Ch 480


The world is trembling, are all directions together!

Many ancient warships in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions descended like a torrent, followed by a rainbow of divine rainbows, endless, and the number is simply uncountable.

But compared to the mighty and mighty forces in front of us, the endless army of the upper realm is like a drop in the ocean.

"Is this the power of the upper realm?"

Many of the young people who met the army of the upper realm for the first time turned pale.

Only when facing these terrifying figures in the upper realm can they feel the incomparable sense of oppression, and they will almost bend a person's spine, weaken their legs, and kneel down.

In front of the army of the upper realm, they are like a flat boat among the vast Wang Yang, which may be overturned at any time.

The endless fog swept over, and among them stood horrible figures that looked like the Taikoo Demon Mountain, very indifferent, and did not say a word.

Watching the army of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories descend, it was like seeing a group of unremarkable ants.

"Don't be frightened by their power, now they can't make it through.

"These are they deliberately! They just want to blow the morale of our world!"

Seeing this scene, the peak powerhouse among the many families in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, my heart sank.

It feels that the morale of their world has been greatly oppressed before they fight, and they can't help but shout.

Immediately, someone spoke, and the voice pierced the clouds and cracked the stone, shaking the heavenly palace, containing a certain Taoist sound that could wake people up.

The warship was like a cloud, covering the sky, and finally hovering here, facing the upper bound side.

"It's terrible, just looking at it is desperate!"

"If we really played against each other, would we be their opponents? I'm afraid that with just one hand, I can be wiped out!"

Many young people were shocked when they heard this sound.

After recovering from the state just now, I was a little frightened, and I couldn't help feeling a chill in his back.

This is the peak powerhouse of the upper realm. Although it has not yet come, it is just a Dharmakaya here.

But that kind of invincible power that is enough to make people tremble, but it is passed over a long distance, as if facing an invincible person and worshipping him.

"Is this the peak powerhouse of the upper realm? But it's just the law body!"

Someone snorted coldly, and there was a deep anger and hatred in his heart, and there was an endless hatred with the upper realm.

On the ancient warship, there are many majestic halls of the gods Yue, drooping down a vast amount of chaos.

Among them, the young supreme appeared, with radiant brilliance on his face, and the interweaving of Shenxi, all of whom are the elites of the eight wilderness and ten realms in this life.

They are also young seeds that all races cannot afford to lose.

At this moment, everyone was watching all this solemnly, standing behind the peak powerhouse, someone counteracted this terrifying coercion for them.

Before coming here, everyone had great self-confidence, thinking that they were respected by their peers and rarely rivals.

But when I got here, the first thing I smelled was endless blood.

Not only did many of their ancestors be buried here, countless cultivators from the upper realm were also killed in battle.

Before Jiekongyuan, there are endless ruins.

The mountains and rivers are broken, and the world is falling apart.

The corpses were everywhere, the blood was not dry, there were broken weapon fragments, fallen Stars and war fortresses everywhere.

One after another huge pits, like Stars smashed down here, cracked into a terrible big rift 24 valley.

Such cruelty made them afraid to underestimate it.

"It's finally here. I stole the luck of my realm at the beginning, leading to countless epochs in my realm. No one can Immortal Ascension."

"Now that the Boundary Tablet Sea has dried up, how can you protect you from this remote place in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories?"

In the thick horrible fog, the peak powerhouse of the upper realm took the lead to speak, very indifferent, with a murderous intent.

Many people seemed to have heard some unknown secret from his words, and their hearts were slightly shaken.

However, the peak powerhouse in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions did not agree, and sneered, "There is nothing wrong with the crime of desire. For countless years, the upper bound robbers have repeatedly invaded my Eight Desolation and Ten Regions without returning the peace of our world."

"If you fight, then fight, why do you need to make excuses, our cultivator, don't be afraid of death!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a strong man immediately lit a beacon behind him.

The raging flames burned like wolf smoke, and the divine light shone through the heavens and the earth.


