Ch 552


"Major Changge cut the fairy fetus? Really?"

Hearing Gu Changge's words, everyone here couldn't help but looked over in shock.

Even the cultivators who were exploring the other seven god-tier stones not far away were slightly moved, and they quickly gathered around here, wanting to get a glimpse of the grand occasion.

In fact, they noticed when the enlightened person scolded Jiang Chen just now.

After all, he is an extremely difficult source of God, Jiang Chen can be described as a man in this period of time, at least in today's market, few people don't recognize him.

Just now Jiang Chen also helped several older generations to cut out a few life medicines and got their favor.

But in the face of offending an enlightened person, everyone's choices were the same. They all stood by and watched the play silently, pretending not to see it, and not saying anything.

Almost in an instant, the news that Gu Changge planned to cut the immortal tire swept the area around Fangshi and caused a great sensation.

No one does not know the existence of the fairy fetus. This can be said to be the most valuable among the seven god-tier stones, and no one can cut it.

"Is it possible that Young Master Changge is planning to cut this immortal fetus?"

A lot of divine rainbows flew over quickly, and many people rushed over with a strong sense of interest.

"Is that fairy fetus really going to be cut open today?"

In the other direction, many big people also came after hearing the news, and felt very shocked, feeling that Gu Changge did not seem to be joking.

"If it's Brother Gu, maybe we can really get those fairy crystals, maybe we will be able to feast our eyes today.

"That divine source master doesn't seem to be someone who can produce immortal crystals."

The beautiful female Tianhuang's charming face was full of splendor, and she couldn't help but whisper.

She is an extremely arrogant person. Few people can make her take it seriously. Gu Changge is the only exception.

When Jiang Chen made a statement to cut the stone, she frowned, feeling that this person seemed to be thinking too much.

"Young Master Changge doesn't seem to be someone who can speak at will. If it's thanks to him today, he might really get a glimpse of what is hidden in the 610 fairy womb."

Yu Feiya, the eldest princess of Dayu Xianchao, has her beautiful eyes tightly on Gu Changge's body.

She has crystal clear skin, tall and slender figure, with a noble and elegant temperament.

At this moment, his eyes stuck on Gu Changge's body without blinking, making many young handsome men who had been watching her secretly lament in their hearts.

"Brother Gu seems to be able to take out things like Xianjing. It is said that he not only emptied the background of the Purple Mansion, but also took the biggest resource when he was in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories. He basically searched it all over."

Envy is hard to conceal in the words of the six crown king.

They are considered worthy, but compared to Gu Changge, they seem to be inferior to beggars.

"Young Master Changge is serious about this?"

Hearing the many words around him, the white-bearded old man was also quite shocked. In his opinion, Jiang Chen and Gu Changge were completely incomparable.

Even if one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, it is an insult to Gu Changge.

People like Jiang Chen, who is worthy of cutting stones, maybe he hasn't seen what Xianjing looks like.

In the eyes of an enlightened person like them, the source of God is no different from an ordinary cultivator.

Gu Changge said that he wanted to cut the stone, it was enough to make him take it seriously.

"It's natural to take this seriously. Does senior think I'm joking?"

"The fairy fetus is indeed not suitable for everyone." Gu Changge smiled faintly, with a natural expression.

The white-bearded old man also showed a smile on his face, glanced at Jiang Chen on the other side, and agreed, "Young Master Changge is absolutely right."

Everyone could hear the implication of these words, and the look towards Jiang Chen was even more mocking and playful.


At this moment, there was a wave of powerful and terrifying aura above the sky. The characters who came were all ancient existences, with dignified faces and chaotic energy, which was very vague.

Many of them also made the Heavenly Dao oath at the beginning, and it is difficult to violate the principle of cutting the stone.

"Gu Changge did he really take out so many cents?"

Jiang Chen's face was very ugly, he felt that Own's face was hot, and he felt like he was beaten on the spot after being humiliated.

"Young Master Changge, when I was waiting to make the Heavenly Dao vow, I said that this fairy fetus was worth a hundred fairy crystals.

"A hundred immortal crystals can buy this immortal tire."

Amidst the ancient existence that rushed over, one of them spoke with a solemn expression.

Although I am an enlightened person, I don't dare to exaggerate in front of Gu Changge. It's a peer-to-peer attitude.


"Hiss! One hundred immortal crystals

"This price is too scary, right?"

The people who were still looking forward to it all changed their colors when they heard this, and suddenly took a breath.

Many older generations, master leaders and others who know what kind of god Xian Jing is, feel that their scalp is a little numb, and their eyes can't help but widen.

They still underestimated the value of this fairy fetus, thinking that ten fairy crystals were already the limit.

But I didn't expect it would be a hundred immortal crystals, which is already an unimaginable price.

Today's Upper Realm wants to make up a hundred immortal crystals, but I don't know how difficult it is.

Is there any force that can say that it will be able to gather a hundred immortal crystals?

"A hundred immortal crystals really dare to speak.

An ancestor of the An ethnic group An Wangshan also appeared behind An Xi and the others at this moment, his face was twitching lightly, and he was obviously shocked.

"Uncle, what does one hundred immortal crystals mean?"

