Ch 453

Above the border of the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, an ancient and vast divine mirror revived.

The divine light is shining, crystal clear, and there is an endless world of Spiritual Qi converging away.

The black cloud rolled, and the Star outside the domain trembled, seeming to be about to break apart.

Because of its diffuse energy is really ~ too majestic.

This is no longer like a mirror, but a majestic ancient continent, which can fall down from above the sky at any time.

The dazzling and splendid divine light is intertwined, turning into a thick mountain like a hill, to be smashed into it.

At this moment, no matter what level of cultivator, there is a kind of heart palpitations.

The Mirror of Universe, this is the treasure of the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains.

Only in the face of major events will it recover.

Even if they have been fighting the upper realm for nearly half a year, they have not used the Universe Divine Realm.

Because the energy needed to stimulate it is really terrifying.

The resources consumed each time are massive, hard to estimate, and have to swallow the Spiritual Qi of many star regions.

And this time the resurrection of the mirror of the universe is the unanimous decision of many ancient families in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

Because they got the news, the leading figures on the upper realm side suddenly came to the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, and their figure just appeared in the place where the spirit gourd Venerable and the ancestors of the sky cave were fought.

For this reason, they did not consider how long to discuss, they unanimously decided to use the Universe Magic Mirror to destroy it and bury it here to solve this confidant trouble.

Although in that place, there are other cultivators and creatures in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

There are even many young Tianjiao who are leaders of various races and can be called the seeds of the future.

But in order to destroy the leading figures on the upper realm side, they have no longer cared about so much, it can be said that they are not hesitating.

Gu Changge's threat to them is far greater than the other peak powerhouses.

And it is said that he is in his early twenties.

Such a talent can be described as unparalleled, and it is not an exaggeration.

If it is allowed to continue to grow, it will inevitably become a disaster in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

As soon as this incident came out, it immediately caused a shock in the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains, and it was the first time that many cultivators witnessed the resurrection of the Mirror of the Universe.

In such a vast and magnificent scene, countless sun, moon and stars gathered together and fell in a certain direction.

Under this kind of breath, even those who are enlightened have absolutely no way to survive.

The dragon blood forest tribe, life green tribe, fire tribe and other ancient tribes all felt extremely angry about this.

There is no way to stop it.

Because of the hope in their clan, they are still in that emptiness, trying to find Calabash, the treasure once left in it.

Fortunately, at the last critical moment, the coercion of the Universe Divine Mirror dissipated, and it did not go down. This saved the lives of one of the arrogances.

Because Gu Changge had torn the space and left from there, even if the bomb went on, it would just waste resources and cause casualties for no reason.

And this matter caused a great sensation in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

Especially in the end, many people learned that Calabash, who had been left behind, was taken away by Gu Changge, which caused a shocking wave.

Lin Wu's actions made many cultivators angry and felt that he was selfish. Because of the relationship between his children, he lost Calabash.

Such a treasure fell in the hands of Gu Changge, and it was even more powerful.

Gu Changge's strength has been terrifying to such an invincible level.

Who can check and balance him in the future?

As for the arrest of the goddess Luluo, the palm pearl of the green tribe, although many young Tianjiao were angered, no one dared to go to Jiebeihai to find someone.

Leaving aside today's Boundary Tablet Sea, almost the army stationed in the Upper Boundary.

I found the Goddess Luluo, who is sure to save her from Gu Changge?

This is an unsolvable situation.

At this time, in a remote town not far from the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and then a crack tore open. Gu Changge led the crowd, and his figure appeared from it.

"Today's matter is really troublesome, Young Master Changge."

"Thank you Young Master Changge for your life-saving grace."

People of all races and traditions are all afraid for a while, and now they have opened their mouths, and they are constantly grateful.

When the terrifying wave of the Mirror of the Universe came, they thought they would fall and be buried in it.

If it weren't for Gu Changge's shot, I'm afraid everyone would have to die there.

So for Gu Changge, they are grateful from the bottom of their hearts, even Song Yunfei has a complicated heart.

Even if Taishang Dongtian colluded with the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains, even if it was framed, it was still fixed and could not be changed.

As long as everyone in front of them is not stupid, they will understand what to say when the time comes.

Was it for a palace lord and all the Elders who had been destroyed by Gu Changge to offend him?

Or is it to have a good relationship with Gu Changge?

This obviously does not need to be considered.