Afterwards, someone blew the war song with a horn made of a certain ancient beast's horn, and the sound contained an unimaginable penetrating power, shattering the clouds, magnificent and sad.

All the cultivators and creatures in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions heard this sound as if they were beaten with blood, and they all felt blood boiled and murderous.




All the powerhouses in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions shouted angrily, and mysterious powers of qi and blood appeared in their heavenly spirit cover.

In the end, they turned into ancient runes and gathered together to build up supreme power.

Such a scene shocked many cultivators from the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, and it was the first time that they had seen the mighty power contained in their blood.

But this is not a secret in the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains.

Every time in the fight against the invasion of the upper realm, there are strong people boosting morale, so that everyone can stimulate the power of bleeding, trigger the power of rune, and build a supreme scripture.

"The stolen supreme scriptures, now dare to display them, are these the so-called ancient tribes in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories?"

"It's really ridiculous!"

Seeing this scene, there was Peak Powerhouse on the upper realm side with a sneer, mocking, and disdain. Obviously, he knew a lot about this secret.

"Stop talking nonsense! This is the power that our ancestors bestowed on me, so how can you know that!

An old man in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions shouted, his eyes were cold, he was a super master of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

At this moment, the power of this supreme scripture was blessed on oneself, and the chaos was filled, the divine light was brilliant, dazzling and dazzling, and it sprayed out from every pore.

He was ready to make a move. Before the fight, he encouraged their momentum on this side, and at the same time gave the upper bound peak powerhouse a smashing power.

All the runes are intertwined, constructing the supreme scriptures, and everyone can faintly see a magnificent ancient fairy palace in it.

Fairy sounds burst into the air, like a bright and bright sun rising up.

At this moment, in this supreme scripture, there is a strong secret power emerging, and every word is as dazzling as a star, and finally an unspeakable power is produced.

This force gathered together, pressed down, and fell toward the upper bound army ahead, seeming to destroy everyone here.


The heavenly palace trembled, and the void exploded.

All the fog is falling apart, the chaos is evolving, and the atmosphere of the world is in chaos, as if reversing the time and years, traveling through the eternal Samsara.

This is an unimaginable force.

The old man was shining all over, using this power on himself, rushing into the past towards the front.

"Is this the horror of our blood power? Although everyone's strength is meager, but when gathered together, they can become rivers and seas, invincible!"

"Even if the army of the upper realm is in front of it, it is insignificant!"

Some people were greatly excited by this scene, some were excited, and more were excited, feeling that there was hope for this battle.

As long as everyone in the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories unites, they will eventually defeat the upper realm.

The heavens and the earth rumbling loudly, as if a square Universe was falling, pushing and crushing toward the front, many Stars were cracking and destroying.

"You only have this ability. If it weren't for me to wait for the real body to come, how could you wait so rampant?

"Little quasi emperor realm, dare to do so!"

The complexion of the peak powerhouse that opened just now changed slightly.

If he really comes, he will naturally have the confidence to resist this strike.

But now it is only the Dao Dharma Body, the strength is even less than one-tenth.

He was a little jealous, more anger and coldness, the figure shrouded in the fog, could not help but step back a few steps towards the back.

And this scene happened to be seen by everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and suddenly felt morale shocked and blood boiled.

"The peak powerhouse in the upper realm was pushed back by me! He is also afraid of us and dare not fight us!"

"Very good!"

Someone yelled, extremely excited.

On the forehead, shining brightly, one by one ancient runes, reflected through the skin and bones.

At this time, almost everyone had hope. After all, they saw the upper boundary peak powerhouse back.

A group of young beings cannot help but feel surging. Among such terrifying power, there is also an element of their contribution.

They are naturally prosperous.

Many upper realm powerhouses couldn't help but frown. They didn't expect that the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions would still have such a method, which was even beyond the previous supernatural powers.

However, when everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions was excited and wanted to suppress the peak powerhouse of the upper realm again.


At high altitudes, there were sudden horrible fluctuations, as if there was a coercion like mountains and seas, and Tianhe burst its embankment and fell down.

