Ch 567


With Ji Yaoxing's order, a large group of aggressive knights in battle clothes rushed in from outside the pavilion and surrounded Jiang Chen who was stunned.

Suddenly, the terrible killing and cutting aura intertwined and filled the void, making the skin chill, and couldn't help but shiver slightly.

Jiang Chen was even more completely ignorant of what happened. He was stunned, as if being poured from his head by a basin of cold water, and his whole body was cold.

No matter how angry and angry, to seek justice for Ji Chuyue.

"Brother Yaoxing Dao, what do you mean?"

After reacting, Xiao Zhanxian, An Xi and others stood up for the first time, stood in front of Jiang Chen very defensively, frowned and asked dissatisfiedly.

In their view, Jiang Chen has the inheritance of the gods, and his future achievements are limitless.

Ji Yaoxing, indiscriminately, wants to take it down. Isn't this unreasonable to make trouble?

What's more, Jiang Chen was brought together by them.If they were taken away by Ji Yaoxing, wouldn't they be beating them in the face?

"Brother Yao Xing Dao, what happened? Why would you let someone arrest this descendant of the God Origin Master?

The other young supreme also asked inexplicably.

"Big Brother"

Ji Chuyue instantly reacted to Ji Yaoxing's purpose, her face turned pale, and her heart was very worried.

Ji Yaoxing knew Jiang Chen's true identity.

If it is in front of everyone, to expose Jiang Chen's true identity.

Then Jiang Chen might face endless pursuits and become a rat crossing the street, enemies of the world.

"Girl Chuyue seems to be worried about the safety of the descendant of the Shenyuan Master?"

At this moment, Gu Changge came from the side with interest.

Ji Chuyue hurriedly reacted, and her heart was even more disturbed, and she shook her head and explained, "It's not that Young Master Changge misunderstood. I just said."

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and interrupted her. "Girl Chuyue emphasizes love and righteousness. This is a good thing, but don't forget your identity and his identity. You want to help the family behind you, for no reason. Will it cause trouble?"

Wen Yan Ji Chuyue's small face turned pale, her palms quietly pinched her sleeves, trying to say something.


But when the words reached his lips, he swallowed again, and could only lower his head silently, his expression extremely sad.

She knew that Jiang Chen had offended many orthodox forces, and in the eyes of many people, he had even killed many patriarchs in the tomb of Taixu God.

Although Jiang Chen said that these things were wronged by Gu Changge and Taixu Protoss.

But there is no evidence to prove that the rumors are false.

At this time, if she assisted Jiang Chen, it would undoubtedly cause disaster for the family behind her.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen still treats Gu Changge as an enemy of life and death.

"Brother Zhan Xian and Miss An Xi, it seems that they don't know the true identity of this person, and he has kept them in the dark.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Ji Yaoxing glanced at Gu Changge behind him. Seeing his slight forehead permission, he spoke lightly.

"real identity?"

Hearing this, the Sixth Champion and the others were a little surprised, their eyes looking at Jiang Chen were puzzled.

He actually has another identity?

At this moment Jiang Chen had expected what Ji Yaoxing was going to say, his expression changed slightly, his fists clenched, and he was very angry.

"Gu Changge, you are a virtuous hypocrite, you are despicable and shameless! Desperate! Sooner or later you will suffer retribution!"

He didn't care about the consequences, and directly screamed at Gu Changge.

What happened in the tomb of Taixu God has nothing to do with him.

It has always been Gu Changge and the Taixu Protoss who wronged him.

And now Gu Changge actually tells Ji Yao to call the star thief to catch the thief.

How can this not make Jiang Chen hate and mad, his eyes are full of anger.

"what "

"He has another identity?"

An Xi and Xiao Zhanxian also squeaked in their hearts at this moment, secretly making a bad sound, knowing that Jiang Chen's true capacity was exposed.

However, both of them are very smart. First, they were taken aback, and then (cedh) appeared in a puzzled and shocked look. It seemed that they didn't know who Jiang Chen was.

Jiang Chen mentioned to them the hatred between him and Gu Changge before.

Naturally, he also explained what happened in the tomb of Taixu God.

But at such a juncture, they can only pretend to be unaware, otherwise they will be involved, and even the forces behind them will not be able to protect them.

Niu Jian opened his mouth, wanting to say something for Jiang Chen, but in the end he sighed and went silent.

As long as a discerning person can tell, no one can save Jiang Chen today.

He is not stupid, he doesn't know the situation of Manang Arm as a car, and rushes forward recklessly.

"If you hide a little better, maybe I won't find you."

"But you are too bold, jumping under my nose. Are you looking down on me, or are you confident in yourself?"

Gu Changge didn't care about Jiang Chen's cursing, smiled lightly, and then stood up on his own.

Jiang Chen stared at him fiercely, his eyes flushed, and he cursed, "Gu Changge, hypocrite, beast in human skin. One day, someone will come and take you.

But before he finished speaking, an old man dressed as a housekeeper suddenly appeared next to him out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, shaking his sleeves lightly, a rush of strong power came out, causing Jiang Chen to snorted, his face turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he slumped directly to the ground.

He looked miserable and could not even think of resistance.

The terrifying coercion, like an insurmountable mountain, is pressing on his head.

"You are disrespectful to the young master, young man, don't live and die."

The old man's expression was very indifferent, and with a light wave of his hand, many knights stepped forward and quickly took Jiang Chen down.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of many young supreme sighed, appearing very cautious and jealous.

