Ch 461

"what is this?"

Lin Wu only felt that his forehead was hot, and there was some inexplicable breath imprinted in his soul. Before he could see what the method was, he felt that the breath had disappeared.

And he didn't even react to his martial arts space.

This made his heart sink, and he was very upset, as if life and death were under the control of Gu Changge.

"Don't worry, Gu will do what you promised."

"After it's done, I will naturally resolve this Restrictions for you."

"Moreover, as long as you don't move your mind, this Restrictions will not be activated."

Gu Changge smiled faintly, his expression was natural and casual, and he didn't care about Lin Wu's sinking face.

Lin Wu was silent. He knew that Gu Changge couldn't completely trust him, but the situation was better than others and he couldn't refuse.

And from the current point of view, he is not without the opportunity to cope.

"I'll give you half a year. During this half a year, don't try to untie this Restrictions. No one in this world can untie it except me."

"If you can't do it after half a year, then Restrictions will break out, and you will not only die.

"Together with your sweetheart Luluo, you will also be troubled by you. Don't think I will kill her."

"There are thousands of ways in this world that can torture a woman. A pair of jade-armed pillows with thousands of people, and a little bit of red lips are tasted by thousands. I don't think you want to see this kind of situation."

Afterwards, Gu Changge continued to speak lightly.

With the hostage Luluo in his hands, he was not worried that Lin Wu would disobey his orders.

"You are really mean!"

"As a leader in the upper realm, he acted so badly and shamelessly."

Listening to these words, Lin Wu couldn't help but his complexion changed rapidly, and he was green.

However, Gu Changge ignored him and ordered Lin Wu to be sent away.

As for how to avoid the rest of the Orthodox forces and return to Tianlu City safely, that was Lin Wu's business.

As a son of luck, if you don't even have this ability, then Gu Changge's mistake.

In half a year, the Boundary Tablet Sea is estimated to usher in the last wave, and then it will quickly become exhausted.

In other words, at the latest half a year, the Upper Realm will slay to the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

During this period, Gu Changge intends to arrange the forces he controls now.

The ancient tribes, the Taoist Celestial Immortals Palace, and the primordial gods sent their troops here.

The cup of Eight Desolation and Ten Domains even involved the secret of Immortal Ascension, he must seize the opportunity.

"Since the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl is in my hands, sooner or later I will be able to obtain the correct route from Jie Kongzhou.

"The only thing left is to break through the barrier of Tianlu City."

Gu Changge narrowed his eyes, he had other plans.

Since Tianlu Xuannv made him believe it, she could try it with the matter of Jie Kongyuan.

Afterwards, Gu Changge pointed out that there was a glow in front of him, and a portal appeared, and then the clear light continued to diffuse, very misty, as if into another world.

Tianlu Xuannv is an enlightened person after all, and the place of imprisonment is naturally different from that of Luluo and others.

Gu Changge stepped in quickly.

The Minor World is exhausted.

It was originally the Minor World that was captured by the Changsheng Gu family when he fought all over the world, killing those strong, and it was full of battle traces.

The light is dim, lacks light, and there is gray mist flowing.

Twelve horrible pillars can be seen in the distance, like things that support the sky, carved with various ancient runes, such as real dragons, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Kunpeng and so on.

On these pillars, there are chains made of Immortal profound iron. The arms are thick and thin, and they are wrapped around the light, which can seal the peak powerhouse.

"I have seen Young Master!"

When Gu Changge appeared here, many strong men who were in charge of guarding all opened their mouths and looked respectful.

An enlightened man from eight wilderness and ten realms is now being held here.

They don't know much, but they know this powerful enlightened person, but the young master himself suppressed it.

At such an age, possessing such terrifying strength can be said to be a person who scorns the past and present.

"Leave it to me here, let's go out".

Gu Changge nodded and walked away, crossing the area where one of the pillars was.

A beautiful lady in white, with her hands and feet locked by Immortal profound iron, sits awkwardly there.

She is extraordinarily tall, green silk is like a waterfall, white clothes wins snow, no dust and dirt.

The beauty is dreamlike, ethereal and ethereal, with glowing rays of glow on his body.

It can be seen that the strands of black qi disappeared, and could not be driven away, as if it had taken root in her body.

