Ch 550

The ancient vine is as thick as a dragon, with green branches and leaves, and the ethereal demon stone quietly falls on it, exuding a shining brilliance, immovable like a mountain.

Many people gathered in this place. At this moment, when I heard Gu Changge's words, my thoughts were all different.

The appearance of Xiao Zhanxian caused a lot of waves here, and many cultivators came over.

His abnormal situation just now made many ancient existences and the heads of the great patriarch pay attention to this side.

After all, Xiao Zhanxian, as an ancient freak of Zhanxian Mansion, is also a leader among his peers in today's Upper Realm.

How could he be shocked by simple things?

"I have seen Young Master Changge."

"I just thought about some things, I was a little mad and offended, but I hope Young Master Changge will not be offended."

Xiao Zhanxian's expression quickly recovered, and cupped hands spoke.

Regarding Gu Changge's slightly mocking words, I didn't hear it.

He also understood that he was so shocked that he was so shocked that his expression changed, which made Gu Changge and others notice the abnormality.

However, although his face was calm, there was a storm in his heart.

He was shocked not because of Gu Changge, but because of Su Qingge behind Gu Changge.

Some time ago, he was attacked and killed by the inheritor of magic power and almost died.

But in this matter, with his talented pupil technique, he peeped through the veil covering the face of the inheritor of magic arts and saw its true face.

The inheritor of magic power is not a man, but a woman!

And the face is exactly the same as the woman in white clothes standing quietly behind Gu Changge 24.

That's why he was so shocked and discolored just now, feeling unbelievable, and there was a storm in his heart.

If the two are the same person, then the things involved in this matter are simply too scary to imagine.

Does Gu Changge know? If Gu Changge knows

Thinking of this, Rao was based on the state of mind that Xiao Zhanxian had cultivated over the years. At this time, he was also shivering slightly, with some fear.

"Oh, I was thinking about something. Could it be that Brother Dao broke his mind before, but he is still not okay now?"

Gu Changge asked with interest.

"Thank you, Young Master Changge, for your concern. It seems that the injury some time ago was not good."

Xiao Zhanxian is not an idiot. At this moment, he didn't startle the snake. After he recovered his calm, he showed a slightly right smile and cupped hands said.

"The brother really needs to pay attention to rest."

Gu Changge nodded and smiled slightly.

Hearing the conversation between the two, everyone present looked different.

The existence of many older generations also frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

Obviously Xiao Zhanxian's words were a bit vague just now.

This is also like playing a dumb riddle, not as simple as it seems.

However, they did not expect that this matter would be related to the previous attack by Xiao Zhanxian by the inheritor of magic arts.

"It seems that there is any hidden relationship between the two of them."

The faces of Tianhuang Nu, Jin Chan Buddha Zi and others moved slightly, feeling that there seems to be something wrong between Xiao Zhan Xian and Gu Changge?

If Xiao Zhanxian had contact with Gu Changge, it was also in the Eight Desolation and Ten Regions.

But at that time, Gu Changge was busy dealing with the peak powerhouse in the eight wilds and ten territories, and obviously had no intersection with Xiao Zhanxian.

If there is an enmity between the two, it is also related to the previous Zhanxian in Zhanxian Mansion.

After all, the reincarnation of the war fairy was said to have been killed by Gu Changge in the Tianlan realm. This incident also caused the hatred of Gu Changge in the war fairy palace.

In addition, when Xiao Zhanxian was later attacked by a magician inheritor, Gu Changge was still in the eight deserts and ten territories.

So they didn't think about it.

Soon, the place returned to calm, and the major leaders saw nothing happened, so they did not take care of it and continued to study the ethereal demon stone.

Gu Changge took Gu Xian'er, Su Qingge, Ah Da and others to another area of ​​Fang City.

The square city is very large and contains the heaven and the earth. The place where each sacred stone is placed is different, and they are far away from each other to avoid being affected by each other's breath.

"Qingxuan, Xiao Zhanxian seemed to be looking at you just now, have you seen him before?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and asked Su Qingge who seemed to be beside him casually.

Su Qingge's heart was tense. In fact, when Xiao Zhanxian noticed her just now, she was a little uneasy, feeling that there was an accidental paper leak.

Although she concealed her true face very well, Xiao Zhanxian obviously possessed a certain special talent for pupil skills.

Xiao Zhanxian probably already knew her true face, otherwise she wouldn't be shocked.

"Return to Master Gu, Qingxuan has never seen Xiao Zhanxian before, and I don't know why he stared at me."

Su Qingge shook his head and replied, biting the matter very tightly.

"That seems to be a disciple."

Gu Changge smiled faintly when he heard this, his expression remained unchanged.

Su Qingge bit his head and said, "Maybe he admitted wrong."

