Ch 537

Xiao Ruoyin understands this sacred stone conference, and almost all the forces in the upper realm will participate in it, which is of great significance.

At this time, the noble and important position of the source master is revealed, and every force is trying to recruit those source masters with extraordinary means.

This time, in the gambling workshop of the Wandao Business League, the mysterious man showed his skills and shook Kunwu City.

Many people think that he is a mysterious origin master, or his descendant.

So they are thinking of ways to recruit them.

However, his personality is rather weird and eccentric. Almost all the forces that went out to reach out the olive branch were turned away, and even no one saw it.

But at this critical time, many forces do not dare to use tough methods, and they have to look at their faces to act.

However, Xiao Ruoyin remembered that when he was in the gambling house at the time, the young man planned to give her the Blood King Ginseng.

If she took the initiative to visit, the mysterious man might meet her.

At that time, she will raise the matter that Gu Changge intends to solicit.

Who would ignore Gu Changge's solicitation in the huge upper realm nowadays?

"Are you sure you can help me?"

Gu Changge's look of interest seemed a little surprised.

When he came to Xiao Ruoyin, he actually had this plan from the beginning.

But it still depends on Jiang Chen's attitude towards Xiao Ruoyin today.

"I can help Young Master Gu.

Xiao Ruoyin nodded and promised, "But I still have to try."

She was not sure about her attitude before she had contact with the mysterious man.

"Then I will wait for your good news.

Gu Changge said with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, then said something to Xiao Ruoyin and left here.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the beginning of the break between Xiao Ruoyin and Jiang Chen, but there were other things to do, so just let it go.

After seeing Gu Changge's departure, Xiao Ruoyin did not delay for long.

She understands that these 603 things must be done first, otherwise the mysterious man may be recruited by others first.

So even though he was a little unwell, he quickly cleaned up, and brought the previous fellows to look for the mysterious man yesterday.

"Jiang Chen, if you show your identity so blatantly, aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

At this moment, in a courtyard east of Kunwu City.

A pale yellow dress was holding his arms, and Jumei's face was a little bit incomprehensible.

The courtyard is not too big. In today's Kunwu City, it can be regarded as a remote corner at best.

But here is the mysterious source master who has alarmed the entire Kunwu city these days.

Jiang Chen looked at the piece of purple spiritual gold cut out in his hand, and for Ji Chuyue's words, he just answered indifferently, "What are you afraid of, besides you, who knows who I am now?"

Now, besides Ji Chuyue, the old acquaintance Monk Pudu knows his true identity.

Jiang Chen was still very relieved of Ji Chuyue.

Although she was pitted by her and her Big Brother Ji Yao at Zishan.

But Jiang Chen chose to forgive Ji Chuyue in the end, knowing that she was also compelled at the time, frightened by Gu Changge's persecution, and had to throw him out as an abandoned son.

Later, he occasionally met Ji Chuyue at an auction house, and Ji Chuyue had some special talents, and he recognized him at a glance.

Jiang Chen auctioned a good item there, but it was a pity that he was watched, and his life was almost in danger.

Fortunately, in the end, Ji Chuyue shot and saved him.

The two came and went, and they gradually became familiar. This time Ji Chuyue was able to hear the ancestor Ji Shengchu's transmission near Kunshan, thanks to Jiang Chen.

"I came to you to tell you that I shouldn't be with you anymore."

"My Big Brother has already (cedh) noticed you.'

Ji Chuyue kindly said.

Jiang Chen was taken aback. Seeing that Ji Chuyue didn't seem to be joking, he couldn't help but said, "When is the matter?"

He didn't doubt Ji Chuyue's kindness, but how did Ji Yaoxing notice him?

"I don't know, this time when Gu Changge came to my Ji's house, my Big Brother warned me." Ji Chuyue shook her head and said.

She and Jiang Chen also had a lot of friendship, and didn't want to see Jiang Chen lost his life because of this kind of thing.

"I understand, I will be careful in the future." "Jiang Chen nodded, very cautious in his heart.

This person Ji Yaoxing didn't feel as glamorous as he was on the surface.

This time, Gu Changge wanted to help the Ji family rescue their ancestors. He also heard about it.

So if Gu Changge wants to track his tracks, Ji Yaoxing is likely to tell Gu Changge.

"In this way, I was really careless, a little dangerous."

Jiang Chen's brows were frowning, he thought that his own makeover was a seamless technique.

But I didn't expect that Ji Yaoxing would have known his traces a long time ago.

After informing Jiang Chen of the matter, Ji Chuyue quietly left here without staying much.

"The Little Princess of the Ji family is very good to Donor Jiang. He even came to take the initiative to inform Donor Jiang of this kind of thing."

After Ji Chuyue left, Monk Purdue walked out from the other side and couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Chen glanced at him badly and said, "It is not a good thing for you to know that my identity is exposed."

"What shall we do now, leave Kunwu City?"