The faces of An Xi, Jiang Chen and others were puzzled, but they still didn't know what category the hundred fairy crystals belonged to.

But judging from the drastically pale faces of the big figures around, it should be very difficult.

"I was fortunate to get a fairy crystal at the beginning, and I treasured it as a treasure. Later, I was lucky enough to break through the middle stage of the emperor realm. It was also thanks to that fairy crystal, which contained fragments of the fairy path and even some fairy sources."

"For the Immortal forces, a hundred immortal crystals can even create many enlightened persons in a short period of time!"

An Wangshan looked a bit envy, and couldn't help but shook his head and said.

Hearing this explanation, many cultivators who didn't understand Hundred Pieces of Immortal Crystals, including the Heavenly Demon Monarch, Xiao Zhanxian, etc., couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning, and they were shocked.

For the general Immortal Great Master, an enlightened person can no longer belong to the background.

But these hundred immortal crystals can shape many enlightened persons, and it is still within a short period of time.

This is simply a god (cedh) thing that is difficult to measure by value!

"If there are a hundred immortal crystals, who will buy this divine stone?"

Someone couldn't help but muttered, falling into extreme shock and hadn't recovered yet.

"Gu Changge, no matter how rich he is, he can never produce so many immortal crystals.

"It's absolutely impossible."

Jiang Chen was also in a great shock. After returning to his senses, he stared at Gu Changge with some red eyes.

He clenched his fists and was very unwilling. He thought that he had been fighting for a bit of cultivation resources during this period of time, and even nearly lost his life, but he had never even seen Xian Jingchang.

Gu Changge was able to stand high, unchanging the complexion of a hundred immortal crystals, calmly and calmly.

This made him feel strong and unwilling, thinking of Xiao Ruoyin's determination when he abandoned him some time ago.

After all, as long as she is attached to Gu Changge and doesn't care about anything, she will have endless resources for cultivation, Cultivation Technique magical powers let her choose, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all.

If you run away with him, you will not only face Gu Changge's chase and kill, but also worry about every piece of Spirit Stones you practice.

This huge and icy gap between the ranks, like an invisible mountain, suddenly pressed on Jiang Chen's heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

He clenched his fist tightly. Although he could figure out Xiao Ruoyin's choice, he just couldn't understand it and couldn't forgive it!!

"A hundred fairy crystals? Although the price is a bit scary."

"But I can accept it. I want this fairy fetus."

But just when everyone was shocked by the asking price of this fairy fetus, Gu Changge gently shook his head, and said with a slight sigh on his face.

It seems to be a bit painful.

"Can you still accept it?

The expressions on the faces of the white-bearded old man and others became extremely exciting, shocked, sluggish, and unbelievable.

They were ready to say the asking price, and Gu Changge shook his head and refused.

But I didn't expect that he would say that it was acceptable?

This makes them wonder if their ears have misheard.

At this moment, it is not just them who are stuck in a sluggishness. Many of the masters of the great patriarchs and famous old generations here also have their mouths half-opened, and they can't speak for a while.

How rich is it to be able to say such a thing?

The expressions on the faces of the Tianhuang Girl, Sixth Crown Prince, Yu Feiya and others also froze for a while, and fell into a great shock. They opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but didn't know what they could say.

"But I don't have the fairy crystal. There is a little bit of this thing. Look at it. If appropriate, I will have this fairy fetus cut off.

Gu Changge shook his head slightly, and had no intention of talking nonsense. He raised a sealed jade jar between his hands and dropped it into the hands of the white-bearded old man.

At the beginning, he had entered the fairy gate with the help of Yuemingkong in the ancient continent of Xiangu, and obtained many fairy spirits in it.

In fact, Xianling is Xianyuan, and the two are almost homologous.

After Gu Changge gave Yue Mingkong, Yin Mei and others some, he still kept a lot.

Over the years, he has refined some, but there is still a lot left.

So he picked it up casually, Xianjing is the spirit crystal of Xianyuan, and the most important substance is Xianyuan.

A piece of Xianyuan the size of a fist, enough to condense dozens of fairy crystals.

His jar is totally enough.

Gu Changge also has no fear of guilty, looking at the huge upper realm, who dares to brazenly grab something from him?

Seeing this scene, especially seeing Gu Changge's understatement, everyone looked a little bit speechless.

There is no fairy crystal? What will be sealed in the jade jar?

The white-bearded old man and the others nodded without talking nonsense, knowing what Gu Changge's identity is, it is impossible to tease them in this kind of thing.

Therefore, a few of them directly waved their sleeves to seal off the surrounding space, so that everyone could only see some of the scenes, and could not perceive their conversation.

"This is.."

The next moment, I saw clearly that every piece in the jade jar was intertwined with the fragments of the immortal Dao, filled with a surging and vast green glow, the white-bearded old man and the others were shocked, and his whole body was shocked. Unbelievable to the extreme.

They judged what it was almost instantly, their complexion changed drastically, and their breathing became extremely rapid. They looked at each other and quickly sealed the jade jar again, not daring to let the slightest breath leak out.

As an enlightened person, you are naturally not a stupid person, and understand that the value of these things surpasses the immortal product.