She seemed to sense the arrival of Gu Changge, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

Among the moving and beautiful eyes, a white mist suddenly rushed out from Mang Fan Mang. It was a series of terrifying runes, containing the most powerful divine glory, and annihilating the void.

It seems that even the Universe will be torn apart because of this.

This is a method of terror. If the Infinite Galaxy Cluster explodes, it will kill Gu Changge.

However, Gu Changge just raised his hand.

From here, bursts of red gods like wolf smoke suddenly rushed through the sky and the earth, like a heavenly sword sweeping, eliminating her in this way.

"You are mad.

Gu Changge's eyes had a different color, and he walked forward.

However, Tianlu Xuannv didn't seem to hear her.

Seeing that the Tianlu Xuannv still wants to continue her hands, Gu Changge protruded forward with a palm, as if it turned into a universe in the palm of her hand, and the vast chaotic air spread, suppressing and refining everything.

Tianlu Xuannv's eyes were not sober, as if she was still in a certain state.

She was just following her own instincts, but she was still extremely strong. At the level of an enlightened person, she was proud of the world, and there were few enemies.

The strength of the Tianlu Xuannv is evident.

The formation rune and even the Immortal mysterious iron chains here can hardly suppress her.

And as Gu Changge took action to suppress her breath.

She glowed all over her body, and every inch of her skin seemed to be filled with fragrance and became shining like jade.

The jade body cultivator is long, swings there, and stretches out in front of it. Its hair is scattered, and its appearance is extremely confusing.

Tianlu Xuannv fell into some kind of strange Realm, and her consciousness was not sober.

Although he looked at Gu Changge, he seemed to look at someone he didn't know.

She glowed all over, with a shining fragrance permeating her, this kind of breath was very breathtaking, even a little ecstatic, like a body fragrance.

It will not be revealed on weekdays, but it is extremely confusing at the moment.

Gu Changge feels an inexplicable breath, invading his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Some whirlpools appear, enough to make many cultivators who are not strong enough to lose their minds.

However, his gaze did not change much. Instead, he carefully looked at the Tianlu Profound Girl for several times, and then finally confirmed a fact.

Su Qingge possesses the Taiyin Xuan Chi body, the very special Human Cauldron physique.

And the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl in front of her obviously also possesses a very special physique, although Gu Changge is still hard to judge which physique she is.

However, judging from the thoughts just now, it is actually quite the same as the Taiyin Xuanqi body.

And because Tianlu Xuannv Cultivation Base is advanced, it is the relationship of enlightened people.

Her physique is strong and her influence is profound, obviously far surpassing Su Qingge's.

If this situation appeared in other places, it would definitely be a miserable scene that swept a radius of millions of miles.

The scary thing of this physique is that it makes the cultivator hurt by its own spin.

The heart was scorching, the soul turned into ashes, and he died silently.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge's eyes were a little different, and he shot again and walked forward.

Runes fell one after another, like a vast rain falling from the sky, suppressing the breath of the Tianlu Xuannv.

She herself seemed to have noticed, the confusion in her eyes was gradually dissipating, and she began to suppress it by herself.

Soon, Tianlu Xuannv's gaze regained her clarity, she looked at Gu Changge in front of her, and then at her current posture, gently closing the hair on her forehead, without any shame.

However, this kind of action is extremely confusing when she is doing it now.

"Thanks a lot for what happened just now."

She opened her red lips lightly, her hair was soft, like silk, very smooth, and she spoke to Gu Changge.

"You don't have to be polite, after all, it also feasted Gu's eyes.

Gu Changge smiled slightly, his expression still unchanged.

Tianlu Xuannv's eyes fell on his face and said, "Gu Gongzi is not confused, his mood is like a rock, and Gujing is not waved. I admire him."

She knew her physique was special.

At this time, even a true enlightened person can hardly be calm and composed.

However, Gu Changge is only the First Stage of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, but his expression remains unchanged and unmoved.

This has nothing to do with the strength of Cultivation Base, it is just a matter of personal temperament and mood.

She even couldn't help but wonder if Gu Changge's heart was made of stone to be indifferent.

"No, I'm just worried that it's your trap." Gu Changge just shook his head slightly.