Monk Purdue shook his head and folded his hands together, "It coincides with this time that the Ji family intends to invade Kunshan. It is rare for the Shenshi Conference to be so vast in a million years. How can Jiang Donor leave like this?"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, "Naturally I am not reconciled."

And he didn't say anything else.

He hasn't reminded Xiao Ruoyin to watch out for Gu Changge's affairs, so he left like this, how can he be relieved?

Even if you want to leave, you have to find a way to take Xiao Ruoyin away.

At this moment, the sound of knocking on the door suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

"At this time, who will visit again?"

Monk Purdue stared at the outside of the courtyard with interest, where he was covered with formations to prevent other experts from snooping.

"These forces are always like this, endless

"I have said that I am not interested in their solicitation."

Jiang Chen frowned and was very dissatisfied. He subconsciously thought it was the forces that tried to attract him.

"The son of Shifang, is he there?"

But just when Jiang Chen planned to ignore the people outside and leave them outside, a familiar word came.

He was shocked and stood up directly from the stone bench with a thick surprise on his face.

"Ruoyin, this is her voice."

"Is she the one outside the courtyard?"

Jiang Chen walked out of the courtyard without hesitation, planning to open the door.

Seeing this scene, Monk Purdue also left wittily, and didn't mean to bother by the side.

He could see that the relationship between Jiang Chen and Xiao Ruoyin should be the old time.

Since Xiao Ruoyin took the initiative to come to the door, the next step should be the scene of the two reuniting. He was not an outsider to participate.

Outside the courtyard, Xiao Ruoyin was dressed in white, and the green silk was like a waterfall. The light could reflect people. He looked extremely cold and dusty, with the breath of non-cannibalistic fireworks.

Behind her stood several fellows whom Jiang Chen had met before in the gambling shifang.

"Is there anything wrong with this girl?"

Jiang Chen suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked with a right smile on his face.

There are outsiders here, and he does not intend to reveal his original appearance directly, and reveal everything with Xiao Ruoyin.

But since Xiao Ruoyin took the initiative to come to him today, this is his opportunity.

"I came to look for this young man this time, but I actually wanted to tell you something."

Xiao Ruoyin didn't expect this mysterious man with a strange temper to actually meet her.

She couldn't help showing a polite smile on her face, intending to tell her where she came from.

"Oh, so there is something."

"If this girl doesn't dislike it, then I might as well come in and say."

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to make a request.

Xiao Ruoyin didn't worry about Jiang Chen's attempts.

In this huge city of Kunwu, there are now strong people everywhere, but if the movement here is a little bit louder, it will soon attract a lot of people.

Soon, Xiao Ruoyin and others followed Jiang Chen and entered the courtyard.

There was still tea on the stone table in the middle, which was obviously a sign of someone just now.

Xiao Ruoyin took a look and didn't ask more.

"Just now the rest of the Orthodox people came here to tell me something."

Jiang Chen noticed this scene and explained with a smile.

Since the last time he was separated from Xiao Ruoyin in the ancient warships of the ancient races, this was the first time he was so close to her.

However, Jiang Chen frowned quickly, and he noticed that Xiao Ruoyin seemed to be walking in a wrong posture, which looked a little strange.

"Girl, are you feeling a little uncomfortable?" he asked with concern.

"I accidentally twisted my ankle while practicing last night."

Xiao Ruoyin's expression was a little unnatural, but he explained it casually.

"Twist your ankle? Isn't it serious?"

Jiang Chen didn't think much about it, but felt that Xiao Ruoyin was a little too careless.As a cultivator, he even twisted his foot?

Although it sounds a bit outrageous, the different ways of practicing can indeed cause this situation. After sitting cross-legged for a long time, the blood and qi in the ankle will become blocked and become stagnant.

If you accidentally stand up at this time, you may sprain your foot.

"It's not serious, it will be better soon."

Xiao Ruoyin waved his hand, feeling that the mysterious source teacher in front of him seemed a little too concerned about him.

"It's not serious." Jiang Chen nodded, and then asked Xiao Ruoyin and others to sit down before asking her why.

Xiao Ruoyin didn't talk nonsense, and told Jiang Chen his own intentions.

Including the current situation in Kunwu City and the God Stone Conference in the next few days.

Hearing these words, the expression on Jiang Chen's face, with a smile from the beginning, gradually stiffened, until it became a little gloomy and ugly behind.

"You came to find me because you want me to be used by Gu Changge and do things for him?"

Jiang Chen suppressed his own anger, his fists creaked, his eyes fixed on Xiao Ruoyin.

He never thought that Xiao Ruoyin would come to him because of this.

This almost made his lungs explode.

"You need to know that Young Master Gu is in the upper realm today, with no power and power, and his hands and eyes are even more open to the sky. It is indeed an honor for you to be able to do things for Mr. Gu.

Xiao Ruoyin frowned slightly, and she didn't know why Jiang Chen had so much resentment against Gu Changge.

However, she felt that it was because of her arrogance, so she could not help but kindly persuade her. .