Ch 489

"Young Master Changge don't worry, I don't have the slightest malice towards Xian'er from beginning to end."

In the magnificent and empty Great Hall, An Yan's complexion was a little pale, but she still maintained her own calm.

She knew Gu Changge's intention to leave her alone.

This made her somewhat nervous. She believed that there were not many people in this world who would not be nervous when they were alone with Gu Changge.

Not to mention that she still has her own careful thinking, a little nervous.

"Then what is your purpose for contacting Xian'er?"

Hearing that, Gu Changge just smiled faintly, and didn't look back.

"I "

An Yan's expression was a bit stagnant, she knew this kind of thing, she couldn't hide it from Gu Changge's eyes.

She can be innocent, splendid and innocent in a seamless disguise.

But in the eyes of an existence like Gu Changge, such a disguise is obviously useless.

"Don't you want to say?"

Gu Changge's tone is still an understatement, and there is not much change.

But it made An Yan sweat on his forehead.

She clasped her bare hands, suddenly mustered the courage, raised her head, staring at Gu Changge's back, and said, "Because I want to approach Young Master Changge through Xian'er. I don't have the slightest malice towards Xian'er, and I am very Yes, make her such a friend."

"Oh, is it so?"

Gu Changge's face still had a faint expression, which didn't seem surprising.

However, An Yan was so calm, it made him a little surprised. He thought An Yan would take the opportunity to quibble.

Of course, that's okay. It can be seen that she is a smart person, not as simple as the rumors suggest.

The humans and animals in front of the people are harmless, so it seems to be disguised.

Thinking of this, Gu Changge suddenly narrowed his eyes and became interested.

In other words, for more than 20 years, An Yan has been pretending to be cautious.

She was in the Hidden An family and she was still the eldest daughter. His mother passed away for unknown reasons, and his father was oppressed by an evil sister regardless of his care.

This kind of life experience template seems a bit familiar.

"Yes, I'm close to Xian'er. Actually, the big reason is that I want to get close to Young Master Changge."

"I have a different attempt to Young Master Changge. Like the other women, I try to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix, wanting to have more and greater power."

An Yan raised his head when he heard the words, looked directly at Gu Changge's back, and said.

She is very smart, so she has been cautious and kept a low profile over the years.

She also disguised herself with a simple and harmless appearance, which greatly reduced her threat in the eyes of others.

So An Yan can also see that if you lie in front of Gu Changge, it will definitely make Gu Changge unhappy.

In front of them, the best way to "five seven zeros" is to honestly confess everything and don't have any thoughts of concealment.

"It's a pity you got it wrong.

Gu Changge said lightly, "Even if you are close to me, I have no interest in you."

In An Yan's body, he saw the shadow of Ji Qingxuan.

However, compared to Ji Qingxuan, An Yan's situation is obviously worse.

An Yan was not surprised by Gu Changge's words, but she never gave up.

"I know that neither my current position of power nor the appearance of Cultivation Base can be seen by Young Master Changge."

She gritted her teeth and continued.

After finally encountering such an opportunity, she didn't want to miss it, let alone give it up.

"Oh, then are you still trying to approach me?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, turned his head, and looked at her carefully.

In terms of appearance, the features are exquisite, and the figure is proud. It is indeed a rare national beauty.

But this obviously has no effect on him.

Then he explored Xia Anyan's luck points, and it seemed to be average, not even a person of luck, let alone a daughter of luck.

Could it be that his guess was wrong?

"If this is not the case, then I will never have a chance to stand up."

An Yan's complexion was slightly sad, then she gritted her teeth firmly, deep in her eyes there was a determination to make the cultivator's heart tremble.

Before, she actually thought of many possibilities to please Gu Changge.

However, I never expected that it would be the calm situation with Gu Changge today, and many of the previous preparations were in vain.

"It's a Dao heart

Gu Changge was a little interested in his face. Just now he witnessed An Yan's luck point, because of some unknown reason, it has increased a lot.

So, she actually belongs to the kind of lucky girl who hasn't really formed yet.

Is it just in the process of accumulation of air luck?

Thinking about it this way, he had some interest, and wanted to see where An Yan could go.

"If my Dao heart isn't strong, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it long.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of An Yan's mouth, and then he looked a little cautious, and said, "Actually, I have one thing that I want to tell Young Master Changge."

"What's the matter?"

Gu Changge's gaze fell on her face, and an inexplicable feeling suddenly appeared in her heart.

When it comes to his Realm, it's so far-reaching that it's hard to guess.

Sometimes, within a single thought, you can feel some faintly existing lines of Karma.

It seems that what An Yan wants to say may have something to do with him.

"It's about my Big sis An Xi, she saved a strange man in her seclusion some time ago."

"I heard her talking with the strange man once by chance

An Yan's complexion has returned to nature, and she truthfully tells what she knows, without any concealment.