The heavens trembled, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars were shaking their electricity, and the sea became ashes, and black lightning struck down, which was bigger than the Stars.

"what is that?

All the people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions suddenly felt a little horrified, and their scalp was tingling.

Some people even trembled from the bottom of their hearts, and couldn't help but bow down and bow down to the figure in front of them.

In everyone's eyes, the high altitude became extremely blurred, as if there were hundreds of millions of chaotic energy hanging down.

A vague figure stood there, and there seemed to be endless gods appearing around it, surrounded by three thousand great worlds, like the co-lords of all heavens.

"Has the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains reached such a step? It is really regrettable.

It was the voice of a young man, and it didn't sound very old and didn't have the slightest meaning of vicissitudes.

But falling in the ears of all the strong in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions, it appeared extremely cold and ruthless.


The next moment, accompanied by the dazzling light, a big hand covering the sky came over from a high altitude.

It was extremely huge, entwined with hundreds of millions of chaotic energy, as if covering the sky.

Endless rules and laws are boiling under this palm.

In the end, it seemed that it was about to explode, the void collapsed, and the Universe seemed to collapse due to this palm, and there appeared a series of terrible big rift valleys.

This was an unimaginable and terrifying sight. The world suddenly became dark, and he was beaten back to the beginning of the open sky, and it was a mess.

All the rays of light have been obscured.

The power that all the runes interweave and resonate just now was instantly shattered by this palm, turned into countless escape energy, and rushed to the world.

Everyone was horrified and horrified, feeling that all their strength was lost because of this palm, and they couldn't help limp to the ground.

The majesty of the glory is annihilated, but so!


The old man who sacrificed this power turned pale.

-Blood spurted out of the mouth, flew directly from the place, knocked out, almost exploded in the air.

After receiving such a terrifying backlash, his breath instantly became extremely pre-experienced, and he couldn't even stand up.

"Who is that?"

"This is too horrible, doesn't it mean that the boundary monument sea is dry, and there is no peak powerhouse that can cross it?"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains trembled, trembling all over, and even felt desperate.

Unexpectedly, they thought that a powerful blow that could shake Samsara and collapse the rules and order would be crushed by the opponent's palm and collapse instantly.

Under such a huge gap, many people's heads were regretful, and they couldn't react for a while.

"That's Gu Changge!"

"The leader of the upper realm! He is here too!"

Standing with many ancient beings, Gu Wudi, whose face changed slightly, suddenly spoke, and a deep hatred appeared in his eyes.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. At the same time, they were a bit horrified.

They didn't doubt Gu Wudi's words. After all, as the Daozi of Jiudashan, Jiudashan was destroyed by Gu Changge. He hated so much, and he should.

"It's really him!

"Kill the master sister, and destroy the person from Jiudashan!"

Xiao Yang also recognized Gu Changge. His eyes were red and his fists were clenched. His hatred for Gu Changge was monstrous.

The master sister was killed by him, the master gate was destroyed by him, and the master did not know his life or death.

How can so much hatred be easily ended?

"Is this the strength of the leader of the upper realm? How can it be so terrifying, it is invincible at all."

At this moment, everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions was shocked.

Especially the younger generation who wanted to fight with Gu Changge before, were even more shocked. They breathed to rest, and their scalp was slightly numb.

They only knew from the rumors that the younger generation of leading figures on the upper realm, knowing that their strength is monstrous.

But when I really faced him, I realized that he was so powerful that he was really desperate and unable to contend.

How does this make people fight? Collecting everyone's strength, it is difficult to compete with his palm?

Before this, it was simply something that I couldn't imagine.

"This is not his own power, but the treasure he sacrificed."

At this time, an ancient existence made a sound, and his gaze stayed with a large seal floating above Gu Changge's head. There seemed to be thousands of stars on it, the sun and the moon converged, and the mountains and the sea continued to converge.

This kind of majestic and vast power is like a deep sea, and just a strand of falling down is creepy, and the body seems to be exploding.

"That is the immortal seal of Jiudashan, which he snatched from him."

