Ch 495

With this cut, the entire universe seemed to be submerged.

The boundless sword aura envelops Zhao Yunze, spanning the past and present, covering the universe, containing unimaginable power.


Sword Qi and Sword Qi are vertical and horizontal here, constantly intertwining, making the already broken universe even more fragmented.

Then there was a pop, crimson's blood splashed out, which was mixed with colorful divinity.

This blood spring splashed high, like a wave bursting a bank, reflecting the sky and the earth into a red.

Immediately afterwards, a head rushed out of it.

In the end, the body broke apart and exploded, but the light there was so great that people couldn't see who it was at all.


The broken Sword Embryo flew out and turned into splendid fragments in the sky, like a grand firework, revealing coldness and beauty.

"impossible "

"It's not true"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions suddenly turned pale, lost all their blood, and suddenly stood still and sluggish in place.

Just now I saw Zhao Yunze rebirth from the ashes, breakthrough again, and everyone who cheered for him was like being poured down by a basin of cold water. They were chilling and couldn't help shaking.

They looked at the outside of Tianlu City with horror, and even the Soul couldn't help shaking at this moment.

There is endless divine light lingering there, and the figure in it is more than Sacred.

But on that black long knife, it was evacuating the blood, falling ticking down, penetrating the void.

That is the blood of an enlightened person, containing unimaginable power.

But now that it is reflected on the weapon that resembles a magic knife, it makes everyone tremble and frightened.

Just now, the invincible Young Master Yunze in their hearts was beheaded by him, and the blood splashed like a Galaxy Cluster, almost drowning the sky outside Tianlu City.

In their opinion, this scene may become a nightmare that is difficult to erase in their life.

The existence of Gu Changge is more like a horrible shadow, shrouded in their hearts.

"Impossible, Young Master Yunze has already made a breakthrough into an enlightened person."

"This is not true. Tell me it is not true. Young Master Yunze is invincible. How could he fall? He has been reborn from the ashes!"

"Since ancient times, evil is invincible, why is it still like this."

Many cultivators and creatures were yelling, and they couldn't believe this scene at all. I thought it was incredible.

Some people couldn't bear the shock and passed out directly, and the last hope in their hearts collapsed, feeling that the world 24 has turned black.

In their view, Zhao Yunze broke through at this critical time and entered the realm of enlightened people.

This is an opportunity to reverse the overall situation. This is a godsend opportunity that is hard to find.

Whether it is an ancient record or a mortal biography, there is no lack of heroes in times of crisis, Cultivation Base suddenly broke through, thus saving the world's story.

Today, the upper realm army is crushing the city, and Gu Changge appeared in front of Tianlu City, attacking eight wastes and ten territories.

To them, these scenes looked like those heroic stories in biographies.

Zhao Yunze stepped forward at the critical moment, reborn from the ashes, and breakthrough the enlightened person.

Doesn't this fit the image of a hero?

And the many actions of Gu Changge, don't they correspond to the evil existence in the biography?

But why is Zhao Yu still defeated, such a complete defeat, so that everyone is desperate, and there is no glimmer of light!

"Is this the hope in your mind?"

"Courage is indeed commendable."

The flowers blooming in the avenue between the heaven and the earth, accompanied by immortality, are like the carrier of the avenue, dazzling and dazzling, appearing beside Gu Changge.

He shook his head lightly, seeming to be a little regretful, but his eyes were extremely cold, without the slightest fluctuation.


In the hands of Gu Changge, the Xuanyang Heavenly Sword trembled lightly, and the black sword energy intertwined horizontally and horizontally, making a cheering sound, seeming to cheer for drinking the blood of the enlightened person.

"I hate it!"

Hearing this at this moment, everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions felt an endless flame of hatred in their hearts and glared at him.

"My son Yunze"

The host of Yunzeyu has a green complexion, grief in his heart, turbulent air between his clothes, hatred to the sky, and red eyes.

Had it not been for being dragged by the people around him, he would have rushed forward.

Many people even gritted their teeth, roared in their hearts, and their hair would soar into the sky, almost crushing all their teeth.


At this time, a terrifying voice sounded in the distance.