This incident actually happened not long ago.

At that time, the Upper Realm had not yet begun to invade the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories, and the Boundary Tablet Sea had not yet heard the news that it had dried up.

Her Big sis An Xi, because of the Cultivation Technique, the place of meditation on weekdays is not in the clan, but in Taoyuan Village in a small country.

Taoyuan Village is isolated from the world and has not been in contact with the outside world for nearly ten thousand years.

For a cultivator, ten thousand years is just a flick of a finger, but for mortals, it is a hundred generations long.

Therefore, Taoyuan Village is very peaceful and hardly disturbed by the outside world. There is only a gentle stream with well-developed four links flowing from afar.

And one day, the maid of her Big sis An Xi found a comatose man walking down the river in the slow stream.

The man seemed to have been badly injured before. He wandered in the river for a long time and was in a coma.

What is strange is that there are no scars on his body, it is more like the previous injury, which has healed on its own.

Moreover, there are so many fierce beasts in the rivers of Daze, even the cultivator dare not wander alone, and there is a risk of life.

The man obviously didn't have Cultivation Base, but no beast dared to approach him.

This discovery made An Xi guess that this strange man possessed a certain kind of treasure or a special physique, and saved him.

Hearing this, Gu Changge had already guessed who An Xi had saved.

Outside of the ancient country of Vermillion Bird, he sent his men to hunt down Jiang Chen, Niu Jian and others who had crossed from the Lower Realm. In the end, only Jiang Chen and Niu Wen escaped.

Although he did it deliberately.

But I really didn't expect Niu Wen to give him such a surprise.

Needless to say Jiang Chen, the son of luck reincarnated by the good fortune fairy boat spirit.

It seems that his friend also has a certain special physique or blood.

"The strange man has been in a coma, and then he was taken back to the clan by my Big sis, and a spiritual doctor was found to rescue him. After some examination, he found that he had the blood of the hidden fairy."

"From the mouth of the strange man, Big Sis learned about the hatred between him and Young Master Changge.

An Yan continued, looking at Gu Changge, and seeing that his expression had not changed much, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

These things are actually insignificant.

What really made her feel like An Xi was dead for Big sis was that she knew the hatred between the strange man and Gu Changge.

Instead of taking it down, she helped her practice and let her use it in the future.

Yinxian bloodline is actually not a simple bloodline, but a mysterious physique, but no one knows what kind of physique it is.

In the upper realm, there are many rumors about the bloodline of the hidden immortal. It is said that this physique can possess the power of immortals after becoming a real immortal. Although it is not a real immortal, it is enough to be called a ban immortal.

That's why it was called the Yinxian Bloodline.

Of course, there are too few cultivators with this kind of blood.

The cost of training is really too scary, and it is counted at every turn.

Only a few people have appeared in the countless epochs of the Upper Realm.

As for why their clan knows so well about this matter, it is because one of the ancestors of the Yinshian clan is one of the people who has the blood of Yinxian.

"It turned out to be the blood of Yinxian. I had known that he would not let him go.

After listening, Gu Changge showed a faint smile on his face and didn't care much.

What surprised him at most was that he was clumsy at the time and didn't see the blood of Niu Wen.

However, in response to this matter, he actually had a second hand at the time. The general knowledge fruit that Niu Wen and others ate was not that simple.

If Gu Changge wants to use this to find its position, it is not difficult.

"These are all things I know about Big sis and the strange man, and I didn't hide it at all.

Seeing Gu Changge's unsurprising expression, An Yan was also a little puzzled.

"I know, so you want me to help you deal with your Big sis, don't you?"

Gu Changge nodded, his eyes fell on An Yan's face again, and said with some interest.

Regarding An Yan's thoughts, he can easily guess that the battle for position among large clans like the Yin Shi An clan is actually very serious.

An Yan's position is very embarrassing now. If he wants to win the battle for the position, he needs to be supported by another force.

In her opinion, An Xi died, knowing that she would offend Own, she also took in the cattle room, and she would definitely not let An Xi go.

Therefore, I am the most suitable candidate from the perspective of power and the reasons for the shot.

"Young Master Changge doesn't care what An Xi did?" An Yan panted a little, which was naturally her goal.

However, judging from Gu Changge's expression, she is not very sure.

If Gu Changge can stand on her side, then her situation in the clan will definitely be greatly reversed.

Many clan elders did not dare to look down upon her because of this, and would not take her seriously as before.

She can also gradually have some right to speak in the Yinshian clan, and bring back what belongs to her own.

"You seem to have overestimated the capabilities of your Big sis. Do you think the Yinshian Clan dare to offend me because of a man of unknown origin?"

"Especially he is only a hidden fairy bloodline that hasn't grown up yet. How much resources do you have to invest in it to make him grow up?"

"Is this deal a good deal?"

