Ch 582


The void collapsed, and a terrifying rift valley appeared, as if countless Stars fell here.

Yuyi Daoist and the ancestors of the Ji family are no longer at their peaks, but after the battle, the breath is even more Jiang Mo.

Gu Changge intends to be the origin of the two people, at the moment of hands-on, directly suppressed by the aquarium of the main road.

The chaos here is even more chaotic. The two roared loudly, with a sense of life and death crisis, urging their respective strongest means to sacrifice one Divine Armament weapon.

Xiaguang completely illuminated the dark underground palace, and the heaven and the earth seemed to have been beaten back to before the opening of the sky, extremely blurred, and the chaotic atmosphere drowned everything.

At the end, there were even fragments of time flying, as if there was a river in between, coming against the chaos of the era.

The battle between the three almost swept into the river, and the fragments of waves that were stirred up sounded all kinds of world sounds and sacrificial sounds from the ages.

This is a vast and endless battle. The ancestors of the Ji family and Yuyi Daoist are worthy of being invincible. At the peak, Cultivation Base surpassed the fairyland and persisted in the hands of Gu Changge for a long time, and then gradually fell into a decline and began to bleed.

In the end, the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd appeared in Gu Changge's hand.

There was no suspense in this battle. After Gu Changge used Xeon methods, even if Yuyi Daoist and Ji family ancestors joined forces, they were not his opponents. After roaring unwillingly, they gradually returned to peace.

The Avenue Aquarius was suspended in the air, as if it turned into a black hole, swallowing everything.

Apart from the origins of the ancestors of the Ji family, Yuyi Daoist can be said to be an unexpected joy. As the body of the ancient emperor Tianzun, even if it has been exhausted for countless years, the physical energy contained in it is unimaginable by ordinary people.

"Even the ancestors of the Ji family are dead."

Jiang Chen, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, also laughed miserably, and the entire 633 people were stupid.

Even the ancestors of the Ji family were brutally murdered by Gu Changge in the end, and his last hope was shattered.

For Jiang Chen, Gu Changge naturally did not need to keep him, and then according to Xiao Ruoyin's method, he directly grabbed him and prepared to sacrifice the good fortune immortal boat.


A dazzling black Taoist fire was born here, illuminating the cold underground palace, Jiang Chen wailed fiercely, cursing Gu Changge continuously, and the vitality began to dissipate.

But his body gushes out with a dazzling glow, and mysterious lines appear on him, faintly turning into a phantom of an ancient bronze boat.

Although the method of sacrifice takes time, Gu Changge is not in a hurry after the Ji family ancestor and Yuyi Daoist are eliminated.

During this period, he did not pay much attention to Xiao Ruoyin.

This energy is extremely surging, enough for him to break through the threshold of Nirvana and enter the ranks of enlightened people.

In the next few months, there was an extremely loud sound, like a chaotic sky thunder exploding, sending out a sky-opening sound, shaking the sky and the earth.

The endless glow and vigor rushed into the sky, there are hundreds of millions of ways, like a piece of flying fairy pond.

In front of Gu Changge, a magnificent and simple portal appeared, which contained the supreme Taoist aura.

However, this door is tightly closed, and it is difficult to open it. Behind the door there seems to be another indescribable world.

"The gate of Nirvana, he seems to be entering the ranks of enlightened ones."

Seeing all this, Xiao Ruoyin was quite complicated, thinking of Gu Changge's age.


It's not an exaggeration to describe it as someone who has never seen it before, but she is not surprised when she thinks of Gu Changge's identity.


In the next moment, Gu Changge's eyebrows became translucent, and a golden villain who was indifferent to him walked out and pushed forward to the door.

The portal hole opened, and hundreds of thousands of sky thunders and rays of light exploded there, and a new world breath came. There was chaos lingering and immortal energy surging, as if walking to the legendary fairyland.

At this moment, Gu Changge's skin, flesh and blood, lungs and bones became crystal clear and brilliant, contaminated with fairy and chaotic energy, and finally condensed the Heavenly Dao mark between the eyebrows.

There were fluctuations between the world and the earth, and a thick fog of the road was born here, which completely enveloped him.

This is the Heavenly Dao reward for the cultivator after entering the realm. The fog of the avenue contains all kinds of avenue fragments and dynamism, which are extremely precious.

Normally, you can't see it at all. Except for enlightened people, other cultivators are not qualified to contact.

Of course, if it weren't for this place to be special, Gu Changge's vision of enlightenment would definitely sensationalize the entire upper realm. There is no doubt about this.

As every cell of Gu Changge swallows the fog of the avenue here, his spirit and Cultivation Base are also changing, the aura is too flaming, it is like a chaos furnace, burning in the heavens and the earth.

Clusters of emperor Dao Yuanshen rays of light reflected from the place of Yan Gu, extremely bright and flaming.

At this point, Gu Changge's breath of life is even more terrifying, more surging than the vast sea, just standing there is suffocating.