That drop of blood was still surging between the heavens and the earth, turning into a bloody ocean, fighting against Calabash.

Even if there is no activator, this drop of immortal blood is still resuscitating on its own, feeling unprecedented pressure, trying to resist Calabash's swallowing power.

The momentum erupting here does not necessarily mean that Gu Changge and Zhao Yunze were young when they played against each other.

The sky was turned upside down, and pieces of the void seemed to be turned into child powder, exploded there, and everyone in Tianlu City felt the resonance.

That may be the blood of their ancestors, and now they have recovered, and once again felt the breath of those peak powerhouses in the upper realm, and wanted to fight them.

"Despicable luck thief, it seems that this is the blood of his men in the first place."

In the thick fog, a senior in the upper realm was very old, his eyes opened, and he suddenly gave a faint sneer, containing strong disdain.

When the eight wilderness and ten realms were still in the wilderness, the existence who stole the luck of the upper realm had four major subordinates, and each of them was a Realm that surpassed the enlightened.

Now those four people are obviously the ancestors of the four great God of War clans in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

At this moment, after solving Zhao Yunze, Gu Changge focused his attention on this drop of true fairy blood.

At this moment, the vast and overlying power of the true immortal finally erupted completely, covering the world, frightening the wasteland, boiling there, turning into an endless ocean of blood.

"It's a rare resource.

Gu Changge chuckled, his mind moved slightly, urging Calabash, the mouth of the bottle glowing brightly.

Immediately afterwards, it instantly did not know how many miles the shop was on display, as if it covered the starry sky.

Then there was a bang, the terrible Sword Qi cut out from it, breaking the terrible bloody sea in the first place.

Afterwards, Calabash rose again, crossed over, swallowed the ocean, the drop of true fairy blood was covered, and was directly absorbed by Calabash.

Vaguely, everyone heard the roar from within Calabash, like a real immortal roaring, but it was meaningless, and all the momentum was subdued.

It is not a real fairy after all, just a drop of blood.

What's more, Calabash itself is not a mortal thing. Since you dare to name it, you will naturally take the Karma it deserves.

From this point, it is enough to see its power.


Soon, the brilliance on the surface of Calabash disappeared, became ordinary, quickly shrunk, and finally fell into Gu Changge's hands from above the sky.

From the appearance point of view, it is not much different from ordinary Calabash.

Everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Domains was unwilling to look at all this, this Slashing Immortal Calabash was originally the treasure of their world.

But now it is in the hands of Gu Changge.

After losing that drop of true fairy's blood, the Black Tortoise Ancestral Banner instantly dimmed, without its previous majestic meaning, and seemed to be ordinary.

However, it was taken back by the ancestor of the Black Tortoise God of War clan by secret method, and it was not left out.

The small tripod collapsed the moment Zhao Yunze died, but it did not disappear, but escaped between the heaven and the earth.

It is the power of faith that is condensed into the treasure, and it will not be destroyed because it is crushed, and it can be condensed again at any time.

The war came to an end without the slightest surprise.

Zhao Yunze was easily beheaded by Gu Changge.

And Gu Changge's robe has not even been lifted, and he hasn't even moved in place.

From the beginning to the end, there is an understatement and a bird's-eye view of the mansion.

This caused many people in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions to fall into deep fear, anger, and anxiety.

They asked themselves, if they changed themselves to Zhao Yunze, would they survive?

Except for some veteran enlightened people, the rest felt cold and could not find the slightest chance to survive.

There was a realm of wailing and despair in Tianlu City. For this battle, many people didn't feel the slightest chance of victory, and there was despair.

"It is indeed courageous, but it is a pity that I met Young Master Changge. If I were to change to a general enlightened person, I am afraid that I would still eat Sisi today and capsize in the gutter.

"The blow just now was really terrifying, I don't know where Gu Changge came from so many opportunities?"

There are many enlightened people in the upper realm, with different complexions and different feelings. I can see a lot from this battle.

They are quite curious about Gu Changge's strength, especially the opportunities he has obtained.

The black sky sword just now seemed to be the Xuanyang sky sword that appeared six thousand years ago.