Gu Changge just smiled faintly, and didn't think that the Yin Shi'an would offend him because of the smell of the cow.

An Yan was taken aback when she heard this. Before that, she had actually thought about this.

But the current Yinshian clan has been controlled by her Big sis An Xi, and her decision is often the decision of the entire Yinshian clan.

If the entire Yinshi'an tribe offends Gu Changge because of a man of unknown origin, she probably won't be able to use Big sis.

"I know, I think too much.

The brilliance in An Yan's eyes dimmed.

If Gu Changge is willing, it only takes a word to make the Yin Shi'an Clan hand over the Niu Jian.

Gu Changge didn't need to interfere with her grievance with Big sis An Xi.

"Actually, it is very simple to want me to help you.,

"You need to prove to me that you are worthy of my help."

Just when An Yan's heart was bitter, Gu Changge's words sounded again, making her suddenly taken aback, raising her head, her silver eyes revealed a thick surprise.


An Yan's voice trembled slightly, took a deep breath, calmed down and said,

"I know that to Young Master Changge, I may be no different from the useless people, but if I can control the Yin Shi'an Clan, I am willing to look forward to the Yin Shi'an Clan in the future."

"An Yan is willing to be a slave and a maidservant, waiting for the right and left."

However, when he heard this, Gu Changge frowned and shook his head, "You seem to understand it wrong, what do I mean by value."

What he asked An Yan to prove was her current value, not her future value.

An Yan also reacted quickly, knowing that what she said was nothing but a promise and it was of no use.

What Gu Changge wants to see is what she can do now.

So she thought for a while, gritted her teeth and said, "In fact, what I said to Young Master Changge was not what I heard, but the eyeliner I placed next to Big sis and told me."

"I also know that she will go to Zuxing later to get blood there to help the strange man practice."

The blood mentioned by An Yan is not simply the blood of the An clan.

It is one of the three drops of true blood of the ancestor with the bloodline of the hidden immortal in ancient times.

Even the supreme would not dare to absorb it easily, and there would be the risk of breaking the Spirit Sea Soul Palace at every turn.

Her Big Sis plan to recreate a hidden immortal, it can be said to have spent a lot of money.

Having said that, An Yan calmed down, and said to Gu Changge, "I will find a way to capture the drop of the true blood of the ancestor for Young Master Changge.

"The blood of the hidden immortal? It's okay. I didn't expect that your clan still has three drops of true blood.

Hearing these words, Gu Changge gave her a deep look, then smiled and said, "But one drop is not enough. I want three drops of the true blood of your ancestors."

Gu Changge is worried about the lack of spiritual resources.

If the three drops of blood of the true ancestor all contain fragments of the immortal path, it will help him to break through the threshold of the realm of Nirvana.

For this request, An Yan naturally agreed without a doubt.

The three drops of blood of the true ancestors are very precious to their clan.

Even if it is her current power of Big sis, it took a lot of effort to convince a group of elders to go to the ancestor to get it.

However, it's not that she didn't arrange the arrangement over the years.

Since Gu Changge wanted her to show value, An Yan had to snatch this drop of blood from the true ancestor even if she struggled with the risk of exposure in disguise over the years.

Afterwards, An Yan left the palace. Compared with before, she now has more unclear self-confidence in her body.

This confidence comes from her seizing the opportunity in front of her.

As long as she can get Gu Changge's help, her current unfavorable situation will be reversed in an instant.

All these years of cautiousness and dormant disguise will all disappear.

The huge Yinshian clan will also fall into her hands.

"I hope you can surprise me, the unformed daughter of luck."

In the palace, Gu Changge had a faint smile on his face. He looked back after watching An Yan leave.

Niu's affairs, even if An Yan didn't say anything, he would handle it.

In addition, he has been stocking son of luck Jiang Chen for a long time. After the problem of the eight wastes and ten territories is resolved, it is time to see how this leek grows.

It was Xiao Ruoyin, the reincarnated high priest of fate from the lower realms with Jiang Chen, Niu Wen and others.

There is no sign of memory recovery.

Gu Changge told Yan Ji to keep an eye on Xiao Ruoyin's changes, and after a while, Yan Ji would report Xiao Ruoyin's changes.

This makes Gu Changge a little doubtful whether Xiao Ruoyin was hurt too badly, which caused problems with the spirit.

Otherwise, as the high priest of destiny, he controls the good fortune celestial boat, reversible for a long time, does not contaminate the existence of Karma, and how can he not regain his memory?

Or is it just fusing or hiding, so Yan Ji didn't find it?

This left Gu Changge in his mind, planning to wait until he returned to the upper realm to explore.

"In a few months, the upper realm army will attack Tianlu City."

"Are you not going to do something?"

Then, Gu Changge looked at a certain void behind him and smiled faintly.

