Ch 544

Gu Xian'er always felt that Gu Changge's eyes were malicious, especially since he always wanted to take advantage of himself.

Isn't it because you want to take the opportunity to ask yourself too much, right?

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered what happened when she fought the eight wildernesses and ten regions before.

At that time, Gu Changge and several enlightened people from Bahuang Shiyu were injured. When she went to see him, Gu Changge didn't seem to have done anything to her.

Instead, she finally hugged Gu Changge and slept beautifully.

Could it be that he is really unattractive to him?

Gu Xian'er, who was thinking wildly in his mind, was a little lost inexplicably for a while.

"You promised me first."

Gu Changge gently shook her head, reached out and tapped on her smooth and delicate forehead, "How can I think of something beautiful in this head?"

"You are thinking of good things."

Gu Xian'er came back to her senses, and was so flustered that he pierced her heart. She glared at him "six and seven" and denied it.

But she felt that things didn't seem right.

What do you mean by thinking about beautiful things?

"I promise you that you can, but you are not allowed to take the opportunity to bully me."

Gu Xian'er was vigilant and authentic.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "I want to bully you, do I still need your consent?"


Gu Xian'er was taken aback, feeling that Gu Changge was right.

Do I still need to agree?

This made her suddenly a little angry.

But Gu Changge had obviously guessed what she was going to say, and smiled slightly, "Okay, I promised you all."

"Humph, it's pretty much the same." Gu Xian'er snorted softly, the corners of her mouth cocked slightly.

And when the two were talking, the ghost blood rough stone was also under the combined efforts of several stone cutters, and the layers of stone clothing began to peel off, and a faint bloody mist filled it.

There were even light red bloodstains oozing out, which looked quite strange.

Such a scene made everyone in the Jushifang feel a little shocked, their eyes stared at him, without blinking.

"Stone bleeding, this is not a good omen."

An old man with a high level of origin skills looked a little serious, and took out a simple Feng Shui compass. There was rune on it and began to illusion. Obviously, he was deducing something.

Many people were surprised when they recognized his identity, and immediately became respectful.

The old man comes from the Chu Lian family, and is a very famous family of source teachers in the upper realm.

The Fulong family is also as famous as the Lianchu family.

These families are extremely deep in the study of Yuanshu, this time in Kunwu City's Divine Stone Conference, many forces have invited people from these two families.

The remaining older generations are also cautious, appearing extremely cautious and vigilant.

"The Ghost Blood Plateau is extremely strange, the terrain is extremely high, and even the cultivator who accidentally stepped into it can breathe and die. This kind of breath comes from the soul and has nothing to do with the flesh. The end is strange and tricky, and few cultivators can. Come back alive from it."

"The original ghost blood stone was also brought out by a supreme person. I heard that he later sat down for some reason. This rough stone was sold here by his descendants."

"The Ghost Blood Plateau is said to have given birth to a Ghost Immortals. Among them is a ghost blood lake, which was formed after a heavenly ghost was killed by the supreme being.

"Perhaps these light red blood stains are the water in the ghost blood lake."

Many archbishops around, with different eyes and thoughts, are speculating like this.

Gu Xian'er also noticed that the big red bird at her feet became a little uneasy.

Is there still something unknown in this ghost blood stone?

She frowned slightly, and pinched the corner of her clothes with her bare hands.

"Why did you choose the rough stone, you don't know what is in it?"

Gu Changge was a little surprised when he noticed Gu Xian'er's expression.

He thought that one of Gu Xian'er's masters was a divine source master.

Now it seemed that he was thinking wrong, and Gu Xian'er could see that these rough stones were extraordinary because of foreign objects.

Gu Xian'er glanced at him and muttered softly, "I don't know what's in it, Da Hong told me.

Hearing this, Gu Changge was a little surprised, not surprisingly.

Only then did she take a close look at the big red bird she had been taking with her.

He had never thought that this big red bird had such a talent before. From the appearance, it was an ordinary red black bird.

There are even a lot of variegated feathers.

A red bird with mixed hair has a little show on its head.

It looks ugly no matter how you look at it.

"It doesn't seem to be a simple red bird, but it seems to be transformed by some kind of spiritual thing.

Gu Changge's eyes showed some different colors, and wisps of runes flashed past, and the golden brilliance was like traces of a road.

Noting Gu Changge's gaze, the big red bird squinted off his eyes, showing a rare and weird look in his eyes humanely.


At this moment, the ghost blood rough stone suddenly cracked, and the masters who were in charge of cutting the stone were all shaken out.

There was a violent sound, and then the dazzling red glow burst out, reflecting the splendor of this space.

The wisps of red glow, permeated like mist, giving people a vicious and unknown feeling.

Everyone in Jushifang glanced over, many of the archeologists even used methods such as Tianyantong to get a closer look.

"An egg?"

Gu Changge raised his brows slightly, and he saw the scene almost immediately.

A red egg the size of a washbasin was lying in the middle of the original stone. On the surface, there were thousands of red clouds intertwined, almost turning into mist.

Many people even feel that the red egg is breathing, actively swallowing the Spiritual Qi rhyme of this world.

"Cut out an egg?"

Gu Xian'er also saw the contents clearly at this moment, and the whole person was a bit stunned, with an expression that was completely incomprehensible.

In such a rough stone that has been placed for countless years, a strange egg has been sealed?

Could this be what she cut out with five million Spirit Stones?

"The origin of this egg is unknown, but there is no doubt that it should be related to the Ghost Blood Lake."

The old source master of Chu Lian's family spoke, and the Feng Shui compass in his hand kept turning, showing that the results of the deduction were in chaos.

"What is in this egg?"

Everyone in Jushifang was very curious, and many young sages, archeologists, and ancient existences stepped forward to take the initiative to check them out.

"It is difficult to judge its value. If 3.7 has a creature, the talent should not be strong.

"This kind of fluctuation is far less than even some of the offspring of the big culprits."

Several enlightened people shook their heads, thinking that this egg was only contaminated with the special aura of the ghost blood lake, which had been sealed for so long.

Even if there is a living thing in it, it won't be much stronger.

Those creatures with powerful bloodline talents, even if they were just an egg, caused a shocking movement.

Sometimes it is commonplace to absorb Spiritual Qi from a star field.

In this comparison, it seems that such an egg is very simple and ordinary.

"Maybe it will be the egg of a heavenly ghost, so you can put it away."

Gu Changge didn't think that with Gu Xian'er's luck, what he cut out would be simple.

Seeing her expression of disappointment that could not be concealed, she couldn't help but smiled.