Ch 459

Gu Changge's plan is very meticulous, even if Lin Wu does not act according to his plan, he still has other ways to break Tianlu City.

After all, Tianlu Xuannv is now in his hands, and his life and death are completely in his control.

Since Tianlu Xuannv came to rescue Luluo with Lin Wu this time, she must have had plans to come back and forth.

So she must have arranged for the funeral, there are disciples or descendants, after her accident, succeeded her identity, continue to guard the formation core of Tianlu City.

This is what Gu Changge considers.

Tianlu Xuannv is in his hands, then Gu Changge has a way to force her to submit.

After all, there are very few cultivators in this world who can truly see their masters in danger.

Let alone a disciple or descendant cultivated by Tianlu Xuannv, even if her character is different from her, it is estimated that she is somewhat similar to her.

Tianlu Xuannv, as the guardian of Tianlu City, has now fallen into his hands.

At that time, if the final decisive battle broke out, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, I am afraid that there will be turbulent waves.

Moreover, this world is afraid that there is no more suitable hostage than Tianlu Xuannu.

Moreover, for the understanding of Tianlu City and Jie Kongyuan, I am afraid that no one in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions has more knowledge than her.

The correct route through Jie Kongyuan now seems to have to start from her.

Afterwards, Gu Changge took the two to leave here, intending to capture Lin Wu and start the next step.

"Who are you on earth?"

"Where is Luluo now?"

At the same time, there is a desert area a million miles away from the shore of the Boundary Stele Sea.

The yellow sand rolled, revealing the corpses of white bones buried under it. It can be seen that this place was once a battlefield.

A young man full of grief, blood on his body and shocking injuries, was angrily questioning the tall woman in front of him.

The young man is Lin Wu, but now he has a deep scar on his body, bleeding out.

The rest of the people brought this time also surrounded the tall woman in front of them, expressing the same anger and coldness in the "five-five-three" sentiment.

They had never imagined that the Luluo rescued would be a fake.

While Lin Wu was not paying attention on the road, Yijian almost split it in half.

If it hadn't been for Lin Wu to react quickly, far surpassing the rest of the people, and to be powerful, and to avoid quickly, I am afraid that a sword would be enough to severely inflict him.

The tall woman was just a mirage disguised as Luluo by the order of Gu Changge.

At this moment, she looked very cold and mocking, even if she was surrounded by everyone, she didn't worry at all, she seemed confident.

"Want to know the life and death of that guy, then I advise you to be more polite to me."

"If something happens to me, then she won't even want to live."

Mirage said lightly, not caring about the murderous expressions of everyone.

She also held a blood-stained long sword in her hand, which was shining brightly, very crystal clear, flowing with a powerful aura.

It was this sword that almost pierced Lin Wu just now.

"Damn it!"

Lin Wu was frightened and angry at the moment, his face was cold, his fists creaked.

But he didn't dare to do anything to the tall woman in front of him, for fear of harming Luluo.

Before Luluo's life and death were determined, he couldn't let go of it.

This feeling of being squeezed to death by the other party made him feel depressed and full of hatred.

"In the end, this effort was in vain.

"I don't know what happened to the strong man who took the shot now?"

Mother-in-law Lu Cui and others, with a bitter expression, did not expect things to turn out to be like this in the end.

They are very angry, but more of them have to be unwilling and fearful.

I thought that the matter had ended safely and they could escape back to Tianlu City, but who would have thought that the Miss who rescued him would be a counterfeit.

"Gu Changge, that guy is really mean!"

"Obviously he looks aloof, but he has done such an ugly act!'

They kept cursing in their hearts. If cursing is useful, Gu Changge has been killed countless times by them now.

And at this moment, above the sky in the distance, a road suddenly stretched out, as if torn the Universe, and soon fell in front of everyone.

"Gu Changge!"

Lin Wu and the others couldn't help being horrified, looking at the young man who rushed to this place after crossing a million miles in the blink of an eye.

It's not Gu Changge, but who is it?

Behind Gu Changge, there are two other Daoist shadows, one of them is Ah Da wearing a dark iron suit.

The other is naturally Tianlu Xuannv.

However, Lin Wu found it unbelievable. What was horrified was that the appearance of the Tianlu Profound Girl today was not much different from what he had seen before.

But the breath has undergone earth-shaking changes, weird and deep, revealing frightening anxiety, it's like a change of person.

He couldn't help but shake, and a wave of absurdity and anxiety rose in his heart.

Could it be possible that something unexpected happened to the mysterious woman who is as strong as Tianlu, and she has become like this?

Tianlu Xuannv is his biggest reliance so far.

I thought she could deal with Gu Changge, but didn't want to be like this in an instant.

"Why does it become like this?"

"Is Gu Changge really powerful enough to be invincible?"

This made Lin Wu feel even more uneasy, even a little weak and desperate.

