the sky, as if there are some treasures to be born.

The vast aura swept across all directions in an instant, and the bright red light pierced through the heavens and the earth, shocking many powerful beasts here.

In the faint, you can see a black-and-white intertwined, like two black-and-white fish-like Taoist pictures, like a curtain of sky, manifested on the sky.

Taoism and rhyme are intertwined, as if the mystery of the world is evolving, one life two, two beget three, three beget all things.

This is a shocking scene, even visible in the black and white road map.

A portal emerged in the lake, the fairy mist filled the sky, the glorious light soared into the sky, and it was extremely brilliant, like a place of inheritance.

But in addition to Guanghua, there are terrible murderous intent.

A fierce beast, eyes reveal, rushed greedily, trying to snatch the Taoist picture.

But it was penetrated by the terrifying sword energy that was cut out of it, chopped into blood mist.

Accompanied by the puff puff sound, bone slag and blood splattered all over, which was extremely frightening.

This is not the power of the magic circle, but the divine power contained in the black and white Taoist picture.

The rune is densely covered with swordsmanship, even if it is a huge terrifying beast, it is bloody and cut off.

Under this Taoist map, there are still several powerful figures standing.

The person in the lead was Chu Hao with a little excitement on his face.

Behind Chu Hao, the rest of the Taishang Cave Tian watched around vigilantly, worried that a creature would suddenly rush out.

"The picture above is right in front of you."

Chu Hao's eyes couldn't hide his excitement.

He was standing there at the moment, glowing all over, chanting ancient scriptures in his mouth.

Bright symbols emerged one after another, constantly intertwined, trying to appease the black and white road map in the sky.

This is the picture of Taishang Cave Sky.

Once lost in this place, but after they came in, he was awakened by secret method.

The mysterious power in the picture above is undoubtedly powerful. Although it has never been awakened, it is easy to kill the creatures close to it with the breath that permeates it.

The former ancestor did not fully comprehend the true meaning of the picture above, but he can easily cross one side.

However, I never thought that after coming to this world, I would encounter a difficult opponent, died of exhaustion, and left the picture above here.

Over the years, Taishang Dongtian kept a low profile and avoided the world, a great reason is the loss of Taishang map.

It is rumored that the picture above is the treasure of Xiantian, containing unimaginable mysterious mystery.

Before the ancient era, there were also immortals who came to the cave sky, borrowing this picture, trying to comprehend the exquisiteness.

However, I slept here for many years, and I was awakened today. The state of the picture above is very unstable.

The vast scene evolves in the road map. Mountains, rivers, rivers, vegetation and stars are all emerging, and then the Laliedi turns into sword energy, traversing the sky and cutting down.

Under such a horrible atmosphere, even the supreme has to be discolored, not daring to approach at will.

Chu Hao didn't expect that the Taishang picture nowadays would ignore their scriptures at all.

"It seems that the only way to reach the picture above is through other methods, and then find a way to subdue it."

"I'm sure to get the picture above.

Chu Hao's complexion sank, and it quickly turned into a divine rainbow and rushed towards the door in the lake. The picture above just now emerged from it.

In the past, the picture above was sleeping in it.

Today, he was suddenly awakened by a secret method and killed any beasts that tried to approach it.


The picture above is constantly moving, turning into a majestic power of the world, in which the moon destroys the stars and the scene is terrifying.

Chu Hao's face was solemn, and the brilliant runes bloomed on his body, exerting all his strength to try to comfort him.

At the same time, he sacrificed a treasure from Taishang Cave.

Too hot.

The moment it was opened, the lid rose to the sky, releasing Wang Yang like a Galaxy Cluster.

It was a red-blue flame, containing a terrifying destructive power.

It seems that everything can be refined.

The instant this stove appeared, it hovered over Chu Hao's head, resisting the vast sword energy rushing out of the picture above.

At the same time, the three legs of the furnace glowed, extremely bright, turning into a hazy Alchemy phantom, swallowing the aftermath of those rushing waves.

I have to say that this is an extremely terrifying defensive Magical Item.

The level is not clear, but it is definitely beyond the general imperial weapon.

Suddenly, vast fluctuations erupted here, like large stars falling from the sky, and then turned into a majestic force of destruction.

