Ch 492


The world suddenly blurred, and even time and space seemed to be in chaos due to the influence of this huge and vast power.

All the energy was shattering, turning Star into ashes, and finally rushed towards the far side of the Universe.

Everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions was silent, looking pale and looking at this strike, their minds couldn't help but tremble, and they felt an invincible general trend.

Especially the cultivator and creatures standing on the wall are even more horrified.

They saw the faraway place, the army that was ten million times more frightening than the torrents, and the black pressure was about to kill, covering the world and the earth into total darkness.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of races, and the number is innumerable. They are armed with various weapons such as black sky swords and halberds. There are also war beasts, wrapped in chains like mountains, and their bodies are bigger than Stars.

Under the command of the supreme, Zhang Luoxiao, there are endless black clouds covering the sky and the earth and drowning down.


The sky above Tianlu City was instantly dark, and Stars were shrouded, making the sound of cracking.

This was originally a city wall that was level with Universe and level with the sky, but now it is being crushed by dark clouds.

Countless Stars are the source of power, and the surrounding Universe is all affected, delivering a powerful force.

But now the wall is in place. Yan Zhuo, one by one rune was lit up, and finally they were wiped out.


The upper realm enlightened people attacked to break through the formation of Tianlu City. Such fluctuations, just escaping through the seal, were enough to scare the Supreme.

Not to mention ordinary creatures and cultivators, they have long been unable to hold on, trembling, trembling, and trying to be covered.

In the thick fog, they could only see the vague figure, shrouded by endless runes.

"This is simply not something that humans can match!"

All the young Tianjiao couldn't help but feel the thought of kneeling in their hearts. They were terrified and bowed to the figure there.

This feeling is like an ant facing a real dragon, which is a level that can't be touched at all.

Finally, the light here subsided and the fluctuations stopped, but the heaven and the earth seemed to explode, almost torn apart.

The number of peak powerhouses that shot, standing 573 above the sky, the law body is too terrifying, the light is blazing, and it has stopped, and there is no more shot.

Just now they just tried a little bit, wanting to know how long the big formation of Tianlu City could resist.

"It seems that this big formation is still the same as the tortoise shell, but this time the army of our world is killed, all the resistance will be turned into a cloud of smoke."

They sneered. They looked very old and some were very young.

But they couldn't hide the meaning of the vicissitudes of life, and the blood was surging, like a universe melting pot.

"It seems that their big formation in this world can't resist for long. After all, the energy that needs to be maintained will eventually be exhausted."

"When this barrier is breached, it is when the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories are defeated.

Many young Tianjiao in the upper realm stood very far ahead, witnessing the cruelty of this battle with their own eyes.

The six crown kings, the Tianhuang female, the heavenly demon monarch, the golden cicada Buddha, and others all looked solemnly.

But I still feel that this kind of big formation is only a foreign object after all.

If the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories really planned to rely on such a large formation to be able to resist the upper realm, that would be too naive.

In the end, their eyes fell in the direction where Gu Changge and others were.

Now it is the enlightened person who decides the battle. The rest of the army just waits for the destruction of Tianlu City before attacking and fighting in.

The Eight Desolation and Ten Territories would not send a large army out of the city at this time, it was not a wise choice.

"I just don't know how to choose the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions now?"

Someone noticed that in the depths of the sky, many of the peak powerhouses in the upper realm, who had never taken any action, were still looking indifferently at the Tianlu City ahead.

But their power is unimaginable. Around each of them, there is terrifying energy, like a black ocean, boiling behind them, and there are hundreds of millions of divine clouds intertwined.

"I don't know how long the deer city's big formation can last?"

Beside Gu Changge, a peak powerhouse covered in black fog opened his mouth, his eyes were very cold, and he swept all the creatures in front of him.

Finally, he passed over the ancestral flag standing between the sky and the earth, and let out a sneer of disdain.

"They won't let this formation continue to support it, and they will definitely send strong men out to fight in the same way as before.

There is a very old peak powerhouse that speaks. It is the ancient ancestor of a certain race, which makes the rest of the enlightened people here a little jealous.

"It's just a waste of time."

Another ancient ancestor-level figure sneered, then shook his head, very contemptuous, not willing to take action at this time, planning to wait for the real invincible existence of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions to be born.

"It can be tested. The formation of Deer City on this day seems to be related to the breaking of the rules of the upper realm.

Gu Changge's eyes were different. He stood with a group of enlightened people, but he didn't make a move either.

Nowadays, all the Daoist forces in the upper realm have peak powerhouses coming here, so there is no need for him to directly resist the number of enlightened persons as before.

And at this time, Gu Changge would rather investigate the situation of the strong in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and pick someone out.

The collision of the two worlds, the convergence of air and luck, may be able to give birth to a son of destiny who can turn the tide.

The world will be destroyed and the air will be disordered. This is a law that is difficult to change no matter which world you are in.

But son of luck such as Lin Wu and Xiao Yang, it is difficult for Gu Changge to have a great effect.

At most, it is a bait to draw out the big fish behind them, or to dig out the rest of the value.

"Eight Desolate and Ten Territories have eight great wilderness and ten major territories. According to reason, these places should be some dazzling characters."

Gu Changge's gaze swept across the many figures on the wall of Tianlu City, suddenly a little interested.

There he saw Zhao Yunze, the young master of Yunze Dayu who was deliberately let go.

The other party was staring at him with a cold, hateful look, as if there was a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred between the two.

After all, he was the first person in the younger generation tens of millions of years ago.

Looking at it now, it is also extremely bright, but after all, it has not become an enlightened person, and it is still close to the door.