That was something of the Xuanyang Demon Emperor, but why did it fall into the hands of Gu Changge? It is rumored that the Xuanyang Demon Emperor disappeared without a trace six thousand years ago.

Then why did his weapons fall into Gu Changge's hands?

Many people know that Gu Changge visited the demon world some time ago. Is it because of this one?

"The weapon of the Demon Emperor Xuanyang

"Could the Xuanyang Demon Emperor also die in his hands?"

On the ancient warship, Wang Zizhen, who had been watching the battle closely, looked a little interested.

According to her understanding of Gu Changge, Gu Changge will not do useless work.

Compared with the fact that the Demon Emperor Xuanyang was missing, she was more convinced that Demon Emperor Xuanyang might have some kind of accident, such as the possibility of tragically dying at the hands of Gu Changge.

However, she didn't have any evidence for this matter, and she was just guessing.

"It seems that Zhao Yunze's breakthrough just now has something to do with the luck of the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions."

Gu Changge has Wei Mi in his eyes, and has been observing the changes in Qi Luck in Tianlu City.

After Zhao Yunze's breakthrough just now, he clearly noticed that the fortune from there was converging, not to mention the whole world of fortune, but it was almost the same.

In this case, Zhao Yunze's Cultivation Base momentum can be said to have reached the pinnacle of this life.

By killing Zhao Yunze in this way, although he didn't get the Heavenly Dao treasure chest, Gu Changge could feel a kind of illusory fortune and was deprived of him.

The Heavenly Dao suppression of the entire Eight Desolation and Ten Territories weakened a lot for him.

You must know that before Tianlu City, many peak powerhouses were unwilling to take action. It was because Heavenly Dao suppressed them, which would make it difficult for them to truly display their strength and risk falling here.

This feeling made Gu Changge think that he might be able to control his learning after breaking through the eight wastes and ten territories.

After all, this is equivalent to the law of self-contained world, and the benefits naturally don't need to be discussed.

Afterwards, the void was blurred for a while, and the golden avenue under his feet stretched out and returned to the upper realm army.

On the wall of Tianlu City, everyone watched Gu Changge's sleeves fluttering away, their expressions sullen and angry, and they could hardly hide their murderous aura, but no one dared to speak and let him stay.

Even if it is a group of veteran enlightened people, they can only choose to be silent at this moment and dare not say anything.

This kind of scene made everyone in the upper realm feel aggrieved and witnessed the powerful in their realm being killed.

Then the opponents left, but none of them dared to stand up and avenge them.


Many elders just feel suffocated, making them vomit blood.

"Tianlu Profound Girl, you have witnessed your compatriot being killed by Gu Changge, you still walked so close to him, don't you have a clear heart?"

"Are you worthy of these hundreds of thousands of creatures, worthy of everyone in Tianlu City?"

Facing the upper realm, facing Gu Changge, they had no way. They thought for a long time, and finally they could only vent their own anger and aggrieved intention to the Tianlu Profound Girl, a traitor who had abandoned Tianlu City and abandoned the eight wilderness and ten territories.

At this moment, their words contain deep resentment and anger, which can be said to be filled with righteous indignation.

When this word came out, it immediately spread to the outside world through the seal outside Tianlu City, echoing above the heavenly palace.

Obviously these elders have advanced Cultivation Base. These words are blessed by Magic power and can be spread far.

Of course, they did not see Tianlu Xuannv in the upper realm army.

But they knew that the Heavenly Deer Profound Girl must be on the upper realm right now, but because she was ashamed of the Eight Desolate and Ten Territories, she didn't show up.

Hearing this, many people in Upper Realm changed their faces, especially some peak powerhouses, and looked towards Gu Changge with a slightly different look.

They knew that the Tianlu Xuannv was by Gu Changge's side now, and she had appeared some time ago.

Now that everyone in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions treats the Tianlu Profound Girl with such an attitude, it makes them a little bit ridiculous.

Seeing this scene, many people on the wall seemed to be ignited with anger and emotion at this moment.

The anger and frustration that have been backlogged for a long time before, at this time, it seems that they have been found a catharsis.