"Unexpectedly, he actually borrowed the power of my Nine Mountain Treasures!"

Gu Wudi clenched his teeth and looked very angry and unwilling.

"First, Calabash fell into his hands, but now he even snatched the Immortal Seal of the Nine Mountains."

The complexion of some ancient beings changed drastically, thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help Yan Li.

"Sure enough, you have to rely on Young Master Changge to take action, otherwise you can't frighten these people, and the ants want to turn the sky? Young Master Changge can suppress all of them with just one palm!"

"Many peak powerhouses cannot come here before the passage is unstable. Now I can rely on Young Master Changge.

"With Young Master Changge, do you dare to be presumptuous, like a group of powerful people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories?

Different from the deadly horror on the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, the hearts of the people in the upper realm were shaken, and then they reacted.

Many people couldn't help but sneer, with mockery and deep disdain.

Of course, more people are admiring and enthusiastic about Gu Changge.

"This guy is as strong as ever..

Gu Xian'er stood among the disciples in Zhenxian Academy, looking up at the figure in the sky.

It seems that something has been thought of, my face is a little hot, and my heart is beating very fast.

"I really don't know how Young Master Changge cultivated. Why is there such a big gap between us at a similar age?"

An Yan and Gu Xian'er walked very close and couldn't help but smile when they heard this almost muttering sound.

However, as always, she had an innocent smile on her face, which seemed to be very puzzled.

She doesn't know much about Gu Changge.

It was only based on the rumors and accidentally in the conversation between Big sis An Xi and the man she rescued that one or two were inferred.

This speculation made her frightened, and she didn't even dare to think about it.

"So, those mountain owners of Jiuda Mountain, where did they go in the end, were they killed by him?"

The prince watched all this, but his eyes narrowed slightly, not surprising that Gu Changge was powerful.

What she was puzzled about was another matter.

According to her understanding, there are nine great mountain owners in Nine Great Mountains. If the nine great mountains are destroyed, where did those mountain owners finally go?

Were they killed by Gu Changge, or were they imprisoned by the Changsheng Gu family?

But no matter what kind of possibility it is, there should be news of it.

Unlike today, those great mountain owners seem to have disappeared without a trace, like a stone sinking into the sea, without the slightest ripple.

Wang Zizhen is a very smart man.

Although she didn't want to dig deep for some things, she couldn't hold back the clues that were clearly in front of her.

What exactly is Gu Changge hiding?

The more she understands, the more she finds that she is unpredictable, like being caught in an eternal trap, unable to break free.

Before Jiang Chuchu met Gu Changge, he put the killing of the inheritors of magic skills and the search for the reincarnation of the ancestors in the first place.

But after meeting Gu Changge, she didn't look for the reincarnation of the human ancestor anymore, and even the inheritor of magic arts did not look for it again.

At first, Wang Zijin didn't notice this.

Until recently, she accidentally discovered that Jiang Chuchu's Shougongsha was missing. Good fellow, you don't have to guess who took it away.

No wonder Jiang Chuchu, who was indifferent before, would become unwilling to stay away.

During the time he was practicing in Zhenxian Academy, he couldn't hide his thoughts in his eyes, and went to Immortal Cave where Gu Changge was from time to time.

Under all the clues, Wang Zijin felt that he was close to the truth of the matter.

The real human ancestor's reincarnation is likely to have been killed by Gu Changge, and Jiang Chuchu must have known this.

What is the relationship between Gu Changge and the inheritor of magic power?

And just as the prince's mind was flying, above the sky, a terrifying aura came across again, as if an ancient universe had collapsed, and it was crushing and falling!

"It seems that you don't want to abide by the military training contract, since that's the case."

"Everyone will stay.

Gu Changge's voice is very flat, his eyes are deep and indifferent, as if 567 stars have evolved and dried up in it.

His voice suddenly resounded between heaven and earth, very indifferent, and there seemed to be no mood swings.


As he leaned forward with a palm, the terrifying golden hand, like the Heavenly Emperor, suppressed the world.

