Ch 555

Looking at this scene, there was a chill around Fang City.

At this time, even people of the An ethnic group who had a bad relationship with Gu Changge did not dare to stand up for Jiang Chen.

Because even they felt that Jiang Chen's actions just now were really maddening, stupid, or just thinking too much.

He is a person with no power and influence, at most a little bit of the inheritance of the source of the gods, but he wants to give everyone the idea of ​​hitting Gu Changge's heavenly book.

Isn't this looking for death and what is it?

The others are not stupid. Who would take the risk of offending Gu Changge and stand up with him at this time. This so-called righteousness is no different from stupidity.

"Xiaochenzi, are you okay?"

Niu Wen hurried to help Jiang Chen up, and couldn't help but asked worriedly.

He also didn't understand why Jiang Chen would stand up just now and say those things to Gu Changge.

This was a big gap compared to the calm and steady Jiang Chen he had learned in ordinary days.

He felt that Jiang Chen had been dazzled by hatred, so he couldn't help standing up and saying that.

Niu Wen didn't know what happened between Jiang Chen and Xiao Ruoyin.

Jiang Chen felt this was a shame, and he had not mentioned it to Niujian Ci.

"I'm fine."

Jiang Chen was in pain all over, and stood up from the ground with difficulty. The whole person looked very embarrassed.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shook his head, feeling extremely humiliated.

Then he clenched his fists and looked at the indifferent attitude towards him. Gu Changge, who had already walked away, became silent with his unusually ugly face, and things were completely beyond his expectations.

He originally intended to take this disgusting attack on Gu Changge in order to avenge Gu Changge's love, but he never thought that everyone's reaction was completely different from what he expected.

To be moral in this world, it is obvious that his head was dazzled by jealousy, and he was really naive in thinking.

Everyone's fear of Gu Changge is far beyond his imagination.

"Go and cultivate first, the unknown stone of the seven god-tier stones has not yet appeared."

An Xi, Xiao Zhanxian and others came over and expressed their concern for Jiang Chen.

She just witnessed what happened and didn't take any action.

And she knew very well, because if she forced her shot, she might end up like Jiang Chen.

Teach Gu Changge to do things?

She didn't know where Jiang Chen had the courage just now. It is estimated that no one except Jiang Chen would dare to say this.

Speaking of Jiang Chen's stunned head, just now he obviously had other plans, trying to stand on the moral high ground to disgust Gu Changge.

This is not something most people dare to think.

"Take the blame."

"It's stupid."

The Heavenly Phoenix Girl, the Sixth Crown Prince and other young supremacists glanced at Jiang Chen and shook their heads, obviously also quite disdainful.

Originally, they were skeptical of this "shenyuan master".

After seeing this kind of species today, I feel that Jiang Chen's name is not true, and what he did just now can be described as stupid?

Even if it was dazzled by jealousy, he would not say such a thing.

In the eyes of many people, what happened just now was just a small episode. After this incident, Jiang Chen, the source of the gods, had a sharp drop in his image in the minds of many people.

Especially in the eyes of many people, Jiang Chen's actions just now have offended Gu Changge.

After offending Gu Changge, from now on, it will be difficult to settle down in the upper realm, and many things will be restricted.

Those forces that originally planned to continue to extend the olive branch to Jiang Chen also began to hesitate.

Compared to this, the fairy fetus of the seven god-tier stone was cut open, and the news of the birth of the mysterious heavenly book spread at a terrifying speed that swept the upper realm, causing an uproar.

The heavens of the upper realm were all shaken by this matter, and many orthodox forces discussed it in the first time.

The mysterious heavenly book cut out of a hundred immortal crystals, then should it be a simple thing?

If the person who cut out the heavenly book is not Gu Changge, but someone else, I am afraid that the endless blood and blood has already been set off at this moment.

During this period, a cultivator noticed that a group of terrifying black magic clouds, covering a distance of nearly ten thousand miles, came from the sea area where the magic mountain was located to the place where Kunwu City was located.

A large swath of black and heavy, covering the sky and the sun, surging surging.

Black lightning slashed and pierced through it. Chaos gas was permeated. There were all kinds of terrifying monsters manifesting. The scales were thick and the wings were flowing, which was extremely frightening.

Since the establishment of Magic Mountain, it has attracted the monsters from all over the upper realm, and it has become a must in the eyes of many forces. A huge force in China.

Especially the master of Demon Mountain, the red devil who was born in the self-burial Demon Abyss, was even more terrified in the city of God.

The horror of its strength, today's Upper Realm is afraid that it will be difficult to find an existence comparable to it.

Therefore, many people talk about the magic mountain and change their colors, and they are extremely afraid of it.

Now this horrible magic cloud is rolling towards the place where Kunwu City is.

This scene shocked many powers and all, feeling that Moshan seems to be intervening in this matter.

After all, after the Shenshi Conference, the Ji family will unite with many forces to invade Kunshan together and rescue its ancestor Ji Shengchu.

Could it be that the Devil Mountain wants to intervene horizontally?


And just when the major forces were in line with the speculation about this matter, there was a dull sound in the depths of Kunshan not far from the city of Kunwu.

The sound was like a huge drum bell, which cut through time and space and time.

It was as if a heart was beating, and all the cultivators who heard this sound couldn't help but feel palpitations, and their souls had to leave their bodies.

There was another abnormal movement in Kunshan. Among them, the sky was filled with black light, and the sky was covered by the sky. From a distance, I even thought it was dark night.

613 is the unknown stone that was backed out from Kunshan by the ancestors of Huanxi Sacred Land.

At the same time, there was also a terrible black fog spreading from the surface, with a strong magical nature, even the cultivator did not dare to approach it rashly.

As the most concerned one among the seven god-tier stones.

The Unknown Stone has not yet appeared, and has been suppressed by Cheng Dao Item, but at this moment even Cheng Dao Item seems to be unable to restrain it.

On the surface of the stone, there are inextricably intertwined black magic qi, which is so strong that everything within a hundred miles of the country around it turns into darkness.

Such an abnormal scene makes the many ancient existences who are responsible for guarding this stone in ordinary times are extremely cautious and dare not careless.

At the same time, in Kunwu City, the Celestial Immortals Palace resided.

In an extremely magnificent palace, a woman in white clothes was sitting cross-legged on the futon, her eyes closed, her expression seemed a little painful, and her brows were frowned.

There is a very ancient and profound rune between her brows, which shines brightly, reflecting the confounding meaning of nothingness, destiny, and time.

The whole person looks like a sculpture made of jade, with crystal clear skin, revealing holiness and dust.

But there is another kind of vicissitudes and ancient times, and Immortal.

Her breath is sometimes strong, sometimes Jiang Mi, her expression is sometimes painful, and sometimes calm.

Many changes are manifested in one's body. .