Ch 507

At the time of the wedding banquet held by the Luo ethnic group in Chinan City in Xisheng Dayu.

Xiao Yang and Gu Wudi finally found the Great Mountain Lord through layers of dangerous places in a great wilderness and deep mountain that was hundreds of millions of miles away from here.

The fairy mist is hidden in the heavens and the earth, the mountain peaks are surrounded by orchids and greens, the fairy medicine is everywhere, and even the auspicious purple mist of xenon hydrogen can be seen.

Among the mountain peaks, there is a very simple thatched house, next to the waterfall, there is a small pond.

An old man in a white robe with a fairy bone and a clean face was fishing by the pond, but he closed his eyes and seemed to be resting.

However, from the pond in front of them, Xiao Yang, Gu Wudi and others saw a lot of scenes of war and chaos.

This is a mysterious and unspeakable magical power, even if you are here, you can know the world.

This makes them extremely admired.

"I have seen the Lord of the Mountain.

Moreover, Xiao Yang, Gu Wudi and others have almost determined that the white-robed old man in front of him is the extremely mysterious great mountain master.

It is also the person they have been looking for.

"I already know your intentions."

Dashanzhu opened his eyes when he heard this, and did not say much, but there were hollow eyes in those eyes, looking at some people with rashes.

Xiao Yang and the others were all taken aback, never expected Da Shanzhu to be blind.

"The upper bounds invaded, the nine mountains were destroyed, and the immortal seal of the nine mountains was lost. The master and the two mountain masters did not know whether he was alive or dead. everything

However, Xiao Yang still spoke, with sincerity on his face.

He still has his own blood, and wants to ask the mountain master, but there are outsiders here, so it is not easy to talk.

"I already know about you. After your deceased, you should still have relatives alive.

"The world is uneven and the wilderness is in chaos. It's time for the old man to meet those old friends."

The Lord Dashan glanced at Xiao Yang and spoke softly.

But for some reason, Xiao Yang, Gu Wudi and others couldn't help but shudder, feeling that the big mountain lord was not as detached as they thought, but a breath that made the back chill.

Afterwards, the Lord Dashan waved his sleeves and buzzed, as if there was a certain rule coming from the heavens and the earth.

Immediately after the horrified eyes of Xiao Yang, Gu Wudi and others, the 583 mountain peaks, Daze, deep valleys, and even some nearby tribes in front of them all disappeared in an instant, and this place became a real desert in an instant.

"The virtual reality, the real reality and the virtual reality, when can I reach that step?" Dashanzhu shook his head, seeming to sigh a little.

Xiao Yang and others were shocked and speechless.Could it be that what they saw along the way were all illusions, or were they all created by the Great Mountain Lord?

Then, to what extent is his Realm terrifying and unfathomable?

"Let's go."

The mountain master did not intend to explain too much to them, and a gap opened in the space before him, leading them to step into it.

"Where are we going, Great Mountain Lord?" Xiao Yang couldn't help asking, very puzzled, feeling that Great Mountain Lord didn't say anything to them, didn't even ask them about their plans and goals.

"Go to your tribe, don't you want to know the origin of your bloodline?" Dashanzhu replied lightly.

"Young City Lord, why did he come to this wedding banquet?"

And at this moment, in the Luo Hall.

The Luo Patriarch was also taken aback. I don't know what the so-called Young City Master came to the banquet at this time.

It is true that a small family like the Luo nationality deserves Yan Ming's attention, and even come here in person.

"I heard that Ying'er and Yan Ming practiced in Wandao Academy. They were brothers and sisters. Is it because of this?"

He guessed so in his heart, but he also hurriedly got up and went to greet him outside the hall.

The arrival of Yanming is something that makes Pengge of Luo people shining.

"Yan Ming, what is he here for?"

Although Luo Ying's face was hidden under the red hijab, she heard voices outside the hall. At this moment, she was also quite puzzled, and her brows couldn't help but frown.

She knew that Yan Ming had expressed admiration for her, but she rejected it.

This made her feel a faint premonition of uneasiness that this wedding might not go so smoothly.

At this time, she quietly glanced at Luo Feng beside her in the gap of the red hijab.

At this moment, Luo Feng's state seemed a bit strange to her, and his eyes were not as stupid as before.

