Ch 463

"How much do you know about Jiudashan?" Gu Changge asked.

"There are nine mountain owners in the Nine Great Mountains. From the first mountain to the ninth mountain, the first mountain owner has the strongest strength, but he has not shown up for countless years in Closed Door Training."

"So even I have never seen the true location of the first mountain. The nine great mountains today actually follow the orders of the two mountain masters."

Tianlu Xuannv talked freely, and in her bright eyes, there was a different kind of emotion.

"You have an enmity with Jiudashan?" Gu Changge caught the emotions on her face.

It seems that this guy really wants to use his hand to do something against Jiudashan.

However, Tianlu City and Jiuda Mountain are both barriers to guard the eight wilderness and ten territories, and there are contradictions between them.

This surprised Gu Changge a bit.

"It used to be a little bit.

Tianlu Profound Girl nodded slightly, her eyes fell on his face, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Is it possible that Master Gu intends to avenge me?"

"Hate this kind of thing, I think it's better to repay it by myself. If the Tianlu Profound Girl intends to do it, Gu doesn't mind sending some people to help you."

Gu Changge just smiled upon hearing this.

Tianlu Xuannv knew that this was just an excuse that Gu Changge didn't want to do it herself.

"In that case, thank Gu Gongzi."

However, she did not refuse.

Although there is no trace of Jiuda Mountain, Tianlu Xuannv has a way to find its exact location.

With the Qingyun flying boat, you can go to the Yunshen Tomb of Jiudashan, and she happened to have a Qingyun flying boat in her hand, which was obtained that year.

Afterwards, Gu Changge arranged and dispatched many strong people, the weakest were also at the holy realm level, and they could form battles with each other and explode with stronger powers.

In addition, the existence of the supreme state is the quasi-emperor state, and there are also several deities.

These powerhouses are all elites who have survived all battles.

Three days later, there was light emerging here, and a huge Qingyun flying boat manifested from the hands of the Tianlu Xuannv, quickly zooming in, like a mountain range, lying above the sky.

All the strong were ordered, and they all turned into divine rainbows to fall.

The void broke open, and a golden passage appeared. The Qingyun Feizhou carried everyone, directly submerged in it, as if to shuttle between the universe.

This is a means of tearing apart the universe, disappearing millions of miles away with space.

This Qingyun Flying Boat is covered by magnificent nebula, with ancient woods as beams, supreme celestial gold as its body, and nine-color celestial light as its oars. It is vast and ancient.

All the powerhouses above even felt a sense of vicissitudes, as if they were struggling to cross the river of time.

"I got it by accident, but I didn't expect it to be useful in this life."

Standing on the Qingyun Feizhou, Tianlu Xuannv gently shook her head, seeming to be talking to Gu Changge beside her.

"Take tea."

However, Gu Changge did not intend to listen to her small talk, and sat down at the stone bench and table, and directly ordered.

"Gu Gongzi, do you really treat me as a maid?"

Tianlu Xuannv is dressed in snow clothes, she has a bright light on her body, and her face is peerless. She blinks her eyes while she speaks, and she has a devilish nature that is difficult to conceal.

"This is natural." Gu Changge said.

Tianlu Xuannv nodded, her mouth was still smiling, but she did not refuse, she raised her hand, and a jade tea set emerged, and she began to make tea. The green silk was soft, shimmering and shiny, with a different kind of beauty.

The rest of the strong watched this scene from a distance, and their hearts were overwhelming.

How noble is Tianlu Xuannv's identity, now in front of the young master, she has fallen to such a point.

And a few days later, Qingyun Feizhou tore the Universe and went deep into a mysterious area, seeming to have come to the end of heaven and earth.

Here is vast, big stars like clouds, ancient trees across the sky, growing in the universe

Extracting the essence of heaven and earth, every branch and leaf can hold up the world.

Galaxy Cluster is extremely strong, surrounded by clouds and mist, hanging from the front!


The waves splashed, smashing terrible ripples in the universe.

Every wave is like the gathering of countless Minor Worlds.

Looking at the waterfall that seemed to fall from the highest point of the sky, everyone was a little shaken.

"This is where the Nine Great Mountains? Yunshen Tomb?"

Gu Changge looked up, following the waterfall in front of him, it seemed that he could see a vast continent hidden on it.

This does not belong to the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains.

To be precise, it is adjacent to the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, but because of the terrain, it seems quite mysterious, and it is difficult to find its trace.

Here, Gu Changge clearly perceives a different kind of breath.

In his opinion, these nine mountains are a piece of fat, but unfortunately, the upper realm hasn't noticed it for countless years.

"Except for the most mysterious first mountain, the nine mountains are all located here."

After Tianlu Xuannv arrived here, her mood changed a lot, and there was a magical cloud in her eyes.

"To enter the Nine Great Mountains, you must pass through the waterfall in front of you." She said.

The next moment, she played a series of magic runes, began to control the entire flying boat, and began to cross.

Qingyun Feizhou is very simple, suddenly, a layer of fairy mist and xenon appeared on the surface, isolating everything.

Then he went up against the waterfall and looked extremely calm, like an ancient rock.

Gu Changge noticed her behavior, and felt a vast and expansive breath coming from above the waterfall.

He instructed the many powerhouses behind him to be prepared, and there might be a bloody battle at that time.

I just don't know if these nine great mountains can give him some surprises.

At the same time, above the waterfall is a magnificent and vast floating continent.

There are many ancient beasts, wild birds, dense primitive ancient forests, magnificent mountains and ancient palaces.

