Ch 547

In a blink of an eye, three days passed in a flash, and the Shenshi Conference, which attracted many Daoist forces in the upper realm, was held as scheduled.

The entire Kunwu city is very lively, with a lot of voices, and a rainbow and a flying boat pass by from all directions of the sky and the earth, and come together here.

Every Taoist force has its own market here, which specifically lists the rare and rare stones obtained in these years, and even various sacred stones.

The cities are overcrowded, and among the palaces and pavilions, there are also heads of people coming and going.

Not only are the cultivator creatures of all races participating, but also the older generation of Rogue Cultivators who came from other regions will also choose strange stones among them.

If you cut out some kind of fetish, you will still be auctioned here. The generation and status of the participants are second to none in the upper realm.

Even the leaders of the great patriarchs and the Patriarchs of the longevity family are still weaker in the face of these characters.

Longevity Gu Family, Longevity King Family, Tianhuang Mountain, Human Ancestor Hall, Xianguye Clan, Yinshian Clan, Samsara Lake, Primitive Hall, almost all upper realm forces participated in it.

At this moment, a dragon came down on the street. Among them, a tall woman in a phoenix robe with a magnificent face and a bit of grace came out first, followed by many cultivator creatures, both men and women, and extremely powerful.

"Is that the eldest princess of Dayu Xianchao? It really is the beauty of the sky, and it is hard to find in the world."

"Unexpectedly, even Dayu Xianchao, who has always been low-key, sent people here at this time. It is said that the eldest princess of Dayu Xianchao had a younger brother who was only in his early thirteen years, and he overpowered Dayu's peers and was known as the little emperor."

Seeing this scene, a lot of waves were suddenly set off here.

Many cultivators are talking about it. When it comes to Dayu Xianchao, many people show awe.

Behind the princess Dayu, a young man was particularly noticeable. He was as bright as the sun, with golden light flowing on his body, like a young lord, walking with dragons and tigers, revealing an unruly color.

Judging from the qi and blood, it is more like a small real dragon, oppressing the surrounding cultivator to become discolored.

Dayu is the supreme dynasty of Immortal, prosperous for many epochs, located in Xi Yaotian.

The big mountain collapsed, the long river dried up, the sea turned into a mulberry field, and the thunder and lightning dried up. Everything in Xi Yaotian was decayed and old, only it stood Immortal.

610 is even more ancient rumored that the first emperor of Dayu cut out the Dayu Immortal Sutra from a piece of rough stone, and then the Dayu Immortal Dynasty was established.

It is also said that the first emperor of Dayu was actually a psychic corpse, and the companion thing was the Dayu Immortal Sutra.

In short, in the eyes of the world, Dayu Xianchao always wears a mysterious veil.

Never imagined that they would send tribesmen here at this sacred stone meeting.

The sensation caused by this place is not small. Many cultivators are looking at Dayuxianchao and his party, seeing them heading deep into Fang City.

"Emperor Sister, there is nothing interesting in this Divine Stone Conference."

The young man behind Princess Dayu looked contemptuously, looking at the many stone-cutting scenes around him, looking very bored.

"Father said that the incomplete page of the Dayu Sutra may be related to this Shenshi Conference, so we have to pay attention."

Princess Dayu gently shook her head and said, she walked as if she was born in the morning, like a bright moon swaying, with lotus steps, elegant and noble demeanor, so that many cultivators would not consciously let the road open.

Yu Feiya, as the name suggests, her every move reveals a royal elegance that is hard to despise.

"Dayu Jing couldn't even find the broken page from the ancestors, so what can we do?

"For a while, I think I should help the emperor to find a brother-in-law. I think that the younger generation nowadays is the only one who deserves you for Gu Changge."

"If he combines with the emperor sister, the offspring of you two will definitely be born."