On the contrary, it is a little agile, and even a faint divine brilliance is flowing.

But in general, it is still at a level of confusion.

This made Luo Yingxin (cedh) quite curious. Could it be that Luo Feng's foolishness all these years pretended, or that his foolishness was due to another reason.

And Luo Feng at this moment is indeed very different from Luo Feng before.

To be precise, his mind is very confused now, and there is more of a slight tingling.

It's like the sea of ​​consciousness is shattered, and many fragmented memories begin to recover and merge and bring a feeling.

It's just that there are too many broken memories, like a flash torrent that collapsed, causing him to be in a foolish state for more than two decades.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Luo Feng's spirit does not have any problems, any elixir or holy relic can hardly cure his situation.

He just took too long to merge his memories.

"So my name is Luo Feng now? It seems that after the original battle, my soul was indeed broken. I didn't expect that this battle of stealing the sky was still defeated."

At this moment, Luo Feng gently closed his eyes and whispered to himself in his heart.

The scenes over the past two decades began to flash in his mind, like thunder light passing by, many lights and shadows swept away, and gradually became clear.

Many things and many people all came to mind one by one, which made him sigh.

Countless years ago, the Upper Realm and the Wild Realm were broken into countless pieces because of the destruction of eight thousand states and the collapse of the fairy palace.

As the ancestor of wind, he was the one who controlled the four supreme rules of earth, water, fire and wind in the fairy palace. Cultivation Base had already surpassed ordinary fairyland at that time.

Among the four ancestors of Earth, Water, Fire and Wind, he was the only one who was the most fateful.

Then the huge upper bound was sunk, and many territories were turned into a disaster, and it collapsed into countless dust overnight.

It can be said that the catastrophe of the extinction of the world almost caused the Dao of the entire universe to collapse, and the rule of heaven and earth collapsed.

Ten thousand immortals died, and the world could not even bear the power of transcending the fairyland. Many fairyland existed and fled to another world of self-reliance.

And because of this opportunity, he boldly took advantage of the chaos and stole the era tree that was almost destroyed in the catastrophe.

Afterwards, they gathered together the Canxians who had survived by chance, and participated in a so-called Stealing the Sky in an attempt to control the entire upper realm.

As the name suggests, they tried to steal Heavenly Dao's authority during this battle.

It was a pity that he failed in the end. Everyone was wounded. He was almost forceful, leaving only a breath, and fled to the wasteland that had been separated from the upper realm, and named this place the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

However, in the battle of stealing the sky, although they failed, they still plundered some of the Heavenly Dao rules, integrated them into the era tree that was about to dry up, and tried to evolve the eight wilderness and ten domains into a similar upper bound. The supreme realm.

Therefore, it is not excessive to say that he is the ancestor of the entire Eight Desolation and Ten Territories.

Many memories flashed in Luo Feng's mind, but gradually calmed down. It seemed that the back hand he had arranged at the beginning was still working.

He did not die, but was reincarnated Samsara.

And the name of this life is Luo Feng, but because the memory was not completely integrated, he became a fool and was ridiculed for more than 20 years.

"It seems that in the years after I fell, the Upper Realm was indeed crazy, and they have been trying to break in. Unfortunately, they couldn't find it at all.

"The existence of the Era Tree is not a fairyland that can be touched. At the beginning, I waited to burn many secret methods, and this stabilized its breath.

Luo Feng sneered slightly in his heart.

Since he had the courage to steal the Era Tree, he was naturally certain, and he was not afraid of finding the upper realm now.

What's more, after the catastrophe, the entire upper realm's power system was almost destroyed, and now there is no fairyland.

Even if the upper bound came in, they could only return empty-handed in the end.

"The three barriers we laid at the beginning have actually been breached, but it doesn't matter. Although I wake up in this life, it is an accident, but it seems to be a destined thing.

When recalling what happened in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions in his mind during this period, Luo Feng was not worried.

As the ancestor of the wind among the four ancestors of earth, water, wind and fire, he used a lot of methods.

At the beginning of his four major subordinates, at each peak, they were the Cultivation Base of Cultivation.

After so many years, I am afraid that it has become an unimaginable force.

Although he has just woken up now, the immortal imprint imprinted in the depths of the soul is an indelible reality.