As for the truth of the matter, it doesn't matter.

"It's just a matter of raising your hand, you don't have to be polite."

Gu Changge waved his hand with a slight smile on his face.

"In order to kill you, the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions even ignored their Tianjiao."

Gu Yingshuang stared at Gu Changge with beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "In their eyes, I am afraid that you are attracting huge hatred."

This statement was recognized by everyone. After all, even the Universe Divine Mirror was used, which shows how much determination the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions have made to keep Gu Changge there.

"The loss of Calabash in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions this time will make them even more unwilling. It will also be a huge blow to their morale."

Someone glanced at Luluo, who was pale and desperate, with a different color flashing in his eyes, and said.

They don't know why Gu Changge caught him.

Gu Changge's intentions are not what they can guess.

"Once the Boundary Tablet Sea is exhausted, the Eight Desolate and Ten Territories will inevitably shrink into Tianlu City. With the Nine Great Mountains and the Boundary Kongyuan, it must be able to last for a while."

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, glanced at Luluo, and then said, "I'll go and meet the people of my respective clans first, now the eight deserts and ten regions have not yet reached the time when the final battle begins."

"That's right.

Then everyone turned into a rainbow, left this deserted town that was no longer populated, and joined the army of the upper realm.

On the way, Gu Changge broke into the runes one by one, constantly refining Calabash, and wiping out a lot of its meaning of contending.

As a weapon of Xiantian attack, this thing can swallow the energy of killing and smelt into a Flying Sword, which is terrifying and incomparable.

The role that can be played in the hands of different people is also different.

If Gu Changge sacrificed it, it wouldn't be said that one sword slayed the emperor realm, but there was absolutely no problem with severe damage.

If it were to be sacrificed again, and the original true feather derived from the Demon Emperor Scarlet Clouds Demon Emperor was refined into it, it would be possible to Ascension several levels of power.

As for the picture above, it is a treasure of attack.

The power of attack surpasses many imperial weapons, and even in terms of defense, it does not lose the palm of the sky.

Gu Changge counted his gains during this time, except for the luck points obtained by killing son of luck and the Heavenly Dao treasure chest, he opened the space-time monument and the mysterious mirror.

The biggest gain is Calabash and Taishang.

These two treasures clearly surpass many imperial artifacts forged by Houtian, and contain the lines of the Dao and the rhyme of Xiantian Dao.

Gu Changge even feels that the current level is not their limit.

For example, Xuanyang Heavenly Sword and Primordial True Feather are Houtian's things.

From a hierarchical level, unless Xiantian is reversed or reinvented, it is difficult to make a breakthrough.

Even the seven artifacts of the palm of the sky are mostly Houtian objects, but the method of forging is quite special, making its level surpass many imperial artifacts.

But the true power, compared with the imperial weapon, is actually far from it.

Because level and power are not equal.

Among them, the Zhangtian Pagoda and the Tangtian Sword are said to be very special, because the Zhangtian Pagoda is the object of suppressing the immortal palace.

If the level is not enough, it is bound to be unquenchable.

Holding the Heavenly Sword is what is in charge of the immortal palace and the power of heaven.

On the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea, the big waves are surging into the sky, constantly beating, making rumbling sounds, shaking the sky, as if the ancient world in a square is turning.

In the high altitude, ancient warships hovering like an ancient continent.

Majestic and majestic, shrouded in chaotic fog, stars can still be seen in the distance, like the Milky Way rolling backwards.

On the ancient warship, the palaces were scattered, the pavilions were like clouds, row upon row, there were gods and ancient mountains standing upright, not like a simple warship, but like an ancient continent.

There are many immortal masters and supreme orthodoxy stationed here.

Although it is difficult for Peak Powerhouse to cross over, the combat power here still cannot be underestimated.

The number alone is immense, it can be called endless, a piece of black, covering the sky, like a black cloud.

The fact that Gu Changge appeared in the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions has actually spread quickly.

Therefore, many cultivators know that he has come here, and he has also taken away a treasure in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

The resurrection of the Mirror of Heaven and Earth in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions was also because of his relationship.

At the moment Gu Changge arrived here, several tyrannical and terrifying Divine Sense swept over to confirm their identities.

After all, it is now in the eight wilderness and ten territories, and there may be some spies mixed in, so it is better to be cautious.

After confirming the identity of Gu Changge, a series of rainbows and golden avenues flew out from various ancient warships and continued to extend. They are all leaders of various races.