The Chaos Fairy Waterfall is hanging down, flying between the peaks.

The fairy mist is permeated, and the fairy lights are intertwined.

There are thousands of Xia Rui, and thousands of Rui Cai.

This is a shocking sight.

This place is like a real pure world, a paradise on earth.

The creatures here all have a kind of immortal charm, and the aura is extraordinarily strong, which can be said to be completely different from those outside the world.

All kinds of immortal medicines and sacred springs are rare in the world.

The purple rocks stand inside, the cliff walls are smooth, and the herb grows. Ginseng Breathing Exercises, Qilin-like beasts, lie alone under the blue stones.

Silver trains hang down one by one, nitrogen and chlorine are transpired, birds fly, and the old medicine is fragrant.

Looking around, you can see the fairy mountains and gods, and the palace Tianque in the distance is beautiful.

In the most central place, there are very majestic mountains, shrouded in Xianhui, surrounded by waterfalls, like islands dotted with dots.

A series of divine rainbows swept across the sky, and the cultivator among them was all dressed in a feather-robed star crown, covering the fairy glory, and the robes fluttering with aloofness.

"I don't know how the two mountain masters felt, but planned to close the mountain and stop intervening in external affairs.

"It is said that the two mountain masters accidentally speculated with the hexagram and the image of the disaster, and I don't know whether it is true or false. Now several mountain masters have all gone to the second mountain and the two mountain masters to discuss."

"How long has it been since my Nine Great Mountains have been manifested in the world? This time I heard that the upper realm has invaded again. It is when I am waiting to manifest the world and absorb faith.

"It's a pity that the two mountain masters are going to seal the mountain at this time."

Several cultivators with wide sleeves, driving Changhong, passing through the sky, are talking about something.

Their faces look very young, but their true age is not too young, and there is occasional vicissitudes in the depths of their eyes.

While speaking at this moment, it is difficult to conceal the feeling of complaining about the two mountain masters who are about to close the mountain.

"What the master said naturally has its deep meaning. If you make a false statement later, are you not afraid that the master will punish you after knowing it?"

…For flowers…

And this is, a burst of Shen Xi came, and a golden passage suddenly manifested in the sky.

A stunning woman walked out with picturesque eyebrows and white skin, like Fairy walking out of a self-drawn scroll, with a fairy air, but unfortunately her expression was very cold, giving people an unattainable cold feeling.

Hearing what she said, the expressions of the cultivators who were talking couldn't help changing, and they hurriedly said, "I also hope that the elder sister will forgive me. I will wait until I know my mistake, and I won't dare next time."

The stunning woman glanced at all of them faintly, and said, "Don't take it as an example, don't let me hear you talk bad about Master from behind."

"Yes, yes, I will find out later, thank you, Master Sister."

Several cultivators hurriedly replied that they were very in awe of the stunning woman in front of them, and then left the place quickly, not daring to stay for a long time.

The stunning woman kept watching them disappear, and then she took her gaze back.

Her brows couldn't help but frowned, and she almost murmured, "During this time, the mountains' complaints about the master have become stronger, and they even have a lot of opposition.'

"Indeed, the upper realm invaded the eight wilderness and ten territories. It was just when the Jiudashan disciple became famous and absorbed the faith, it is really unimaginable that the master wanted to seal the mountain."

"Grand Sister Suyun is right, what the two mountain masters are doing now is really puzzling.

At this time, a man's voice came, accompanied by a faint light of light, as if he had condensed his figure between heaven and earth.

This is a man wearing a golden armor suit. He is very tall and tall, and his hair is also golden, as if there is a fairy shining on it. People have a strong and unmatched feeling.

Behind the man in the golden armor, there are several cultivators following, both men and women, faintly led by him.

"Chen Suyun has seen Daozi."

Seeing the man in the golden armor, Chen Suyun's eyes remained unchanged, and then gently saluted.

"Master sister, don't need to be polite, you and I are both disciples of Jiudashan, you don't need to be so polite."

The man in the golden armor smiled and said, looking very gentle and polite.

The Nine Great Mountains are different from the rest of the forces. There is no Elder here except for the owner of the mountain.

The seniority is determined according to the time of practicing in the Jiudashan Mountains.

Take Chen Suyun, for example, it took longer than the rest of the people to worship the Jiuda Mountain.

The man in the golden armor in front of him, named Gu Wudi, is the Daozi of Jiudashan, that is, heir.

You can also tell from his name that his ambition is invincible, and he has swept the heart of eternity.

He visited Jiudashan, although it was later than Chen Suyun and others.

However, because of the strong talent, Cultivation Base came from behind, crushing everyone, and becoming the Daozi of the Nine Mountains, no one in the limelight for a while.

In Jiudashan, in addition to the major mountain masters, he is the most honorable. Even the direct disciples of the major mountain masters, they have to salute him when they see him.

So for Chen Suyun in front of him, he obviously doesn't respect the others as much, and his attitude is very natural.

"By the way, since you are here, how come you haven't seen the younger brother?"

"I remember that on weekdays, you are inseparable. Wherever you go, he will follow? Why haven't you seen him now?"

Gu Wudi looked behind Chen Suyun, seeming a little surprised, and asked knowingly.

"Little Junior Brother, he is right next to Master, maybe Master is explaining things to him."

Upon hearing this, Chen Suyun shook her head with a plain expression.

"Really? Originally, I still had some things that I wanted to talk to Junior Brother, but I didn't expect him to be here, so forget it."

Gu Wudi smiled, there was a shady bird in his eyes, but he quickly returned to nature. superior,