Ch 527

There is a dead silence in the Great Hall, and many gods are shining brightly on the walls and the void.

Su Qingge never thought that there would be such a day.

In order to get her identity, Ji Qingxuan did not hesitate to kill her.

As Big sis, apart from her heartache and anger, she was deeply disappointed.

The two are sisters, although they didn't grow up together, but in a strange place like Upper Realm, they should have supported and helped each other.

But I never thought that there would be a day of turning against each other.

For such a ridiculous identity.

"In fact, I should have thought of such a day long ago. Your ambitions are very big. If you were only in Ji's house, it would be difficult for you to realize your ambitions and ambitions."

"It happened during this period that we exchanged identities, which gave you such a chance.

Su Qingge said that after figuring out this matter, her complexion has gradually returned to calm.

The fault was not with her, nor with Ji Qingxuan.

It's just that the two people shouldn't exchange identities in the first place, and now she shouldn't say that she wants to exchange their identities back.

Perhaps the best way today is that from now on, she is Ji Qingxuan.

Ji Qingxuan continued to stay by Gu Changge as Su Qingge.

"Big sis, do you say these are useful now?" Ji Qingxuan still looked unmoved when she heard these words.

With the light wave of her bare hand, various mysterious and mysterious runes emerged in the palace again.

Even condensed all kinds of Divine Armament, axe, velvet, hook, knife, spear, sword and halberd, with brilliant light, all together, they killed Su Qingge.

"Let's stop, if you stop, I can give you another chance.

"If you continue to be obsessed with understanding, don't blame me for being ruthless." Su Qingge 597 said with a hint of coldness on the calm face.

She was also angry at the moment.

But the person in front of her is her relative, Little Sister, and she will find it hard to kill for a while.

"Oh, Big sis, do you think you have any chance?"

Ji Qingxuan mocked with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

Her current strength is already the most holy realm, comparable to many young sages.

And the most important thing is the formation pattern of this place, under her control, even if the quasi-superior level powerhouse steps into this place, it will become jealous.

Ji Qingxuan didn't think Su Qingge would have any ability to resist.

"I don't understand, I have to teach you a lesson today."

Su Qingge's face was cold, and suddenly a few mists appeared between the sleeves, and then they fell into the palm of her hand.

It was a somewhat broken ancient horn, very simple, with dried blood on the edge.

But faintly, I heard a dragon chant from it, shaking the void, causing the entire palace to shake gently.

The moment he saw this thing, Ji Qingxuan's complexion changed slightly.

However, he quickly returned to nature.

"Big sis has a lot of good things in his hands, even with broken dragon horns, but if you want to break my pattern with such a broken dragon horn, it would be too whimsical." Ji Qingxuan said lightly.

Although the dragon horn has the power to break the formation, it is a complete dragon horn and needs to be injected with a lot of magic power.

No matter how strong Su Qingge's strength is, is it possible that he can break the quasi-prime level magic circle with a broken dragon horn?

Hearing this, Su Qingge didn't say much, but sacrificed the broken dragon horn in his hand and slammed into the formation in front.

As the inheritor of magic power, her (cedh) progress during this period can be described as rapid.

Even an ancient freak like the descendant of Zhan Xianfu, who was recognized as one of the most powerful young beings of this generation, almost fell into her hands.

A Ji Qingxuan is not worth all of her means.


The next moment, a bright brilliance burst out in front, like a huge wave rushing toward you, making the entire palace shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

The dragon's horns glowed with radiance and weight, and even the void exploded at once, showing the terrible power of it.

Just for a moment, many runes have been wiped out, and the brilliance of this place is gradually dimming.

"How can it be "

Looking at this scene, Ji Qingxuan's expression became a little cloudy.

Things were a little bit beyond her expectations.

The strength of Big sis Su Qingge is much stronger than she imagined.

The formation pattern in front of her did not seem to be able to deal with her, but was quickly wiped out by the broken dragon horn.

"Do you just want to kill me?"

Su Qingge spoke lightly, fluttering in white clothes, spotlessly dusty, showing aloofness.

Ji Qingxuan calmed down and smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, "I underestimated the capabilities of Big sis. You seem to underestimate me too."

At the moment when her words fell, the entire palace suddenly trembled, and the surrounding space even became misty, with strands of chaotic mist gushing out.

This place seems to have come to the time of opening up all of a sudden.

"This palace turns out to be a space Magical Item, do you plan to keep me trapped here?"

Su Qingge was a little surprised, but did not expect Ji Qingxuan to have other means.

However, the Magical Item in the general space is not enough to trap her.

"Big sis seems quite confident about own strength."

Ji Qingxuan spoke lightly, paying attention to Su Qingge's expression all the time.