"I have seen Young Master Changge.

A gray-haired old man came here first. He was an ancestor of the Ye Clan of the Primordial Clan, the Cultivation Base of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

…For flowers…

He attaches great importance to Gu Changge, knowing that Gu Changge's strength has reached the point where they are awe-inspiring.

The people behind him are either from Tianhuang Mountain, or from the people's ancestor palace and other forces.

The background is very long, not comparable to the average university.

As for the people in Foshan, they are also stationed here, but they did not show up.

Before in the city of God, many ancient monks died tragically at the hands of the red devil, but Gu Changge survived and came to the Eight Desolate Ten Regions without a word, setting off a boundless storm.

This is really unbearable for the people in Foshan. It feels that the death of the ancient monks in Foshan is inseparable from Gu Changge.

They wanted to ask Gu Changge what happened that day.

But I also guessed that Gu Changge couldn't possibly say anything, and he didn't have to waste his energy.

Moreover, now the whereabouts of the Red Devil has become a mystery.

No one knows whether it is life or death.

"How could Young Master Changge suddenly come here?"

People of all ethnic groups and all traditions are very interested in this question and can't help but ask.

"After I ran away with the Secret Treasure Torn Space, I was hit by the palm of the red devil and passed out into a coma. When I woke up, I was already drifting to the sea of ​​boundary monuments."

"As for the matter, I am not very clear."

Gu Changge's expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head slightly, seemingly regretful, "I also only heard of the tragedy that day, but I didn't expect the others to escape."

Having said that, he sighed.


Hearing what he said, everyone's eyes flashed, and they remained silent, without asking any more questions.

They are not good at questioning Gu Changge.

It is difficult to judge whether it is true or not, but they are all characters who have lived for a long time, so they will not be so easy to believe in Gu Changge's one-sided words.

Then Gu Changge talked with everyone about what happened in that emptiness space, and didn't mention the matter of going to heaven.

As for the matter of Calabash, everyone was enthusiastic, but they didn't ask much.

They also lack the courage and strength to snatch things from Gu Changge.

Later, after Gu Changge and the others said goodbye, they took the captive Luluo, turned into a rainbow, and went to the area where the Changsheng Gu's family was stationed.

Gu Yingshuang separated from him when he came here, and Gu Changge had no plans to continue to care about her.

Luluo was desperate from the beginning, and then found out that Gu Changge ignored her, purely treating her as air, and gradually calmed down.

Anyway, Hengjian is dead, and she has nothing to fear.

Seeing this vast and terrifying scene now, I couldn't help but shudder slightly, with a kind of fear from the inside out.

This is the power from the upper realm. Almost every Daoist sect can easily dispatch thousands of troops.

She even suspected that by the time of the final battle, the Taoism on the upper realm side could send hundreds of millions of troops to kill.

This is unthinkable.

If it weren't for the forces on the upper realm side to fight each other, I am afraid that the eight wilderness and ten territories would have been breached long ago.

"You said half a month later, will your sweetheart come here to save you?"

At this moment, Gu Changge's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting her thoughts.

Luluo had already let go of the fear in her heart, but at this time she was much calmer.

Wen Yan just said calmly, "I believe Lin Wu will come to rescue me, but I don't want him to take risks.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "They are really touching two people, it's a pity."

"What a pity?"

Luluo looked up at him, her eyes calm as if a pool of stagnant water.

"It's a pity, he will die here for you. Do you think he can save you?"

Gu Changge said casually, "I think you don't want him to die?"

In Luluo's calm eyes, waves were born.

She really didn't want Lin Wu to die because of her, it was not worth it.

Had it not been for her Cultivation Base to be banned by Gu Changge, at this time she would have already denied herself Meridians.

"What do you mean by this?" She couldn't help but look at Gu Changge and asked.

"If you don't want him to die, then you obediently listen to me. I will not only make you live well, but also make him live well."

Gu Changge smiled, did not explain anything, and then ordered her to be detained.

"You." Luluo felt a little scared in her heart, faintly guessing Gu Changge's intentions, and couldn't help feeling cold all over her body.

After Luluo was taken away, Gu Changge screened the people in the hall and planned to enter the inner universe to see the changes in Chan's red clothes.

But before he opened the inner universe, he felt a faint hostility permeating it.

He couldn't help but frown, "This time it's less than a month, is it difficult to continue to suppress it?"