She felt that Gu Changge was helping her just now, but in this way, things were even more difficult for her.

Su Qingge already felt that his identity as the inheritor of magic skills was difficult to continue to hide.

This made her feel a little flustered for a while, and she didn't know what to do next.

Is it the moment to speak frankly with Gu Changge? Will he kill himself directly?

"There are countless ways to change glory in this world. If you admit your mistakes, it's possible."

Regarding this statement, Gu Changge nodded in agreement.

But Su Qingge always feels that there is something in the words. This is the reason Gu Changge wants to explain to her.

She was more or less relieved. Looking at it now, the only way is to get rid of Xiao Zhanxian.

And what she wasn't sure was whether Xiao Zhanxian would tell the forces behind him about the matter after knowing her true face.

This is where she worries most.

"Is it all right?"

On the other side, among a group of An ethnic group who were exploring a few strange stones.

An Xi was a little confused, and asked Xiao Zhanxian.

The two walked very close, and the forces behind them even wanted to marry, which was obviously very familiar.

Xiao Zhanxian's expression had already returned to calm, shook his head, and confided with the excuse just now, "Gang オ is in a trance, it's okay."

While speaking, he stared at Gu Changge's back in the distance, frowning.

If the maid of Gu Changge was the one who killed him some time ago, the inheritor of magic skills.

Then Gu Changge probably didn't know about it.

He also didn't know that the maid of own was a deeply hidden inheritor of magic skills.

But there is another possibility.

Gu Changge actually knew about this, but he had always acquiesced, with one eye closed.

In the past, the inheritor of magic arts would escape from Gu Changge's hands three times and four times, because of this relationship.

From the incident where the inheritor of magic power attacked and killed him.

Xiao Zhanxian could feel that the strength of the inheritor of magic arts was very strong, but it was only limited, not to the point where he could be easily obliterated.

Otherwise, he won't escape by chance.

Compared with the previous rumors that only Gu Changge can check and balance the inheritors of magic skills, there is obviously a big gap.

Looking at it this way, it makes sense to explain why such a weak inheritor of magic arts can escape from Gu Changge's hands over and over again.

"This matter must be reported to Sect after the Shenshi Conference, otherwise it will definitely happen."

"It's terrible."

No matter which possibility it was, Xiao Zhanxian felt that things were very troublesome, and the whole person trembled a little.

He dare not tell the matter to the second person now, worrying about being stunned.

Otherwise, his situation will become extremely dangerous, and he may not even be able to get out of Kunwu City.

Seeing that Xiao Zhanxian didn't say much, An Xi didn't continue to ask. The main purpose of her coming here was the seven god-tier stones.

Afterwards, she said something to Niu Tian and Jiang Chen behind her. The two looked at each other and nodded.

Soon, it caused a lot of sensation here. Pieces of gorgeous strange stones were cut open, and there was a strong glow of sunlight that spread out, like a colorful 610 tidal ocean.

Jiang Chen took the shot, showing his means as a "shenyuan master".

A group of people gathered around, all with white heads.

Many older generations have even more fiery eyes, hoping that Jiang Chen can help them cut some life medicine for them.

The rest of the source teachers also rushed over when they heard the news, and witnessed Jiang Chen's methods with their own eyes.

But after seeing it, they were very disappointed and didn't see any superb technology. On the contrary, Jiang Chen seemed to be picking up a watermelon.

This method is very different from the Shenyuan Master they guessed, but apart from the explanation of the Shenyuan Master, they can't find any extra reasons.

"It's not like a divine source master, but it's like he possesses some kind of talent or means to judge whether there is a divine thing in it.

"But the use of such talents in stone cutting is indeed amazing.

The Sixth Crown Prince, Tianhuang Girl and others also rushed over, and after witnessing Jiang Chen's methods, they came to such a conclusion.

It can be said that after Jiang Chen cut out many gods before, it has already caused a sensation in the entire Kunwu city. Now that he sees him about to make a move, the place is suddenly blocked, and many big people have rushed over.

Even the eldest princess of Dayu Yu Feiya appeared here, with bright eyes, flawless and radiant body, and she was carefully observing Jiang Chen's methods.

"It seems to be trying to grab the limelight.

"The abacus is very good.

Gu Changge, who was waiting for the fairy fetus to appear, noticed the scene on the other side, raised his eyebrows slightly, and guessed the purpose of Jiang Chen and others.

Many big figures in the upper realm gathered here. After Jiang Chen showed his skills, if he helped him again, he would naturally be easily appreciated by the other big figures.

For the An ethnic group and even An Xi, this is also a good opportunity to get the favors of major figures.

Gu Changge has no plans to intervene.

His smile became a little strange, and the higher he stands now, the more desperate he will naturally be when he falls down. .