"Block this strike, it seems that the formation of our world can be blocked for a while."

"But I just don't know how long it can be blocked.

"This is no way to continue. If the peak powerhouses in the upper realm are all taken out, the consumption will increase sharply."

On the wall of Tianlu City, many ancestors of ethnic groups stood on it.

He was staring at Guanghua in the distance, his face was very solemn, and he felt that the great formation of Tianlu City would be breached if it continued like this.

Afterwards, they glanced at each other and began to discuss, no matter what, they had to find a way to delay time.

"It seems that in the end, we still have to take action.

"Under the enlightened person, there are all ants, even if the Supreme is going to it, it is useless."

At the moment, several Taoist priests walked out, surrounded by chaotic energy, and stepped out of the altar in the city. The brilliance flashed and appeared in the sky outside Tianlu City.

This scene shook all directions, causing all the creatures and cedh practitioners in Tianlu City to change drastically.

"That is the Skyfire ancestor of the Vermillion Bird God of War clan. He became enlightened in 80 million years and his strength is unfathomable.

"That one is the ancestor of the Qingteng clan, and the fallen ancestor of the life green clan, but the best friend, I didn't expect that he would also make a move."

"They are trying to delay the time of being breached for Tianlu City."

Someone recognized the ancient beings who had walked out, and their minds trembled.

Many people have never been seen before, and they are extremely ancient existences, and even their ancestors can only be reduced to juniors in front of them.

For a time, everyone felt oppressed, but they didn't expect that enlightened people would show up for the first time.

In previous battles with the upper realm, the first to take the shot was usually the strong holy realm, and then the supreme would play.

Now that the enlightened person takes the lead, it is clear that the matter has reached an extremely urgent situation.

On the wall of Tianlu City, everyone's fists couldn't help clenching, and they felt weak and worried for the enlightened people who shot them.

"Oh, it seems that this time they turned out to be the enlightened ones who took the first shot. That's just right, and it saves trouble.

"Resolve them first!"

Seeing this scene, the many Upper Realm peak powerhouses in the fog all sneered, despising and casual.

Then there began to sound of footsteps, making everyone's hearts tremble, several horror existences appeared, the glow of the sun was shining, turned into the body, and appeared outside Tianlu City.

"There is no hope for this battle."

"Why don't they understand."

Tianlu Xuannv was silent behind Gu Changge, her skin white as porcelain with a faint glow on her body. She was very quiet here, just watching all this.

Tianlu City, which was extremely familiar in the distance, was suddenly afraid to face it until today.

At the same time, after the peak powerhouse came out, a single shot of the ancient banner was shot, there were thousands of them, rising from the ground, falling in the heavens and the earth, hunting and hunting, the power of terrifying rules came to protect it. The army on this side of the world.

Enlightened encounters, even if it is the aftermath, are unimaginable terrible catastrophes for any surrounding cultivator.


Soon, endless brilliance broke out here again, and large hands traversed the sky and the earth, and the terrifying momentum swept the Universe.

Someone was yelling, burning all over, playing the rules and order, as if to penetrate the entire universe.

It is an incomparable supreme law that can cut the sky and move the earth, even the law body is far more than billions of meters.

They all tried their best to show the strongest means of their life.

This battle lasted for a very long time, and endless chaos and nothingness rushed out and detonated the sky.

The endless sacred fire surging, seemed to burn the sky out of the hole, but in the end, it was unable to return to the sky.

There is a rain of blood from the sky, and a terrible vision emerges. It is the falling of the big stars and the exhaustion of the universe.

One enlightened person has fallen! The other enlightened persons turned into divine light and evacuated from the altar, but they were also seriously injured.

"The sky fire ancestor has fallen

"How is it possible, he was the invincible existence at the beginning, when he was young, no one was invincible! How could he lose to the opponent?"

This scene caused countless cultivators and creatures in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories to cry, with hatred and grief on their faces. I didn't expect to witness the death of an enlightened person with my own eyes.

Although his opponent was extremely tragic, he was seriously injured and almost died.

But this is an unimaginable loss for the Eight Wastes and Ten Territories.

"It's careless, almost killed by him."

Returning to the peak powerhouse over the upper realm, his complexion was a little afraid. If he missed a move in the end, he might be the one who died now.

The other peak powerhouse shots also suffered injuries and were not intact.

"This Zhao Yunze is a good prey."

Gu Changge retracted his gaze and glanced at this peak powerhouse, feeling a little regretful.

It was the person who made a mockery of the Tianlu Xuannv before. He thought he would fall into it, but in the end he even kept a hand and survived.

Otherwise, at that time, he can ask Adam to collect a copy of the source of enlightened beings.

"If this goes on, it is more or less no way."

"We have been defeated one after another, the morale of our world has been exhausted to the extreme

There was a sorrow in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and many enlightened people looked heavy. They looked outside Tianlu City, and the sky was still flying in the blood, smog grew in their hearts.

And just when they were in a heavy mood, when they were thinking about countermeasures, a golden avenue fell above the foggy sky in the distance, accompanied by the avenue of light, there was a crystal clear fairy.

The sound of footsteps resounded through the heavens and the earth.

A young man walked forward, because accompanied by immortal energy and chaotic light, he walked in the world like a suitable immortal.

The flowers of the avenue bloomed on his head, and the fairy spirit fell down and submerged into his body.

Then it emerges from the top of the head and turns into a boulevard flower again, circulates and nourishes its body.

"Remember what I said to you before, pray that I won't be met next time.

Gu Changge smiled, and his eyes fell on Zhao Yunze on the wall of Tianlu City.