Hearing Yu Ming's unobstructed words, Yu Feiya gently shook her head and interrupted him, "Say carefully, if you let Young Master Changge hear this, how can I feel sorry for the emperor?,

"What's so scary about, Sister Huang, you are so beautiful and beautiful, which man is not tempted to see you?"

"What's more, Sister Huang, you are just low-key, am I still not sure about your strength? Those six crown kings, little saint kings, they don't even have the qualifications to be in your eyes."

Yu Ming rolled his eyes when he heard the words, feeling that his sister's emperor was only a low (cedh) tone, and there was no sign of leakage.

Even the most mysterious Dayu Immortal Sutra of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty was manifested at the birth of his emperor sister, giving him a gift of supernatural powers.

Many ancestors are even more blunt, saying that the emperor sister is the most mysterious talent they have ever seen.

Yes, not the most powerful talent, but the most mysterious.

As for where is this mysterious?

We must know that even those ancient existences of their clan now can hardly tell where Yu Feiya's Cultivation Base is.

Therefore, in Yu Ming's view, those young supreme names do not match the truth. Compared with his emperor sister, I don't know where it is.

"Don't underestimate the people of the world, you don't know which day you will suffer.

"In front of outsiders, you should talk less.

Yu Feiya is obviously very familiar with her own brother, although she is a bit distressed by his unobtrusiveness, but she can't help it.

"Is it true that you are really interested in the silly boy of the Tuoba family who only knows how to practice swords?"

"In my opinion, he can only practice swords." Yu Ming didn't have the consciousness to shut up, and his words were quite helpless and unbelievable.

But for what he said, Yu Feiya just shook her head slightly, rubbed her eyebrows with some headache, and did not reply.

Later, Dayu Xianchao and his party continued to the depths of Fang City.

That place is even more spacious, with a cavernous sky, many flowing water rockeries, bridges and courtyards, and many rough stones placed all over the place, the sun is shining, the white mist is lingering, and there is a special cultivator to watch it.

Around each piece of rough stone, there are many people looking at it, or take out the Magical Item to survey, or use the magical power to check.

In Fangshi, every Taoist force has an exclusive area.

Among them are the strange stones they have obtained over the years, and the price alone is enough to make ordinary cultivator discoloration.

Tens of millions of Spirit Stones start at every turn, and many of them simply cannot use Spirit Stones to measure value.

Even if you want to cut it, you have to pay a great price.

"The seven god-tier stones of Kunwu City, you should be able to see the real face today, right?"

"If this time the Shenshi Conference, we can cut out one of them, then we are worthy of the trip."

Many cultivators come here with the intention of seeing the legendary seven god-tier stones. After all, they are the strange stones that have been derived from many ancient existences in Kunwu City since its existence.

Most of them came from Kunshan, and some came from other restricted areas.

There used to be a total of ten god-tier stones, but three have been cut off, leaving only seven.


And when many cultivators were talking about it, there was a courtyard not far away.

There was a soaring green glow that filled the sky, like a lake of life rushing toward you, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Is this kind of breath the spring of life?"

"It can't be wrong, it's definitely the breath of the life spirit spring. Could it be that someone cut out the life spirit spring."

Feeling this breath, many cultivators of the older generation were taken aback for a moment, and their faces changed drastically, some of them couldn't believe it.

Immediately, it was like a beast smelling a fishy smell, its eyes were red, and it hurriedly turned into divine light, and rushed towards the courtyard.

This place caused a great sensation.

Many cultivator creatures rushed over in a hurry to get a glimpse of the true meaning of the spiritual fountain of life.

Dayu Xianchao's group, hearing this movement, couldn't help but go there.

In the other direction, the rest of the young supreme who had already appeared here, such as the Sixth Crown King, the Heavenly Phoenix Girl, and the Golden Cicada Buddha, also looked slightly surprised, and then strode over.

For ordinary cultivator, although the fountain of life is precious, it is far inferior to other gods.