In today's era, although it is difficult to bear the power of immortality, as long as he is given time, he believes that he can pass the existence of the era tree and break the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth.

In the upper boundary, if there is no immortal, what is there to fear?

Instead, Luo Feng looked at the woman wearing a phoenix crown and a quilt, his eyes a little complicated.

Although he just woke up, he has memories of what Luo Ying has done over the years. After all, in Luo Ying's view, he is just a fool, and many things are not hidden from him.

"Ning'er's descendants, speaking of them, she and Ning'er look really alike. As my wife in this life, are you planning to make up for me?"

A wry smile appeared in Luo Feng's heart, and he could naturally feel the power of blood in Luo Ying's body.

Speaking of Luo Ying, he is after the deceased, but it happens to look very similar to the deceased with whom he was very close at the beginning.

It's a pity that the deceased finally married someone else because of the rest of the relationship, and the two of them paid by mistake.

And just when Luo Feng's mind was complicated, footsteps sounded outside the hall.

His father in this life and many of today's guests all walked in, but they were very respectful and careful, leading the way.

A few people walked behind them, led by a young man who looked like an immortal, followed by many people, including men and women, old and strong.

Luo Feng recognized Yan Ming, the young master of Chi Nan City, but at the moment Yan Ming appeared to stand respectfully behind the young man.

As for the group of people behind him, it also made him feel slightly embarrassed, even unable to see through.

Whether it's the burly and tall figure like God of War, or the beautiful and moving black dress woman, or the deep-breathed old man in gray robe, they can't see through.

Although he doesn't have many Cultivation Bases now, he still has his eyesight at the beginning, but now he can't even see through this group of people.

This shocked Luo Feng's heart, guessing the origins and intentions of this group of people.

And for some reason, Luo Feng couldn't help feeling palpitations when he looked at the young man.

This makes him feel incredible.

As the Feng Ancestor of the former fairy palace, he even dared to steal the luck of the upper realm.Is there still something in this world that makes him feel palpitation?

He once wondered if he had just recovered and his memory was a little confused?

"This son, please!"

Luo Patriarch and the others, their expressions were very submissive at this moment, and they carefully accompanied Gu Changge for fear that they would not be able to anger Gu Changge aside.

They thought that it was Yan Ming who came to participate in the wedding banquet today. Everyone went out to greet him. They found that Yan Ming was actually accompanied by another young man respectfully.

This shocked their hearts, their eyes widened, and they did not dare to neglect.

Even Yanming has the same attitude, which is enough to show that the origin of the other party is so great that it is simply unimaginable.

They dare not speculate easily.

However, Gu Changge ignored the Luo Patriarch. After entering the hall, his eyes looked at the two protagonists of the wedding banquet with interest.

I have to say that the degree of this strong peasant luck is not bad as he guessed.

The proper powerhouse resurrects the son of luck, and judging from its look, it has nothing to do with foolishness. Could it be that the memory has been awakened?

As for the remnants of the guardian's line, he glanced at it and was not interested.

Seeing that Gu Changge didn't even mean to talk about owning, the Luo Patriarch's expression was a bit sullen.

At this time, Chinan City Young Master Yan Ming, seeing many guests puzzled and curiously, finally opened his mouth, with a sneer on his face.

"You don't need to talk more nonsense. In fact, I am here today to save Junior Sister Luo Ying from the sea of ​​fire."

"If you are interested in Luo people, then this wedding banquet today, let it go."

"If you are uninterested, haha"

When he said this, everyone in the entire hall was shocked, their eyes widened, and they felt incredible.

Could it be that Yan Ming came to grab his relatives today?

As the young master of Chinan City, Yan Ming is extremely distinguished.

Therefore, although his current practice is excessively elaborate, none of the people present dared to speak, and they were all shocked.

The Luo Patriarch was also extremely shocked, and even wondered if he had heard it wrong.

However, he didn't dare to provoke Yan Ming, so he could only accompany his smiling face and said, "Young Master Yan Ming, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I am a joke?

"How could Junior Sister Luo Ying marry a fool? Are you just harming her? Only someone like me is worthy of a lady of the sky like Junior Sister Luo Ying."

Hearing this, Yan Ming still had a sneer on his face, quite disdainful.

The words were all cold mockery of Luo Clan and Luo Feng. .