The gap between enlightenment and unenlightenment is almost impossible to express in words. The transformation of life level alone is beyond the cognition of ordinary cultivator.

Finally, the chaotic haze here spreads, and the place gradually returns to calm.

His white clothes are fluttering, his fine dust is not stained, and his black hair is as sparkling as ink.

Gu Changge walked on the stage by himself, his expression calm, his eyes were deep, like an endless starry sky.

"It took several months, but it's actually not too long."

He estimated that the time he took to make this step was too short to describe compared to other cultivators.

After all, the ordinary cultivator, when in the quasi-emperor realm, the closed door training is counted in thousands of years.

He is the only exception.

"How long will it take for the good fortune immortal boat to be refined?"

Gu Changge looked to the other side.

Xiao Ruoyin has been waiting for him here. Although he knew that Gu Changge was breaking through, he did not dare to leave (cedh) easily.

"At the latest half a month."

Xiao Ruoyin replied, looking at the area still shrouded by Daohuo beside him.

Gu Changge nodded, his sleeves rolled up, and he took the Heavenly Dao treasure chest up and down in the fire. In addition to the many luck points and destiny points, he also used them one by one. There are two hundred and six super boneless.

That is, it is at the point of completion.

And this is why Gu Changge can easily break through. After all, transcendence is related to the perception of the origin of the rules.

He has not been short of these for a long time, the only difference is Cultivation Base Magic power, and now after making up for the shortcomings of Cultivation Base, it is natural to make a breakthrough.

However, Gu Changge always feels like something is still going on. Transcendence itself does not have such a simple purpose.

It's just that the problem of the rules of the land today cannot be revealed, that is to say, the rest of the mystery that is beyond the bones, I am afraid that he can only wait for him to break through the fairyland before he can explore it again.

"The existence of the era tree should also be on the agenda

Gu Changge began to prepare for the next step, the hope of Immortal Ascension, but still in his hands.

When the Era Dao Fruit matures, the rules of the heavens and the earth and even the luck of the upper realm will be fed back. In this process, the immortal gate is likely to appear, bringing the opportunity of Immortal Ascension to all living beings.

Why can't Jiyuan Daoguo be used as bait?

Half a month later, the good fortune immortal boat sacrifice was completed. A bronze immortal boat with ancient mysticism emerged in the fire, surrounded by layers of vague ripples, as if there was a long river flowing in it. Trek through the past and present.

"This is the good fortune immortal boat, it really has something extraordinary."

Gu Changge nodded and saw the complexity in Xiao Ruoyin's eyes.

Xiao Ruoyin knew that he couldn't get it back, so after taking a look at Good Fortune Xianzhou, he looked away.

Although Gu Changge didn't kill her, but her next life, I am afraid it will be difficult.

"The power of time, but still lacks some space-time coordinates."

Seeing the good fortune immortal boat, this reminded Gu Changge of the mysterious mirror and the time-space stele in his hand, and the words of the good fortune immortal boat in cooperation with the two.

Maybe it can reverse the chaotic years, return to the ancient times, and even the taboo era?

However, he currently has no plans to go backwards.

Later, in the process of leaving Kunshan with Xiao Ruoyin, Gu Changge encountered many cultivator creatures who were still hiding here. They were all lost and lost after being attacked by the Eclosion Daoist at that time.

Among these people, there are even Ji family brothers and sisters, Ji Chuyue and Ji Yaoxing.

With the good fortune immortal boat in his hand, Gu Changge was naturally not worried about getting lost in this place, but then he showed up and saved the group of people by the way.

Trapped in Kunshan for a few months, these cultivator creatures are almost desperate and dare not act rashly at all.

There are life crises everywhere here, and they watched their companion accidentally step on a piece of yellow mud, but it exploded with a pop and died miserably.

Now Gu Changge's sudden appearance made them all pleasantly surprised, seeing hope, just like seeing a lighthouse in the dark.

Even though it was Ji Chuyue, who was extremely afraid of Gu Changge, she couldn't help being filled with joy and let out a long sigh of relief.

As if only Gu Changge was there, it didn't matter if the sky fell.

This is an indescribable sense of stability.

"It seems that the Yuyi Daoist back then killed a lot of people."

After listening to everyone's experience during this period, Gu Changge sighed with regret.

"The strength of that Yuyi Daoist was extremely terrifying at the beginning. Several enlightened people joined forces to mobilize Dao Item and were not his opponents. In the end, he died tragically. Later, we fled each other, but the terrain in Kunshan was complicated. NS

"Our people have also separated from us. They don't know their life or death. Father Elder and the others don't know where they are.

Ji Chuyue's expression was sad.

In front of Gu Changge, she did not know why, she would say these words.

"Young Master Changge, I don't know what happened after entering the cave?"

After that, Ji Yaoxing seemed to have thought of something, so he couldn't help but ask, wanting to know about their ancestor Ji Shengchu. .