Could it be that he would really die here today?

Tianlu Xuannu looked at Lin Wu and the others calmly, as if she didn't know them.

The shock in the hearts of Granny Lucui and others was actually similar to that of Lin Wu, but they didn't know the identity of the Tianlu Xuannv.

"Unexpectedly, the one who had just rescued us was captured now

Their hearts were bitter, and bursts of despair and powerlessness emerged.

"Gu Changge, you have to be sturdy if you want to kill, just listen carefully."

"But you must remember that even if you kill me, it is impossible for me to wait for mercy!'

Lin Wu's performance at the moment was very hard, with cold hatred in his eyes, he had already figured out everything and calmed down.

After all, it's dead, what else does he care about, it's almost impossible to swear.

The rest were silent, and resistance at this time was just in vain.

In fact, before they came here, they had been determined to die, but after finally seeing hope, they were shattered again.

This mood is simply falling from the top of the cloud to the abyss.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to kill you yet."

Hearing that, Gu Changge just swept everyone indifferently.

His eyes stayed on Lin Wu, and he was a little interested in what kind of golden fingers he possessed.

However, before breaking into Tianlu City, it is better to save his life first.

Upon seeing this, Ah Da, behind Gu Changge, shot a jet-black rune, which combined with heaven and earth, turned into a bracelet and anklet, and constructed a cage to imprison everyone in.

From beginning to end, no one dared to resist.

Lin Wu gritted his teeth, aggrieved and angry in his heart, but due to the horrible gap of the sky, he could only succumb.

If you resist, I'm afraid everyone in the room will die.

Afterwards, Gu Changge rolled his sleeves and his eyes were blurred.

The void was torn apart, and a passage through the Universe appeared, bringing all the detained people to the place where they were stationed.

"Xuannv senior, what is going on?"

Lin Wu was imprisoned in a cage constructed by rune, looking at the Tianlu Profound Girl in front of him, he couldn't help but speak through the voice.

Hearing this, Tianlu Xuannu looked at Gu Changge in front of her.

Seeing that he didn't take much care, he turned his head, looked at Lin Wu, and said calmly, "I want to save Tianlu City, save the eight wilderness and ten territories."

Her words were very brief, and she didn't explain much.

Lin Wu was stunned for a while.

Judging from this look and the way of speaking, Tianlu Xuannv is obviously the same as before.

But why did she say such words, how to save Tianlu City, save the eight wilderness and ten territories?

Is it possible to feed demons with the body?

After saying these words, an inexplicable Tao appeared on the face of the Tianlu Xuannv, and the brilliance was diffused. Gradually, her face became blurred and she couldn't really see it.

She did not have any restrictions or Restrictions on her body, she moved freely, and she was not suppressed as Lin Wu and others believed.

Looking at this scene, Lin Wu was obviously dull and did not react for a while.

He always believed that Tianlu Xuannv was suppressed by Gu Changge, and then she became a prisoner.

But the facts in front of him really made his head feel pity, and he couldn't figure it out at all.

Compared with before, the aura on Tianlu Xuannv's body has obviously changed.

However, her behavior, even her way of speaking, changes in her expression, and fluctuations in the Cultivation Base did not make any difference.

"I thought you would beg me and let me let them go."

"As the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl, just don't care about their life or death?"

On the golden avenue, Gu Changge glanced at the Tianlu Profound Girl who walked to him, and smiled intriguingly.

Tianlu Xuannv shook her head and said, "It is meaningless to do this.

"So in your eyes, they have become necessary victims?"

Gu Changge squinted his eyes, a strange color in his eyes.

Then I looked at her carefully, as if to see if she was pretending or was she intended to do so.

For him, it doesn't matter if the Tianlu Xuannv is disguised, or it has been infiltrated by the devil, the Dao heart dirt is actually the same.

As long as she is in her own hands, with such a hostile bait in her hands, she can make the defense of Tianlu City and Jie Kongyuan's formations look like nothing.

Moreover, after Dao Heart became enchanted, the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl had obviously changed her attitude towards the invasion of the Eight Desolates and Ten Territories from the Upper Realm.

The most fundamental reason is the tragic scene of the city ruined and destroyed in the Wanhua Demon Realm.

Subconsciously, Tianlu Xuannv already thought that it was a fact that could not be changed in the future, and it was manifested by a fragment of the future.

After all, at her level, many things are true or false, but in fact it is very clear.

Even she thought that was the corner of the future, so she derives her consciousness after enchantment.

"If you sacrifice them, you can protect Tianlu City and protect the eight deserts and ten territories."

"Then it's worth it." Tianlu Xuannv's voice replied calmly.

Gu Changge smiled, his eyes a little inexplicable, and then stopped talking.

Soon, the golden avenue stretched away and directly landed where the Changsheng Gu's family was stationed.