But in the eyes of the older generation, especially the cultivator whose life is near, that is the magic medicine for renewing life, which is far more precious than any life medicine.

Many people can even fight for this, because Life Lingquan does not have medicinal properties, which means that no matter how much it is taken, the effect of life extension will remain the same.

On weekdays, once the spring of life appears in the auction room, it will cause a bloody storm, and the high price will not be able to grab it.

"A pool of life as big as a fist


Soon, the courtyard was crowded with cultivators and creatures. Many older generations existed, and they couldn't help but take a breath.

Among the many fragmented rough stones, there is a pool of life spirit spring the size of a fist, floating there quietly, exuding a strong breath of life, like a lake, reflecting this place with a bright light.

The surging vitality diffused out of it, attracting many people.

The older generation can hardly sit still. If they are not concerned about the identity of the people in the market, they will have to ask the price directly.

"I'll just say there are good things in it, but you still don't believe it?"

"I wish to accept the bet and I won. Now it's up to you to promise me a condition."

In the courtyard, a beautiful girl who is ethereal and cold and moving, she couldn't hide the joy and happiness between her eyebrows. She couldn't help but speak, her jade hand clasped tightly, a little triumphant.

Beside her, Gu Changge seemed to rub his eyebrows with a headache, as if he didn't expect it at all.

"It seems to be careless, your guy's luck is really good.

He sighed slightly, seemingly helpless.

"What is good luck? Is this my strength?"

Gu Xian'er was obviously dissatisfied with Gu Changge's answer and gave him a glance, "Don't want to lie, you promised me."

"I know, I am willing to bet and lose. It's only one condition, and I promise you." Gu Changge shook his head slightly.

Hearing these words, Gu Xian'er showed the expression of knowing you, then raised her little hand and directly accepted the pool of life spirit.

The people who rushed over were very greedy at this scene, although they wanted to ask her if she could buy it.

But when she saw Gu Changge next to her, she couldn't help closing her mouth and gave a wry smile.

If it is cut out by someone else, they will also ask if they want to buy it, or use other means to get it, after all, this is an extremely rare spring of life.

But this was cut out by Gu Xian'er, and it was completely different.

At this moment, they were very acquainted, and they didn't even dare to ask more, for fear of being misunderstood by Gu Changge that they wanted to snatch Gu Xian'er's things.

What happened to the Yinshian tribe three days ago is still vivid.

"Now that the rough stone is also cut, and the conditions have been agreed to you, it's time to calm down, right?"

Gu Changge doesn't care about the thoughts of people around him,

Seeing Gu Xian'er's unconcealed little smug look, he smiled and asked.

"Don't think about it. It's not over yet, who told you to bully me three days ago.

Gu Xian'er immediately became angry when he heard him mention it, and a faint haze appeared on her fair and delicate face.

"Then I let you bully it back, isn't it?" Gu Changge shook his head lightly, looking rather helpless.

"You just want to be beautiful. I won't make you cheaper."

Gu Xian'er glared at him.

Gu Changge chuckled, "What a big deal, will you ignore me for three days?"

Three days ago, I took advantage of the opportunity to clean up Gu Xian'er.

As a result, she angered her, ignored him at all, her small face was very tight, and she looked like a frost and a stranger should not enter.

Gu Changge was too lazy to manage. After all, he was used to this kind of thing. Gu Xian'er was just ashamed and angry, and she lost her anger for a while.

But considering this sacred stone meeting, she had to borrow her big red bird.

Ignoring myself this way is not a solution.

Gu Changge made a bet with her and asked her to use her ability to bet on rocks and cut out good things to count him as a loss.

If he loses, he promises Gu Xian'er a condition. If she wins, she is not allowed to be angry.

Hearing this gambling contract that made sure to make money without losing money, how could Gu Xian'er be able to bear it, feeling that it was a good opportunity for her to shame and avenge her, so she immediately agreed, so there was the scene in front of her. . .