The picture above was too shaken, and all the flying mountains, Star debris, and those exploded materials disappeared.

The whole world was pitch black in an instant, and this was the realm of the painting contained in it.

Under this kind of terrorism, even the rest of the strong people who are too on the cave sky change their complexion rapidly and want to evacuate from here.

They know that the vast divine might of the picture above, once included in it, is absolutely inevitable, and will be hardened and refined.

"The sky there is dark. Could it be that a strange treasure was born?"

Lin Wu, Luluo and other people from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions who entered this place behind were shocked to watch the scene not far away.

They can feel the horrible fluctuations intertwined.

It's more like a black sun, rising between the sky and the earth, constantly rising and falling, and dropping a ray of breath, which is enough to make Star explode, the earth overturns, and the mountains and rivers change their course.

"Is that the treasure of the strong man who fought with the spirit gourd Venerable?"

The goddess Luluo stared at the high sky in the distance.

It can be seen that a black-and-white road map rises and falls on the edge of the sky, and it continues to expand, as if to include the heavens and the earth.

The other young men and women also nodded one after another, with more or less greed and enthusiasm in their eyes.

Lin Wu turned his head to look at her, and said in a deep voice, "How sure can I snatch it?"

The goddess Luluo fell silent, shook her head and said, "Unless we can find the mysterious Calabash of the Venerable Venerable before then, we won't even be sure of it.

"It's a pity, if such a treasure is given to us, it will definitely play a key role in the battle with the upper realm at that time.

Lin Wu felt a little unwilling, such a treasure, the level has obviously surpassed the imperial weapon.

Although left in their field, no one has obtained it for so many years.

Now that he sees it reappearing again, but it is being acquired by people from another world, how can this make him reconciled?

The others also fell silent, and they naturally knew what such a treasure meant.

If it hadn't been for Ling Gourd Venerable's shot, I'm afraid there would be more powerful men who died tragically on their side.

As long as it is a cultivator who has understood the original battle, he knows how terrifying the treasure is.

Contains the world, dissolves the universe.


But at this moment, on the lake side in front, there was a sudden change.

A black spear emerged, accompanied by a black glow, and with the first sound, it suddenly swept down from the sky and the earth.

Many people in Taishang Cave were caught off guard, their expressions frightened and furious, they exploded in an instant, swept by the spear, and bright white bone slag splashed all over.

More people were in a cold sweat, were injured by the aftermath, and fell into the lake.

A tall figure wearing a dark iron battle suit stepped into the void and appeared, with bright eyes, like a god of war, standing there.

His whole body exudes a frightening and terrifying aura, extremely indifferent.

*"~Who are you?"

The rest of the people in the cave in the sky turned cold, and they didn't expect someone to follow in the dark, and unexpectedly, they killed several of them.

And the breath of the other party made them tremble.

This turned out to be a Quasi-Emperor Realm, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

"The Lord has an order to kill everyone."

Ah Da's voice was very indifferent, without any mood swings, and he stepped forward again and killed the rest of the people in the sky.


The people in Taishang Dongtian were taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect that there was someone behind this person, who was called the Lord.

Could it be the peak powerhouse on the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions?

"Kill him, this guy is here to snatch me from the picture above.

"Can't let him disturb the palace lord."

Soon they reacted, and the old man roared, showing his supreme realm strength.

When crossing the Boundary Monument Sea, they had already spent a lot of money, surpassing the existence of the Supreme Realm, and did not come to this side.

Facing the existence of such a Quasi-Emperor Realm, they were somewhat uneasy and flustered.

But at this time, it was the key moment for Chu Hao to appease the picture above. They would not interfere with him.

Ah Da was very indifferent, holding a spear in his hand and smashing it down. A rune flew out, drowning forward like a star, causing everyone to cough up blood and explode.

However, the people who are too in the cave are not afraid of death at all. They use all kinds of forbidden techniques to kill again, and fight against Ah Da, and stop him.

"Damn it, come to disturb me at this time."

Chu Hao's face was also ugly, very angry, and killing intent boiled over.