This old man is a real enlightened person. With him sitting here, Jiang Chen can hardly escape even with his wings.

"It seems that I don't need any more explanation. Brother Daoists can understand at a glance that this person has changed his face and is waiting for me. If he is trying to make a mistake, it is better to take it first." Ji Yaoxing said.

Everyone was silent, faintly guessing what kind of hatred there should be between Jiang Chen and Gu Changge.

They are not stupid. Naturally, they will not go out for Jiang Chen and offend Gu Changge at this juncture.

"Damn it, because I treat Brother Jiang as a good friend, he actually deceived me so much."

Seeing Jiang Chen being taken away, Xiao Zhanxian suddenly showed a sad and disappointed expression.

An Xi also shook her head and sighed, "We misunderstood Brother Jiang. It seems that this is his purpose for getting close to me. Thanks to Young Master Changge, we only see his true face today so as not to cause catastrophe."

The two said in a few words, they left the relationship between Jiang Chen clean, and looked like he had been deceived for a long time and regretted it.

"This person is indeed cunning. He has been hiding in Kunwu City for many days. I didn't notice the trace until recently.

Gu Changge looked at the appearance of Xiao Zhanxian and An Xi, joking in his heart, but he didn't care, and smiled faintly.

He didn't let Ji Yaoxing directly expose Jiang Chen's true identity in front of everyone. After all, if he did so, he would attract the attention of the rest of the forces.

Entering Kunshan tomorrow, he still needs Jiang Chen to play the last remaining heat.

After this incident, everyone at the banquet was also very worried, and then the six crown kings and Tianhuang women began to leave, planning to meet in Kunshan tomorrow.

Xiao Zhanxian, An Xi and others didn't even want to wait for a quarter of an hour. They also left and went back to discuss how to save their lives in Kunshan.

Seeing that his friend was taken away, Niu Jian was helpless. He was helpless, so he could only pin his hopes on An Xi and others, and wanted them to help.

In the huge upper bound, he couldn't find extra people to help him.

"Isn't Xiao Ruoyin always by Gu Changge's side? If she is still thinking about her old love, maybe she can give it a try."

Later, Niu Wen thought of another person and secretly said.

In today's upper realm, Xiao Ruoyin may be their last deceased.

At this time, if she was still reading a trace of old love, she might really save Jiang Chen's life.

"Since Jiang Chen bears the inheritance of the source of the gods, he is bound to play a role in tomorrow's trip to Kunshan.

"Little Sister, you will go with me soon, and persuade Jiang Chen to know the current affairs and don't know how to praise him. He is a smart man and should know what to do."

Soon, there were only a handful of Ji family brothers and sisters left in the Zhanxing Building.

With a hint of excitement in Ji Yaoxing's eyes, he said to Ji Chuyue who looked a little quick.

In his opinion, Jiang Chen should be interesting to his Little Sister, and it happened to take this opportunity to cut off Jiang Chen's thoughts and at the same time make Ji Chuyue give up.

"Am I going too?"

Ji Chuyue felt a little unbearable. Seeing Jiang Chen's extremely angry look just now, like a beast on the road to death, she did not dare to look up at him.

"It's okay to let him give up, at this time, Little Sister, don't be reluctant.,

Ji Yaoxing said solemnly.

Ji Chuyue was silent, her heart was in a mess, she really didn't know what to say to Jiang Chen when she was going to go there.

She is not a heartless person.

And in her opinion, the reason Jiang Chen would reveal his identity is actually inseparable from her.

At the same time, at the location of the Celestial Immortals Palace on Kunwu City Road.

After Niu Wen separated from Xiao Zhanxian and An Xi, they walked straight to this place alone. His current status is the unworldly arrogant of the Hidden An family.

Therefore, although the disciples of Celestial Immortals were curious about why he came here, they didn't ask much.

"Please give this thing to Miss Xiao Ruoyin, it's her deceased who begged to see you."

Niu Wen looked at the magnificent palaces in front of him, sighed, took out the letter from his arms and handed it to the disciple of the Celestial Immortals palace outside.

The above content is written in the text of their world, and most people cannot recognize it.

He believed that as long as Xiao Ruoyin received the letter, he would understand that her old friend in her hometown was looking for her.

"Looking for Senior Sister Ruoyin?"

The disciple of Celestial Immortals at the door changed his expression, did not dare to neglect, and hurried to deliver the letter.

Now Xiao Ruoyin's status in the palace of Celestial Immortals can be said to be rising.

Even Elder was extremely flattering to her.

These ordinary disciples, in front of him, even dared not lift their heads.


Niu Wen thanked him, but when he saw it, he smiled bitterly, with mixed flavors, and he could see that Xiao Ruoyin should be doing pretty well now.

A weak woman with no power and no influence can not only worship the Immortal Grandmaster of the upper realm like Celestial Immortals Palace, but also enjoy such a lofty status.

In his opinion, this is simply unthinkable.

If he had not been fortunate enough to be saved by An Xi because of his special bloodline, he might be even less than one-tenth of Jiang Chen's.

But Jiang Chen is still not even qualified to watch in front of Xiao Ruoyin.

And the man who brought all this to Xiao Ruoyin was the man she was attached to!

Xiao Ruoyin is no longer in the same world with them.

Afterwards, Niu Wen, who had a complicated mood, walked to the nearest inn, picked a position by the window, and waited for Xiao Ruoyin's arrival there.

If Xiao Ruoyin doesn't come, then he has no other choice. .