The rest of the people except Lin Wu were all ordered by Gu Changge to be imprisoned in the rest of the dungeons, including the Tianlu Xuannv, the same was true.

As a captive, Gu Changge did not believe in the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl, and it took a while to observe.

But she is an enlightened person after all, and the general power of closing the town does not have much effect on her.

Therefore, Changsheng Gu's family has sent more powerful people to take care of it. If there is a slight change, it will be known at any time.

Finally, in the dungeon, after being separated for a long time, Lin Wu and Luluo met again, and their expressions were very complicated.

"During this period, he didn't embarrass you, right?"

Lin Wu took the lead to speak, looking at Luluo who was obviously haggard, his heart became weak again.

Now, together with him, they have also become prisoners.

Luluo shook her head, her face a little pale.

She noticed the injuries on Lin Wu's body, and said with some worry, "Is that the counterfeit hurt you?"

Lin Wu smiled bitterly, nodded, and said, "It's okay. I didn't know that the person was not you at the time. I thought I could take you to escape.

He sighed and told the whole story.

Of course, he didn't mention the identity of Tianlu Xuannv, because the matter involved a lot.

Tianlu Xuannv didn't let him divulge things about her trace, and it was for this reason.

Tianlu Xuannv's identity is very special and noble. Once the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains know that she has fallen into the hands of Gu Changge, it will probably set off stormy waves and cause endless panic.

At that time, if the other peak powerhouse knew that there was Tianlu Xuannv accompanying him, it would definitely be disgusted, and it was impossible to agree to let Tianlu Xuannv take risks.

It's a pity that now together with the Tianlu Xuannv, there has been an accident, which is quite different from before.

It even made Lin Wu feel that the current Tianlu Xuannv and the previous Tianlu Xuannv are not the same person.

After listening to Lin Wu's narration, Luluo's complexion turned pale.

Especially when I heard that everyone in Tianlu City had almost given up on her.

The same goes for the family behind her.

She couldn't help trembling even more.

Although I have guessed that this will happen, I still feel sad.

"It seems that everything he said has happened"

Luluo glanced outside the dungeon. Gu Changge, who had been smiling faintly there, couldn't help but shiver, feeling very scared.

From the beginning to the end, the development of the matter was exactly the same as the speculations Gu Changge had said to her before.

Together with the attitude of the people in Tianlu City towards her, the attitude towards Lin Wu is not bad at all.

This kind of speculation made her horrified.

"what happened to you?"

Lin Wu's heart is also very heavy.

In this cold, damp, dark dungeon, he saw no hope.

"Lin Wu, let's listen to Gu Changge, right?'

Luluo's face was very pale, and her voice was changing.

One can imagine how much decision and determination she made when she said this.

"What did you say?"

"Listen to Gu Changge?"

When Lin Wu heard this, he only felt a buzzing in his head, as if he had been struck by a giant clock, and suddenly went blank.

He even doubted his own ears, did he misheard it?

Luluo, who should regard Gu Changge as a big enemy, now says something for Gu Changge?

"Luluo, tell me, are you threatened by Gu Changge?"

"Or what means did he control you? Why do you say that?"

Lin Wu opened his eyes wide and asked in disbelief, his voice trembling as well.

3.7 "No. Nothing."

Luluo shook her head, her mouth showed bitterness, and said, "Now we are in the hands of Gu Changge, do you think the people from Tianlu City will come to rescue us?"

Hearing this, Lin Wu fell silent.

Not only won't, but I'm afraid they will worry about whether they will expose the many secrets of Tianlu City.

But that is also helpless. At this time, whoever comes to rescue them is bound to die.

Is it worth paying such a high price for the two young Tianjiao?

"However, this is not the reason why we betrayed the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and the family behind us."

Righteousness appeared on Lin Wu's face and refused.

Luluo knew that it would be difficult to persuade Lin Wu to move. The family behind him valued him very much.

After Lin Wu showed his powerful talents, he exhausted many resources.

With Lin Wu's character, it is impossible for him to betray the family.

"But Tianlu City will be broken sooner or later, and all the forces will be overwhelmed by the forces of the upper realm. In fact, we can bring the family behind us and return to the forces of the upper realm."

"The Changsheng Gu family behind Gu Changge is the oldest and oldest force in the upper realm, with unfathomable heritage.

"As long as we help Gu Changge do things, he can guarantee that the race behind us will safely cross to the upper realm."

Luluo spoke bitterly and said this with difficulty.

There had never been such a plan before.

But after seeing Lin Wu today, all his thoughts were shaken.

The family behind her treats her very well, so even after knowing that the family abandoned her, she has no complaints.

But what did the forces of Tianlu City, the Sect tribe of the Eight Desolates and Ten Territories, do for them?

Why did they lose their lives because of those forces Sect in this dark place?

And she knew that if Lin Wu refused, Gu Changge would definitely use other means to persecute him.

They had no choice from the beginning. .