Tianlu Xuannv's expression was slightly stiff, and then her eyebrows frowned and said, "Gu Gongzi, is that so that you don't believe me?"

She still has Immortal mysterious iron locks on her hands and feet, it is impossible to break free.

At this time, how could she hurt Gu Changge?

Even at the peak, it's not Gu Changge's opponent, let alone now.

"Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. If you get caught in your hands, who knows?"

Gu Changge still smiled and shook his head.

He also intends to take this opportunity to see if he can get news of Jie Kongyuan from Tianlu Xuannv, so he naturally has to take a look at her at this moment.

Moreover, Tianlu City is one of the oldest cities in the Eight Wastes and Ten Regions.

As the guardian of the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl, if there is no other means, he would not believe it.

There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Tianlu Xuannv sighed, and then suddenly smiled. There was a trembling beauty on that beautiful dreamlike face.

"~ Young Master Gu is so careful about me, why is he worried about me? My identity, or my means?"

"You locked me here, how can I prove to you that I am trustworthy?"

She asked three questions one after another, and her eyes fell on Gu Changge's face. There was a kind of magic in her body, which was completely different from the holiness and transcendence at the beginning.

"The method is actually very simple. You can first tell me the correct route of Jie Kongyuan."

Gu Changge did not answer her question, but smiled slightly and mentioned the matter of Jie Kongyuan.

However, the Tianlu Profound Girl seemed to have expected it a long time ago, saying, "Yes, but Jie Kongyuan's route is useless to tell you. I must take you there personally before you can know it."

As if afraid of Gu Changge's suspicion, she continued, "Because Jie Kongyuan is changing almost every moment, the route is not static. Every time I cross there, I need to lead the way.

"Unless you as a world can find the right route by yourself, you will only have to be lost in it forever."


Gu Changge frowned and glanced at her, thinking in his heart the truth of what Tianlu Xuannv said.

However, her beautiful and moving eyes just stared at him, and the rest of the waves did not change. It was difficult to judge the truth from the expression.

In the past, when the upper realm invaded the eight wastes and ten realms, and traversed the boundary, it really took a lot of time to figure out the correct route.

But that route can only be taken once, and it will change the second time.

For example, when a person from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions returns to Tianlu City, they need special methods to attract them, which is very troublesome.

"If Mr. Gu doesn't believe it, then I have nothing to do.

Tianlu Xuannv nodded slightly. Her temperament is completely different from before. She has a kind of devilishness, but she is very clear-headed and not confused.

"In that case, if I want to pass through Jiekongyuan, I still have to rely on you?"

(Li Lihao)

Gu Changge stared at her again, his eyes were shining brightly, a scene of Samsara appeared, the heavens and the earth seemed to be clouded, and an inexplicable aura descended.

His face became blurred and radiant, as if there was a river flowing through the heavens in the dark, and the light and rain in it made the heaven and earth avenues chaotic.

"The embryonic form of the long river, you actually touched this level

Tianlu Xuannv frowned, and then she was calm and asked Gu Changge to explore her.

She knew that this was a method of Gu Changge, which was very mysterious. It touched the most profound meaning and could trace the traces between heaven and earth, including Karma naturally.

Based on these things, Gu Changge can easily judge whether her words are true or false.

For a time, the rules and order of this place, many atmospheres of heaven and earth became blurred.

Many scenes appeared in front of Gu Changge's eyes, and the strange lines became clear, as if they were connected to the mysterious river.

The frowning of his brows became tighter, and all the brilliant brilliance in his eyes disappeared.

"I didn't lie to you."

Tianlu Xuannu knew that Gu Changge hadn't found out anything, and all her emotions were reduced, but there was still a faint smile on the corners of her mouth, as if she had expected the attack a long time ago.

"What you just said did not lie to me.

Gu Changge's brows stretched out, and then he quickly pointed out his palm. The misty Sword Ray emerged, and with a click, removed the Restrictions from the Immortal profound iron, and loosened it from her hands and feet.

Seeing Gu Changge decisively unlocking her chains, Tianlu Xuannv was a little bit startled for a while.

She obviously didn't expect Gu Changge to let her go so soon.

"You finally believe me?" she asked.

"Jie Kongyuan really wants you to take me there, but it's not now." Gu Changge shook his head, his eyes were a little strange, and he answered the question. .