Almost all the creatures in the Eight Desolates and Ten Territories were angry at the Tianlu Xuan girl. It seemed that it was because of her, Zhao Yunze and others, that they fell in front of Tianlu City.

"Tianlu Profound Girl, why don't you dare to stand up, since you have betrayed my world, why don't you dare to face it?"

"I don't know what your face is, to face your former master?"

Some enlightened people were so angry that they couldn't help but speak in a deep voice.

Some of them are even the same generation as the master of Tianlu Xuannv.

Tianlu Xuannv still respectfully call them senior.

Those old men who spoke just now have seen many enlightened people say so.

It was even more of an inexplicable hatred with the Tianlu Xuannv, her eyes were red, and she suddenly had the goal of venting without worrying about her revenge, and she didn't give up, and her words were not merciful at all.

"Tianlu Profound Girl, you still have the face 577 to face many ancestors. In such a crisis, you did not stand up, but returned to the upper realm, witnessing the arrogance of our realm and falling to her hand."

"I don't know your conscience, but you can still bear it, can't bear it?"

They scolded, as if they wanted to vent their horror, frustration, and fear in the battle just now.

"Why didn't I see them going out of the city to fight just now? Instead, I blamed my master."

"What does this have to do with my master."

Song Chan's face was very ugly, and he was extremely angry when he heard that these elders yelled at her master.

On the upper realm side, everyone saw this scene with different eyes, but they were quiet and didn't say anything.

There was an enlightened person who had an enmity with Tianlu Xuannv before, and he mocked her and was warned by Gu Changge.

So in the face of this kind of thing, they all chose to wait and see the changes.

"This is the Tianlu City cultivator you want to shelter?"

Gu Changge watched all this with interest, and said to the Tianlu Xuannv behind him.

Tianlu Xuannv's expression has always been very calm, and it doesn't seem surprising, but after hearing these words, she can't help but sigh slightly, looking a little sad.

These people can't understand her difficulties, and they won't understand at all.

Now she is just a sinner in the eyes of Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

"Da, go and shut up these noisy people.

Gu Changge glanced at her, then said lightly.

Tianlu Xuannv glanced at him, but she didn't expect Gu Changge to stand up for herself, and unspeakable emotions emerged in those twinkling eyes.

"Yes, Lord."

Ah Da De Ling, horror like the figure of a demon, took a step forward, and the brilliance flowing on the dark iron suit appeared on the battlefield.

He was holding a terrible black spear with a breathtaking breath, and his eyes swept across the sky in front of the Tianlu City. The breath of the Fourth Stage of the Fourth Stage enveloped the sky.

"Xuannv is now my master's concubine, who is disrespectful to her, or disrespectful to my master. If you are dissatisfied, you can come here and fight me.,

His voice was very indifferent, containing iron-blooded killing air.

Hearing this, the elders who were still clamoring and scolding just now couldn't help but look ugly.

Their Cultivation Base is the strongest but quasi-supreme, so naturally they dare not play against Ah Da.

And even if they exist in the same realm, they don't dare to fight easily now, especially this person knows that the strength is terrifying at a glance.

That kind of Killing intent is almost monstrous, shattering the sky.

Suddenly, in front of Tianlu City, it became quiet.

Together with enlightened people, I dare not speak lightly. After all, Wang Ah Da is from Gu Changge, and Gu Changge may be targeted because of this.

They were also very jealous of this, snorted coldly, and chose to shut up.

Ada stands tall in it, cold as a mountain, spears traversed, and murderous intent is overwhelming the world.

In the following period of time, in front of Tianlu City, there were always strong men from the two circles at war.

There are peak powerhouse fights, and supreme end, horrible fluctuations have been shaking between this world.

Until later, some younger generations really couldn't help it, and took the initiative to ask Ying to come forward to fight with the upper world.

Of course, there is no suspense in this battle. Eight wastes and ten areas lose more and less wins. In almost every battle, people die tragically.

On the upper realm side, the younger generations such as Gu Xian'er, Wang Zizhen, Sixth Crown King, etc., have also taken their own shots. The battle against the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions Tianjiao in front of Tianlu City was naturally a big victory.

The morale of the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories has reached its lowest point.