She didn't expect that Su Qingge was just a little surprised when she urged the palace by herself.

As sisters of the two, although they don't have a good heart, at this time, they can faintly sense each other's feelings.

Su Qingge was more calm and calm than she thought, and didn't panic at all.

"Aren't you quite confident about own means?" Su Qingge asked indifferently.

Soon, the two quickly fought each other in this palace.

Fighting with fists and palms, all kinds of magic runes are flying, extremely gorgeous, and many Dao and Dharma are deduced.

This place became extremely blurred, and even the surrounding chaotic fog exploded, rushing to the surroundings.

Both of them are strong enough to be respected by their peers.

Especially Su Qingge, from the beginning to the end, did not show the most powerful means, but it still made Ji Qingxuan feel troublesome, and after dozens of strokes, he began to cough up blood.

"impossible "

Ji Qingxuan's mouth was bleeding, and her figure backed away.

She was a little unbelievable. She was born in the upper realm and has been practicing assiduously since she was a child. Why is her strength not as good as Life's Big sis in the lower realm?

This made her feel a kind of frustration and doubt.

"With this strength, you still want to kill me?"

After severely wounding Ji Qingxuan with a palm, Su Qingge went forward again, her clothes fluttering and her appearance was moving, with a faint smile at the corners of her mouth, a little conceited, but also a little mocking.

Bunches of silver vines are intertwined in the void, it seems that they are rooted here, and can be condensed into various Divine Armaments, which is extremely mysterious.

This is Su Qingge's supernatural powers, extremely powerful and tricky.

Even if Ji Qingxuan used the Ji family's Secret Technique magical powers, it was difficult to break through this technique and suffered heavy losses.

Her face was slightly pale, but her eyes were still calm, obviously there were still means she hadn't used.

At this moment, she frowned, feeling the sound of footsteps coming from outside the hall.

Ji Qingxuan had to stop the movement in her hands.

If it weren't for major events, most people wouldn't dare to disturb her at such times.

Thinking of this, Ji Qingxuan waved her hand, and the many chaotic fog in the palace also dispersed, and the aftermath of the battle quickly disappeared.

Su Qingge stood on the other side, seeing this scene, did not continue to make a move.

"What's the matter?

Ji Qingxuan took out the embroidered handkerchief, wiped off the blood on the corners of her mouth, and asked lightly outside the hall.

However, what made her a little puzzled was why people outside the hall didn't speak.

Ji Qingxuan frowned and was a little dissatisfied. When she was disturbed at this time, her heart was still a little angry.

Especially Gang オ has been in a disadvantage, not Su Qingge's opponent.

This made her feel angry, and she has nowhere to vent.

"If there is nothing wrong, don't bother me." Ji Qingxuan said indifferently.

"Oh, did I disturb you in any good thing?,

The next moment, a light laugh sounded outside the hall, and the door of the hall that had been locked tightly by Ji Qingxuan with a secret method was quietly opened at this moment.

Many of her subordinates and maids were standing respectfully outside the temple, not even daring to raise their heads.

It was a young man next to them who was talking.

And hearing this chuckle, whether it was Ji Qingxuan or Su Qingge, the expression on his face instantly froze.

They even felt their heads buzzing, becoming blank and a little sluggish.


How could he suddenly come to the City of Chaos, and neither of them felt his breath yet.

If it weren't for Gu Changge's words, they couldn't believe that he would actually show up here.

At this moment, whether it was Ji Qingxuan or Su Qingge, there was a lot of cold sweat on the back of his palms.

However, Ji Qingxuan's reaction was the fastest.

First, he was taken aback, then a thick surprise appeared on his face, and he hurried to greet him.

"My son, why did you come here suddenly, and don't tell me in advance.

"I can also go to meet you outside the city."

With a happy smile on her pretty face, Ji Qingxuan stepped forward and took Gu Changge's arm. It was the opposite of the indifferent and majestic appearance in front of everyone in the City of Chaos.

Su Qingge had to go over subconsciously, but remembering his current identity, he still abruptly held back.

It's just that the expression on his face is a bit complicated, and more nervous, uneasy, and worried about what Gu Changge will see.

She has been with Gu Changge for the longest time.

So she understands how terrifying Gu Changge is, whether it is the city's mind or the means and strength, it has reached the level of a demon.

Gu Changge may have already sensed the fight between her and Ji Qingxuan just now.

After all, his current strength is unfathomable, even if there is formation blocking it, it is difficult to isolate his perception.

"If you say something in advance, there will be no surprises."

Gu Changge smiled faintly, glanced at Su Qingge in the hall calmly, and said, "This is the Little Sister you told me, right?"

"If you look at it this way, you two are really exactly the same, and they are almost indistinguishable."