The figure of Tianlu Xuannv appeared from it, she was wearing a flawless white dress, her figure was slender and graceful, her green silk was supple, her face was cold and holy.

"What else can I do now? I just hope that when Tianlu City is broken, Young Master Gu can be merciful and kill less."

Tianlu Xuannu's expression was not wavering, her eyes were very quiet, said.

She chose to use it for Gu Changge, which was tantamount to seeking a tiger's skin. She had already figured it out before that.

Therefore, if Gu Changge ignores Tianlu City and her request, she can't help it.

This is a gamble in itself.

During this time, she has been doing her best to let Gu Changge understand her sincerity.

She participated in the destruction of the Nine Great Mountains and the Great Defeat of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories in Jiekongyuan, and has achieved a great effect.

However, Gu Changge didn't know what was in her mind.

So she can only bet that Gu Changge will be moved by her in the end.

"Actually, the method is very simple. You only need to show up and let Tianlu City return. Presumably, you can still play a significant role in your identity."

"Don't you want Tianlu City to kill less, this is more useful than any other method."

Gu Changge gently stroked her cheek, with a faint smile on her face.

Tianlu Xuannv held down his hand, her eyes fell on his face, and she whispered, "Gu Gongzi, you know, the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions are not only Tianlu City. If I show up, I am afraid it will only cause them to change. With great anger and hatred, I am afraid that this battle will never end."

Now Gu Changge has no restrictions on her personal freedom.

If she wanted to, she could actually take the opportunity to return to Tianlu City.

But Tianlu Xuannv didn't do it very well.

Because doing so will only make her previous efforts put to nothing, and she won't be able to recover.

The upper realm is really too strong. In this battle, the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories have no chance.

Tianlu Xuannv knew that Gu Changge knew this too, so she didn't worry about her escaping.

"That would be a shame. I can tell the people behind me to stay alive as much as possible. But the people of the rest of the ethnic group don't necessarily listen to me.

"It's really helpless."

Gu Changge sighed with regret, his tone sounded very regretful.

But Tianlu Xuannv understood Gu Changge's meaning, and her expression suddenly became a little complicated.

With Gu Changge's current power, as long as he gives an order, he can definitely give orders to all the troops in the upper realm.

How come the other ethnic groups do not listen to him.

He said this, obviously wanting to persecute her again.

"Gu Gongzi, is your heart made of iron and stone?"

Tianlu Xuannv lowered her eyes, but her voice seemed unusually calm at this moment.

3.7 She originally thought that during this period, the relationship between her and Gu Changge would become closer, and the two of them were almost married.

As a result, he was still so indifferent and ruthless, and compared with the initial time, there was no change.

"How can you say that?"

Gu Changge smiled, his expression unchanged, and gently hugged her into his arms and said, "I'm just thinking about you in the future, unless you really want to live in the dark in the future."

"Otherwise you will be exposed to the world sooner or later, what kind of identity were you at that time?"

After all, Tianlu Profound Girl is the patron saint of Tianlu City, her identity is superb and noble, and she is revered by hundreds of millions of people.

If you show up before breaking the Tianlu City, no matter what, it will be a huge blow to the eight wilderness and ten territories.

Moreover, it is related to the formation core of Tianlu City barrier, which is closely related to her.

Gu Changge did give Lin Wu half a year, but it was obviously impossible to break the barrier outside Tianlu City when he attacked the city for the first time.

In this way, it is equivalent to giving a signal to everyone in Tianlu City.

Even the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl has already returned to the upper realm, let alone the rest of the ancient existence.

You know, there is no shortage of people who are greedy for life and fear of death, and there is no shortage of people who are suspicious.

"I see."

Tianlu Xuannv lowered her eyes, her eyes were like a rippleless lake, she leaned in Gu Changge's arms, and did not agree with him.

She understood that Gu Changge had other plans.

But at this time, she had no choice but to compromise.

In the next few days, a major event occurred that alarmed many Daoist forces in the upper realm.

A group of ancient beings froze in their heads with a blast of blankness, and they all froze in place, unable to react at all.

The patron saint of Tianlu City in the Eight Desolations and Ten Regions, the Tianlu Profound Girl is now appearing beside Gu Changge!

The news swept past like a hurricane, shocking everyone.

The sensation caused is tantamount to a meteorite hitting the deep sea.

You must know that before this, only the people from the Changsheng family knew about this, but it was limited to the top.

Today, Lu Xuan-nv appeared in public to accompany Gu Changge. It really made all cultivators, whether they are young or old, shake together, feeling cough and unbelievable.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the status of the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl in the Eight Desolation and Ten Realms.

Moreover, she is the patron saint of Tianlu City.

In the past era, in front of Tianlu City, against the upper realm, the town killed an enlightened person of the ancient royal family, and the strength was extremely terrifying.

How could she show up next to Gu Changge?

What does this mean?