The stove was ups and downs above his head, contending with the coercion of the picture above, he kept chanting ancient scriptures, intending to calm it down.

At this time, how can you be disturbed by others.

"This person is also very strong, but he is not a person in our world. When did he come in?

"The cultivator in the other world is said to be extremely militant, with endless civil wars, and it is difficult to have unity. I saw it today and it is true."

Lin Wu, Luluo and others were hidden behind the mountain, watching the battle closely.

Although they were also very curious about who the figure wearing the dark iron suit was, but the killing of the two people was exactly what they wanted.

If the upper boundary united a little bit, they would have broken their defense long ago, so how could there be so many things.

Compared with the Upper Realm, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are indeed united a lot, of course, it does not mean that there is no contention between them and so on.


At this time, a terrifying dragon roar came from the heavens and the earth.

Three black dragons descended from the sky.

Its body is extremely huge, like a pouring molten iron, hundreds of meters like a magic mountain, eyes black and red like blood, bloodthirsty and hideous.

The moment it appeared, a claw was pointed towards Chu Hao, and the black divine light bloomed, containing unparalleled divine might.

Chu Hao was chanting the ancient scriptures, but he didn't expect to be attacked suddenly, his expression furious, it could be said that he was caught off guard.

"court death!"

His eyes were cold, and he didn't care about the picture above. He turned to look at the three black dragons behind him, his fists (Li Ma Zhao) were glowing, and he slew towards this terrifying beast.

I have to say that his strength is very strong, the golden fist is endless, and it is made of divine gold. With a bang, the void in front of him exploded.

"So strong?"

The three black dragons were also shocked. I didn't expect this Cultivation Base to be inferior to his man, and his strength was so strong.

Under this punch, there is a great power of purifying the world.

This is obviously some kind of supreme Fist Technique.

It also had to be cautious and began to fight against Chu Hao.

For a time, a dazzling brilliance broke out here, and Chu Hao was too ups and downs above his head to resist the pressure of the picture above.

The two were fighting here, fighting together, and the divine power waves were like tens of thousands, vast and endless, shooting down in all directions.

"Isn't these three black dragons the mount of the figure I saw at the beginning?"

"Is that black figure also a subordinate of that figure?"

Lin Wu, Luluo and others were shocked and looked around, looking for the mysterious figure at the time.

After all, I took a long look at that time and left a terrifying impression on them.

And just when Ah Da was dragged by the people in the cave, Chu Hao and the three black mosquitoes were fighting.

Under the glorious lake, in front of the gateway, a young man appeared at some point.

The white clothes wins the snow, the slender dust is not stained, the fairy posture and the bones, like a fairy in the sky, Transcendent is refined.

It seems to be quietly comprehending the mysterious in front of this light gate, giving people an unparalleled sense of tranquility.

The young man was shrouded in divine light, surrounded by chaos. He just stood there, as if he was the center of the heavens.

The picture above the sky above the sky seems to have a feeling, and it is trembling, as if it is about to be slapped.

"Where is he."

Lin Wu's voice sounded with an unconcealable vibration.

Vaguely, everyone felt that the endless scene in the picture above was evolving, as if an ancient scripture was resurrecting, deducing Taoism.

This is an extremely shocking and astonishing sight. The light gate manifests Taoyin, and the picture above is falling.

The divine light is little bit, very hazy, with chaos and fog shrouded, or there are three thousand worlds, surrounded by that young figure, making it the only one between heaven and earth, eternal Immortal.

The chaotic flames burned, and each path had a supreme meaning. It was so dazzling that many people did not dare to look directly. Tears flowed in their eyes, and they quickly closed.

This scene was so similar that Lin Wu's complexion changed drastically again, and then he became a little pale, and his hatred surged, almost gnashing his teeth.

"It's him! He killed me Big Brother!"

His voice contained deep hatred, and his eyes were almost red.

The scene of his Big Brother's tragic death at the time is still fresh in his memory. Many people remembered it as a photo-taking stone and passed it back.

So he knew very well that it was the young man in front of him who killed his Big Brother.

"Is this the leader of that world?"

"He actually came here? Or his real body?"

Lu Luo and the others reacted to what Lin Wu meant, their complexion also changed drastically, a little pale.