The universe shattered, and many collapsed runes were smashed, and the nearby universe was trembling.

This is a world-destroying scene, the endless fog is evaporated, exposing the dry and depleted ground, and all the ancient mountain peaks above have collapsed.

All the ancient warships coming from the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories made a trembling sound.

The endless rune flashes, bursts with dazzling brilliance, intertwined on it, to resist.


Countless people couldn't stand this wave of fluctuations, they kept coughing up blood, their skin cracked, their bones creaked, their legs became weak, and they wanted to kneel forward.


And at this moment, a dazzling brilliance suddenly appeared in the sky over the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

It was an old blood-stained banner, very tattered, but it was sacrificed by a peak powerhouse, and it was swaggered abruptly to cover the sky and the sun to resist!

"Ancestral flag!"

"This is the ancestral banner of my clan! I was dyed with the blood of immortals

Xuantian, the descendant of the Black Tortoise God of War clan, suddenly shot out his eyes, a little excited, and recognized this thing.

The peak powerhouse in front is also the ancestor of their clan, and is a true enlightened person!


In an instant, the endless brilliance exploded here, and an enlightened person shot and sacrificed the ancestral flag, blocking the Gu Changge this strike.

But there is still endless chaos exploding, rushing towards the ragged Universe in all directions.

Everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories is trembling and terrified, if it weren't for the ancestors of the Black Tortoise God of War clan.

I am afraid that everyone will be turned into ashes under this palm.

"Oh, do you dare to stop me?

Seeing Own's blow was blocked, Gu Changge raised his eyebrows with interest and stared at the old man walking in front of him.

"According to the agreement in the war book, my two realms are at war here. Your Excellency bullied the small with the big, why? Is this the so-called upper realm?"

The ancestor of the Black Tortoise God of War clan, named Xuan Gang, has a dark face and fine scales on the body, which is breathtaking.

He stared at Gu Changge with fear. As an enlightened person, he still blocked Gu Changge when he sacrificed the ancestral banner.

Although the strength of the Nine Mountains Immortal Seal lies in it, Gu Changge's own strength must not be underestimated, and he needs to be cautious.

"Oh, bullying the younger with the big? If you look at the age, it doesn't seem to be a big one.

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard the words, and then wrote lightly, "What's more, you are the one who will receive the battle book, and now you are the one who did it first. Do you really think that it is difficult for the strong in our world to come, and you will have nothing to worry about?"

After speaking, his words turned cold, and the terrible power shrouded once again, like a mountain torrent bursting a bank, overwhelming the sky, the Star twisted and fell, making the heart tremble.

Xuangang's complexion was solemn, and the ancestral flag was unfolding above the sky, among which there are many brilliance intertwined and hanging down, constructing a vast Galaxy Cluster map, which is very daunting for Gu Changge.

"If this is the case, then according to the battle book, my two worlds Tianjiao will fight first, but I have to see that you are waiting for arrogant qualifications." He said solemnly, his voice was very majestic, and he didn't want to fight Gu Changge.


Gu Changge's voice still didn't have much waves, and said, "Yehan, you are the first to fight this battle."

The voice fell, and in the thick fog behind him, on the ancient battleship, there was a figure that turned into a divine rainbow, with a cold face and an amazing Killing intent.

"It will certainly live up to the master's high expectations.

Ye Han grinned, and his body was surrounded by a strong bloody aura, which was terrible.

"It's him!"

"The Yaksha who killed many arrogances in our world

There was a commotion in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and many Tianjiao's faces were furious, and they recognized Ye Han who was walking by, and it was the Yaksha who was on the shore of the Boundary Tablet Sea.

Lin Wu's Big Brother, Lin Qingyang and an ancient existence in the family behind him, suffered misfortune and was beaten to death by a Dharma body that Gu Changge descended on at that time.

Everyone reacted to Gu Changge's intentions, their complexion was slightly cold, and their hearts were even more angry.

He obviously wanted to anger the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories before sending this person out first, intending to humiliate everyone!

What a poisonous mind!.